
6.7. Hypertext

6.7.1. Attributes

Hypertext can be specified using the id and jump phrase attributes. The value of id is a text string which can include letters, digits, underscores and spaces. The value of jump is a World Wide Web (WWW) Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Commonly used jump formats are summarised below.

Format Description
#xyz jump to xyz within this document
abc jump to document abc
abc#xyz jump to xyz within document abc

For example:

This is the only software you will ever need.
See {{CMD[jump="#smartcmd"]smartcmd}} for details.

H2[id="smartcmd"] smartcmd - Do What I Want Utility

{{CMD:smartcmd}} is the best program ever written.
It detects what you want to do next by ...

If you want to specify a phrase as a hypertext target within "normal" paragraph text, use the N (for Normal) phrase style. For example:

   The {{N[id='_option_o']-o option}} specifies ...

Note: Hypertext jumps are ignored when paper documents are being generated.