
6.7. continued Macro


The general syntax is:

  !continued style [; suffix]

The arguments are:

Name Type Default Rule
style string    
suffix string , Continued  

See Understanding Macro Interfaces, if necessary.


The continued macro continues a heading from a previous page, provided the target format is page-based, i.e. nothing is output for html or hlp formats.

The first parameter is the heading style to repeat. The second parameter is the suffix to append the text from the repeated heading. The default suffix is ", {{N:Continued}}".


A typical example is:

H2: Solving world peace

H3: Procedure

The steps are given below.


!continued 'H2'
!continued 'H3'; ' (Continued)'

Some more procedure text.

In the example above, the macros effectively produce:

H2[notoc;noid;continued] Solving world peace, {{Continued}}
H3[notoc;noid;continued] Procedure {{(N:Continued)}}

Note: This macro does not cause a new page. Typically, a rule (i.e. event processing) is used to trigger new pages at the necessary paragraph styles.