pl -prefab multidist overlay=yes data=data21 rotate=yes \
xrange="0 2000" yrange="0 20"
The data21 file is like this:
sample1 380 239 384 384 1220 888
sample2 778 870 398 499 1472
How to run these examples
multidist is similar to
except that it can produce multiple, overlaid frequency distributions,
each from a separate data field (column).
Except as noted below, all of the
parameters may be used, and multidist was contributed as
a backwards-compatible replacement for
Contributed by
Marshall Rose; please forward any questions to him at
overlay may be given as yes, which causes multiple distributions
to be done. Each field (column) of the data will be tabulated individually and a distribution
computed and plotted. The first row of the data gives the name for each category,
and is used in the legend.
fld should not be supplied. xrange and yrange must be supplied.
If overlay is not yes, multidist operates identically to
dist prefab
rotate may be given as yes to rotate the data matrix (as seen in
the above example).
All of the dist parameters
are also supported.
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb