pl -prefab pie values=3 labels=1 data=data9 \
delim=tab title="Student enrollment"
data9 file:
Business Admin 1.39 331
English 1.67 182
Chemistry 2.07 301
How to run these examples
pie is a
for producing pie graphs.
It is based on
proc pie
Standard prefab parameters
: supported are title, delim, header, and comment, and select.
No other standard parameters may be used with the pie prefab.
values is a
data field
holding numeric values for the pie slices. Pie slices will be displayed as
proportions of the sum of all values.
labels is
data field
holding labels for the slices. See the
proc pie
labelfield attribute for more info.
colors controls slice
Default is dullyellow.
If all slices are to have one color, supply one color.
A comma-delimited list of colors may also be supplied.
proc pie
colors attribute for more info.
explode is an amount to explode all slices, or selected slices.
proc pie
explode attribute for more info.
lbldet may be used to specify
text details
for the labels.
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb