Primer3 Output Help
- start (Start Position)
- The position of the 5' base of the primer.
For a Left Primer or Hyb Oligo this position is the position
of the leftmost base. For a Right primer it is the position of
the rightmost base.
- len (Oligo Length)
- The length of the primer or oligo.
- tm (Melting Temperature)
- The melting temperature of the primer or oligo.
- gc%
- The percent of G or C bases in the primer or oligo.
- any (Self Complementarity)
- The self-complementarity score of the oligo or primer (taken as
a measure of its tendency to anneal to itself or form
secondary structure).
- 3' (Self Complementarity)
- The 3' self-complementarity of the primer or oligo (taken
as a measure of its tendency to form a primer-dimer with itself).
- rep (Mispriming or Mishyb Library Similarity)
- The similarity to the specified Mispriming or Mishyb library.
- seq (Primer Sequence, 5'->3')
- The sequence of the selected primer or oligo, always 5'->3' so the
right primer is on the opposite strand from the one supplied in
the source input. (The right primer sequence is the sequence
you would want synthesized in a primer order.)
Web software provided by
Steve Rozen
Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research.
Last modified: Tue Aug 25 19:51:26 EDT