pl -prefab stack data=data10 x=1 y=2 y2=4 y3=6 y4=8 xlbl=Months \
name="Group A" name2="Group B" name3="Group C" name4="Group D"
data10 file:
0 100 2 100 4 100 3 100 4
1.5 92 4 94 7 87 6 86 5
3 89 4 92 8 78 6 74 4
How to run these examples
stack is a
for producing stacked bar graphs with
one to four levels of stacking.
The data must be organized such that all segments of a bar are in the same
data row.
Based on
proc bars
Standard prefab parameters
are all supported except err. data, x and y are required.
y values should be numeric and will determine the height of bars.
x values determine bar locations;
by default they are assumed to be categories, but thay can be continuous numeric values
if xnumeric is specified.
name is a short description for the first level, for
inclusion in a legend.
If your data contains a field name header
and header=yes is specified, name defaults to the
y field name (new in 2.04).
y2, name2, color2
may be specified for a second level.
y3, name3, color3
may be specified for a third level.
y4, name4, color4
may be specified for a fourth level.
xnumeric may be specified as yes to signify that X values
are numeric and not categories.
legend controls the
of the legend. Example: "legend=1 0.5"
reverseleg may be specified as yes to cause legend entries
to be listed in reverse order. (new in 2.04)
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb