Plex - a Lexical Analysis Module for Python
Version 1.1.2
Plex is a Python module for constructing lexical analysers, or scanners.
Plex scanners have almost all the capabilities of the scanners generated
by GNU Flex, and are specified in a very similar way. Tokens are defined
by regular expressions, and each token has an associated action, which
may be to return a literal value, or to call an arbitrary function.
Plex is designed to fill a need that is left wanting by the existing
Python regular expression modules. If you've ever tried to use one of them
for implementing a scanner, you will have found that they're not really
suited to the task. You can define a bunch of regular expressions which
match your tokens all right, but you can only match one of them at a time
against your input. To match all of them at once, you have to join them
all together into one big r.e., but then you've got no easy way to tell
which one matched. This is the problem that Plex is designed to solve.
Another advantage of Plex is that it compiles all of the regular expressions
into a single DFA. Once that's done, the input can be processed in a time
proportional to the number of characters to be scanned, and independent
of the number or complexity of the regular expressions. Python's existing
regular expression matchers do not have this property.
Plex is free of any restrictions. You can use it, redistribute it, sell
it, whatever you want. All I ask is that you give me credit if you
distribute any code derived from it.
Greg Ewing,
Computer Science Department,
University of Canterbury,
New Zealand