<tree> |
encodes a tree, which is made up of a root, internal nodes,
leaves, and arcs from root to leaves. |
Attributes |
(In addition to global attributes
and those inherited from chunk)
label |
gives a label for a tree. |
Datatype: CDATA |
Values: A character string. |
Default: #IMPLIED |
arity |
gives the maximum number of children of the root and internal
nodes of the tree. |
Datatype: CDATA |
Values: A nonnegative integer. |
Default: #IMPLIED |
ord |
indicates whether or not the tree is ordered, or if it is
partially ordered. |
Datatype: (Y | N | partial) |
Legal values are:
Y |
indicates that all of the branching nodes of the tree are ordered. |
partial |
indicates that some of the branching nodes of the tree are ordered
and some are unordered. |
N |
indicates that all of the branching nodes of the tree are
unordered. |
Default: Y |
order |
gives the order of the tree, i.e., the number of its nodes. |
Datatype: CDATA |
Values: A nonnegative integer. |
Default: #IMPLIED |
Note |
The size of a tree is always one less than its order, hence
there is no need for both a size and order
Example |
<tree n="ex2" arity="2" ord="partial" order="13">
<root id="div1" label="/" children="plu1 exp1" ord="Y"/>
<iNode id="plu1" label="+" children="exp2 exp3" parent="div1" ord="N"/>
<iNode id="exp1" label="**" children="plu2 num2.3" parent="div1" ord="Y"/>
<iNode id="exp2" label="**" children="vara1 num2.1" parent="plu1" ord="Y"/>
<iNode id="exp3" label="**" children="varb1 num2.2" parent="plu1" ord="Y"/>
<iNode id="plu2" label="+" children="vara2 varb2" parent="exp1" ord="N"/>
<leaf id="vara1" label="a" parent="exp2"/>
<leaf id="num2.1" label="2" parent="exp2"/>
<leaf id="varb1" label="b" parent="exp3"/>
<leaf id="num2.2" label="2" parent="exp3"/>
<leaf id="vara2" label="a" parent="plu2"/>
<leaf id="varb2" label="b" parent="plu2"/>
<leaf id="num2.3" label="2" parent="exp1"/>
Module |
Declared in file teinet2; Additional tag set for Graph Theory: enabled by TEI.nets
Class |
Data Description |
A root, and zero or more internal nodes and leaves, but if
there is an internal node, there must also be at least one leaf. |
May contain |
iNode leaf root |
May occur within |
add argument body castList corr div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 epigraph epilogue forest item metDecl note performance prologue q quote set sic stage view |
Declaration |
<!ELEMENT tree %om.RR; ((leaf | iNode)*, root, (leaf | iNode)*)>
<!ATTLIST tree
ord (Y | N | partial) "Y"
See further |
21.2 Trees |
Up: 35 Elements