Manual page for proc_rangesweep(PL)


proc rangesweep

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proc rangesweep draws a moving range. The plot is drawn beginning with first data record, working to the last one.


See the Gallery Rangesweep page


Invalid values are skipped; the rangesweep will be drawn to connect only the points corresponding to plottable values. Points lying outside of the plotting area are displayed if possible.


A plotting area must be set up using proc areadef and proc getdata must be executed to access or define some data. The data must be ordered in X.


This proc can operate in one of these modes:

Y only (points "where they fall"):

By not specifying xfield, range values are shown at consecutive unit locations in X.

X, Y:

By specifying xfield as well as lofield and hifield, range values are shown at given X, Y locations in the data.


The lofield and hifield attributes MUST be specified.


lofield dfield

Data field to use for low end of range. Example: lofield: 1

hifield dfield

Data field to use for high end of range. Example: hifield: 2

xfield dfield

Data field to use for X values. If not specified, sequential unit locations in X will be used. Example: xfield: 1

color color

Color of the range sweep. Example: color: powderblue

legendlabel text

A label to be associated with the current range sweep in the legend. proc legend must be executed later in order to render the legend.
Example: legendlabel: Group A

sweeprange xlo [xhi]

If specified, range will be rendered only at x values falling between xlo and xhi. xlo and xhi must be plottable values in X. If xhi is not given then this will control only the lower bound.
Example: sweeprange: 5 24

xstart plotvalue

If specified, and if using sequential locations in x (xfield not specified), determines where in X the range will start.

select conditional-expression

If specified, the select-expression will be used to determine whether or not to plot a given row of data.
Example: select: @7 >= @9

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.