proc getdata accesses or defines data for plotting.
proc getdata must be invoked before doing any plotting of data.
The data which are read become the "current data set" that subsequent plotting procs will access,
and replace any data that were read in (or generated) previously.
Data may be specified literally within the script file, or it may be
located in an external file or be the result of an externally executed command,
or perhaps even an SQL command.
Conditional selection of data records (select).
Data filtering (filter) for purposes such as combining or rearranging fields,
performing calculations, truncating outliers, etc.
Field names may be assigned explicitly (fieldnames or fieldnamerows), or via a data file
header line (fieldnameheader). These names can then be used anywhere a
data field reference is expected.
Data sets with variable number of fields per row can be accomodated by
setting a maximum nfields value.
Data may be located at the end of the script file, to get it out of the way (#intrailer).
Virtually all of the Gallery examples use #proc getdata.
Acceptable data formats
Set showresults: yes in order to see the data after it is read and parsed.
Especially useful when working with filter.
Variables that are set
The variable NRECORDS will be set to the number of records read,
and the variable NFIELDS will be set to the number of fields per record.
Handling error conditions gracefully
If no data records were read, NRECORDS will be set to zero.
This may be tested using script code such as this, which generates
an image containing the words "No data found" :
#proc getdata
#proc endproc
#if @NRECORDS = 0
#proc annotate
location: 3 3
text: No data found.
Setting variables from within a data file
Data files may contain embedded #set commands to set ploticus variables.
This may be a convenient way for title, labels, etc. to be driven by the data file.
The syntax is the same as in ploticus scripts:
#set varname = value
varname will be set to value. value may
contain embedded spaces or any other character. value may not
be a $function(), nor may it contain any other @variables.
None of the other script operators, such as #if, are supported in this context.
Mandatory attributes
One (and only one) data source (either file, pathname,
command, data, or sql) must be specified.
Default field delimitation method is spacequoted; delim must be set for other
types such as tab-delimited or comma-quote delimited.
Literal specification of plotting data. Terminates at
first blank (empty) line. Data may include a field name header.
data: "Case 1" 0 4 4.1
"Case 2" 1 5 4.4
"Case 3" 2 2 4.0
"Case 4" 3 9 4.8
You can also capture data from a shell command this way (this allows you
to use multi-line shell commands)
for example:
#proc getdata
shell command
The #sql command can be used similarly, in builds that support it.
file filename
Shell-expandable name of a file containing plotting data.
This name will be used along with cat(1) in a shell command, thus
exported shell variables and metacharacters may be part of the name.
A dash (-) may be used if data is to be read from the standard input,
(or the standardinput attribute may be used).
Example: filename: myfile.dat
pathname filename
Name of a file containing plotting data.
The file will be opened directly.
Shell variables and metacharacters may not be used.
command shell command line
An external shell command that will produce plot data on its standard output.
Example: command: cat mydat | uniq -c
sql sql command
In ploticus builds that support it, invoke the given SQL command, and capture the
results directly. Result column names become the ploticus field names
(to handle join result column names that contain embedded periods (.), you can use
#control dot_in_varnames
). delim, fieldnames (etc.), select and filter have no
meaning in this mode.
delim spacequoted | whitespace | comma | tab
The type of delimiting method to be used when
parsing the data. spacequoted is the default (space is
equivalent to spacequoted). See
for details.
Example: delim: comma
fieldnames namelist
If specified, the names given in namelist may be
used in any plotting proc to identify data fields. namelist is a
list delimited by spaces and/or commas.
Names may include any alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 38, and are
Field names may not contain embedded spaces or commas.
Example: fieldnames: date group n
multiline text
Same as fieldnames (see above), except that field names are given one per line.
Must be terminated by a blank line.
fieldnameheader yes | no
Allows field names to be embedded in the input data.
If yes, the first non-comment line in the data is expected to
contain field names. This line is not considered part of the data.
The field name header should be delimited like the rest of the data.
Field names may not contain embedded white space, commas, or quote characters.
pf_fieldnames namelist
Post-filter fieldnames, for use with filter when field names are being used,
and the filter result has a different logical record format than the input.
Example: pf_fieldnames: date z sum1 sum2
nfields n
If specified, this sets the expected number of fields per record.
If a data row has more than the expected number of fields, extra fields are silently ignored.
If a data row has less than the expected number of fields, blank fields are silently added.
This is applied after any filter processing.
standardinput yes | no
If yes, data is read from the standard input.
Indicates that a data attribute
will be given in a #proc trailer, at the end of the script file.
See EXAMPLES, below.
A character or group of characters that is used to signify a comment in the data file.
Commented lines will be skipped. Default is //.
Example: commentchar: #
showresults yes | no
If yes, the results, after any selecting and/or filtering, are
written to the diagnostic file,
which may be useful in debugging, etc.
rotate yes | no
Allows data to be given all in one row, even when plotting proc
expects one record per instance (which most do).
Only applicable if your data set has one row.
(There still must be a blank line following the data attribute.)
To rotate more than one row, use proc processdata.
Example: see
conditional expression
This allows data records to be selected for inclusion based
upon a selection expression.
Incoming data fields are referenced by number,
using a double at-sign (@@) prefix.
Hint: use the showresults attribute when debugging.
Example: select: @@3 = g
This would select all data records having 3rd field equal to g.
multiline text
An embedded script which allows flexible processing to be applied to
incoming data records one at a time.
Typical uses are for
concatenating or splitting fields, doing on-the-fly date conversions,
or generating derived fields such as the sum of several fields or the difference
between two fields.
The embedded script will be applied once to every incoming data record.
The script should produce some "output"; generally the last statement is a
The output must use the same delimitation method as the input.
The output may have a different logical record format than the input.
If you are using field names,
the pf_fieldnames attribute (see above) may be used to name the
filter result fields when result record format differs from that of the input.
The script uses the same syntax as the greater ploticus script, except that:
directives must begin with two pound signs (##) instead of one
local variables begin with two at signs (@@) instead of one
fields on the incoming data record are accessed like this: @@1 for
the first field, @@2 for the second, etc. If you are using field
names, these may be used as well, eg: @@score.
the only directives that may be used are
##set, ##if, ##elseif, ##else, ##print, ##call,
and ##exit
Other things worth noting:
More examples
Data specification may be located at the end of the script file
by using #intrailer and #proc trailer. This may be
useful in "getting the data out of the way", or with automated building
of script files.
Here is how this is done:
#proc getdata
other #procs, etc.
#proc trailer
Data: 0.3 0.5 2.3
3.5 9.4 1.4
end of file
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb