
5.2. about Filter


The general syntax is:

  !block about

See Understanding Filter Interfaces, if necessary.


The about filter is used when including a topic as an "about" section within a document. Typically, this implies:

  • the headings are converted to plain headings and slid down one level
  • the headings (except those initially at level 1) are removed from the table of contents.


A typical book might look like this:

!init OPT_STYLE="manual"

!define DOC_NAME "A Sample Book"

!include "myabout.sdf"; about
!include "chapter1.sdf"
!include "chapter2.sdf"
!include "chapter3.sdf"
!include "appendx1.sdf"; appendix

A typical about topic looks like this:

H1: About this manual

H2: Purpose

This manual provides information on ...

H2: Scope

This manual contains information on ...