
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<root> (root node) represents the root node of a tree.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
label gives a label for a root node.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: A character string.
Default: #IMPLIED
value provides the value of the root, which is a feature structure or other analytic element.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: A valid identifier of a feature structure or other analytic element.
Default: #IMPLIED
children provides a list of identifiers of the elements which are the children of the root node.
Datatype: IDREFS
Values: A list of valid identifiers.
Default: #IMPLIED

If the root has no children (i.e., the tree is `trivial'), then the children attribute must be omitted. For technical reasons, it cannot be specified as <root children=''>.

ord indicates whether or not the root is ordered.
Datatype: (Y | N)
Legal values are:
Y indicates that the children of the root are ordered.
N indicates that the children of the root are unordered.
Default: #IMPLIED

Use if and only if ord=partial is specified on the <tree> tag and the root has more than one child.

outDegree gives the out degree of the root, the number of its children.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: A nonnegative integer.
Default: #IMPLIED

The in degree of the root is always 0.

<root id="vp1" label="VP" children="vb1 pn1" outDegree="2"/>
Module Declared in file teinet2; Additional tag set for Graph Theory: enabled by TEI.nets
Data Description empty
May occur within tree
<!ELEMENT root %om.RO; EMPTY> 
<!ATTLIST root;
      label CDATA #IMPLIED
      value IDREF #IMPLIED
      children IDREFS #IMPLIED
      ord (Y | N) #IMPLIED
      outDegree CDATA #IMPLIED>
See further 21.2 Trees

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