Function Reference
absSynopsisabs(x)DescriptionReturns the absolute numerical value of x.Examplesabs(-3.14) returns 3.14.See AlsofabsacosSynopsisacos(x)DescriptionReturns the inverse cosine of x.ExamplesSee AlsocosacoshSynopsisacosh(x)DescriptionACOSH function calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x; that is the value whose hyperbolic cosine is x. If x is less than 1.0, acosh() returns the NUM! error. Excel compatible.ExamplesACOSH(2) equals 1.31696.ACOSH(5.3) equals 2.35183. See Alsoacos asinh degrees radiansaddressSynopsisaddress(row_num, col_num[, abs_num, a1, text])DescriptionAddress returns a cell address as text for specified row and column numbers.If abs_num is 1 or omitted, address returns absolute reference. If abs_num is 2, address returns absolute row and relative column. If abs_num is 3, address returns relative row and absolute column. If abs_num is 4, address returns relative reference. If abs_num is greater than 4, address returns error. a1 is a logical value that specifies the reference style. If a1 is TRUE or omitted, address returns an A1-style reference, i.e. $D$4. Otherwise address returns an R1C1-style reference, i.e. R4C4. text specifies the name of the worksheet to be used as the external reference. If row_num or col_num is less than one, address returns error. ExamplesSee AlsoandSynopsisand(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionAnd implements the logical and function: the result is TRUE if all of the expression evaluates to TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.b1, trough bN are expressions that should evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. If an integer or floating point value is provided zero is considered FALSE and anything else is TRUE. If the values contain strings or empty cells those values are ignored. If no logical values are provided, then error is returned. Excel compatible. The name of the function is @and, since and is used by Scheme. Examplesand(TRUE,TRUE) equals TRUE.and(TRUE,FALSE) equals FALSE. Let us assume that A1 holds number five and A2 number one. Then and(A1>3,A2<2) equals TRUE. See Alsoor notashSynopsisash(value, bits)DescriptionArithmetic shift of value a given number of bits to the left (positive) or right (negative).Examplesash(1, 2) returns 4.See AlsoasinSynopsisasin(x)DescriptionReturns the inverse sin of x.ExamplesSee AlsosinasinhSynopsisasinh(x)DescriptionASINH function calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of x; that is the value whose hyperbolic sine is x. Excel compatible.ExamplesASINH(0.5) equals 0.481212.ASINH(1.0) equals 0.881374. See Alsoasin acosh sin cos degrees radiansatanSynopsisatan(x)DescriptionReturns the inverse tangent of x.ExamplesSee Alsotanatan2Synopsisatan2(x, y)DescriptionReturns the inverse tangent of x/y.ExamplesSee Alsotan atan atan_2atan_2Synopsisatan_2(x, y)DescriptionReturns the inverse tangent of x/y. This is the same function as atan2, but avoids being interpreted as an A1 style reference.ExamplesSee Alsotan atanatanhSynopsisatanh(x)DescriptionATANH function calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x; that is the value whose hyperbolic tangent is x. If the absolute value of x is greater than 1.0, ATANH returns NUM! error. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesATANH(0.5) equals 0.549306.ATANH(0.8) equals 1.098612. See Alsoatan tan sin cos degrees radiansavedevSynopsisavedev(n1, n2, ...)DescriptionAvedev returns the average of the absolute deviations of a data set from their mean. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. Thenavedev(A1..A5) equals 7.84. See AlsostdevaverageSynopsisaverage(value1, value2, ...)DescriptionAverage computes the average of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. This is equivalent to the sum of the arguments divided by the count of the arguments. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. Thenaverage(A1..A5) equals 23.2. See Alsosum countaverageaSynopsisaveragea(number1, number2, ...)DescriptionAveragea returns the average of the given arguments. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Note that empty cells are not counted. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, 17.3, "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. Thenaveragea(A1..A5) equals 18.94. See Alsoaveragebase64decodeSynopsisbase64decode(x)DescriptionGiven a string X in base64 representation returns a string with bytes computed using the base64 decoding algorithm. See rfc1521.txt.ExamplesSee Alsobase64encodebase64encodeSynopsisbase64encode(x)DescriptionReturns a string computed using the base64 encoding algorithm.ExamplesSee Alsobase64decodebesseliSynopsisbesseli(x, order)DescriptionBesseli returns the Neumann, Weber or Bessel function. x is where the function is evaluated. order is the order of the bessel function, if non-integer it is truncated.If x or order are not numeric an error is returned. If order < 0 a error is returned. Excel compatible. Examplesbesseli(0.7,3) equals 0.007367374.See Alsobesselj besselk besselybesseljSynopsisbesselj(x, order)DescriptionBesselj returns the bessel function with x is where the function is evaluated. order is the order of the bessel function, if non-integer it is truncated.If x or order are not numeric an error is returned. If order < 0 a error is returned. Excel compatible. Examplesbesselj(0.89,3) equals 0.013974004.See Alsobesselj besselk besselybesselkSynopsisbesselk(x, order)DescriptionBesselk returns the Neumann, Weber or Bessel function. x is where the function is evaluated. order is the order of the bessel function, if non-integer it is truncated.If x or order are not numeric an error is returned. If order < 0 a error is returned. Excel compatible. Examplesbesselk(3,9) equals 397.95880.See Alsobesseli besselj besselybesselySynopsisbessely(x, order)DescriptionBessely returns the Neumann, Weber or Bessel function. x is where the function is evaluated. order is the order of the bessel function, if non-integer it is truncated.If x or order are not numeric an error is returned. If order < 0 a error is returned. Excel compatible. Examplesbessely(4,2) equals 0.215903595.See Alsobesseli besselj besselkbetadistSynopsisbetadist(x, alpha, beta[, a, b])DescriptionBetadist returns the cumulative beta distribution. a is the optional lower bound of x and b is the optional upper bound of x. If a is not given, betadist uses 0. If b is not given, betadist uses 1.If x < a or x > b betadist returns error. If alpha <= 0 or beta <= 0, betadist returns error. If a >= b betadist returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesbetadist(0.12,2,3) equals 0.07319808.See AlsobetainvbetainvSynopsisbetainv(p, alpha, beta[, a, b])DescriptionBetainv returns the inverse of cumulative beta distribution. a is the optional lower bound of x and b is the optinal upper bound of x. If a is not given, betainv uses 0. If b is not given, betainv uses 1.If p < 0 or p > 1, betainv returns error. If alpha <= 0 or beta <= 0, betainv returns error. If a >= b, betainv returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesbetainv(0.45,1.6,1) equals 0.607096629.See Alsobetadistbin2decSynopsisbin2dec(x)DescriptionBin2dec converts a binary number in string or number to its decimal equivalent. Excel compatible.Examplesbin2dec(101) equals 5.See Alsodec2bin bin2oct bin2hexbin2hexSynopsisbin2hex(number[, places])DescriptionBin2hex converts a binary number to a hexadecimal number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces.If places is too small or negative error is returned. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesbin2hex(100111) equals 27.See Alsohex2bin bin2oct bin2decbin2octSynopsisbin2oct(number[, places])DescriptionBin2oct converts a binary number to an octal number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces.If places is too small or negative error is returned. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesbin2oct(110111) equals 67.See Alsooct2bin bin2dec bin2hexbinomdistSynopsisbinomdist(n, trials, p, cumulative)DescriptionBinomdist returns the binomial distribution. n is the number of successes, trials is the total number of independent trials, p is the probability of success in trials, and cumulative describes whether to return the sum of thebinomial function from 0 to n.If n or trials are non-integer they are truncated. If n < 0 or trials < 0 binomdist returns error. If n > trials binomdist returns error. If p < 0 or p > 1 binomdist returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesbinomdist(3,5,0.8,0) equals 0.2048.See AlsopoissoncbrtSynopsiscbrt(x)DescriptionThe cbrt() function returns the cube root of x. This function cannot fail; every representable real value has a representable real cube root.ExamplesSee Alsosqrt powcc_solvSynopsiscc_solv(a, b, n)DescriptionSolve a general linear system A*x = b.int solv(double a[],double b[],int n) a = array containing system matrix A in row order (altered to L-U factored form by computation) b = array containing system vector b at entry and solution vector x at exit n = dimension of system ExamplesSee AlsoceilSynopsisceil(x)DescriptionCEIL function rounds x up to the next nearest integer.Excel compatible. ExamplesCEIL(0.4) equals 1.CEIL(-1.1) equals -1. CEIL(-2.9) equals -2. See Alsoabs floor intceilingSynopsisceiling(x, significance)DescriptionCeiling rounds x up to the nearest multiple of significance.If x or significance is non-numeric ceiling returns error. If x and significance have different signs ceiling returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesceiling(2.43,1) equals 3.ceiling(123.123,3) equals 126. See AlsoceilcharSynopsischar(x)DescriptionChar returns the ASCII character represented by the number x.Exampleschar(65) equals A.See AlsocodechidistSynopsischidist(x, dof)DescriptionChidist returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. dof is the number of degrees of freedom.If dof is non-integer it is truncated. If dof < 1, chidist returns error. Excel compatible. Exampleschidist(5.3,2) equals 0.070651213.See Alsochiinv chitestchiinvSynopsischiinv(p, dof)DescriptionChiinv returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.If p < 0 or p > 1 or dof < 1, chiinv returns error. This function is Excel compatible. Exampleschiinv(0.98,7) equals 1.564293004.See Alsochidist chitestchooseSynopsischoose(index[, value1][, value2]...)DescriptionChoose returns the value of index index. index is rounded to an integer if it is not.If index < 1 or index > number of values: returns error. ExamplesSee AlsoifcodeSynopsiscode(char)DescriptionCode returns the ASCII number for the character char.Examplescode("A") equals 65.See AlsocharcolumnsSynopsiscolumns(range)DescriptionThe columns function returns the number of columns in area or array reference.If reference is neither an array nor a range returns error. ExamplesSee Alsocolumn row rowscombinSynopsiscombin(n, k)DescriptionCombin computes the number of combinations.Performing this function on a non-integer or a negative number returns an error. Also if n is less than k returns an error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplescombin(8,6) equals 28.combin(6,2) equals 15. See AlsocomplexSynopsiscomplex(real, im[, suffix])DescriptionComplex returns a complex number of the form x + yi. real is the real and im is the imaginary coefficient of the complex number. suffix is the suffix for the imaginary coefficient. If it is omitted, complex uses 'i' by default.If suffix is neither 'i' nor 'j', complex returns error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplescomplex(1,-1) equals 1-i.See