= ToDo mappingRegistryCreator: do not dump a type which is in default mappingRegistry. wsdlRouter return value must be converted to the specified element name, not "fooResponse" style. Strict check order of sequence unbound Support literal/document 子供要素を指定する場合は、新たに宣言する場合と、既存の要素を参照する場合があります。既存の要素を参 照する際は、ref属性を使用します simplify original driver * encoding/decoding based on type information in WSDL. * Support untyped response. * Support SwA. * Parse XML Namespace with xmlscan, not by itself. * RAA exception * RAA uri-fy * Support all derived built-in types in XML Schema Part2 Sec. 3.2. * Design and implement SOAPHeader handler API. * Support actor and mustUnderstand. * Implement message router: lib/soap/msgRouter.rb. * Messaging sample. * Rewrite the interop test client with runit? * Follow SOAP/1.2. = Done * Support all primitive built-in types in XML Schema Part2 Sec. 3.2. * Performance check. * Remove dependency to delegate.rb of http-access2. delegator.rb is rather slow. * Create unit tests for XMLSchemaDatatypes.rb. * Create unit tests for baseData.rb. * Add XSD tests to the interop test client. * WSDL4R.