PhBAppearance { exposedField SFNode surface NULL exposedField SFNode medium NULL exposedField SFNode bumpMap NULL exposedField SFNode displacementMap NULL exposedField SFNode textureProjection NULL exposedField SFNode textureTransform NULL exposedField SFNode textureTransform3D NULL }
Physics based appearance description. A replacement for the VRML'97 Appearance node. The new node may appear everywhere and only there where an Appearance node can appear in a VRML scene graph.
The surface child node describes surface scattering. It should be a physically based surface node. If not specified, a neutral diffuse reflecting surface appearance with reflectance 0.8 will be used.
The medium child node describes volume scattering properties in the interior of a object. It should be a physically based medium node. If not specified, the inside medium will be the same as the medium outside the object. No volume scattering properties should be specified for non-closed objects. Specifying volume scattering properties for an object that is not geometrically closed will lead to undefined rendering results.
The bumpMap child node describes local distortions to the object normal. It should be a geometry distortion node. If not specified, no bump mapping will be applied. To be described in more detail.
The displacementMap child node describes local distortions to the object geometry. It should be a geometry distortion node. If not specified, no displacement mapping will be applied. To be described in more detail.
The textureProjection child node describes a mapping from local object coordinates to texture coordinates. It should be a texture projection node. If not specified, the default texture projection transform for the object will be used. The default texture projection transform is the one described with each geometry node in the VRML node reference.
The textureTransform child node describes a transformation to be applied to 2D texture coordinates. If specified, it shall be a TextureTransform node. If not specified, this field has no effect.
The textureTransform3D child node describes a transformation to be applied to local coordinates before used in 3D texturing. If specified, it shall be a PhB3DTextureTransform node. If not specified, this field has no effect.
PhBHomogeneousSurface { exposedField MFNode edf [ ] exposedField MFNode bsdf [ ] }
Describes the spontaneous light emission and scattering properties of a object. The optical properties are assumed constant over the object surface. In order to specify optical properties that vary over the object surface, a PhBTexturedSurface node should be used.
If specified, edf shall contain one or more PhBEDF nodes expressing spontaneously emitted radiation from the surface. The total emittance distribution function (EDF) of the surface shall be the sum of the listed components. If not specified, or if the list is empty, the surface is assumed not to be a light source.
Similarly, bsdf shall contain a list of PhBSDF nodes expressing surface light scattering. If not specified, the surface is assumed to absorb all incident radiation.
PhBEDF { exposedField SFFloat intensity 1. # (-infty,infty) exposedField SFNode spectrum NULL exposedField SFNode emitter NULL }
This node expresses a primitive surface Emittance Distribution Function (EDF), describing the spectral and directional distribution of selfemitted radiation from a light source.
The spectral dependence is expressed by spectrum. If specified, spectrum shall be a spectrum node. If not specified, a neutral spectrum of unit luminance is assumed.
The directional distribution of selfemitted light is expressed by emitter, which shall be a emitter node. If not specified, a diffuse light source is assumed.
PhBProceduralEmitter { eventIn SFVec3f direction # [-1,1] eventIn SFVec2f sampleNum # [0,1] eventIn SFInt32 glossinessRange # [0,7] field MFString url [ ] eventOut SFFloat value # [0,infty) eventOut SFFloat pdf # [0,infty) eventOut SFVec3f sampleDir # [-1,1] eventOut SFFloat emittance # [0,infty) }
This node expresses the directional distribution of self-emitted radiance as a set of three procedures in a script: a procedure for evaluating the directional distribution, one for computing a sample direction according to the directional distribution and a last one returning integral of the directional distribution over the full hemisphere.
The field url contains a list of URLs with the implementation. url will be handled identical as for the Script node.
A first procedure will evaluate the directional distribution for a given direction and return the result as value. When multiplied with the corresponding spectrum and intensity in the parent PhBEDF node, the spectral self-emitted radiance [W/m^2sr/m] into the given direction is obtained.
A second procedure computes a direction sampleDir as a function of a set of two numbers sampleNum in the range [0,1]. This procedure will be used to generate sample directions whose distribution should be close to the directional distribution of the self-emitted light times the cosine of the angle w.r.t the surface normal. value shall contain the value of the distribution for the generated direction. In addition, the sampling probability density of the direction is returned in pdf. Example: when the direction is generated according to a uniform distribution, the probability density is 1/(2*PI).
The third procedure returns in emittance the integral over the full hemisphere of the directional distribution times cosine w.r.t. the surface normal. When multiplied with the corresponding spectrum and intensity in the PhBEDF parent node, this integral yields the self-emitted spectral radiant exitance [W/m^2/m] of the light source. Multiplying this with the light source surface area yields the spectral power [W/m] of the light source.
Directions are specified as 3D vectors in a coordinate system with Z-axis equal to the object surface normal. The X axis is the axis in which the first texture coordinate varies most at the point under consideration.
glossinessRange is the combination of three flags: 1 (diffuse), 2 (glossy) and 4 (specular). These flags correspond to a glossiness range for which results are to be returned. The diffuse range corresponds to the directionally constant part of self-emitted light. The glossy range and specular range divide the directionally-dependent part of self-emitted light. The distinction should be such that it is feasible to explicitly compute and store the glossy part in a world-space global illumination algorithm while the specular part is considered to be of too high frequency to explicitly store in computer memory. The distinction serves as a hint for multi-pass global illumination algorithms.
PhBDiffuseEmitter { exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a directionally constant self-emitted light distribution normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
PhBPhongEmitter { exposedField SFFloat sharpness 0. # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a Phong-like directional distribution for self-emitted light. sharpness expresses the specular power of the Phong distribution. The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
PhBSampledIsotropicEmitter { exposedField MFFloat samples [ ] # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat minAngle 0. # [0,pi] exposedField SFFloat maxAngle 3.141592 # [0,pi] exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses the directional dependence of a isotropic light source by a profile curve of the intensity as a function of angle w.r.t. the surface normal. The curve is specified as a list of equidistant samples in the range minAngle to maxAngle inclusive. Linear interpolation is used between the samples. The first sample value is used for angles smaller than minAngle. The last sample value is used for angles larger than maxAngle.
The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
PhBTextureEmitter { exposedField SFNode texture NULL exposedField SFInt32 channel 1 # [1,infty) exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
The directional distribution of emitted light is expressed as a channel in a texture map. The first texture coordinate is proportional to the angle between the XY-projected direction and the X-axis of the local object point coordinate system. The second texture coordinate is proportional to the angle of the direction w.r.t. the surface normal (Z-axis).
If specified, texture shall be a texture node. channel denotes the texture image channel to be used. If texture is not specified, a non-emitting surface results.
The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
PhBSDF { exposedField SFFloat intensity 1. # (-infty,infty) exposedField SFNode spectrum NULL exposedField SFNode scatterer NULL }
This node expresses a Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function (BSDF) describing the spectral and directional characteristics of surface light scattering. The semantics are the same as for the PhBEDF node except that scatterer shall contain a list of scatterer nodes.
PhBProceduralScatterer { eventIn SFVec3f inDir # [-1,1] eventIn SFVec3f outDir # [-1,1] eventIn SFVec2f sampleNum # [0,1] eventIn SFInt32 glossinessRange # [0,7] field MFString url [ ] eventOut SFFloat value # [0,infty) eventOut SFFloat pdf # [0,infty) eventOut SFVec3f sampleDir # [-1,1] eventOut SFFloat reflectance # [0,infty) eventOut SFFloat transmittance # [0,infty) }
This node expresses the light scattering intensity as a function of incoming and outgoing directions using four procedures implemented in a script, much like the PhBProceduralEmitter node.
The field url contains a list of URLs with the implementation. url will be handled identical as for the Script node.
A first procedure will evaluate the directional scattering distribution for given incoming and outgoing directions inDir and outDir. The result is returned in value. When multiplied with the corresponding spectrum and intensity in the parent PhBSDF node, the value of the Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function (BSDF) for the given incoming and outgoing direction is obtained.
A second procedure will sample a outgoing direction sampleDir for given incoming direction inDir, using the sample number pair sampleNum. The sample direction distribution should be close to the directional distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal. In value, the value of the directional distribution for given incoming and generated outgoing direction is returned. In addition, pdf shall contain the probability density of the sampled direction.
A third and fourth procedure compute the integral over the hemisphere of reflected and refracted directions of the directional scattering distribution times cosine w.r.t. the surface normal for the given incoming direction inDir. Multiplication with the corresponding spectrum and intensity in the parent PhBSDF node yields the BSDF reflectance and transmittance for the incoming direction.
The meaning and function of the glossinessRange eventIn, as well as the specification of directions, is the same as described for the PhBProceduralEmitter node.
PhBDiffuseReflector { exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a directionally constant reflected light distribution. The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
PhBPerfectSpecularReflector { exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a perfect specular reflector: all incident light is reflected into the ideal reflection direction. The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
PhBPhongReflector { exposedField SFFloat sharpness 0. # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a Phong-like directional distribution for reflected light. sharpness expresses the specular power of the Phong distribution.
The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal apprimxately equals normalisation.times cosine of incoming direction w.r.t. surface normal.
PhBDiffuseRefractor { exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a directionally constant refracted light distribution. The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
PhBPerfectSpecularRefractor { exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a perfect specular refractor: all incident light is reflected into the ideal refraction direction. The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
This distribution is not reciprocal and may be omitted in the future.
PhBPhongRefractor { exposedField SFFloat sharpness 0. # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node expresses a Phong-like directional distribution for refracted light. sharpness expresses the specular power of the Phong distribution.
The distribution is normalised such that the integral of the distribution times the cosine w.r.t. the surface normal equals normalisation.
This distribution is not reciprocal and may be omitted in the future.
PhBTexturedSurface { exposedField SFNode texture NULL exposedField MFNode surfaces [ ] exposedField SFNode textureTransform NULL exposedField SFNode textureProjection NULL }
This node expresses optical surface properties that can vary as a function of position on the object surface. Position is expressed by 2D texture coordinates, obtained by applying a implicit or explicit texture projection transform on local object coordinates and possibly transformed by 2D texture transforms.
The resulting surface characteristics at a given point are obtained by looking up the texture map values in the given texture and using these values as weights in a linear combination of the primitive surfaces in surfaces.
If specified, texture shall contain a texture node. If not specified, the texture is treated as a texture with 0 channels (see below) and the first surface description in surface shall be used.
surface shall contain a list of one or more surface nodes. The number of surfaces shall be equal to the number of texture channels, or exceed it by one. In the latter case, the last surface weight at a point is taken to be one minus the sum of the previous weights at the point. Example: a one-channel texture to combine two surface descriptions. If not specified, or if surface is an empty list, a perfect absorbing non-self-emitting surface results.
If specified, textureTransform shall contain a TextureTransform node. If not specified, an identity texture transform is assumed. Texture transforms can be specified at several levels in the scene graph. They shall be maintained in a texture transform stack and be combined in an identical manner as coordinate transform coordinates.
If specified, textureProjection shall contain a texture projection node that specifies a new texture projection which replaces the one specified at a higher level. If not specified, this field has no effect.
PhB3DTexturedSurface { exposedField SFNode texture NULL exposedField MFNode surfaces [ ] exposedField SFNode textureTransform3D NULL }
This node expresses optical surface properties that can vary as a function of position on the object surface. Position is expressed by 3D texture coordinates, which are local object coordinates transformed by 3D texture transforms specified at this and/or higher levels.
The semantics of this node is identical to that of the PhBTexturedSurface node except that texture shall be a 3D texture node instead of a 2D texture node. textureTransform3D shall contain a PhB3DTextureTransform node. instead of a 2D TextureTransform.
PhBLayeredSurface { exposedField MFNode media [ ] exposedField MFNode surfaces [ ] exposedField MFFloat thicknesses [ ] }
This node expresses a layered surface (ref: Hanrahan et al, SIGGRAPH'93), such as lacquered wood, human skin and plant tissue. The surface consists of a number of thin layers, specified by media and thicknesses and separated by surfaces.
media shall contain a list of medium nodes. thicknesses shall be an array of floating point thicknesses, expressed in meters, indicating the thickness of the corresponding layer. The number of floating point values in thicknesses and the number of nodes in media shall be equal. The first medium and thickness apply to the most outside layer of the surface.
surfaces shall contain a list of surface nodes. The number of surface nodes shall be one more than the number of layers. The first surface separates the first, out-most, layer from the outside medium of the object. The last surface separates the last, innermost, layer from the inside medium of the object as specified in the parent PhBAppearance node.
If no surfaces are specified, a total absorbing, non-self-emitting surface results. If the number of surfaces and media and thicknesses does not match, excess elements are ignored. If only one surface remains, that surface fully describes the surface optical characteristics of the object.
PhBInterpolatedSurface { exposedField SFFloat fraction 0. exposedField MFFloat key [ ] exposedField MFNode keySurfaces [ ] }
This node describes a surface that is interpolated from two key surfaces from keySurfaces corresponding to two subsequent key values in key forming an interval containing fraction. The interpolation has the same semantics as in interpolator nodes.
keySurfaces shall contain a list of surface nodes.
PhBHomogeneousMedium { exposedField SFVec2f indexOfRefraction 1. 0. exposedField SFFloat scatteringCrossSection 0. # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat absorptionCrossSection 0. # [0,infty) exposedField MFNode phaseFunction [ ] exposedField SFNode selfEmittedFluxDensity NULL }
This node describes a homogeneous isotropic participating medium with given complex index of refraction indexOfRefraction and scattering and absorption cross sections [1/m] scatteringCrossSection and absorptionCrossSection. Isotropic means that scattering intensity does not depend on the incident direction but rather only on the angle between incident and scattered direction, and that self-emitted radiance is not directionally dependent. Inhomogeneous participating media shall be described with the PhBTexturedMedium node. The current proposal does not include a means to express anisotropic media.
If specified, phaseFunction shall be a list of one or more PhBPhF nodes. If not specified, an isotropic phase function with neutral colour and unit intensity is assumed.
If specified, selfEmittedFluxDensity shall contain a spectrum node expressing the self-emitted spectral radiant flux density [W/m^3/m]. Emission is always assumed to be isotropic. If not specified, the medium shall not spontaneously emit light. An example of an emissive gas is fire.
indexOfRefraction, scatteringCrossSection, absorptionCrossSection are assumed to be independent of wavelength.
PhBPhF { exposedField SFFloat intensity 1. # (-infty,infty) exposedField SFNode spectrum NULL exposedField SFNode phaseFunction NULL }
This node expresses the spectral and directional characteristics of light scattering in a isotropic medium. The semantics are the same as of the PhBEDF node, except that phaseFunction shall contain a list of phase function nodes.
PhBIsotropicPhaseFunction { exposedField SFFloat normalisation 1. # [0,infty) }
This node describes a isotropic light scattering distribution in a participating medium. The distribution is normalised such that its integral over the full sphere of outgoing directions will equal normalisation.
PhBProceduralPhaseFunction { eventIn SFFloat alpha eventIn SFFloat sampleNum field MFString url [ ] eventOut SFFloat value eventOut SFFloat pdf eventOut SFFloat sampleAlpha eventOut SFFloat normalisation }
This node expresses a phase function implemented by three procedures in a script.
url shall contain a list of URL's where the implementation can be found. This field is handled identical as in the Script node.
A first procedure evaluates the phase function for a given angle between incident and scattered direction. The angle is specified by its cosine alpha. The result shall be multiplied with the corresponding spectral basis function and weight specified in the parent PhBMedium node in order to obtain the full spectral scattering intensity.
A second procedure generates a sample scattering angle using one sample number sampleNum in the range [0,1]. The resulting angle is returned by means of its cosine sampleAlpha. In addition, the value of the phase function for the generated angle and the probability density are returned in value and pdf.
A third procedure returns the integral of the phase function over the full sphere of directions in normalisation.
PhBTexturedMedium { exposedField SFNode texture NULL exposedField MFNode media [ ] exposedField SFNode textureTransform3D NULL }
This node describes a inhomogeneous isotropic participating medium. The semantics are identical to that of the PhB3DTexturedSurface node except that media shall be a list of medium nodes to be mixed instead of surface nodes.
PhBInterpolatedMedium { exposedField SFFloat fraction 0. exposedField MFFloat key [ ] exposedField MFNode keyMedia [ ] }
This node describes a medium that is interpolated from two key media from keyMedia corresponding to two subsequent key values in key forming an interval containing fraction. The interpolation has the same semantics as in interpolator nodes.
keyMedia shall contain a list of medium nodes.
PhBSurfaceDistortion { exposedField SFNode texture NULL exposedField SFNode transform NULL }
This node describes a geometry distortion expressed by a 2D texture map, used to map 2D texture coordinates into 3D geometry distortion vectors.
texture shall contain a texture node with at least three channels. The texture values are rescaled into the range [-1,1]. The channels correspond respectively to the X, Y and Z component of the geometry distortion vector.
If specified, transform shall contain a PhB3DTextureTransform node. This optional transform will be applied to the geometry distortion vectors obtained as above. If not specified, this field has no effect.
PhBVolumeDistortion { exposedField SFNode texture NULL exposedField SFNode transform NULL }
This node describes a geometry distortion expressed by a 3D texture map, used to map 3D texture coordinates into 3D geometry distortion vectors. Except that texture shall be a 3D texture node, the semantics of this node are identical to that of the PhBSurfaceDistortion node.
PhBProceduralTexture { eventIn SFVec2f textureCoordinate field MFString url [ ] eventOut MFFloat textureValues }
This node describes a 2D texture, implemented as a procedure in a script that can be found by following the list url of URL's. The procedure computes an array of floating point values mapValues as a response on a 2D texture coordinate pair textureCoordinate.
PhBProcedural3DTexture { eventIn SFVec3f textureCoordinate field MFString url [ ] eventOut MFFloat textureValues }
This node describes a 3D texture. It is identical to the PhBProceduralTexture node except that the input consists of a 3D instead of a 2D texture coordinate.
PhBProceduralTextureProjection { eventIn SFVec3f coordinate field MFString url [ ] eventOut SFVec2f textureCoordinate }
This node describes a texture projection transform implemented as a procedure in a script that can be found by following the given list url of URL's. The procedure computes a 2D texture coordinate textureCoordinate from a 3D local object coordinate coordinate. It can be used to define other texture projections than the defaults provided in the VRML'97 specifications.
PhB3DTextureTransform { exposedField SFVec3f center 0 0 0 # (-infty,infty) exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0 # [-1,1],(-infty,infty) exposedField SFVec3f scale 1 1 1 # (0,infty) exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 # [-1,1],(-infty,infty exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0 # (0,infty) }
This node describes a 3D transform to be applied to 3D texture coordinates. The semantics are the same as that of the Transform node, except that this node has no children nodes or bounding box. It is the 3D equivalent of the TextureTransform node.