AlsoconcatenateSynopsisconcatenate(string1[, string2...])DescriptionConcatenate returns up appended strings.Examplesconcatenate("aa","bb") equals "aabb".See Alsoleft mid rightconfidenceSynopsisconfidence(x, stddev, size)DescriptionConfidence returns the confidence interval for a mean. x is the significance level, stddev is the standard deviation, and size is the size of the sample.If size is non-integer it is truncated. If size < 0, confidence returns error. If size is 0, confidence returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesconfidence(0.05,1,33) equals 0.341185936.See AlsoaverageconvertSynopsisconvert(number, from_unit, to_unit)DescriptionConvert returns a conversion from one measurement system to another. For example, you can convert a weight in pounds to a weight in grams. number is the value you want to convert, from_unit specifies the unit of the number, and to_unit is the unit for the result.from_unit and to_unit can be any of the following: Weight and mass: 'g' Gram 'sg' Slug 'lbm' Pound 'u' U (atomic mass) 'ozm' Ounce Distance: 'm' Meter 'mi' Statute mile 'Nmi' Nautical mile 'in' Inch 'ft' Foot 'yd' Yard 'ang' Angstrom 'Pica' Pica Time: 'yr' Year 'day' Day 'hr' Hour 'mn' Minute 'sec' Second Pressure: 'Pa' Pascal 'atm' Atmosphere 'mmHg' mm of Mercury Force: 'N' Newton 'dyn' Dyne 'lbf' Pound force Energy: 'J' Joule 'e' Erg 'c' Thermodynamic calorie 'cal' IT calorie 'eV' Electron volt 'HPh' Horsepower-hour 'Wh' Watt-hour 'flb' Foot-pound 'BTU' BTU Power: 'HP' Horsepower 'W' Watt Magnetism: 'T' Tesla 'ga' Gauss Temperature: 'C' Degree Celsius 'F' Degree Fahrenheit 'K' Degree Kelvin Liquid measure: 'tsp' Teaspoon 'tbs' Tablespoon 'oz' Fluid ounce 'cup' Cup 'pt' Pint 'qt' Quart 'gal' Gallon 'l' Liter For metric units any of the following prefixes can be used: 'E' exa 1E+18 'P' peta 1E+15 'T' tera 1E+12 'G' giga 1E+09 'M' mega 1E+06 'k' kilo 1E+03 'h' hecto 1E+02 'e' dekao 1E+01 'd' deci 1E-01 'c' centi 1E-02 'm' milli 1E-03 'u' micro 1E-06 'n' nano 1E-09 'p' pico 1E-12 'f' femto 1E-15 'a' atto 1E-18 If from_unit and to_unit are different types, CONVERT returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesconvert(3,"lbm","g") equals 1360.7769.convert(5.8,"m","in") equals 228.3465. convert(7.9,"cal","J") equals 33.07567. See AlsocosSynopsiscos(x)DescriptionReturns the cosine where x is in units of radians.ExamplesSee AlsosincoshSynopsiscosh(x)DescriptionCOSH function returns the hyperbolic cosine of x, which is defined mathematically as (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2. x is in radians. Excel compatible.ExamplesCOSH(0.5) equals 1.127626.COSH(1) equals 1.543081. See Alsocos sin sinh tan tanh radians degrees expcountSynopsiscount(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionCount returns the total number of integer or floating point arguments passed. Empty cells do not count. Strings and labels do not count. Complex numbers do not count. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. Thencount(A1..A5) equals 5. See AlsoaveragecountaSynopsiscounta(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionCounta returns the number of arguments passed not including empty cells. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, "missing", "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. Thencounta(A1..A5) equals 5. See Alsoaverage count dcount dcounta product sumcountblankSynopsiscountblank(range)DescriptionCountblank returns the number of blank cells in a range. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsocountcountifSynopsiscountif(range, criteria)DescriptionCountif counts the number of cells in the given range that meet the given criteria. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 23, 27, 28, 33, and 39. Thencountif(A1..A5,"<=28") equals 3. countif(A1..A5,"<28") equals 2. countif(A1..A5,"28") equals 1. countif(A1..A5,">28") equals 2. See Alsocount sumifcritbinomSynopsiscritbinom(trials,p,alpha)DescriptionCritbinom returns the smallest value for which thecumulative is greater than or equal to a given value. n is the number of trials, p is the probability of success in trials, and alpha is the criterion value.If trials is a non-integer it is truncated. If trials < 0, critbinom returns error. If p < 0 or p > 1, critbinom returns error. If alpha < 0 or alpha > 1, critbinom returns error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplescritbinom(10,0.5,0.75) equals 6.See AlsobinomdistcryptSynopsiscrypt(key, salt)DescriptionA form of string hash.ExamplesSee Alsocurrency_rateSynopsiscurrency_rate(from, to)DescriptionFetches currency exchange rates from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplescurrency_rate("SEK", "FRF") returns the value in French francs of one Swedish krona.See Alsostock_price eurodatevalueSynopsisdatevalue(date_str)DescriptionDatevalue returns the serial number of the date. date_str is the string that contains the date. For example, datevalue("1/1/1999") equals 36160.ExamplesSee AlsodatedaverageSynopsisdaverage(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDaverage returns the average of the values in a list or database that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 daverage(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..A11) equals 42296.3333. daverage(A1..C7, "Age", A9..A11) equals 39. daverage(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 40782.5. daverage(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 36. See AlsodcountdaySynopsisday(serial_number)DescriptionConverts a serial number to a day.ExamplesSee Alsomonth time now yeardcountSynopsisdcount(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDcount counts the cells that contain numbers in a database that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dcount(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..A11) equals 3. dcount(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 2. dcount(A1..C7, "Name", A9..B11) equals 0. See AlsodaveragedcountaSynopsisdcounta(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDcounta counts the cells that contain data in a database that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dcounta(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..A11) equals 3. dcounta(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 2. dcounta(A1..C7, "Name", A9..B11) equals 2. See Alsodcountdec2binSynopsisdec2bin(number[,places])DescriptionDec2bin converts a decimal number to a binary number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces.If places is too small or negative error is returned. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesdec2bin(42) equals 101010.See Alsobin2dec dec2oct dec2hexdec2hexSynopsisdec2hex(number[,places])DescriptionDec2hex converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces.If places is too small or negative error is returned. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesdec2hex(42) equals 2A.See Alsohex2dec dec2bin dec2octdec2octSynopsisdec2oct(number[,places])DescriptionDec2oct converts a decimal number to an octal number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces.If places is too small or negative error is returned. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesdec2oct(42) equals 52.See Alsooct2dec dec2bin dec2hexdefineSynopsisdefine(variable, value)DescriptionA special form used to assign a value to a variable:define(variable, value) The variable can then be used in other places in the sheet. ExamplesLet's say that A1 contains the value 2 and B1 contains the value 3.define(foo, a1*b1) returns 6 and also defines the variable foo. foo returns 6 after the definition above. See AlsodegreesSynopsisdegrees(x)DescriptionDegrees computes the number of degrees equivalent to x radians. This function is Excel compatible.Examplesdegrees(2.5) equals 143.2394.See Alsoradians pideltaSynopsisdelta(x[,y])DescriptionDelta tests for numerical equivilance of two arguments returning 1 in equality y is optional, and defaults to 0.If either argument is non-numeric returns a error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesdelta(42.99,43) equals 0.See Alsoexact gestepdevsqSynopsisdevsq(n1, n2, ...)DescriptionDevsq returns the sum of squares of deviations of a data set from the sample mean.Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. Thendevsq(A1..A5) equals 470.56. See AlsostdevdgetSynopsisdget(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDget returns a single value from a column that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dget(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..A10) equals 34323. dget(A1..C7, "Name", A9..A10) equals "Clark". If none of the items match the conditions, dget returns error. If more than one items match the conditions, dget returns error. See AlsodcountdmaxSynopsisdmax(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDmax returns the largest number in a column that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dmax(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..A11) equals 47242. dmax(A1..C7, "Age", A9..A11) equals 45. dmax(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 43. See AlsodmindminSynopsisdmin(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDmin returns the smallest number in a column that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dmin(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 34323. dmin(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 29. See AlsodmaxdollarSynopsisdollar(num[,decimals])DescriptionDollar returns num formatted as currency.Examplesdollar(12345) equals "$12,345.00".See Alsofixed text valuedproductSynopsisdproduct(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDproduct returns the product of numbers in a column that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dproduct(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 1247. See AlsodsumdremSynopsisdrem(x, y)DescriptionThe drem() function computes the remainder of dividing x by y. The return value is x - n * y, where n is the quo- tient of x / y, rounded to the nearest integer. If the quotient is 1/2, it is rounded to the even number.ExamplesSee AlsofmoddstdevSynopsisdstdev(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDstdev returns the estimate of the standard deviation of a population based on a sample. The populations consists of numbers that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dstdev(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 9.89949. dstdev(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 9135.112506. See AlsodstdevpdstdevpSynopsisdstdevp(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDstdevp returns the standard deviation of a population based on the entire populations. The populations consists of numbers that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dstdevp(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 7. dstdevp(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 6459.5. See AlsodstdevdsumSynopsisdsum(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDsum returns the sum of numbers in a column that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dsum(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 72. dsum(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 81565. See AlsodproductdurationSynopsisduration(rate,pv,fv)DescriptionDuration calculates number of periods needed for an investment to attain a desired value. This function is similar to fv and pv with a difference that we do not need give the direction of cash flows e.g. -100 for a cash outflow and +100 for a cash inflow.ExamplesSee Alsoppmt pv fvdvarSynopsisdvar(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDvar returns the estimate of variance of a population based on a sample. The populations consists of numbers that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dvar(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 98. dvar(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 83450280.5. See AlsodvarpdvarpSynopsisdvarp(database,field,criteria)DescriptionDvarp returns the variance of a population based on the entire populations. The populations consists of numbers that match conditions specified.database is a range of cells in which rows of related information are records and columns of data are fields. The first row of a database contains labels for each column. field specifies which column is used in the function. If field is an integer, i.e. 2, the second column is used. Field can also be the label of a column. For example, ``Age'' refers to the column with the label ``Age'' in database range. criteria is the range of cells which contains the specified conditions. The first row of a criteria should contain the labels of the fields for which the criterias are for. Cells below the labels specify conditions, for example, ``>3'' or ``<9''. Equality condition can be given simply by specifing a value, e.g. ``3'' or ``John''. Each row in criteria specifies a separate condition, i.e. if a row in database matches with one of the rows in criteria then that row is counted in (technically speaking boolean OR between the rows in criteria). If criteria specifies more than one columns then each of the conditions in these columns should be true that the row in database matches (again technically speaking boolean AND between the columns in each row in criteria). ExamplesLet us assume that the range A1..C7 contain the following values:Name Age Salary John 34 54342 Bill 35 22343 Clark 29 34323 Bob 43 47242 Susan 37 42932 Jill 45 45324 In addition, the cells A9..B11 contain the following values: Age Salary <30 >40 >46000 dvarp(A1..C7, "Age", A9..B11) equals 49. dvarp(A1..C7, "Salary", A9..B11) equals 41725140.25. See AlsodvareffectSynopsiseffect(r,nper)DescriptionEffect calculates the effective interest rate from a given nominal rate.Effective interest rate is calculated using this formulae: r( 1 + ------ ) ^ nper - 1 nper where: r = nominal interest rate (stated in yearly terms) nper = number of periods used for compounding ExamplesFor example credit cards will list an APR (annual percentage rate) which is a nominal interest rate.For example if you wanted to find out how much you are actually paying interest on your credit card that states an APR of 19% that is compounded monthly you would type in: effect(.19,12) and you would get .2075 or 20.75%. That is the effective percentage you will pay on your loan. See AlsonominalerfSynopsiserf(x)DescriptionERF function returns the integral of the error function between zero and x. Excel compatible.ExamplesERF(0.4) equals 0.428392355.See AlsoerfcerfcSynopsiserfc(x)DescriptionThe ERFC function returns the integral of the complimentary error function between the limits 0 and x.ExamplesSee AlsoerfeuroSynopsiseuro(currency)DescriptionEuro converts one Euro to a given national currency in the European monetary union. currency is one of the following:ATS (Austria) BEF (Belgium) DEM (Germany) ESP (Spain) FIM (Finland) FRF (France) IEP (Ireland) ITL (Italy) LUF (Luxemburg) NLG (Netherlands) PTE (Portugal) If the given currency is other than one of the above, EURO returns error. Exampleseuro("DEM") returns 1.95583.See Alsocurrency_rateevenSynopsiseven(number)DescriptionEven returns the number rounded up to the nearest even integer. Excel compatible.Exampleseven(5.4) equals 6.See AlsooddexactSynopsisexact(string1, string2)DescriptionExact returns true if string1 is exactly equal to string2 (this routine is case sensitive).Examplesexact("key","key") equals TRUE.See AlsolenexpSynopsisexp(x)DescriptionComputes the exponential function of x.ExamplesSee Alsoexpm_1Synopsisexpm_1(x)Descriptionexpm_1(x) returns a value equivalent to `exp (x) - 1'. It is computed in a way that is accurate even if the value of x is near zero--a case where `exp (x) - 1' would be inaccurate due to subtraction of two numbers that are nearly equal.ExamplesSee Alsoexp logexpondistSynopsisexpondist(x,y,cumulative)DescriptionExpondist returns the exponential distribution. If the cumulative boolean is false it will return: y * exp (-y*x), otherwise it will return 1 - exp (-y*x).If x < 0 or y <= 0 this will return an error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesexpondist(2,4,0) equals 0.001341851.See AlsopoissonfabsSynopsisfabs(x)DescriptionFABS returns the absolute value of the number x.Examplesfabs(1) equals 1.fabs(-3.14) equals 3.14. See AlsoabsfactSynopsisfact(x)DescriptionFact computes the factorial of x. ie, x! This function is Excel compatible.Examplesfact(3) equals 6.fact(9) equals 362880. See AlsofactdoubleSynopsisfactdouble(number)DescriptionFACTDOUBLE returns the double factorial of a number.If number is not an integer, it is truncated. If number is negative FACTDOUBLE returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesFACTDOUBLE(5) equals 15.See AlsofactfdistSynopsisfdist(x, dof1, dof2)DescriptionFDIST returns the F probability distribution. dof1 is the numerator degrees of freedom and dof2 is the denominator degrees of freedom.If x < 0 FDIST returns error. If dof1 < 1 or dof2 < 1, FDIST returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesFDIST(2,5,5) equals 0.232511319.See AlsofinvfinvSynopsisfinv(p, dof1, dof2)DescriptionFINV returns the inverse of the F probability distribution.If p < 0 or p > 1 FINV returns error. If dof1 < 1 or dof2 < 1 FINV returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesFINV(0.2,2,4) equals 2.472135955.See AlsofdistfisherSynopsisfisher(x)DescriptionFISHER returns the Fisher transformation at x.If x is not-number FISHER returns error. If x <= -1 or x >= 1 FISHER returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesFISHER(0.332) equals 0.345074339.See AlsoskewfisherinvSynopsisfisherinv(x)DescriptionFISHERINV returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation at x.If x is non-number FISHERINV returns error. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesFISHERINV(2) equals 0.96402758.See AlsofisherfixedSynopsisfixed(num,[decimals, no_commas])DescriptionFIXED returns num as a formatted string with decimals numbers after the decimal point, omitting commas if requested by no_commas.ExamplesFIXED(1234.567,2) equals "1,234.57".See AlsofloorSynopsisfloor(x)DescriptionThe floor() function rounds x downwards to the nearest integer, returning that value as a double.Examplesfloor(3.14) equals 3.floor(-3.14) equals -4. See AlsoceilfmodSynopsisfmod(x)DescriptionFloating point mod.ExamplesSee AlsofvSynopsisfv(rate,term,pmt,pv,type)DescriptionFV computes the future value of an investment. This is based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate. The interest rate per period is rate, term is the number of periods in an annuity, pmt is the payment made each period, pv is the present value and type is when the payment is made. If type = 1 then the payment is made at the begining of the period. If type = 0 it is made at the end of each period.ExamplesSee Alsopv pmt ppmtg_productSynopsisg_product(value1, value2, ...)DescriptionPRODUCT returns the product of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. Empty cells are ignored and the empty product in 1.ExamplesG_PRODUCT(2,5,9) equals 90.See Alsosum countgammadistSynopsisgammadist(x,alpha,beta,cum)DescriptionGAMMADIST returns the gamma distribution. If cum is TRUE, GAMMADIST returns the incomplete gamma function, otherwise it returns the probability mass function.If x < 0 GAMMADIST returns error. If alpha <= 0 or beta <= 0, GAMMADIST returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesGAMMADIST(1,2,3,0) equals 0.07961459.See AlsogammainvgammainvSynopsisgammainv(p,alpha,beta)DescriptionGAMMAINV returns the inverse of the cumulative gamma distribution.If p < 0 or p > 1 GAMMAINV returns error. If alpha <= 0 or beta <= 0 GAMMAINV returns error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesgammainv(0.34,2,4) equals 4.829093908.See AlsogammadistgammalnSynopsisgammaln(x)Descriptiongammaln returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function.If x is non-number then gammaln returns error. If x <= 0 then gammaln returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesgammaln(23) equals 48.471181352.See AlsopoissongcdSynopsisgcd(number1,number2,...)Descriptiongcd returns the greatest common divisor of given numbers.If any of the arguments is less than zero, gcd returns error. If any of the arguments is a non-integer, it is truncated. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesgcd(470,770) equals 10.gcd(470,770,1495) equals 5. See AlsolcmgeomeanSynopsisgeomean(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionGEOMEAN returns the geometric mean of the given arguments. This is equal to the Nth root of the product of the terms. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenGEOMEAN(A1..A5) equals 21.279182482. See Alsoaverage harmean median mode trimmeangestepSynopsisgestep(x[,y])Descriptiongestep test for if x is >= y, returning 1 if it is so, and 0 otherwise. y is optional, and defaults to 0.If either argument is non-numeric returns a error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesgestep(5,4) equals 1.See Alsodeltaget_cellSynopsisget_cell(row, column, [sheet])DescriptionReturns the value in the specified row and column. If a sheet is specified, it is used. Otherwise the current sheet is used.Examplesget_cell(2, 3) returns the value in row 2, column 3 in the current sheet.get_cell(2, 3, "Sheet 2") returns the value in row 2, column 3 in the sheet named "Sheet 2". get_cell(2, 3, "1998.siag:") returns the value in row 2, column 3 in the first sheet of buffer "1998.siag". get_cell(2, 3, "1998.siag:January") returns the value in row 2, column 3 in the sheet named "January" in the buffer "1998.siag". See Alsohref vrefgetcwdSynopsisgetcwd()DescriptionReturns the current working directory.ExamplesSee AlsogetenvSynopsisgetenv(name)DescriptionReturns the value of the environment variable named, or ().ExamplesSee AlsogetgidSynopsisgetgid()DescriptionReturns the group id of the process.ExamplesSee AlsogethostidSynopsisgethostid()DescriptionReturns a 32 bit number.ExamplesSee AlsogethostnameSynopsisgethostname()DescriptionReturns the configured name of the host.ExamplesSee AlsogetpgrpSynopsisgetpgrp()DescriptionReturns the process group ID of the calling process.ExamplesSee AlsogetpidSynopsisgetpid()DescriptionReturns the process ID of the calling process.ExamplesSee AlsogetppidSynopsisgetppid()DescriptionReturns the parent process ID of the calling process.ExamplesSee AlsogetuidSynopsisgetuid()DescriptionReturns the uid of the current process.ExamplesSee Alsohex2binSynopsishex2bin(number[,places])DescriptionThe HEX2BIN function converts a hexadecimal number to a binary number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces.If places is too small or negative error is returned. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesHEX2BIN("2A") equals 101010.See Alsobin2hex hex2oct hex2dechex2decSynopsishex2dec(x)DescriptionThe HEX2DEC function converts a hexadecimal number to its decimal equivalent. Excel compatible.ExamplesHEX2DEC("2A") equals 42.See Alsodec2hex hex2bin hex2octhex2octSynopsishex2oct(number[,places])DescriptionThe HEX2OCT function converts a hexadecimal number to an octal number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces.If places is too small or negative error is returned. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesHEX2OCT("2A") equals 52.See Alsooct2hex hex2bin hex2dechlookupSynopsishlookup(value,range,row[,approximate])DescriptionHLOOKUP finds the col in range that has a first row cell similar to value. If approximate is not true it finds the col with an exact equivilance. If approximate is true, then the values must be sorted in order of ascending value for correct function; in this case it finds the col with value less than value it returns the value in the col found at a 1 based offset in row rows into the range. Returns error if row < 0. Returns error if row falls outside range.ExamplesSee AlsovlookuphourSynopsishour(serial_number)DescriptionConverts a serial number to an hour. The hour is returned as an integer in the range 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).ExamplesSee Alsominute now time secondhrefSynopsishref(x)DescriptionReturns the contents from the cell x positions to the right.Exampleshref(-2) returns the cell 2 positions to the left.See AlsovrefhyperlinkSynopsishyperlink(reference)DescriptionThe HYPERLINK function currently returns its 2nd argument, or if that is omitted the 1st argument.ExamplesSee AlsohypgeomdistSynopsishypgeomdist(x, n, M, N)DescriptionHYPGEOMDIST returns the hypergeometric distribution. x is the number of successes in the sample, n is the number of trials, M is the number of successes overall, and N is thepopulation size.If x,n,M or N is a non-integer it is truncated. If x,n,M or N < 0 HYPGEOMDIST returns error. If x > M or n > N HYPGEOMDIST returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesHYPGEOMDIST(1,2,3,10) equals 0.4666667.See Alsobinomdist poissonhypotSynopsishypot(x, y)DescriptionThe hypot() function returns the sqrt(x*x + y*y). This is the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with sides of length x and y, or the distance of the point (x, y) from the origin.ExamplesSee AlsosqrtimabsSynopsisimabs(inumber)DescriptionIMABS returns the absolute value of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMABS("2-j") equals 2.23606798.See Alsoimaginary imrealimaginarySynopsisimaginary(inumber)DescriptionIMAGINARY returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMAGINARY("132-j") equals -1.See AlsoimrealimargumentSynopsisimargument(inumber)DescriptionIMARGUMENT returns the argument theta of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMARGUMENT("2-j") equals -0.463647609.See AlsoimconjugateSynopsisimconjugate(inumber)DescriptionIMCONJUGATE returns the complex conjugate of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMCONJUGATE("1-j") equals 1+j.See Alsoimaginary imrealimcosSynopsisimcos(inumber)DescriptionIMCOS returns the cosine of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMCOS("1+j") equals 0.833730-0.988898j.See Alsoimsin imtanimdivSynopsisimdiv(inumber,inumber)DescriptionIMDIV returns the quotient of two complex numbers. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMDIV("2-j","2+j") equals 0.6-0.8j.See AlsoimproductimexpSynopsisimexp(inumber)DescriptionIMEXP returns the exponential of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMEXP("2-j") equals 3.992324-6.217676j.See AlsoimlnimlnSynopsisimln(inumber)DescriptionIMLN returns the natural logarithm of a complex number. (The result will have an imaginary part between -pi an +pi. The natural logarithm is not uniquely defined on complex numbers. You may need to add or subtract an even multiple of pi to the imaginary part.) This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMLN("3-j") equals 1.15129-0.32175j.See Alsoimexp imlog2 imlog10imlog_10Synopsisimlog_10(inumber)DescriptionIMLOG_10 returns the logarithm of a complex number in base 10. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMLOG_10("3-j") equals 0.5-0.13973j.See Alsoimln imlog_2imlog_2Synopsisimlog_2(inumber)DescriptionIMLOG_2 returns the logarithm of a complex number in base 2. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMLOG_2("3-j") equals 1.66096-0.46419j.See Alsoimln imlog_10impowerSynopsisimpower(inumber,number)DescriptionIMPOWER returns a complex number raised to a power. inumber is the complex number to be raised to a power and number is the power to which you want to raise the complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMPOWER("4-j",2) equals 15-8j.See AlsoimsqrtimproductSynopsisimproduct(inumber1[,inumber2,...])DescriptionIMPRODUCT returns the product of given complex numbers. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMPRODUCT("2-j","4-2j") equals 6-8j.See AlsoimdivimrealSynopsisimreal(inumber)DescriptionIMREAL returns the real coefficient of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.Examplesimreal("132-j") equals 132.See AlsoimaginaryimsinSynopsisimsin(inumber)DescriptionIMSIN returns the sine of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMSIN("1+j") equals 1.29846+0.63496j.See Alsoimcos imtanimsqrtSynopsisimsqrt(inumber)DescriptionIMSQRT returns the square root of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMSQRT("1+j") equals 1.09868+0.4550899j.See AlsoimpowerimsubSynopsisimsub(inumber,inumber)DescriptionIMSUB returns the difference of two complex numbers. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMSUB("3-j","2+j") equals 1-2j.See AlsoimsumimsumSynopsisimsum(inumber,inumber)DescriptionIMSUM returns the sum of two complex numbers. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesIMSUM("2-4j","9-j") equals 11-5j.See AlsoimsubimtanSynopsisimtan(inumber)DescriptionIMTAN returns the tangent of a complex number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee Alsoimsin imcosinet_addrSynopsisinet_addr(str)DescriptionConverts a "x.x.x.x" dotted notation string or a byte array into a number.ExamplesSee AlsoinfoSynopsisinfo()DescriptionINFO returns information about the current operating environment. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsointSynopsisint(a)DescriptionINT rounds a now to the nearest integer where `nearest' implies being closer to zero. INT is equivalent to FLOOR(a) for a >= 0, and CEIL(a) for a < 0. Excel compatible.ExamplesINT(7.2) equals 7.INT(-5.5) equals -6. See Alsofloor ceil absisblankSynopsisisblank(exp)DescriptionISBLANK returns TRUE if the value is blank. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsoisevenSynopsisiseven(x)DescriptionISEVEN returns TRUE if the number is even. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsoisoddislogicalSynopsisislogical(x)DescriptionISLOGICAL returns TRUE if the value is a logical value. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsoisnaSynopsisisna(x)DescriptionISNA returns TRUE if the value is the #N/A error value. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsoisnontextSynopsisisnontext(x)DescriptionISNONTEXT Returns TRUE if the value is not text. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsoistextisnumberSynopsisisnumber(x)DescriptionISNUMBER returns TRUE if the value is a number. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsoisoddSynopsisisodd()DescriptionISODD returns TRUE if the number is odd. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsoisevenispmtSynopsisispmt(rate,per,nper,pv)DescriptionISPMT returns the interest paid on a given period.If per < 1 or per > nper, ISPMT returns error. ExamplesSee AlsopvistextSynopsisistext()DescriptionISTEXT returns TRUE if the value is text. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSee Alsoisnontextj_0Synopsisj_0(x)DescriptionThe j_0() and j_1() functions return Bessel functions of x of the first kind of orders 0 and 1, respectively.ExamplesSee Alsoj_1 jn y_0 y_1 ynj_1Synopsisj_1(x)DescriptionThe j_0() and j_1() functions return Bessel functions of x of the first kind of orders 0 and 1, respectively.ExamplesSee Alsoj_0 jn y_0 y_1 ynjnSynopsisjn(n, x)DescriptionThe jn() function returns the Bessel function of x of the first kind of order n.ExamplesSee Alsoj_0 j_1 y_0 y_1 ynkurtSynopsiskurt(n1, n2, ...)DescriptionKURT returns an unbiased estimate of the kurtosis of a data set.Note, that this is only meaningful is the underlying distribution really has a fourth moment. The kurtosis is offset by three such that a normal distribution will have zero kurtosis. Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If fewer than four numbers are given or all of them are equal KURT returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenKURT(A1..A5) equals 1.234546305. See Alsoaverage var skew kurtpkurtpSynopsiskurtp(n1, n2, ...)DescriptionKURTP returns the population kurtosis of a data set.Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If fewer than two numbers are given or all of them are equal KURTP returns error. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenKURTP(A1..A5) equals -0.691363424. See Alsoaverage varp skewp kurtlargeSynopsislarge(n1, n2, ..., k)DescriptionLARGE returns the k-th largest value in a data set.If data set is empty LARGE returns error. If k <= 0 or k is greater than the number of data items given LARGE returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenLARGE(A1..A5,2) equals 25.9. LARGE(A1..A5,4) equals 17.3. See Alsopercentile percentrank quartile smalllcmSynopsislcm(number1,number2,...)DescriptionLCM returns the least common multiple of integers. The least common multiple is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of all integer arguments given.If any of the arguments is less than one, LCM returns error. Excel compatible. Requires the GMP library. ExamplesLCM(2,13) equals 26.LCM(4,7,5) equals 140. See AlsogcdleftSynopsisleft(text[,num_chars])DescriptionLEFT returns the leftmost num_chars characters or the left character if num_chars is not specified.ExamplesLEFT("Directory",3) equals "Dir".See Alsomid rightlenSynopsislen(string)DescriptionLEN returns the length in characters of the string string.Exampleslen("Helsinki") equals 8.See Alsochar codelengthSynopsislength()DescriptionReturns the length of an object which may be a string (acts like strlen) or a list, or an array.ExamplesSee AlsolgammaSynopsislgamma(x)DescriptionThe lgamma() function returns the log of the absolute value of the Gamma function.ExamplesSee AlsoinfnanlnSynopsisln(x)DescriptionLN returns the natural logarithm of x. If x <= 0, LN returns error. Excel compatible.ExamplesLN(7) equals 1.94591.See Alsoexp log_2 log_10logSynopsislog(x)DescriptionComputes the natural logarithm of x.ExamplesSee Alsolog1pSynopsislog1p(x)Descriptionlog1p(x) returns a value equivalent to `log (1 + x)'. It is computed in a way that is accurate even if the value of x is near zero.ExamplesSee Alsoexp loglog_10Synopsislog_10(x)DescriptionThe log10() function returns the base-10 logarithm of x.ExamplesSee Alsologlog_2Synopsislog_2(x)DescriptionLOG_2 computes the base-2 logarithm of x. If x <= 0, LOG_2 returns error. The name of this functions is log_2 rather than log2, otherwise Siag would interpret the name as a reference.ExamplesLOG_2(1024) equals 10.See Alsoexp log_10 logloginvSynopsisloginv(p,mean,stdev)DescriptionLOGINV returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution. p is the given probability corresponding to the normal distribution, mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution, and stdev is the standard deviation of the distribution.If p < 0 or p > 1 or stdev <= 0 LOGINV returns error. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesLOGINV(0.5,2,3) equals 7.389056099.See Alsoexp ln log log10 lognormdistlognormdistSynopsislognormdist(x,mean,stdev)Descriptionlognormdist returns the lognormal distribution. x is the value for which you want the distribution, mean is the mean of the distribution, and stdev is the standard deviation of the distribution. Excel compatible.If stdev = 0 lognormdist returns error. If x <= 0, mean < 0 or stdev < 0 lognormdist returns error. Exampleslognormdist(3,1,2) equals 0.519662338.See AlsonormdistlowerSynopsislower(text)DescriptionLOWER returns a lower-case version of the string in text.ExamplesLOWER("J. F. Kennedy") equals "j. f. kennedy".See AlsouppermaxSynopsismax(x1, x2, ...)DescriptionReturns the maximum of x1, x2, etc.ExamplesSee Alsor_maxmaxaSynopsismaxa(number1,number2,...)DescriptionMAXA returns the largest value of the given arguments. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Note that empty cells are not counted. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, 17.3, "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. ThenMINA(A1..A5) equals 0. See Alsomax minamedianSynopsismedian(n1, n2, ...)DescriptionMEDIAN returns the median of the given data set.Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If even numbers are given MEDIAN returns the average of the two numbers in the middle. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenMEDIAN(A1..A5) equals 21.3. See Alsoaverage count counta daverage mode summinSynopsismin(x1, x2, ...)DescriptionReturns the numerical minimum of its arguments.ExamplesSee Alsor_minminaSynopsismina(number1,number2,...)DescriptionMINA returns the smallest value of the given arguments. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Note that empty cells are not counted. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, 17.3, "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. ThenMAXA(A1..A5) equals 40.1. See Alsomin maxaminuteSynopsisminute(serial_number)DescriptionConverts a serial number to a minute. The minute is returned as an integer in the range 0 to 59.ExamplesSee Alsohour now time secondmmultSynopsismmult(array1,array2)DescriptionMMULT returns the matrix product of two arrays. The result is an array with the same number of rows as array1 and the same number of columns as array2. Excel compatible.ExamplesSee Alsotranspose minversemodSynopsismod(number,divisor)DescriptionMOD returns the remainder when divisor is divided into number. Excel compatible.MOD returns error if divisor is zero. ExamplesMOD(23,7) equals 2.See Alsoint floor ceilmonthSynopsismonth(serial_number)DescriptionConverts a serial number to a month.ExamplesSee Alsoday time now yearmpf_absSynopsismpf_abs(op)DescriptionSet ROP to the absolute value of OP.ExamplesSee Alsompf_addSynopsismpf_add(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 + OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_ceilSynopsismpf_ceil(op)DescriptionSet ROP to OP rounded to an integer. `mpf_ceil' rounds to the next higher integer, `mpf_floor' to the next lower, and `mpf_trunc' to the integer towards zero.ExamplesSee Alsompf_floor mpf_truncmpf_cmpSynopsismpf_cmp(op1, op2)DescriptionCompare OP1 and OP2. Return a positive value if OP1 > OP2, zero if OP1 = OP2, and a negative value if OP1 < OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_divSynopsismpf_div(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1/OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_div_2expSynopsismpf_div_2exp(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 divided by 2 raised to OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_eqSynopsismpf_eq(op1, op2, op3)DescriptionReturn non-zero if the first OP3 bits of OP1 and OP2 are equal, zero otherwise. I.e., test if OP1 and OP2 are approximately equal.ExamplesSee Alsompf_floorSynopsismpf_floor(op)DescriptionSet ROP to OP rounded to an integer. `mpf_ceil' rounds to the next higher integer, `mpf_floor' to the next lower, and `mpf_trunc' to the integer towards zero.ExamplesSee Alsompf_ceil mpf_truncmpf_mulSynopsismpf_mul(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 times OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_mul_2expSynopsismpf_mul_2exp(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 times 2 raised to OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_negSynopsismpf_neg(op)DescriptionSet ROP to -OP.ExamplesSee Alsompf_pow_uiSynopsismpf_pow_ui(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 raised to the power OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_reldiffSynopsismpf_reldiff(op1, op2)DescriptionCompute the relative difference between OP1 and OP2 and store the result in ROP.ExamplesSee Alsompf_sgnSynopsismpf_sgn(op)DescriptionReturn +1 if OP > 0, 0 if OP = 0, and -1 if OP < 0.ExamplesSee Alsompf_sqrtSynopsismpf_sqrt(op)DescriptionSet ROP to the square root of OP.ExamplesSee Alsompf_subSynopsismpf_sub(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 - OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompf_truncSynopsismpf_trunc(op)DescriptionSet ROP to OP rounded to an integer. `mpf_ceil' rounds to the next higher integer, `mpf_floor' to the next lower, and `mpf_trunc' to the integer towards zero.ExamplesSee Alsompf_floor mpf_ceilmpz_absSynopsismpz_abs(op)DescriptionSet ROP to the absolute value of OP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_addSynopsismpz_add(a, b)DescriptionComputes a+b for integers of arbitrary size.ExamplesSee Alsompz_andSynopsismpz_and(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 logical-and OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompz_bin_uiSynopsismpz_bin_ui(n, k)DescriptionCompute the binomial coefficient N over K and store the result in ROP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_cdiv_qSynopsismpz_cdiv_q(n, d)DescriptionSet Q to N/D, rounded towards +infinity.ExamplesSee Alsompz_cdiv_rSynopsismpz_cdiv_r(n, d)DescriptionSet R to (N - N/D * D), where the quotient is rounded towards +infinity. Unless R becomes zero, it will get the opposite sign as D.ExamplesSee Alsompz_clrbitSynopsismpz_clrbit(rop, bit_index)DescriptionClear bit BIT_INDEX in ROP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_cmpSynopsismpz_cmp(op1, op2)DescriptionCompare OP1 and OP2. Return a positive value if OP1 > OP2, zero if OP1 = OP2, and a negative value if OP1 < OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompz_cmpabsSynopsismpz_cmpabs(op1, op2)DescriptionCompare the absolute values of OP1 and OP2. Return a positive value if OP1 > OP2, zero if OP1 = OP2, and a negative value if OP1 < OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompz_comSynopsismpz_com(op)DescriptionSet ROP to the one's complement of OP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_divexactSynopsismpz_divexact(n, d)DescriptionSet Q to N/D. This function produces correct results only when it is known in advance that D divides N.Since mpz_divexact is much faster than any of the other routines that produce the quotient (*note References:: Jebelean), it is the best choice for instances in which exact division is known to occur, such as reducing a rational to lowest terms. ExamplesSee Alsompz_fac_uiSynopsismpz_fac_ui(op)DescriptionSet ROP to OP!, the factorial of OP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_fdiv_qSynopsismpz_fdiv_q(n, d)DescriptionSet Q to N/D, rounded towards -infinity.ExamplesSee Alsompz_fdiv_q_2expSynopsismpz_fdiv_q_2exp(n, d)DescriptionSet Q to N divided by 2 raised to D, rounded towards -infinity.ExamplesSee Alsompz_fdiv_rSynopsismpz_fdiv_r(n, d)DescriptionSet R to (N - N/D * D), where the quotient is rounded towards -infinity. Unless R becomes zero, it will get the same sign as D.ExamplesSee Alsompz_fdiv_r_2expSynopsismpz_fdiv_r_2exp(n, d)DescriptionDivide N by (2 raised to D) and put the remainder in R. The sign of R will always be positive.This operation can also be defined as masking of the D least significant bits. ExamplesSee Alsompz_fib_uiSynopsismpz_fib_ui(n)DescriptionCompute the Nth Fibonacci number and store the result in ROP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_gcdSynopsismpz_gcd(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to the greatest common divisor of OP1 and OP2. The result is always positive even if either of or both input operands are negative.ExamplesSee Alsompz_hamdistSynopsismpz_hamdist(op1, op2)DescriptionIf OP1 and OP2 are both non-negative, return the hamming distance between the two operands. Otherwise, return the largest possible value (MAX_ULONG).ExamplesSee Alsompz_invertSynopsismpz_invert(op1, op2)DescriptionCompute the inverse of OP1 modulo OP2 and put the result in ROP. Return non-zero if an inverse exist, zero otherwise. When the function returns zero, ROP is undefined.ExamplesSee Alsompz_iorSynopsismpz_ior(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 inclusive-or OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompz_jacobiSynopsismpz_jacobi(op1, op2)DescriptionCompute the Jacobi and Legendre symbols, respectively.ExamplesSee Alsompz_legendrempz_lcmSynopsismpz_lcm(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to the least common multiple of OP1 and OP2.ExamplesSee Alsompz_legendreSynopsismpz_legendre(op1, op2)DescriptionCompute the Jacobi and Legendre symbols, respectively.ExamplesSee Alsompz_jacobimpz_modSynopsismpz_mod(n, d)DescriptionSet R to N `mod' D. The sign of the divisor is ignored; the result is always non-negative.ExamplesSee Alsompz_mulSynopsismpz_mul(a, b)DescriptionComputes a*b for integers of arbitrary size.ExamplesSee Alsompz_mul_2expSynopsismpz_mul_2exp(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 times 2 raised to OP2. This operation can also be defined as a left shift, OP2 steps.ExamplesSee Alsompz_negSynopsismpz_neg(op)DescriptionSet ROP to -OP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_nextprimeSynopsismpz_nextprime(op)DescriptionSet ROP to the next prime greater than OP.This function uses a probabilistic algorithm to identify primes, but for for practical purposes it's adequate, since the chance of a composite passing will be extremely small. ExamplesSee Alsompz_perfect_power_pSynopsismpz_perfect_power_p(op)DescriptionReturn non-zero if OP is a perfect power, i.e., if there exist integers A and B, with B > 1, such that OP equals a raised to b. Return zero otherwise.ExamplesSee Alsompz_perfect_square_pSynopsismpz_perfect_square_p(op)DescriptionReturn non-zero if OP is a perfect square, i.e., if the square root of OP is an integer. Return zero otherwise.ExamplesSee Alsompz_popcountSynopsismpz_popcount(op)DescriptionFor non-negative numbers, return the population count of OP. For negative numbers, return the largest possible value (MAX_ULONG).ExamplesSee Alsompz_pow_uiSynopsismpz_pow_ui(base, exp)DescriptionSet ROP to BASE raised to EXP. The case of 0^0 yields 1.ExamplesSee Alsompz_powmSynopsismpz_powm(base, exp, mod)DescriptionSet ROP to (BASE raised to EXP) `mod' MOD. If EXP is negative, the result is undefined.ExamplesSee Alsompz_probab_prime_pSynopsismpz_probab_prime_p(n, reps)DescriptionIf this function returns 0, N is definitely not prime. If it returns 1, then N is `probably' prime. If it returns 2, then N is surely prime. Reasonable values of reps vary from 5 to 10; a higher value lowers the probability for a non-prime to pass as a `probable' prime.The function uses Miller-Rabin's probabilistic test. ExamplesSee Alsompz_removeSynopsismpz_remove(op, f)DescriptionRemove all occurrences of the factor F from OP and store the result in ROP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_rootSynopsismpz_root(op, n)DescriptionSet ROP to the truncated integer part of the Nth root of OP. Return non-zero if the computation was exact, i.e., if OP is ROP to the Nth power.ExamplesSee Alsompz_scan0Synopsismpz_scan0(op, starting_bit)DescriptionScan OP, starting with bit STARTING_BIT, towards more significant bits, until the first clear bit is found. Return the index of the found bit.ExamplesSee Alsompz_scan1Synopsismpz_scan1(op, starting_bit)DescriptionScan OP, starting with bit STARTING_BIT, towards more significant bits, until the first set bit is found. Return the index of the found bit.ExamplesSee Alsompz_setbitSynopsismpz_setbit(rop, bit_index)DescriptionSet bit BIT_INDEX in ROP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_sgnSynopsismpz_sgn(op)DescriptionReturn +1 if OP > 0, 0 if OP = 0, and -1 if OP < 0.ExamplesSee Alsompz_sizeinbaseSynopsismpz_sizeinbase(op, base)DescriptionReturn the size of OP measured in number of digits in base BASE. The base may vary from 2 to 36. The returned value will be exact or 1 too big. If BASE is a power of 2, the returned value will always be exact.ExamplesSee Alsompz_sqrtSynopsismpz_sqrt(op)DescriptionSet ROP to the truncated integer part of the square root of OP.ExamplesSee Alsompz_subSynopsismpz_sub(a, b)DescriptionComputes a-b for integers of arbitrary size.ExamplesSee Alsompz_tdiv_qSynopsismpz_tdiv_q(n, d)DescriptionSet Q to [N/D], truncated towards 0.ExamplesSee Alsompz_tdiv_q_2expSynopsismpz_tdiv_q_2exp(n, d)DescriptionSet Q to N divided by 2 raised to D. The quotient is truncated towards 0.ExamplesSee Alsompz_tdiv_rSynopsismpz_tdiv_r(n, d)DescriptionSet R to (N - [N/D] * D), where the quotient is truncated towards 0. Unless R becomes zero, it will get the same sign as N.ExamplesSee Alsompz_tdiv_r_2expSynopsismpz_tdiv_r_2exp(n, d)DescriptionDivide N by (2 raised to D) and put the remainder in R. Unless it is zero, R will have the same sign as N.ExamplesSee Alsompz_tstbitSynopsismpz_tstbit(op, bit_index)DescriptionCheck bit BIT_INDEX in OP and return 0 or 1 accordingly.ExamplesSee Alsompz_xorSynopsismpz_xor(op1, op2)DescriptionSet ROP to OP1 exclusive-or OP2.ExamplesSee AlsomroundSynopsismround(number,multiple)DescriptionMROUND rounds a given number to the desired multiple. number is the number you want rounded and multiple is the the multiple to which you want to round the number.If number and multiple have different sign, MROUND returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesMROUND(1.7,0.2) equals 1.8.MROUND(321.123,0.12) equals 321.12. See Alsorounddown round roundupnSynopsisn(x)DescriptionN returns a value converted to a number. Strings containing text are converted to the zero value. Excel compatible.ExamplesSee AlsonegbinomdistSynopsisnegbinomdist(f,t,p)Descriptionnegbinomdist returns the negative binomial distribution. f is the number of failures, t is the threshold number of successes, and p is the probability of a success.If f or t is a non-integer it is truncated. If (f + t -1) <= 0 negbinomdist returns error. If p < 0 or p > 1 negbinomdist returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesnegbinomdist(2,5,0.55) equals 0.152872629.See Alsobinomdist combin fact hypgeomdist permutnominalSynopsisnominal(rate, nper)DescriptionNOMINAL calculates the nominal interest rate from a given effective rate.Nominal interest rate is given by a formula: nper * (( 1 + r ) ^ (1 / nper) - 1 ) where: r = effective interest rate nper = number of periods used for compounding ExamplesSee AlsoeffectnormdistSynopsisnormdist(x,mean,stdev,cumulative)Descriptionnormdist returns the normal cumulative distribution. x is the value for which you want the distribution, mean is the mean of the distribution, stdev is the standard deviation.If stdev is 0 normdist returns error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesnormdist(2,1,2,0) equals 0.176032663.See AlsopoissonnorminvSynopsisnorminv(p,mean,stdev)Descriptionnorminv returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution. p is the given probability corresponding to the normal distribution, mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution, and stdev is the standard deviation of the distribution.If p < 0 or p > 1 or stdev <= 0 norminv returns error. This function is Excel compatible. Examplesnorminv(0.76,2,3) equals 4.118907689.See Alsonormdist normsdist normsinv standardize ztestnormsdistSynopsisnormsdist(x)Descriptionnormsdist returns the standard normal cumulative distribution. x is the value for which you want the distribution. Excel compatible.Examplesnormsdist(2) equals 0.977249868.See AlsonormdistnormsinvSynopsisnormsinv(p)Descriptionnormsinv returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. p is the given probability corresponding to the normal distribution. Excel compatible.If p < 0 or p > 1 normsinv returns error. Examplesnormsinv(0.2) equals -0.841621234.See Alsonormdist norminv normsdist standardize ztestnotSynopsisnot(number)DescriptionNOT implements the logical NOT function: the result is TRUE if the number is zero; otherwise the result is FALSE.Excel compatible. The name of this function is @NOT, to avoid clash with Scheme. ExamplesNOT(0) equals TRUE.NOT(TRUE) equals FALSE. See Alsoand ornowSynopsisnow()DescriptionReturns the serial number for the date and time at the time it is evaluated.Serial Numbers in Siag are represented as seconds from 01/01/1970. ExamplesSee Alsotoday nownperSynopsisnper(rate, pmt, pv, fv, type)DescriptionNPER calculates number of periods of an investment based on periodic constant payments and a constant interest rate. The interest rate per period is rate, pmt is the payment made each period, pv is the present value, fv is the future value and type is when the payments are due. If type = 1, payments are due at the begining of the period, if type = 0, payments are due at the end of the period.ExamplesFor example, if you deposit $10,000 in a savings account that earns an interest rate of 6%. To calculate how many years it will take to double your investment use NPER as follows:=NPER(0.06, 0, -10000, 20000,0)returns 11.895661046 which indicates that you can double your money just before the end of the 12th year. See Alsoppmt pv fvoct2binSynopsisoct2bin(number[,places])DescriptionThe OCT2BIN function converts an octal number to a binary number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces. Excel compatible.If places is too small or negative error is returned. ExamplesOCT2BIN("213") equals 10001011.See Alsobin2oct oct2dec oct2hexoct2decSynopsisoct2dec(x)DescriptionOCT2DEC converts an octal number in a string or number to its decimal equivalent. Excel compatible.ExamplesOCT2DEC("124") equals 84.See Alsodec2oct oct2bin oct2hexoct2hexSynopsisoct2hex(number[,places])DescriptionThe OCT2HEX function converts an octal number to a hexadecimal number. places is an optional field, specifying to zero pad to that number of spaces. Excel compatible.If places is too small or negative error is returned. ExamplesOCT2HEX(132) equals 5A.See Alsohex2oct oct2bin oct2decoddSynopsisodd(number)DescriptionODD returns the number rounded up to the nearest odd integer. Excel compatible.ExamplesODD(4.4) equals 5.See AlsoevenorSynopsisor(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionOR implements the logical OR function: the result is TRUE if any of the values evaluated to TRUE.b1, trough bN are expressions that should evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. If an integer or floating point value is provided zero is considered FALSE and anything else is TRUE. If the values contain strings or empty cells those values are ignored. If no logical values are provided, then an error is returned. Excel compatible. The name of the function is @OR. ExamplesOR(TRUE,FALSE) equals TRUE.OR(3>4,4<3) equals FALSE. See Alsoand notpermutSynopsispermut(n,k)DescriptionPERMUT returns the number of permutations. n is the number of objects, k is the number of objects in each permutation.If n = 0 PERMUT returns error. If n < k PERMUT returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesPERMUT(7,3) equals 210.See AlsocombinpiSynopsispi()DescriptionPI functions returns the value of Pi.This function is called with no arguments. Excel compatible. ExamplesPI() equals 3.141593.See AlsosqrtpipmtSynopsispmt(rate,nper,pv[,fv,type])DescriptionXXX: Below is a PV function description!PMT calculates the present value of an investment.ExamplesSee Alsoppmt pv fvpoissonSynopsispoisson(x,mean,cumulative)Descriptionpoisson returns the Poisson distribution. x is the number of events, mean is the expected numeric value cumulative describes whether to return the sum of the poisson function from 0 to x.If x is a non-integer it is truncated. If x <= 0 poisson returns error. If mean <= 0 poisson returns the error. Excel compatible. Examplespoisson(3,6,0) equals 0.089235078.See Alsonormdist weibullpowSynopsispow(x, y)DescriptionComputes the result of x raised to the y power.ExamplesSee Alsopow_10Synopsispow_10(x)DescriptionExamplesSee Alsopow_2Synopsispow_2(x)DescriptionExamplesSee AlsopowerSynopsispower(x,y)DescriptionPOWER returns the value of x raised to the power y. Excel compatible.ExamplesPOWER(2,7) equals 128.POWER(3,3.141) equals 31.523749. See AlsoexpppmtSynopsisppmt(rate,per,nper,pv[,fv,type])DescriptionPPMT calculates the amount of a payment of an annuity going towards principal.Formula for it is: PPMT(per) = PMT - IPMT(per) where: PMT = Payment received on annuity IPMT(per) = amount of interest for period per ExamplesSee Alsoipmt pv fvproductSynopsisproduct(value1, value2, ...)DescriptionPRODUCT returns the product of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. Excel compatible. In particular, this means that if all cells are empty, the result will be 0.ExamplesPRODUCT(2,5,9) equals 90.See Alsosum count g_productpvSynopsispv(rate,nper,pmt,fv,type)Descriptionpv calculates the present value of an investment. rate is the periodic interest rate, nper is the number of periods used for compounding. pmt is the payment made each period, fv is the future value and type is when the payment is made. If type = 1 then the payment is made at the begining of the period. If type = 0 it is made at the end of each period.ExamplesSee AlsofvpwrSynopsispwr(y, n)DescriptionCompute an integral power of a double precision number.ExamplesSee AlsoquotientSynopsisquotient(num,den)DescriptionQUOTIENT returns the integer portion of a division. num is the divided and den is the divisor. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesQUOTIENT(23,5) equals 4.See Alsomodr_avgSynopsisr_avg(a, b, ...)DescriptionReturns the average of all cells in the argument list. The arguments can be values, references or ranges.Examplesr_avg(a1..c2, e5) returns the average of all cells from a1 to c2 plus the value in e5.See Alsor_max r_min r_sumr_maxSynopsisr_max(a, b, ...)DescriptionReturns the largest value of all cells in the argument list. The arguments can be values, references or ranges.Examplesr_max(a1..c2, e5) returns the largest of all cells from a1 to c2 plus the value in e5.See Alsor_sum r_min r_avgr_minSynopsisr_min(a, b, ...)DescriptionReturns the smallest value of all cells in the argument list. The arguments can be values, references or ranges.Examplesr_min(a1..c2, e5) returns the smallest of all cells from a1 to c2 plus the value in e5.See Alsor_max r_sum r_avgr_sumSynopsisr_sum(a, b, ...)DescriptionReturns the sum of all cells in the argument list. The arguments can be values, references or ranges.Examplesr_sum(a1..c2, e5) returns the sum of all cells from a1 to c2 plus the value in e5.See Alsor_max r_min r_avgradiansSynopsisradians(x)DescriptionRADIANS computes the number of radians equivalent to x degrees. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesRADIANS(180) equals 3.14159.See Alsopi degreesrandSynopsisrand(modulus)DescriptionComputes a random number from 0 to modulus-1. Uses C library rand.ExamplesSee AlsorandomrandbernoulliSynopsisrandbernoulli(p)DescriptionRandBernoulli returns a Bernoulli distributed random number.If p < 0 or p > 1 RandBernoulli returns error. ExamplesRandBernoulli(0.5).See Alsorand randbetweenrandbetweenSynopsisrandbetween(bottom,top)DescriptionRANDBETWEEN returns a random integer number between bottom and top.If bottom or top is non-integer, they are truncated. If bottom > top, RANDBETWEEN returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesRANDBETWEEN(3,7).See AlsorandrandbinomSynopsisrandbinom(p,trials)DescriptionRandBinom returns a binomialy distributed random number.If p < 0 or p > 1 RandBinom returns error. If trials < 0 RandBinom returns error. ExamplesRandBinom(0.5,2).See Alsorand randbetweenrandexpSynopsisrandexp(b)DescriptionRandExp returns a exponentially distributed random number.ExamplesRandExp(0.5).See Alsorand randbetweenrandnegbinomSynopsisrandnegbinom(p,failures)DescriptionRANDNEGBINOM returns a negitive binomialy distributed random number.If p < 0 or p > 1, RANDNEGBINOM returns error. If failures RANDNEGBINOM returns error. ExamplesRANDNEGBINOM(0.5,2).See Alsorand randbetweenrandomSynopsisrandom(modulus)DescriptionComputes a random number from 0 to modulus-1. Uses C library random.ExamplesSee AlsorandrandpoissonSynopsisrandpoisson(lambda)DescriptionRandPoisson returns a poisson distributed random number.ExamplesRandPoisson(3).See Alsorand randbetweenrealtimeSynopsisrealtime()DescriptionReturns a double precision floating point value representation of the current realtime number of seconds. Usually precise to about a thousandth of a second.ExamplesSee AlsoreptSynopsisrept(string,num)DescriptionREPT returns num repetitions of string.ExamplesREPT(".",3) equals "...".See AlsoconcatenateromanSynopsisroman(x)DescriptionConverts between roman and decimal numbers. If x is a number or a string where the first character is a digit, converts to roman. Otherwise converts to number.ExamplesSee AlsoroundSynopsisround(number[,digits])DescriptionROUND rounds a given number. number is the number you want rounded and digits is the number of digits to which you want to round that number.If digits is greater than zero, number is rounded to the given number of digits. If digits is zero or omitted, number is rounded to the nearest integer. If digits is less than zero, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. Excel compatible. ExamplesROUND(5.5) equals 6.ROUND(-3.3) equals -3. ROUND(1501.15,1) equals 1501.2. ROUND(1501.15,-2) equals 1500.0. See Alsorounddown rounduprounddownSynopsisrounddown(number[,digits])DescriptionROUNDDOWN rounds a given number down, towards zero. number is the number you want rounded down and digits is the number of digits to which you want to round that number.If digits is greater than zero, number is rounded down to the given number of digits. If digits is zero or omitted, number is rounded down to the nearest integer. If digits is less than zero, number is rounded down to the left of the decimal point. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesROUNDDOWN(5.5) equals 5.ROUNDDOWN(-3.3) equals -4. ROUNDDOWN(1501.15,1) equals 1501.1. ROUNDDOWN(1501.15,-2) equals 1500.0. See Alsoround rounduproundupSynopsisroundup(number[,digits])DescriptionROUNDUP rounds a given number up, away from zero. number is the number you want rounded up and digits is the number of digits to which you want to round that number.If digits is greater than zero, number is rounded up to the given number of digits. If digits is zero or omitted, number is rounded up to the nearest integer. If digits is less than zero, number is rounded up to the left of the decimal point. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesROUNDUP(5.5) equals 6.ROUNDUP(-3.3) equals -3. ROUNDUP(1501.15,1) equals 1501.2. ROUNDUP(1501.15,-2) equals 1600.0. See Alsoround rounddownrowsSynopsisrows(range)DescriptionThe ROWS function returns the number of rows in area or array reference.If reference is not an array nor a range returns error. ExamplesSee Alsocolumn row rowssecondSynopsissecond(serial_number)DescriptionConverts a serial number to a second. The second is returned as an integer in the range 0 to 59.ExamplesSee Alsohour minute now timesiag_colsumSynopsissiag_colsum(c1, c2)DescriptionReturns the sum of all cells on the current row from column c1 to c2.ExamplesSee Alsosiag_rowsumsiag_rowsumSynopsissiag_rowsum(r1, r2)DescriptionReturns the sum of all cells in the current column from row r1 to r2.ExamplesSee Alsosiag_colsumsignSynopsissign(number)DescriptionSIGN returns 1 if the number is positive, zero if the number is 0, and -1 if the number is negative. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesSIGN(3) equals 1.SIGN(-3) equals -1. SIGN(0) equals 0. See AlsosinSynopsissin(x)DescriptionComputes the sine function of the angle x in radians.ExamplesSee AlsocossinhSynopsissinh(x)DescriptionSINH function returns the hyperbolic sine of x, which is defined mathematically as (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2. Excel compatible.ExamplesSINH(0.5) equals 0.521095.See Alsosin cos cosh tan tanh degrees radians expsiodSynopsissiod()DescriptionMany functions are only available by using the SIOD interface.ExamplesSee AlsoskewSynopsisskew(n1, n2, ...)DescriptionSKEW returns an unbiased estimate for skewness of a distribution.Note, that this is only meaningful is the underlying distribution really has a third moment. The skewness of a symmetric (e.g., normal) distribution is zero. Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If less than three numbers are given, SKEW returns error. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenSKEW(A1..A5) equals 0.976798268. See Alsoaverage var skewp kurtskewpSynopsisskewp(n1, n2, ...)DescriptionSKEWP returns the population skewness of a data set.Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If less than two numbers are given, SKEWP returns error. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenSKEWP(A1..A5) equals 0.655256198. See Alsoaverage varp skew kurtpslnSynopsissln(cost,salvage_value,life)DescriptionThe SLN function will determine the straight line depreciation of an asset for a single period. The amount you paid for the asset is the cost, salvage is the value of the asset at the end of its useful life, and life is the number of periods over which an the asset is depreciated. This method of deprecition devides the cost evenly over the life of an asset.The formula used for straight line depriciation is: Depriciation expense = ( cost - salvage_value ) / life cost = cost of an asset when acquired (market value). salvage_value = amount you get when asset sold at the end of the assets's useful life. life = anticipated life of an asset. ExamplesFor example, lets suppose your company purchases a new machine for $10,000, which has a salvage value of $700 and will have a useful life of 10 years. The SLN yearly depreciation is computed as follows:=SLN(10000, 700, 10) This will return the yearly depreciation figure of $930. See AlsosydsmallSynopsissmall(n1, n2, ..., k)DescriptionSMALL returns the k-th smallest value in a data set.If data set is empty SMALL returns error. If k <= 0 or k is greater than the number of data items given SMALL returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenSMALL(A1..A5,2) equals 17.3. SMALL(A1..A5,4) equals 25.9. See Alsopercentile percentrank quartile largesqrtSynopsissqrt(x)DescriptionCompute the square root of x.ExamplesSee Alsopow pow2sqrtpiSynopsissqrtpi(number)DescriptionSQRTPI returns the square root of a number multiplied by pi. Excel compatible.ExamplesSQRTPI(2) equals 2.506628275.See AlsopistandardizeSynopsisstandardize(x, mean, stddev)DescriptionSTANDARDIZE returns a normalized value. x is the number to be normalized, mean is the mean of the distribution, stddev is the standard deviation of the distribution.If stddev is 0 STANDARDIZE returns error. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesSTANDARDIZE(3,2,4) equals 0.25.See AlsoaveragestdevSynopsisstdev(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionSTDEV returns standard deviation of a set of numbers treating these numbers as members of a population. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenSTDEV(A1..A5) equals 10.84619749. See Alsoaverage dstdev dstdevp stdeva stdevpa varstdevaSynopsisstdeva(number1,number2,...)DescriptionSTDEVA returns the standard deviation based on a sample. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Note that empty cells are not counted. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, 17.3, "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. ThenSTDEVA(A1..A5) equals 15.119953704. See Alsostdev stdevpastdevpSynopsisstdevp(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionSTDEVP returns standard deviation of a set of numbers treating these numbers as members of a complete population. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenSTDEVP(A1..A5) equals 9.701133954. See Alsostdev stdeva stdevpastdevpaSynopsisstdevpa(number1,number2,...)DescriptionSTDEVPA returns the standard deviation based on the entire population. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Note that empty cells are not counted. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, 17.3, "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. ThenSTDEVPA(A1..A5) equals 13.523697719. See Alsostdeva stdevpstock_maxSynopsisstock_max(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_max("ABB.ST")See Alsostock_yesterday stock_open stock_min stock_price stock_var stock_percent stock_volumestock_minSynopsisstock_min(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_min("ABB.ST")See Alsostock_yesterday stock_open stock_price stock_max stock_var stock_percent stock_volumestock_openSynopsisstock_open(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_open("ABB.ST")See Alsostock_yesterday stock_price stock_min stock_max stock_var stock_percent stock_volumestock_percentSynopsisstock_percent(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_percent("ABB.ST")See Alsostock_yesterday stock_open stock_min stock_max stock_var stock_price stock_volumestock_priceSynopsisstock_price(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_price("ABB.ST") returns the current price of ABB on the Stockholm stock exchange.See Alsostock_yesterday stock_open stock_min stock_max stock_var stock_percent stock_volumestock_varSynopsisstock_var(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_var("ABB.ST")See Alsostock_yesterday stock_open stock_min stock_max stock_price stock_percent stock_volumestock_volumeSynopsisstock_volume(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_price("ABB.ST")See Alsostock_yesterday stock_open stock_min stock_max stock_var stock_percent stock_pricestock_yesterdaySynopsisstock_yesterday(symbol)DescriptionFetches stock information from Yahoo over the Internet.Examplesstock_yesterday("ABB.ST")See Alsostock_price stock_open stock_min stock_max stock_var stock_percent stock_volumestrcmpSynopsisstrcmp(str1, str2)DescriptionReturns 0 if str1 and str2 are equal, or -1 if str1 is alphabetically less than str2 or 1 otherwise.ExamplesSee AlsostrcspnSynopsisstrcspn(str, indicators)DescriptionReturns the location of the first character in str which is found in the indicators set, returns the length of the string if none found.ExamplesSee AlsostrspnSynopsisstrspn(str, indicators)DescriptionReturns the location of the first character in str which is not found in the indicators set, returns the length of the str if none found.ExamplesSee AlsosubstringSynopsissubstring(str, start, end)DescriptionReturns a new string made up of the part of str begining at start and terminating at end. In other words, the new string has a length of end - start.ExamplesSee AlsosumSynopsissum(value1, value2, ...)DescriptionSUM computes the sum of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11, 15, 17, 21, and 43. ThenSUM(A1..A5) equals 107. See Alsoaverage countsumaSynopsissuma(value1, value2, ...)DescriptionSUMA computes the sum of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Since logical values are numbers in Siag, this function is identical to sum.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11, 15, 17, 21, and 43. ThenSUMA(A1..A5) equals 107. See Alsoaverage sum countsumifSynopsissumif(range,criteria[,actual_range])DescriptionSUMIF sums the values in the given range that meet the given criteria. If actual_range is given, SUMIF sums the values in the actual_range whose corresponding components in range meet the given criteria. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 23, 27, 28, 33, and 39. ThenSUMIF(A1..A5,"<=28") equals 78. SUMIF(A1..A5,"<28") equals 50. In addition, if the cells B1, B2, ..., B5 hold numbers 5, 3, 2, 6, and 7 then: SUMIF(A1..A5,"<=27",B1..B5) equals 8. See Alsocountif sumsumproductSynopsissumproduct(range1,range2,...)DescriptionSUMPRODUCT multiplies corresponding data entries in the given arrays or ranges, and then returns the sum of those products. If an array entry is not numeric, the value zero is used instead.If arrays or range arguments do not have the same dimentions, SUMPRODUCT returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11, 15, 17, 21, and 43 and the cells B1, B2, ..., B5 hold numbers 13, 22, 31, 33, and 39. ThenSUMPRODUCT(A1..A5,B1..B5) equals 3370. See Alsosum productsumsqSynopsissumsq(value1, value2, ...)DescriptionSUMSQ returns the sum of the squares of all the values and cells referenced in the argument list. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11, 15, 17, 21, and 43. ThenSUMSQ(A1..A5) equals 2925. See Alsosum countsumx2my2Synopsissumx2my2(array1,array2)DescriptionSUMX2MY2 returns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. array1 is the first array or range of data points and array2 is the second array or range of data points. The equation of SUMX2MY2 is SUM (x^2-y^2).Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If array1 and array2 have different number of data points, SUMX2MY2 returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11, 15, 17, 21, and 43 and the cells B1, B2, ..., B5 hold numbers 13, 22, 31, 33, and 39. ThenSUMX2MY2(A1..A5,B1..B5) equals -1299. See Alsosumsq sumx2py2sumx2py2Synopsissumx2py2(array1,array2)DescriptionSUMX2PY2 returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. array1 is the first array or range of data points and array2 is the second array or range of data points. The equation of SUMX2PY2 is SUM (x^2+y^2).Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If array1 and array2 have different number of data points, SUMX2PY2 returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11, 15, 17, 21, and 43 and the cells B1, B2, ..., B5 hold numbers 13, 22, 31, 33, and 39. ThenSUMX2PY2(A1..A5,B1..B5) equals 7149. See Alsosumsq sumx2my2sumxmy_2Synopsissumxmy_2(array1,array2)DescriptionSUMXMY_2 returns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays. array1 is the first array or range of data points and array2 is the second array or range of data points. The equation of SUMXMY_2 is SUM (x-y)^2.Strings and empty cells are simply ignored. If array1 and array2 have different number of data points, SUMXMY2 returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11, 15, 17, 21, and 43 and the cells B1, B2, ..., B5 hold numbers 13, 22, 31, 33, and 39. ThenSUMXMY_2(A1..A5,B1..B5) equals 409. See Alsosumsq sumx2my2 sumx2py2sxhashSynopsissxhash(data, modulus)DescriptionComputes a recursive hash of the data with respect to the specified modulus.ExamplesSee AlsosydSynopsissyd(cost,salvage_value,life,period)DescriptionThe SYD function calculates the sum-of-years digits depriciation for an asset based on its cost, salvage value, anticipated life and a particular period. This method accelerates the rate of the depreciation, so that more depreciation expense occurs in earlier periods than in later ones. The depreciable cost is the actual cost minus the salvage value. The useful life is the number of periods (typically years) over with the asset is depreciated.The Formula used for sum-of-years digits depriciation is: Depriciation expense = ( cost - salvage_value ) * (life - period + 1) * 2 / life * (life + 1). cost = cost of an asset when acquired (market value). salvage_value = amount you get when asset sold at the end of its useful life. life = anticipated life of an asset. period = period for which we need the expense. ExamplesFor example say a company purchases a new computer for $5000 which has a salvage value of $200, and a useful life of three years. We would use the following to calculate the second year's depreciation using the SYD method:=SYD(5000, 200, 5, 2) which returns 1,280.00. See AlsoslntanSynopsistan(x)DescriptionComputes the tagent of the angle x specified in radians.ExamplesSee AlsoatantanhSynopsistanh(x)DescriptionThe TANH function returns the hyperbolic tangent of x, which is defined mathematically as sinh(x) / cosh(x). Excel compatible.ExamplesTANH(2) equals 0.96402758.See Alsotan sin sinh cos cosh degrees radianstbilleqSynopsistbilleq(settlement,maturity,discount)DescriptionTBILLEQ returns the bond-yield equivalent (BEY) for a treasury bill. TBILLEQ is equivalent to (365 * discount) / (360 - discount * DSM) where DSM is the days between settlement and maturity.If settlement is after maturity or the maturity is set to over one year later than the settlement, TBILLEQ returns error. If discount is negative, TBILLEQ returns error. ExamplesSee Alsotbillprice tbillyieldtbillpriceSynopsistbillprice(settlement,maturity,discount)DescriptionTBILLPRICE returns the price per $100 value for a treasury bill where settlement is the settlement date and maturity is the maturity date of the bill. discount is the treasury bill's discount rate.If settlement is after maturity or the maturity is set to over one year later than the settlement, TBILLPRICE returns error. If discount is negative, TBILLPRICE returns error. ExamplesSee Alsotbilleq tbillyieldtbillyieldSynopsistbillyield(settlement,maturity,pr)DescriptionTBILLYIELD returns the yield for a treasury bill. settlement is the settlement date and maturity is the maturity date of the bill. discount is the treasury bill's discount rate.If settlement is after maturity or the maturity is set to over one year later than the settlement, TBILLYIELD returns error. If pr is negative, TBILLYIELD returns error. ExamplesSee Alsotbilleq tbillpricetdistSynopsistdist(x,dof,tails)DescriptionTDIST returns the Student's t-distribution. dof is the degree of freedom and tails is 1 or 2 depending on whether you want one-tailed or two-tailed distribution.If dof < 1 TDIST returns error. If tails is neither 1 or 2 TDIST returns error. Excel compatible. ExamplesTDIST(2,5,1) equals 0.050969739.See Alsotinv ttesttimeSynopsistime(hours,minutes,seconds)DescriptionReturns a number representing the time of day.ExamplesSee AlsohourtimevalueSynopsistimevalue(timetext)DescriptionReturns a number representing the time of day, a number between 0 and 86400.ExamplesSee AlsohourtinvSynopsistinv(p,dof)DescriptionTINV returns the inverse of the two-tailed Student's t-distribution.If p < 0 or p > 1 or dof < 1 TINV returns error. This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesTINV(0.4,32) equals 0.852998454.See Alsotdist ttesttotalheightSynopsistotalheight(r1, r2)DescriptionReturn the total height (in pixels) of all cells from r1 up to and including r2Examplestotalheight(3, 6)See AlsototalwidthtotalwidthSynopsistotalwidth(c1, c2)DescriptionReturn the total width (in pixels) of all cells from c1 up to and including c2Examplestotalwidth(3, 6)See AlsototalheighttransposeSynopsistranspose(matrix)DescriptionTRANSPOSE returns the transpose of the input matrix.ExamplesSee AlsommulttruncSynopsistrunc(x)DescriptionReturns the integer portion of x.ExamplesSee Alsofloor ceilupperSynopsisupper(text)DescriptionUPPER returns a upper-case version of the string in text.ExamplesUPPER("canceled") equals "CANCELED".See AlsolowervarSynopsisvar(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionVAR estimates the variance of a sample of a population. To get the true variance of a complete population use VARP.(VAR is also known as the N-1-variance. Under reasonable conditions, it is the maximum-likelihood estimator for the true variance.)This function is Excel compatible. ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenVAR(A1..A5) equals 117.64. See Alsovarp stdevvaraSynopsisvara(number1,number2,...)DescriptionVARA returns the variance based on a sample. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Note that empty cells are not counted. Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, 17.3, "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. ThenVARA(A1..A5) equals 228.613. See Alsovar varpavarpSynopsisvarp(b1, b2, ...)DescriptionVARP calculates the variance of a set of numbers where each number is a member of a population and the set is the entire population.(VARP is also known as the N-variance.) ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers 11.4, 17.3, 21.3, 25.9, and 40.1. ThenVARP(A1..A5) equals 94.112. See Alsoaverage dvar dvarp stdev varvarpaSynopsisvarpa(number1,number2,...)DescriptionVARPA returns the variance based on the entire population. Numbers, text and logical values are included in the calculation too. If the cell contains text or the argument evaluates to FALSE, it is counted as value zero (0). If the argument evaluates to TRUE, it is counted as one (1). Note that empty cells are not counted. This function is Excel compatible.ExamplesLet us assume that the cells A1, A2, ..., A5 contain numbers and strings 11.4, 17.3, "missing", 25.9, and 40.1. ThenVARPA(A1..A5) equals 182.8904. See AlsovarpvrefSynopsisvref(x)DescriptionReturns the contents from the cell x positions down.Examplesvref(-2) returns the cell 2 positions up.See AlsohrefweekdaySynopsisweekday(serial_number)DescriptionConverts a serial number to a weekday. XXX: explain.ExamplesSee Alsomonth time now yearweibullSynopsisweibull(x,alpha,beta,cumulative)Descriptionweibull returns the Weibull distribution. If the cumulative boolean is true it will return: 1 - exp (-(x/beta)^alpha), otherwise it will return (alpha/beta^alpha) * x^(alpha-1) * exp(-(x/beta^alpha)).If x < 0 weibull returns error. If alpha <= 0 or beta <= 0 weibull returns error. Excel compatible. Examplesweibull(3,2,4,0) equals 0.213668559.See Alsopoissony_0Synopsisy_0(x)DescriptionThe y_0() and y_1() functions return Bessel functions of x of the second kind of orders 0 and 1, respectively.ExamplesSee Alsoj_0 j_1 jn y_1 yny_1Synopsisy_1(x)DescriptionThe y_0() and y_1() functions return Bessel functions of x of the second kind of orders 0 and 1, respectively.ExamplesSee Alsoj_0 j_1 jn y_0 ynyearSynopsisyear(serial_number)DescriptionConverts a serial number to a year.ExamplesSee Alsoday month time nowynSynopsisyn(n, x)DescriptionThe yn() function returns the Bessel function of x of the second kind of order n.ExamplesSee Alsoj_0 j_1 jn y_0 y_1 ynUlric Eriksson - November 2000 - ulric@siag.nu |