sql holder and executer. JDBC has three statement classes: Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement. RDBC has only one statement class.
initialize(con, sql=nil)
You dont have to call it yourself. if sql==nil then self is non-prepared. else self is prepared.
execute sql.
if sql==nil then prepared sql is executed.
else the sql is executed.
returns true if a ResultSet object is made.
return false if updatecount>=0.
execute. throws an exception if ResultSet object is not made. returns the ResultSet object.
execute. throws an exception if updatecount < 0. returns updatecount.
setParam(index, data)
if prepared, you can "set a data to a parameter". index is a name(String) of the parameter.
if prepared, you can "get a data from a parameter". index is a name(String) of the parameter.
returns recent ResultSet object. executeUpdate discards(nil) the object.
returns recent updatecount. executeQuery discards(-1) the value.