
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<variantEncoding> declares the method used to encode text-critical variants.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
method indicates which method is used to encode the apparatus of variants.
Datatype: (location-referenced | double-end-point | parallel-segmentation)
Legal values are:
location-referenced apparatus uses line numbers or other canonical reference scheme referenced in a base text.
double-end-point apparatus indicates the precise locations of the beginning and ending of each lemma relative to a base text.
parallel-segmentation alternate readings of a passage are given in parallel in the text; no notion of a base text is necessary.
Default: #REQUIRED


The value ‘parallel-segmentation’ requires in-line encoding of the apparatus.

location indicates whether the apparatus appears within the running text or external to it.
Datatype: (internal | external)
Legal values are:
internal apparatus appears within the running text.
external apparatus appears outside the base text.
Default: #REQUIRED


The value ‘external’ is inconsistent with the parallel-segmentation method of apparatus markup.

<variantEncoding method="location-referenced"
Module Declared in file teihdr2; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
Data Description Empty.
May occur within encodingDesc
<!ELEMENT variantEncoding %om.RO;  EMPTY> 
<!ATTLIST variantEncoding;
      method (location-referenced | double-end-point | 
parallel-segmentation) #REQUIRED 
      location (internal | external) #REQUIRED>
See further 19.1.1 The Apparatus Entry

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