Installing PP Version 0.01b: There three ways to install this program: ATTENTION: The binary file pp is compiled for Linux! If you want to run this program on a different system, you first have to download the ppsrc-0.01.tar.gz and compile the source code. Therefore you can copy the all files in one installation directory. Then type: make clean make depend make After you have done this proceed with stepp 1: Aditionally I was reported, that the executabel files will only work, if qt is installed, cause some libraeies are needed. I have not tested this, but if you have installed KDE (a X-window manager), there should not be a problem. If you have not, you can get the package from it is free for linux und for non comercial use. Please read the license within the qt-package 1.: You have only to execute the "setup" file after you have extracted all files. If you are root don't forget to start the command with "./" (./setup). You also need a directory called /tmp. Then you should see a menu with 5 entrys. If the program do not want to start, look at the first line of the setup file and control, whether the program "sh" is in the correct directory. If the setup program still does not want to start, you have to take the second or even the third way, sorry. Now you can chose the directories, in which you want to have installed the program. Control the installation directory, in which you should have the installation files. The dest- and the bin-directory can be everywhere you want. The executable (pp) will be in the bin- and in the dest-directory, after a sucsessfull installation. The idea is to set a file in your standard-bin-path. Finaly choose the install button, and you are finished. 2.: This is the same procedure as above, with the exeption, that you first have to edit the setup2 file and after this execute it. In the first part of the setup2 file you can change the paths as writ- ten above. 3.: If there had been some problems with the setup files, you have to install the program manualy. 1. -Create a main directory such as /usr/local/pp -Copy the files "LICENSE", "WARRANTY", "RULES" and "autosave.sav" in this main-directory. -Create a subdirectory named "pic", according to the upper example /usr/local/pp/pic. -Copy all pictures in this directory (*.gif). -Create a new directory called "level" and copy all .map1-files in it (cp *.map1 /usr/local/pp/level). -Do not forget to set the correct permissions for the directories and files. 2. Create a file called "pp" with following content: ------------------------------------------------------- #! /bin/sh exec $destdir/pp $destdir ------------------------------------------------------- Explanation: This is a script which starts the program pp the as first Parameter, and the path to the programfiles as second directory. The "#! /bin/sh" must start with the first letter in the first line. 3. Now save the pp file and make it executable (chmod 777 pp, you must be in the dest-directory and in the bin-directory (obligatory). That's all. For more information look at or write at or (thats me!). PLEASE ALSO READ THE GNU-LICENSE IN THIS DIRECTORY!