
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<stage> (stage direction) contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or fragment.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes and those inherited from common, inter)
type indicates the kind of stage direction.
Datatype: CDATA
Suggested values include:
setting describes a setting.
entrance describes an entrance.
exit describes an exit.
business describes stage business.
novelistic is a narrative, motivating stage direction.
delivery describes how a character speaks.
modifier gives some detail about a character.
location describes a location.
mixed more than one of the above
Default: #IMPLIED
<stage type="setting">A curtain being drawn.</stage>
<stage type="setting">Music</stage>
<stage type="entrance">Enter Husband as being thrown off his
<stage type="exit">Exit pursued by a bear.</stage>
<stage type="business">He quickly takes the stone out.</stage>
<stage type="delivery">To Lussurioso.</stage>
<stage type="novelistic">Having had enough, and embarrassed for
the family.</stage>
<stage type="modifier">Disguised as Ansaldo.</stage>
<stage type="location">At a window.</stage>
<stage rend="inline" type="delivery">Aside.</stage>
Module Declared in file teicore2; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
Class inter; common
May contain #PCDATA ab abbr add addSpan address alt altGrp anchor app bibl biblFull biblStruct c caesura camera caption castList cb certainty cit cl corr damage date dateRange dateStruct del delSpan distinct eTree emph expan fLib figure foreign formula fs fsLib fvLib fw gap geogName gloss graph handShift hi index interp interpGrp join joinGrp l label lang lb lg link linkGrp list listBibl m measure mentioned milestone move name note num oRef oVar orgName orig p pRef pVar pb persName phr placeName ptr q quote ref reg respons restore rs s seg sic soCalled sound sp space span spanGrp stage supplied table tech term text time timeRange timeStruct timeline title tree unclear view w witDetail witList xptr xref
May occur within ab add admin argument body camera caption case castList cell colloc corr country damage def descrip dictScrap div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 docEdition emph entryFree epigraph epilogue etym figDesc foreign form gen gram gramGrp head hi hyph imprimatur item itype l lang lbl lem meeting metDecl mood note number orth otherForm p per performance pos prologue pron q quote rdg ref region rendition seg set sic sound sp stage stress subc supplied syll tagUsage tech title titlePart tns tr trans unclear usg view wit witDetail witness writing xr xref
<!ELEMENT stage %om.RR; %specialPara;> 
<!ATTLIST stage;
      type CDATA #IMPLIED>
See further 6.11.2 Core Tags for Drama; 6.11 Passages of Verse or Drama; 10.2.3 Stage Directions

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