

User Guide


Table of Contents

I. Element Reference
academics - Container for information about academic experience
achievement - An accomplishment made at a job
achievements - Container for one or more job achievements
address - A postal address
annotation - Additional information about a degree
artTitle - A title of an article or other work
author - An author of a publication
award - An award or other honor
awards - Container for one or more awards
birth - Container for information about a person's birth
bookTitle - A title of a book or similar work
break - A linebreak (Deprecated)
citation - The name of a work being referenced
city - The name of a city
clearance - A security clearance
clearances - One or more security clearances
company - The name of a company (Deprecated)
contact - Container for one or more methods of contacting someone
copyright - A copyright notice
country - A country name
county - A county name
date - A specific instant in time
dayOfMonth - An ordinal day of the month
degree - Container for information about a degree or similar certification
degrees - Container for one or more degrees
description - An explanation of something
docpath - (Deprecated)
email - An e-mail address
emphasis - An emphasized block of text
employer - A name of an employer
fax - A fax telephone number
firstname - A person's given name
from - The beginning point in a period of time
gpa - Information about a grade point average
head - (Deprecated)
header - Container for information about the person being described in a résumé
history - Container for a person's previous (and possibly current) jobs
instantMessage - An instant message username or address
institution - A name of an academic institution
interest - Something a person is interested in
interests - Container for one or more interests
job - A specific employment engagement
jobtitle - A job title
keyword - A keyword to be used for résumé indexing and searching
keywords - Container for a list of keywords
label - (Deprecated)
lastModified - Information about when a résumé was last modified
legalnotice - A legal statement
level - A degree type
link - A titled hyperlink
location - A location, with city-level granularity
major - A main course of study
membership - A professional membership
memberships - Container for one or more memberships
middlenames - One or more middle names of a person
minor - A minor course of study
misc - Miscellaneous remarks
month - A month name
name - A person's name
node - (Deprecated)
note - Additional information
objective - A person's employment goal
organization - A name of an organization
pageNums - One or more page numbers or ranges
pager - A pager telephone number
para - A paragraph of text
period - A period of time
phone - A voice telephone number
possible - The highest possible score in a GPA
postalCode - A postal code
prefecture - A name of a prefecture or other administrative district
present - Indicates the current time
project - Container for information about a project
projects - Container for one or more projects
province - A name or abbreviation of a province
pub - A work published by the résumé owner
pubDate - The date a work was published (Deprecated)
publisher - Information about a publisher of a work
pubs - A group of one or more publications
referee - Someone who can provide additional information about the person the résumé describes
referees - Contains one or more referees
result - An outcome of a subject
resume - A résumé or curriculum vitae
resumes - A collection of one or more résumés
score - The score earned in a GPA
skill - A name and/or description of a skill
skillarea - A group of broadly related skill sets
skillareas - Group of one or more skill areas (Deprecated)
skills - Group of one or more skills (Deprecated)
skillset - A titled group of one or more related skills
state - A name or abbreviation of a state
street - A street name, number, and other related information
street2 - A second line of a street address (Deprecated)
subject - A name of a class or topic of study
subjects - A group of one or more subjects
suburb - A name of a suburb
suffix - A suffix of a name, usually specifying lineage
surname - A family name
tail - (Deprecated)
title - A title or heading
to - The ending point in a period of time
uri - A Uniform Resource Indicator (Deprecated)
url - A Uniform Resource Locator
ward - A name of a division of a city, town, or county
year - A year
zip - A zip code
II. XSL Parameter Reference
address.format - controls default formatting of the address element
css.href - indicates the CSS stylesheet to use to format HTML output
header.format - controls formatting of the header element
interest.description.format - controls formatting of interest descriptions
referees.display - Determines whether or not referees are visible in formatted output
skills.format - controls formatting of the skillset element
skills.level.display - Determines whether or not skill level attributes are visible in