Left: pl -prefab scat data=data1 x=2 y=3
Right: pl -prefab scat data=data1 x=2 y=3 id=1 \
xlbl="Total Ch" ylbl="White Blood Cell Count" corr=yes
data1 file: A/J 1.39 331
BALB/cJ 1.67 182
C3H/HeJ 2.07 301
pl -prefab scat data=data3 x=2 y=6 err=3 xerr=7 corr=yes \
ptshape=triangle ptsize=0.08 ptcolor=red "errcolor=gray(0.8)"
data3 file:
129S1/SvImJ 0.4927 0.111 0.353 129S1/SvImJ 0.4080 0.0839 0.265
A/J 0.5547 0.0768 0.243 A/J 0.6051 0.0656 0.207
AKR/J 0.4125 0.0631 0.200 AKR/J 0.3653 0.0418 0.132
How to run these examples
scat is a
for producing 2-D scatterplots with optional point labeling, correlation, regression line,
and error bars.
Based on
proc scatterplot
Standard prefab parameters
are all supported. data, x and y are required.
corr which, if yes, will cause correlation and regression
to be computed and displayed;
id, a
data field
holding a data point identifier string;
xerr, a
data field
holding values for horizontal error bars;
ptsym, ptcolor, and ptsize, which control
the shape, color, radius, and fill style for the data points (see
), default is filled blue circle of radius 0.04
corrcolor, the color for the regression line and correlation annotation (default green)
idcolor, the color for the id labels (default orange)
errcolor, the color for the error bars (default gray(0.7)).
cats may be specified as yes to indicate that X data will be
processed as categories rather than continuous numerics.
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb