Ploticus is controlled by scripts that a
user creates in a text editor and saves in a file.
The scripts can also be created by other programs.
Script files should be plain ascii text files, and they
may be named anything, however a file name ending of
.p, .pl, .plo, .pls, .htm or .html
is recommended.
Here is an example of a ploticus script:

#proc areadef
rectangle: 1 1 4 2
xrange: 0 5
yrange: 0 100
#proc xaxis:
stubs: text
Europe,\nAustralia,\n Pacific
#proc yaxis
label: Growth Rate
stubs: inc 20
minortics: yes
minorticinc: 5
#proc getdata
data: 76
#proc bars
lenfield: 1
color: teal
barwidth: 0.2
As you can see, this is not low-level 3GL-style code. It is a sort of
hybrid; plotting actions (#procs) are specified in procedural order,
but within each #proc the language is goal-driven (4GL). Thus, traditional
procedural programming skills are not required.
The above Ploticus script invokes a number of procedures (procs).
proc areadef to set up a plotting area, then
proc xaxis and yaxis to render the axes.
Then proc getdata is invoked to define some data,
and then finally proc bars is invoked to produce a bar graph.
For each proc, the user may specify a various attributes or options.
Attributes that are not specified use a default when possible.
In the above example, the user has invoked proc areadef
and specified values for these attributes: rectangle, xrange,
and yrange.
All of the procs, as well as the names, types, and acceptable
values for all attributes, are described in the
ploticus handbook.
A large collection of script examples may be found in the
ploticus gallery.
One way to proceed is to locate an example that is similar to what you
want, and then copy it and play with it.
Procedures (procs) are always invoked using this construct: #proc procname.
The word #proc indicates the start of a procedure specification block;
the other word is the name of a procedure (case insensitive).
Attributes within a procedure may be specified in any order.
A colon (:) may be used after an attribute
name or a procedure name (however it is not required).
All proc names and attribute names are case-insensitive.
Attributes that are multiline text type
are terminated by a blank line.
The following script directives are used by ploticus in executing procedures:
This directive signals the beginning of a
ploticus procedure
Example: #proc bars
This may also be written #proc endproc.
It is not necessary to use this routinely.
#endproc formally signals the end of a ploticus procedure, and
must be used when a proc sets a variable and then
that variable is referenced before the next #proc statement.
Examples from the gallery that use #endproc are
This directive is used similarly to #proc, but it does not
execute the procedure; it only defines it so that it may
be #cloned later.
The procedure should contain a #saveas.
Example: #procdef bars
Makes the current proc available to be cloned by procs
encountered later in the script, and assigns it an identifier
(B1 in the example below).
A gallery example that uses saveas and clone is
. May be used anywhere within the proc.
Example: #saveas B1
clone is used like an attribute.
Inherits all attribute values from a previously saved proc.
May be used anywhere within the proc.
Attributes may be overridden locally as desired.
Example: #clone B1
Other general purpose directives are described below.
Any line where the first non-whitespace content is // is a comment
and is ignored. Comments must be alone on the line.
Any line where the first non-whitespace content begins with # is a
(an operator that does something).
Everything else is generally HTML and is passed through transparently, except for
evaluation of variables, and possible processing of certain
inline formatting codes
Double quotes (") may be used to enclose character strings in
if, elseif
Everywhere else, quotes have no special syntactical meaning
and may be used freely without any special treatment.
It is safe to use TABs to indent lines of code and in transparent
output; other uses (such as embedding TAB in variable contents) should be avoided.
can set and reference variables.
Variable names must begin with a letter and may contain
letters, digits, underscore (_) and period (.).
Names are case-sensitive.
Maximum length of a variable name is 38 characters.
Variables may hold numbers, alphanumerics, or single-line text strings,
up to a maximum content length of 250 characters.
Variables cannot hold more than one line of text.
All data, including numbers, are stored as characters.
Where a variable is to be evaluated,
it should be prefaced with an at-sign (@).
In order to print an at-sign a double at sign (@) may be used.
When setting or identifying a variable, the at-sign should not be used.
Hello, my name is @NAME
#shell cat data | recsel "@@3 = res"
#set NAME = "Harvey Smith"
An attempt to evaluate a variable that has never been assigned a value
will result in cancellation of the evaluation (the variable name will be
passed through transparently) and no error condition will be raised.
reserved variables
exist. All variables are global in scope.
Functions may be used to assign a value to a variable (
), and in
statements. Function names always begin with a dollar sign ($), for
example: $strlen( "hello world" ).
For descriptions of the
available functions, see the
functions man page
There are functions for
, and
Custom functions may be implemented in custom.c.
Directives are operators that do something, such as #set.
Directives always begin with a pound sign (#), and usually occupy one line alone
(a few of the directives, such as
can be multiline constructs).
Individual "words" or tokens within a directive must be separated by white space.
Directives may be indented using spaces or tabs.
