G. Pape qconfirm qconfirm - configurationRun qconfirm-conf to create a ~/.qconfirm/ directory: $ qconfirm-conf ~/.qconfirmThe output of this program tells you to add a line to the top of your .qmail file, here is an example on how to do so: $ echo '|envdir .qconfirm/conf qconfirm-check' >.qmail'{new}' $ cat .qmail >> .qmail'{new}' $ mv .qmail'{new}' .qmailIf you did not have a .qmail file before, make sure to also add a line specifying delivery to your normal mailbox (e.g. ./Maildir/). Gerrit Pape <pape@smarden.org> $Id: configuration.html,v 1.4 2002/08/07 20:54:35 pape Exp $ |