PhBTexturedBackground { exposedField SFNode texture NULL exposedField MFNode spectralBasis [ ] exposedField MFFloat spectralWeights [ ] exposedField SFFloat minAngle 0 exposedField SFFloat maxAngle 1.570 }
Bindable node similar to Background describing background radiation as a function of direction. Examples: sky illumination, environment radiance maps (for putting virtual objects in real environments). Background radiance is assumed to originate at a very large distance and is already includes atmospheric effects, meaning that background radiation is not modified by the PhBAtmosphere node.
texture shall contain a texture node. The first texture coordinate is proportional to the angle of the direction w.r.t. the global Y-axis. The second texture coordinate is proportional with the angle between the direction, projected onto the global XZ plane, and the global Z axis. minAngle and maxAngle, both angles w.r.t. the global Y axis describe the region of the sphere covered by the texture map. The remaining region of the sphere, not covered by the texture map, is assumed not to radiate any light towards the scene.
spectralBasis shall contain a list of spectrum nodes. The number of basis spectra shall be equal to the number of channels in the texture map.
If specified, spectralWeights shall contain a list of floating point weights to be associated with each basis spectrum and texture channel. If not specified, or if the number of weights is less than the number of spectra and texture channels, missing weights are assumed to be 1.
The background spectral radiance [W/m^2sr/m] received from a given global direction shall be obtained as a linear combination of the basis spectra weighted by the texture map values and spectral weights.
By default, no background radiation is assumed in a scene.
PhBproceduralBackground { field MFString url [ ] }
Procedural background radiation description.
PhBAtmosphere { exposedField SFNode medium NULL }
Bindable node similar to Fog used to express the medium outside the objects in the scene. Examples: mist, fog, ...
If specified, medium should be a medium node. If not specified, vacuum is assumed.
By default, a vacuum atmosphere is assumed in a scene.
PhBLxySpectrum { exposedField SFVec2f xy 0.3333333 0.3333333 # [0,1] exposedField SFFloat luminance 1. # [0,infty) }
Spectrum given as CIE xy chromaticity and luminance.
PhBXYZSpectrum { exposedField SFVec3f xyz 1. 1. 1. # [0,infty) }
Spectrum given as CIE XYZ triplet.
PhBMonochromaticSpectrum { exposedField SFFloat wavelength 550. # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat luminance 1. # [0,infty) }
Monochromatic spectrum. Example: the typical yellow light emitted by Sodium (Na) street lanterns.
PhBBlackBodySpectrum { exposedField SFFloat temperature 0. # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat luminance 1. # [0,infty) }
Black body spectrum at given temperature (in degrees Kelvin) and luminance. Examples: the sun, incandescent light bulbs.
PhBSampledSpectrum { exposedField MFFloat samples [ ] exposedField SFFloat scale 1. # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat min 380. # [380.,770] exposedField SFFloat max 770. # [380.,770] }
Spectrum given as an array of equidistant spectral samples between wavelengths min and max inclusive. The sample values shall be multiplied by the factor scale.
PhBTabulatedSpectrum { exposedField MFFloat wavelengths [ ] # [380.,770.] exposedField MFFloat values [ ] # [0,infty) exposedField SFFloat scale 1. # [0,infty) }
Spectrum given as a table of wavelengths and corresponding spectral values. The number of given wavelengths and values shall be equal. The values will be scaled by the optional scale factor.
PhBProceduralSpectrum { eventIn SFFloat wavelength # [380.,770.] field MFString url [ ] eventOut SFFloat spectralValue # [0,infty) }Spectrum given in procedural form. url is a list of URL's with implementation of the function which computes the spectral value spectralValue as a function of wavelength.
PhBMixedSpectrum { exposedField MFNode spectra [ ] exposedField MFFloat weight [ ] }
Linear combination of primitive spectra with given weights.
The nodes in the spectra node list shall be spectrum nodes. The number of weights shall match the number of specified spectra. If spectra is not specified or is a empty list, a perfect black spectrum results.
PhBInterpolatedSpectrum { exposedField SFFloat fraction 0. exposedField MFFloat key [ ] exposedField MFNode keySpectra [ ] }
This node describes a spectrum that is interpolated from two key spectra from keySpectra corresponding to two subsequent key values in key forming an interval containing fraction. The interpolation has the same semantics as in interpolator nodes.
keySpectra shall contain a list of spectrum nodes.