
5.5. Positioning Tables

5.5.1. Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment of a table can be controlled by setting the align parameter of the table filter. The permitted values are:

Value Meaning
Left left-align the table
Center center the table
Right right-align the table
Inner align the table with the inner margin
Outer align the table with the outer margin

Note: The wide parameter changes the left indent of a table to include the sidehead of a page. Therefore, the wide parameter will impact the horizontal positioning of any table which is not right-aligned.

5.5.2. Vertical Positioning

The vertical placement of a table can be controlled by setting the placement parameter of the table filter. The permitted values are:

Value Meaning
Float next column if necessary
Pagetop top of the next page
Columntop top of the next column
Lefttop top of the next left-hand page
Righttop top of the next right-hand page