
2.4. Macros

2.4.1. Introduction

A macro is a command which can be embedded within SDF. Macros begin with an exclamation mark (!) as the first non-whitespace character on a line. Some examples are:

  !use "delphi"
  !define DOC_AUTHOR "Joe Bloggs"

2.4.2. Commonly used macros

Some commonly used macros are given below.

Macro Description
init variables initialise variables
define variable [expression] set a variable's value
build_title build a title page
block filter begin a block of text
endblock end a block of text
include file[; filter] include another file
import file[; parameters] import a figure

A complete list of the supported macros and their parameters is given in the SDF Reference manual.

2.4.3. Creating new macros

The easiest way to create a new macro is to use the macro and endmacro macros. For example:

!macro MY_MACRO
This text will appear whenever the author calls !MY_MACRO.

Macros can also be implemented by a Perl subroutine which generates the SDF text to be inserted when the macro is called. See the SDF Guru Guide for further details.