A configuration file may be used to make certain settings
that will apply to all ploticus invocations.
A configuration file is not required (unless running in
cgi mode
). If no config file is found, standard defaults will be used.
Upon execution, ploticus checks for an environment variable called
PLOTICUS_CONFIG, which should contain the full path name of
your config file.
If a config file is found, it will be read and processed before command line
arguments are evaluated, and before script interpretation begins.
Typical uses of a config file are to set up non-English
month and weekday names,
to set default date or numeric notations, or to
use cm instead of inch as the absolute unit.
Many (but not all) of these settings can also be made from within a
script using
proc settings.
A few can also be set from the
pl command line.
Presidence (from highest to lowest) is: proc settings, command line, config file.
Examples of config files set up for Spanish and Russian
are located in the gallery directory, named
One parameter is specified per line (see the example below).
Parameters are case-insensitive and must begin in the first column of the line.
Lines beginning with // or # are taken as
comments; blank lines are skipped.
The following parameters may be set.
Parameters that are not set assume the default value, which is shown
in (parentheses).
The directory from which ploticus will operate. This must be specified when
using pl in
cgi mode.
option: option [arg]
Set a pl command line option (see
for a list of supported command line options)
The given command line option will be in effect for all invocations of pl.
This parameter may be used as many times as necessary.
The only command line args that cannot be set this way are -prefab, -f, and -ver.
option: -gif
option: -viewer xv
option: delim=comma
varvalue: varname=value
Preset a variable to a value.
This may be used as many times as desired within the config file to
set various variables.
This may also be used to set a variable that will be referenced later
in the config file.
Example: varvalue: MODE=normal
putenv: varname=value
Set an environment variable for current process and all subprocesses.
This may be used as many times as desired within the config file to
set various environment variables.
Especially useful when operating in
cgi mode
since a CGI process often inherits an environment that is not
under the developer's control.
Example: putenv: ERRMODE=normal
tmpdir: dirname
The directory that ploticus uses for temporary files.
By default this is /tmp.
This can also be set in pl.h.
Example: tmpdir: /var/tmp
units: in | cm
The measurement unit to be used for absolute units, either inches or centimeters.
Default is in.
If this is set in the config file, it will be in effect when command line
arguments are evaluated. If set in proc settings, it will not have any
effect on command line argument evaluation.
Example: units: cm
numbernotation: standard | us | euro
Specifies how decimal point and thousands separators will be displayed.
Default is standard.
The following table illustrates:
standard us euro
---------- ------------ -------------
79 79 79
79.5 79.5 79,5
4321.79 4321.79 4321,79
54321 54,321 54.321
654321.07 654,321.07 654.321,07
1987654321 1,987,654,321 1.987.654.321
numberspacerthreshold: n
Specifies at what numeric magnitude thousands separators will begin to be inserted.
Default is 4, and this is used in the above table. If it were set to 3, the third entry
in the above table would appear like this:
4321.79 4,321.79 4.321,79
font fontname
Make fontname the default font.
For more information see
Use no to suppress the XML declaration line if
the SVG result is to be embedded into a larger XML document.
command line argument.
This may be used to set the XML character encoding method.
The default is iso-8859-1 which provides Latin and Western European character sets.
For Unicode fonts this should be set to utf-8 (for more discussion see the Unicode section in
command line argument.
Number of seconds of CPU time that will be allowed to the pl process
or any spawned subprocesses. Default is 10 seconds.
Any process exceeding this will abort.
filesizelimit: [DISCONTINUED]
This attribute no longer does anything. It turned out to be more of a problem than a benefit.
dateformat: format
Set the current date format.
format must be a
date format from the
dates manual page
that includes month, day, and year, for which arithmetic is supported.
To use other arithmetic date formats (such as quarter notation)
specify the format in the
proc areadef
xscaletype or yscaletype attribute.
Example: dateformat: dd-mmm-yyyy
omitweekends omit | adjust | yes | no
Allows date plotting as if
Saturdays and Sundays did not exist.
Mondays will follow Fridays directly.
Useful in certain business and work-related plots.
If omit, any Saturday or Sunday dates encountered will be considered invalid and omitted;
however they will not be reported unless the -showbad command line option is used.
If adjust or yes, any Saturday or Sunday dates encountered will be silently adjusted
to the nearest weekday.
pivotyear: yy
Set the two digit year that should be used to convert
two-digit years to four-digit years. If two-digit years are
used, year values that are less than the pivot year are assumed
to be 21st century years. Default is 77.
Example: pivotyear: 50
months: list
Specify the three-character month abbreviations to be used, all in lower case,
beginning with the first month.
Default is the English (jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec).
Example (Spanish) (must all be on one line):
months: ene feb mar abr pue jun jul ago sep oct nov dic
months.abbrev: list
short month names, capitalized for presentation, begining with the first month.
Default is English (Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec).
Example (Spanish) (must all be on one line):
months.abbrev: Ene Feb Mar Abr Pue Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic
months.full: list
full month names, capitalized for presentation.
Example (Spanish) (must all be on one line):
months.full: Enero Febrero Marcha Abril Pueda Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre
weekdays: list
three-character weekday abbreviations, capitalized for presentation,
beginning with Sunday.
Example (French): weekdays: Dim Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Sam
Example (Spanish): weekdays: Dom Lun Mar Mie Jue Vie Sab
lazydates month|day|both
Allow handling of dates where the day component
or the month component is not known. See
for further discussion of lazy dates.
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb