Manual page for proc_rect(PL)


proc rect

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proc rect may be used to produce a rectangle at a given location in scale or absolute space. The rectangle may be filled with color, and can have optional outline, bevel, or drop shadow.

This proc was formerly named proc bevelrect.


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rectangle x1 y1 x2 y2

Specify the rectangle. X1, y1 is lower left; x2, y2 is upper right. Values are position units (assumed to be in absolute space unless followed immediately by (s) which indicates scaled space).


color color

Rectangle to be filled with this color. Default is dullyellow.

outline linedetails

Specifies rectangle outline. Default is none.

bevelsize n

Width of bevel area, in absolute units. Default is 0.0 (no bevel).

shadowsize n

Width of visible drop shadow in absolute units. Default is 0.0 (no drop shadow).

hibevelcolor color

Color of upper and lefttmost bevels. Default is gray(0.6)

lowbevelcolor color

Color of lower and rightmost bevels. Default is gray(0.8)

shadowcolor color

Color of drop shadow. Default is black.

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Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.