
5.10. datestrings Filter


The general syntax is:

  !block datestrings

The table fields are:

Field Category Rule
Symbol key <month|smonth|weekday|sweekday|ampm|AMPM>
Values optional  

See Understanding Filter Interfaces, if necessary.


The datestrings filter can be used to change the strings used within a date. The fields within the table are:

  • Symbol - the matching symbol name (without the $) from the FormatTime subroutine
  • Values - a Perl string containing a whitespace-separated list of values.


!block datestrings
Symbol   Values
month    "January February March April May June July August September October November December"
smonth   "Jan     Feb      Mar   Apr   May Jun  Jul  Aug    Sep       Oct     Nov      Dec"
weekday  "Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday"
sweekday "Mon    Tue     Wed       Thu      Fri    Sat      Sun"
ampm     "am pm"
AMPM     "AM PM"