Manual page for pie_prefab(PL)


pie prefab

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  pl -prefab draw  cmdfile=drawcom.dcm  xrange="0 40"  yrange="0 40"  \
  rectangle="1 1 3 3"

  The drawcom.dcm file begins like this:
	movs 3.5 23 
	lins 3.5 22 
	lins 3 21.6 

How to run these examples


draw is a prefab for interpreting ploticus draw commands . It is intended to be a convenient way to drive ploticus from other applications and custom programs.


None of the standard prefab parameters except for rectangle are applicable.

ALL of the following parameters must be supplied:

cmdfile is the name of a file containing ploticus draw commands , one per line. You can also use stdin for draw commands to be read from standard input.

xrange specifies the range in X. This should be set so that all of your draw commands are displayed. Example: "xrange=0 100"
yrange specifies the range in Y. This should be set so that all of your draw commands are displayed. Example: "yrange=0 100"
rectangle specifies the size (and location in paginated Postscript) of the plotting area, in inches. The values are: leftx bottomy rightx topy.
Example: "rectangle=1 1 7 4"

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.