Descriptions of the flow-of-control directives follow:
#set variable = numeric
#set variable = "text"
#set variable = $function
Assigns a value to a variable.
The value may be a constant or a variable, and
may be a numeric, alphanumeric/text, or
Alphanumeric/text literals should be enclosed in double quotes (the
closing quote may be omitted if desired).
The variable may be a simple standalone variable or a field
in a
logical record
Whitespace must follow the #set, the variable, and the equals sign (=).
Multiple alphanumeric variables or constants may be used on the right hand side, resulting
in concatenation, however they must be separated by whitespace.
Other directives that can set variables include:
#set COUNT = 0
#set LABEL = "My favorite martian"
#set LABEL = "My favorite martian
#set LABEL = @A @B
#set LABEL = @A ", " @B
#set TODAY = $todaysdate()
#set TOTAL = $arith(@X+@Y+@Z)
#setifnotgiven variable = value
Similar to
except that it takes action only if variable is empty ("") or
has never been assigned a value. Useful in assigning a default value to
optional passed variables.
Example: #setifnotgiven CUTOFF = 0.5
#call function
Invoke a
without retaining its return value.
Example: #call $setdatefmt( "yyyy-mmm-dd" )
Alter execution flow of control based on
conditional expressions
if and endif are required.
elseif and else are optional.
An example of an #if construct:
#if @mode = A
<h4>Mode is A</h4>
#elseif @mode = B
<h4>Mode is B</h4>
<h4>Mode not given</h4>
Variables that have never been assigned are left as is by the script interpreter.
This gives intuitively correct results, eg. suppose MODE is unassigned:
#if @MODE = anything will always be false, and
#if @MODE != anything will always be true.
can be used to assign values to optional passed variables.
Some examples of conditional expressions:
#if @tag = TOTAL
#if @meas > 0.0 && @meas < 8.5
#if @name = ""
#if @type like "west*" || @type = "bl*"
#if $arith(@A+@B) > 10
#for var in commalist
#for var across multirow-response
Loop the flow of control, iterating across members of
var will be set to each member from first to last.
If commalist
or multirow-response
is empty, the loop body will not be executed.
This example illustrates the construct, without doing
anything useful:
#set COLORLIST = "red,blue,green,yellow
#if @COLOR = green
#elseif @COLOR = blue
#while conditional expression
..(loop body)..
Loop the flow of control while
is true.
If conditional expression is initially false, the loop body
will not be executed at all.
The following example loops until I > 10:
#set I = 0
#while @I <= 10
#set I = $arith(@I+1)
Loop the flow of control. A
statement must be used to terminate the loop.
The following example loops until I > 10:
#set I = 0
#set I = $arith(@I+1)
#if @I > 10
Terminate the iteration of the most recently invoked
loop, or plain
. Script execution resumes at the statement immediately following
the corresponding endloop.
There are restrictions if used within an
Proceed directly to the next
iteration of the most recently invoked
loop, or plain
There are restrictions if used within an
Terminate execution immediately. Example:
#if @_DEBUG = 1
#include file
Include script code from a file.
file should be a pathname, or if it begins with a dollar-sign ($) it
is taken to reside in the ploticus prefabs directory (useful when a standard
location is needed).
Includes may be nested.
included code is interpreted in the same manner as ordinary code.
may be used only if the corresponding loop / #endloop is also within
the included file.
may be used to immediately exit the included file and resume execution
in the including file.
Example: #include projectheader
Example: #include $chunk_logtics
#cat file1 [..fileN]
Copy the contents of files to the standard output.
No processing or interpretation is done to the contents.
Suitable for text files or binary files.
Example: #cat /home/scg/img/banner.gif
Terminate execution of an
file immediately.
Execution is resumed at the statement immediately following
the include.
#write file [filemode]
#endwrite [noclose]
Write text to file.
file may be a file name or stderr or stdout.
filemode is either w to create, or a to append.
Within the construct, other directives, such as
and so on may be freely used.
If stdout or stderr are used, the filemode is ignored
and the noclose option should be given with #endwrite.
The following example, if used in header code included by
all pages in a cgipal project, would log page hits with date,
time, name of page, and the HTTP info.
#set RH = $getenv(HTTP_REMOTE_HOST)
#set RF = $getenv(HTTP_REFERER)
#call $setdatefmt(yyyy/mmm/dd)
#set DATE = $todaysdate()
#set TIME = $time()
#write /tmp/mylog a
#control attribute value
Set various operational modes.
attribute may be one of:
evalvars ,
or dot_in_varnames.
Full description of #control directive
#shell option command [#endshell]
Execute the given shell command, and optionally display or
capture the results.
The command may use a single line construct or a
multi-line construct. #endshell must be used to terminate
a multi-line construct.
An option may be given; available
options are #load, #processrows,
#dump (the default), #dumptab, #dumphtml, and #dumpsilent.
More on #shell and interacting with the shell
 data display engine
Copyright Steve Grubb