
6.27. insert Macro


The general syntax is:

  !insert macro [; missing]

The arguments are:

Name Type Default Rule
macro string    
missing string ok <ok|error|warning>

See Understanding Macro Interfaces, if necessary.


The insert macro is used to insert the output of macro into an SDF document. missing determines the action if the macro isn't found:

  • ok - do nothing
  • warning - report a warning
  • error - report an error.

Note: In early versions of SDF, this macro was used to call user-defined macros. In SDF 2.000 or later, user-defined macros can be called using the same syntax as built-in macros.


# Insert the text of macro XXX if it's defined
!insert 'XXX'

# Insert the text of macro XXX; output an error if it's not defined
!insert 'XXX'; 'error'

# Same as the previous example