A linedetails attribute type
controls details
regarding the presentation of line(s), including the line color, width,
dash pattern, and the scaling of the dashpattern.
These details have defaults that will often be satisfactory; text details
specifications may be used when it is desired to override the defaults.
Virtually every ploticus attribute comprised of lines has an accompanying
linedetails attribute.
A linedetails attribute occupies one line in the script file,
and contains one or more sub-attribute settings.
A sub-attribute setting has the form subattribute=value
with no embedded spaces.
Multiple sub-attribute settings on the line are separated by white-space.
specifies the color of the line.
specifies the line width. w is a number between
0.1 (very thin line) to 10 or so (fat line). A typical default
value is 1.0.
style=n where n is an integer 0 - 9
that controls the dash pattern of the line:
0 = solid line 1 = _ _ _ _ _ 2 = __ __ __ __ 3 = ___ ___ ___
4 = _._._._._ 5 = __.__.__. 6 = ___.___.___ 7 = _.._.._.._..
8 = __..__..__ 9 = ___..___..__.
controls scaling of the dash pattern. 1.0 is the default,
2.0 doubles the length of the segments, 3.0 triples it, etc.
In addition, no or none may be given as the linedetails
to completely suppress the line in question; likewise yes indicates
that the line be generated using all of the default detail values.
Here's an example of a linedetails attribute:
Frame: color=green width=3 style=3 dashscale=4.5
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb