曖昧模糊 [あいまいもこ] /obscure/vague/ambiguous/ 阿鼻叫喚 [あびきょうかん] /agonizing cries/a pandemonium/ 阿諛追従 [あゆついしょう] /flattery/adulation/ 暗中模索 [あんちゅうもさく] /grope in the dark/ 唯々諾々 [いいだくだく] /quite willingly/readily/with acquiescence/ 意気軒昂 [いきけんこう] /in high spirits/elated/ 意気消沈 [いきしょうちん] /depressed in spirits/ 意気投合 [いきとうごう] /hit it off with (a person)/find a kindred spirit in (a person)/ 意気揚々 [いきようよう] /triumphant/exultant/in high spirits/ 異口同音 [いくどうおん] /in concert/with one voice/unanimously/ 以心伝心 [いしんでんしん] /telepathy/tacit understanding/communion of mind with mind/ 一意専心 [いちいせんしん] /single-mindedly/wholeheartedly/with one's heart and soul/ 一衣帯水 [いちいたいすい] /a narrow strip of water/a narrow strait/ 一言居士 [いちげんこじ] /a person who always has to have his say/a ready critic/ 一言半句 [いちごんはんく] /(not even) a word/(not even) a syllable/ 一日千秋 [いちじつせんしゅう] /(wait) impatiently/(spend) many a weary day/ 一日千秋 [いちにちせんしゅう] /(wait) impatiently/(spend) many a weary day/ 一念発起 [いちねんほっき] /be resolved to/ 一部始終 [いちぶしじゅう] /full particulars/the whole story/ 一枚看板 [いちまいかんばん] /a leading player/one's sole Sunday best/the best item one has (to show)/ 一網打尽 [いちもうだじん] /a big haul/roundup/wholesale arrest/ 一目瞭然 [いちもくりょうぜん] /apparent/obvious/very clear/ 一利一害 [いちりいちがい] /advantages and disadvantages/gain some, lose some/ 一蓮托生 [いちれんたくしょう] /sharing one's lot with another/ 一攫千金 [いっかくせんきん] /getting rich quick/ 一喜一憂 [いっきいちゆう] /now rejoice, now worry/alternate hope and fear/ 一気呵成 [いっきかせい] /at a breath (stroke, sitting)/in a single spell/ 一騎当千 [いっきとうせん] /matchless (warrior)/mighty (player/fighter/combatant)/ 一挙一動 [いっきょいちどう] /one's every action/every single move/ 一挙両得 [いっきょりょうとく] /killing two birds with one stone/serving two ends/ 一刻千金 [いっこくせんきん] /very valuable time/ 一切合切 [いっさいがっさい] /any and every thing/altogether/the whole shooting match/ 一瀉千里 [いっしゃせんり] /one swift effort/rush through one's work/fast talking, writing, etc./ 一生懸命 [いっしょうけんめい] /very hard/with utmost effort/with all one's might/ 一触即発 [いっしょくそくはつ] /a critical (touch & go) situation/explosive situation/ 一所懸命 [いっしょけんめい] /very hard/with utmost effort/with all one's might/ 一進一退 [いっしんいったい] /now advancing and now retreating/ebb and flow/seesawing/ 一心不乱 [いっしんふらん] /wholeheartedly/intently/with undivided attention/ 一世一代 [いっせいちだい] /of one's lifetime/once in a lifetime/ 一石二鳥 [いっせきにちょう] /killing two birds with one stone/ 一知半解 [いっちはんかい] /superficial knowledge/half knowledge/ 一朝一夕 [いっちょういっせき] /in a day/in a brief space of time/ 一長一短 [いっちょういったん] /merits & demerits/(something having its) advantages & disadvantages/ 一刀両断 [いっとうりょうだん] /a decisive (drastic) measure/cut the (Gordian) knot/ 一得一失 [いっとくいっしつ] /gain some & lose some/(something having its) advantages & disadvantages/ 意味深長 [いみしんちょう] /profound (often hidden) meaning/pregnant with significance/ 慇懃無礼 [いんぎんぶれい] /hypocritical courtesy/superficially polite but rude in intent/ 因循姑息 [いんじゅんこそく] /dilly-dallying and temporizing/ 有為転変 [ういてんぺん] /mutability (of worldly affairs)/fleeting shifts & changes (of human life)/ 右往左往 [うおうさおう] /move about in confusion/go every which way/ 内股膏薬 [うちまたごうやく] /double-dealing/fence-sitting/moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict/ 内股膏薬 [うちまたこうやく] /double-dealing/fence-sitting/moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict/ 海千山千 [うみせんやません] /a sly old dog/an old fox/ 紆余曲折 [うよきょくせつ] /turns and twists/ups and downs/meandering/complications/ 栄枯盛衰 [えいこせいすい] /ups and downs of life/vicissitudes of fortune/ 依怙贔屓 [えこひいき] /partiality/favoritism/ 得手勝手 [えてかって] /self-willed/(doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience/ 遠慮会釈 [えんりょえしゃく] /reserve and consideration (to others)/ 大盤振舞 [おおばんぶるまい] /be lavish in giving gifts or wining and dining (others)/a lavish feast/ 大風呂敷 [おおぶろしき] /big talk/a rodomontade/ 傍目八目 [おかめはちもく] /Onlookers' superior (advantaged) grasp of the situation/ 岡目八目 [おかめはちもく] /Onlookers' superior (advantaged) grasp of the situation/ 開口一番 [かいこういちばん] /at the very beginning of one's speech/the first thing (one) says after opening the mouth/ 快刀乱麻 [かいとうらんま] /solving a problem swiftly and skillfully/ 臥薪嘗胆 [がしんしょうたん] /going through thick and thin to attain one's objective/enduring unspeakable hardships for the sake of vengeance/ 花鳥風月 [かちょうふうげつ] /the beauties of nature/ 隔靴掻痒 [かっかそうよう] /be frustrated because something is not quite as hoped (just as one cannot scratch an itch from outside a shoe)/ 我田引水 [がでんいんすい] /seeking one's own interests/straining (the interpretation or argument) to suit one's own interests/ 画竜点睛 [がりょうてんせい] /the finishing touch/completing (something) by executing the final, critical step/ 感慨無量 [かんがいむりょう] /deep emotion/one's mind is filled with thousand emotions/ 侃々諤々 [かんかんがくがく] /outspoken/arguing (heatedly) what one believes in/ 冠婚葬祭 [かんこんそうさい] /important ceremonial occasions in family relationships/ 勧善懲悪 [かんぜんちょうあく] /rewarding good and punishing evil/a novel or drama with a rewarding-good-and- punishing-evil theme/ 閑話休題 [かんわきゅうだい] /"Now let's return to the main subject"/"To return from the digression,..." (in a coversation, speech, or story-telling)/ 気炎万丈 [きえんばんじょう] /be in high spirits/talk big/ 危機一髪 [ききいっぱつ] /by a hair's breath/in the nick of time/be touch and go/be a close call/ 危急存亡 [ききゅうそんぼう] /a life-and-death matter/an emergency or crisis where survival is threatened/ 起死回生 [きしかいせい] /revival of the dead/recovering from a hopeless situation/ 喜色満面 [きしょくまんめん] /be all smiles with joy/ 疑心暗鬼 [ぎしんあんき] /Suspicion will raise bogies/Once you suspect something, everything else will look suspicious/ 奇想天外 [きそうてんがい] /a fantastic idea/ 気息奄々 [きそくえんえん] /gasping for breath/be at one's last gasp/be more dead than alive/ 喜怒哀楽 [きどあいらく] /human emotions (joy, anger, pathos, and humor)/ 木戸御免 [きどごめん] /have a pass to/have access to/ 九死一生 [きゅうしいっしょう] /a narrow escape from the jaw of death/ 旧態依然 [きゅうたいいぜん] /remain unchanged (from the old state of things)/none the better for the change (if at all)/ 急転直下 [きゅうてんちょっか] /suddenly and precipitately/take a sudden turn/ 拱手傍観 [きょうしゅぼうかん] /stand idly by and watch/ 拱手傍観 [しゅうしゅぼうかん] /stand idly by and watch/ 驚天動地 [きょうてんどうち] /astounding/startling/world-shaking/ 器用貧乏 [きようびんぼう] /Jack of all trades and master of none/ 興味津々 [きょうみしんしん] /very interesting/of absorbing interest/ 虚々実々 [きょきょじつじつ] /wit matching wit/a match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all the tricks each can muster/ 曲学阿世 [きょくがくあせい] /prostitution of learning/twisting the truth and truckling to the times/ 旭日昇天 [きょくじつしょうてん] /being in the ascendant/ 玉石混淆 [ぎょくせきこんこう] /good and bad in a hopeless jumble/a jumble of wheat and tares/ 虚心坦懐 [きょしんたんかい] /with an open and calm mind/with no preconceived notions/without reserve/ 毀誉褒貶 [きよほうへん] /praise and censure/public criticisms/ 金科玉条 [きんかぎょくじょう] /a golden rule/ 欣喜雀躍 [きんきじゃくやく] /jump up for joy/ 緊褌一番 [きんこんいちばん] /gird oneself up/ 空前絶後 [くうぜんぜつご] /(so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last/ 空中楼閣 [くうちゅうろうかく] /a castle in the air/ 君子豹変 [くんしひょうへん] /A wise man needs not blush for changing his purposes (original meaning)/a demeanor (attitude, tune) undergoing an instant change for the worse (in colloquial usage)/ 群雄割拠 [ぐんゆうかっきょ] /rivalry of local warlords/a number of powerful (talented/influential) persons standing by themselves in a given field/ 軽挙妄動 [けいきょもうどう] /a rash and blind act/ 軽佻浮薄 [けいちょうふはく] /frivolous and thoughtless/ 牽強付会 [けんきょうふかい] /farfetched (argument/opinion)/forced (sense/view)/strained (interpretation)/ 喧々囂々 [けんけんごうごう] /pandemonium of noise/many people pronouncing diverse opinions in a great uproar/ 乾坤一擲 [けんこんいってき] /stake all (on something)/play for all or nothing/ 言行一致 [げんこういっち] /acting up to one's words/ 捲土重来 [けんどちょうらい] /(after a failure) gather strength for a renewed attack (on)/ 捲土重来 [けんどじゅうらい] /(after a failure) gather strength for a renewed attack (on)/ 堅忍不抜 [けんにんふばつ] /indomitable perseverance/invincible fortitude/ 権謀術数 [けんぼうじゅっすう] /trickery/wiles/Machiavellism/ 効果覿面 [こうかてきめん] /bring an immediate result on/have an instant effect on/ 厚顔無恥 [こうがんむち] /brazen and unscrupulous/ 綱紀粛正 [こうきしゅくせい] /eliminate corruption among government officials/tighten discipline (among)/ 巧言令色 [こうげんれいしょく] /flattery/honeyed words/ 荒唐無稽 [こうとうむけい] /absurdity/nonsense/preposterous/ 公明正大 [こうめいせいだい] /fairness/just and upright/aboveboard/ 甲論乙駁 [こうろんおつばく] /arguments pro and con/ 呉越同舟 [ごえつどうしゅう] /bitter enemies (placed by fate) in the same boat/ 狐疑逡巡 [こぎしゅんじゅん] /be in doubt and unable to decide/hesitation and indecision/ 虎視眈々 [こしたんたん] /watch vigilantly for an opportunity to prey upon/ 後生大事 [ごしょうだいじ] /with religious zeal/with utmost devotion/take great care of/ 古色蒼然 [こしょくそうぜん] /antique-looking/looking hoary with patina/ 故事来歴 [こじらいれき] /the origin and history/ 刻苦勉励 [こっくべんれい] /be arduous/work diligently enduring hardships/ 五里霧中 [ごりむちゅう] /be totally at a loss/lose one's bearings/be in a maze/ 言語道断 [ごんごどうだん] /outrageous/preposterous/inexcusable/absurd/ 才気煥発 [さいきかんぱつ] /quick-witted/a flash of brilliance/ 再三再四 [さいさんさいし] /repeatedly/ 才色兼備 [さいしょくけんび] /(a woman) being gifted with both intelligence and beauty/ 三々五々 [さんさんごご] /in groups of twos and threes/ 三十六計 [さんじゅうろっけい] /the 36 (ancient Chinese military) strategies (of which the best was said to be beating a retreat)/ 思案投首 [しあんなげくび] /be at one's wit's end/ 自画自賛 [じがじさん] /singing one's own praises/praising one's own wares/ 自家撞着 [じかどうちゃく] /self-contradiction/ 時期尚早 [じきしょうそう] /premature/ 色即是空 [しきそくぜくう] /Matter is void/All is vanity/ 自給自足 [じきゅうじそく] /self-sufficiency/ 四苦八苦 [しくはっく] /be in dire distress/ 試行錯誤 [しこうさくご] /trial and error/ 自業自得 [じごうじとく] /suffering the consequences (of one's own actions)/reap what you sow/ 時々刻々 [じじこっこく] /from one minute to the next/from hour to hour/ 事実無根 [じじつむこん] /groundless/entirely contrary to fact/ 獅子奮迅 [ししふんじん] /furiously/ 自縄自縛 [じじょうじばく] /be caught in one's own trap/ 時代錯誤 [じだいさくご] /anachronism/ 四通八達 [しつうはったつ] /traffic network extending in all directions/ 質実剛健 [しつじつごうけん] /unaffected and sincere, with fortitude and vigor/ 実践躬行 [じっせんきゅうこう] /acting up to one's principles/ 疾風迅雷 [しっぷうじんらい] /with lightning speed/ 疾風怒濤 [しっぷうどとう] /Sturm und Drang (de:) [the storm and stress]/ 四分五裂 [しぶんごれつ] /be torn asunder/disruption/ 自暴自棄 [じぼうじき] /desperation/despair/self-abandonment/ 四方八方 [しほうはっぽう] /in all directions/ 揣摩憶測 [しまおくそく] /conjectures/speculation/ 四面楚歌 [しめんそか] /be surrounded by enemies on all sides/be betrayed (forsaken) by everybody/ 杓子定規 [しゃくしじょうぎ] /a hard-and-fast rule/stick fast to rules/a stickler (for rules)/ 弱肉強食 [じゃくにくきょうしょく] /The survival of the fittest/the law of the jungle/ 縦横無尽 [じゅうおうむじん] /freely/right and left/as one pleases/ 周章狼狽 [しゅうしょうろうばい] /consternation/fall into a panic/fluster oneself/ 衆人環視 [しゅうじんかんし] /(in) the presence of the whole company/with all eyes filed upon (one)/ 十人十色 [じゅうにんといろ] /Several men, several minds/everyone has his own ideas and tastes/ 十年一日 [じゅうねんいちじつ] /without intermission for ten (long) years/with constancy of purose for ten (long) years/in the same old rut for years on end/ 主客転倒 [しゅかくてんとう] /reversing the order of (relative) importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/mistaking the means for the end/ 主客顛倒 [しゅかくてんとう] /reversing the order of (relative) importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/mistaking the means for the end/ 熟慮断行 [じゅくりょだんこう] /be deliberate in council, and decisive in action/ 取捨選択 [しゅしゃせんたく] /selection/making a choice/decision to adopt or reject/ 酒池肉林 [しゅちにくりん] /sumptuous feast/debauch/ 春風駘蕩 [しゅんぷうたいとう] /warm and genial spring weather/genial and balmy/ 醇風美俗 [じゅんぷうびぞく] /warmhearted and genial manners and customs/ 順風満帆 [じゅんぷうまんぱん] /smooth sailing/ 笑止千万 [しょうしせんばん] /highly ridiculous/quite absurd/ 盛者必衰 [じょうしゃひっすい] /The prosperous must decay/ 盛者必衰 [しょうしゃひっすい] /The prosperous must decay/ 盛者必衰 [しょうじゃひっすい] /The prosperous must decay/ 生者必滅 [しょうじゃひつめつ] /All living things must die/ 情状酌量 [じょうじょうしゃくりょう] /taking the extenuating circumstances into consideration/ 正真正銘 [しょうしんしょうめい] /genuine/authentic/ 小心翼々 [しょうしんよくよく] /be very timid/be very nervous/be faint-hearted/ 情緒纒綿 [じょうしょてんめん] /(with) tender feelings/ 情緒纒綿 [じょうちょてんめん] /(with) tender feelings/ 少壮気鋭 [しょうそうきえい] /young and energetic/up-and-coming/ 枝葉末節 [しようまっせつ] /unimportant details/unessentials/ 諸行無常 [しょぎょうむじょう] /the impermanence of worldly things/All worldly things are transitory/ 初志貫徹 [しょしかんてつ] /carrying out one's original intention/ 諸説紛々 [しょせつふんぷん] /divergent opinions abound/opinion is divided/ 白河夜船 [しらかわよふね] /be fast asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one)/ 支離滅裂 [しりめつれつ] /incoherent/inconsistent/illogical/ 四六時中 [しろくじちゅう] /around the clock/day and night (Note: 4 x 6 = 24)/ 神出鬼没 [しんしゅつきぼつ] /appearing in unexpected places and at unexpected moments/elusive/phantom/ 尋常一様 [じんじょういちよう] /ordinary/common/mediocre/ 針小棒大 [しんしょうぼうだい] /exaggeration/making a mountain out of a molehill/ 新進気鋭 [しんしんきえい] /young and energetic/up-and-coming/ 親戚知己 [しんせきちき] /relatives and acquaintances/ 心頭滅却 [しんとうめっきゃく] /clearing one's mind of all mundane thoughts/ 深謀遠慮 [しんぼうえんりょ] /far sight and deep design/ 森羅万象 [しんらばんしょう] /all things in nature/the whole creation/ 酔生夢死 [すいせいむし] /idling one's life away/ 晴耕雨読 [せいこううどく] /working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather/living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits/ 生殺与奪 [せいさつよだつ] /(having) life-and-death power (over)/ 誠心誠意 [せいしんせいい] /in all sincerity/with one's whole heart/ 正々堂々 [せいせいどうどう] /fair and square/open and aboveboard/ 青天白日 [せいてんはくじつ] /be cleared of all the charge (brought against one)/be found completely innocent/ 清廉潔白 [せいれんけっぱく] /being upright and cleanhanded/ 責任転嫁 [せきにんてんか] /shift the responsibility (for something) on to (someone)/pass the buck/ 是々非々 [ぜぜひひ] /(rulling/judging) what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong/fair and just (policy/principle)/ 切磋琢磨 [せっさたくま] /cultivate one's character by studying hard/ 切歯扼腕 [せっしやくわん] /clench one's fists and gnash one's teech in anger or regret/be deeply chagrined (at)/ 絶体絶命 [ぜったいぜつめい] /a desperate situation/be driven into a corner/ 浅学菲才 [せんがくひさい] /one's lack of learning or ability/ 浅学非才 [せんがくひさい] /one's lack of learning or ability/ 千客万来 [せんきゃくばんらい] /a flood of customers/(doing) a roaring business/ 千軍万馬 [せんぐんばんば] /(having experienced) many battles/ 前後不覚 [ぜんごふかく] /unconsciousness/having no recollection of one's actions/ 千載一遇 [せんざいいちぐう] /(a) once in a lifetime (opportunity)/(a golden opportunity that may) happen only once in a thousand years/ 千差万別 [せんさばんべつ] /an infinite variety of/ 前人未踏 [ぜんじんみとう] /(an) unexplored (region)/(an) untrodden (field of study)/ 前人未到 [ぜんじんみとう] /(an) unexplored (region)/(an) untrodden (field of study)/ 戦々恐々 [せんせんきょうきょう] /trembling with fear/ 戦々兢々 [せんせんきょうきょう] /trembling with fear/ 前代未聞 [ぜんだいみもん] /unheard-of/unprecedented/unparalleled in history/ 千篇一律 [せんぺんいちりつ] /humdrum/lack of variety/ 千編一律 [せんぺんいちりつ] /humdrum/lack of variety/ 速戦即決 [そくせんそっけつ] /a quick battle for a quick victory/a blitzkrieg (de:)/ 率先躬行 [そっせんきゅうこう] /taking a lead in (doing)/setting an example of (doing)/ 大願成就 [たいがんじょうじゅ] /realization of a great ambition/ 大願成就 [だいがんじょうじゅ] /realization of a great ambition/ 大器晩成 [たいきばんせい] /Great talents mature late/ 大義名分 [たいぎめいぶん] /a just cause/ 大言壮語 [たいげんそうご] /big talk/boasting/bragging/ 泰然自若 [たいぜんじじゃく] /presence of mind/imperturbability/be calm and self-possessed/ 大同小異 [だいどうしょうい] /essentially the same with only minor differences/ 多士済々 [たしせいせい] /a galaxy of able persons/ 多士済々 [たしさいさい] /a galaxy of able persons/ 多事多端 [たじたたん] /eventfulness/pressure of business/ 多種多様 [たしゅたよう] /a great variety of/diversity/ 他力本願 [たりきほんがん] /relying upon others for attaining one's own objective/ 単刀直入 [たんとうちょくにゅう] /going right to the point/point-blank/without beating about the bush/ 中途半端 [ちゅうとはんぱ] /halfway/half measures/unfinished/ 昼夜兼行 [ちゅうやけんこう] /around-the-clock/(working) day and night/ 朝三暮四 [ちょうさんぼし] /being preoccupied with immediate(superficial) differenes without realizing that there are no differences in substance/ 跳梁跋扈 [ちょうりょうばっこ] /be rampant/ 朝令暮改 [ちょうれいぼかい] /an unsettled course of action/(orders or laws) being revised often with no guiding principles/ 直往邁進 [ちょくおうまいしん] /push boldly forward/ 直情径行 [ちょくじょうけいこう] /implulsive and straightforward/guileless/ 直截簡明 [ちょくせつかんめい] /simple and plain/staightforward/ 猪突猛進 [ちょとつもうしん] /headlong/foolhardy/reckless/ 沈思黙考 [ちんしもっこう] /be lost in deep thought/ 津々浦々 [つつうらうら] /every nook and cranny of the land/ 亭主関白 [ていしゅかんぱく] /the hectoring of the husband/a husband who rules the roost/ 適材適所 [てきざいてきしょ] /the right person in the right place/ 徹頭徹尾 [てっとうてつび] /thoroughly/through and through/ 手前味噌 [てまえみそ] /self-flattery/sing one's own praises/ 手練手管 [てれんてくだ] /wiles/art of coaxing/ 天衣無縫 [てんいむほう] /perfect beauty with no trace of artifice/flawless/ 天涯孤独 [てんがいこどく] /a person without a single relative/ 天下一品 [てんかいっぴん] /best article under heaven/peerless/ 電光石火 [でんこうせっか] /lightning speed/ 天真爛漫 [てんしんらんまん] /naivete/simplicity/innocence/ 天地無用 [てんちむよう] /This side up/ 天罰覿面 [てんばつてきめん] /the certainty of divine punishment/Swift is Heaven's vengeance/ 天変地異 [てんぺんちい] /a natural disaster/a cataclysm/ 天佑神助 [てんゆうしんじょ] /divine grace/God's help/ 当意即妙 [とういそくみょう] /ready wit/ 東奔西走 [とうほんせいそう] /busy oneself about (something)/be on the move/ 独立独歩 [どくりつどっぽ] /self-reliance/self-help/ 徒手空拳 [としゅくうけん] /empty-handed/with nothing to start with/without capital/ 内憂外患 [ないゆうがいかん] /troubles both at home and abroad/ 難攻不落 [なんこうふらく] /impregnable/ 南船北馬 [なんせんほくば] /constant traveling/being on the move/ 二束三文 [にそくさんもん] /dirt cheap/ 二足三文 [にそくさんもん] /dirt cheap/ 日常茶飯 [にちじょうさはん] /an everyday occurrence/ 日進月歩 [にっしんげっぽ] /steady progress/rapid advance/ 二人三脚 [ににんさんきゃく] /a three-legged race/ 二律背反 [にりつはいはん] /antinomy/self-contradiction/ 年功序列 [ねんこうじょれつ] /seniority by length of service/ 年々歳々 [ねんねんさいさい] /every year/year in year out/ 年百年中 [ねんびゃくねんじゅう] /throughout the year/all the year round/always/ 博学多才 [はくがくたさい] /wide knowledge and versatile talents/ 薄志弱行 [はくしじゃっこう] /infirm of purpose and lacking in decision/ 博覧強記 [はくらんきょうき] /encyclopedic knowledge and strong memory/ 薄利多売 [はくりたばい] /small profits and quick returns/ 馬耳東風 [ばじとうふう] /utter indifference/talking to the wall/praying to deaf ears/ 八面六臂 [はちめんろっぴ] /competent in all fields/very active in many fields/ 八方美人 [はっぽうびじん] /one who is affable to everybody/a flunky/ 波瀾万丈 [はらんばんじょう] /stormy/full of ups and downs/ 半死半生 [はんしはんしょう] /all but dead/half killed/ 半信半疑 [はんしんはんぎ] /half in doubt/incredulous/ 万物流転 [ばんぶつるてん] /All things are in a state of flux/ 繁文縟礼 [はんぶんじょくれい] /red-tapism/ 反面教師 [はんめんきょうし] /a bad example from which one can learn/ 悲歌慷慨 [ひかこうがい] /indignant lamentation over the evils of the times/ 美辞麗句 [びじれいく] /flowery words/rhetorical flourishes/ 人身御供 [ひとみごくう] /a human sacrifice/ 一人天下 [ひとりてんか] /be the sole master of the situation/reign supreme/ 一人天下 [ひとりでんか] /be the sole master of the situation/reign supreme/ 悲憤慷慨 [ひふんこうがい] /indignant lamentation over the evils of the times/ 百戦錬磨 [ひゃくせんれんま] /be schooled by adversity in many battles/veteran/ 百戦練磨 [ひゃくせんれんま] /be schooled by adversity in many battles/veteran/ 百花斉放 [ひゃっかせいほう] /"Let a hundred flowers blossom"/"Hundred Flowers" campaign/ 百家争鳴 [ひゃっかそうめい] /Let a hundred schools of thought contend/ 百花繚乱 [ひゃっかりょうらん] /many flowers blooming in profusion/a gathering of many beautiful women/simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements/ 百鬼夜行 [ひゃっきやこう] /a veritable pandemonium/a large number of people plotting and doing evil/ 百鬼夜行 [ひゃっきやぎょう] /a veritable pandemonium/a large number of people plotting and doing evil/ 百発百中 [ひゃっぱつひゃくちゅう] /always hitting the bull's-eye/infallible/ 表裏一体 [ひょうりいったい] /the two views (of an object) referring to the same thing/being inseparable like the two sides of an object/ 疲労困憊 [ひろうこんぱい] /total exhaustion/ 風紀紊乱 [ふうきびんらん] /corrupt public morals/ 不羈奔放 [ふきほんぽう] /free-spirited and uninhibited/ 不倶戴天 [ふぐたいてん] /cannot allow (oneself) to live (with someone) under the canopy of heaven/cannot allow (the sworn enemy) to live in this world/ 不言実行 [ふげんじっこう] /action before words/ 無事息災 [ぶじそくさい] /safe and healthy/health and longevity/ 不承不承 [ふしょうぶしょう] /reluctantly/grudgingly/ 物情騒然 [ぶつじょうそうぜん] /public unrest/ 不得要領 [ふとくようりょう] /vague/ambiguous/noncommittal/ 不眠不休 [ふみんふきゅう] /without sleep or rest/ 不老不死 [ふろうふし] /perpetual youth and longevity/ 付和雷同 [ふわらいどう] /following blindly/following suit without reflection/ 粉骨砕身 [ふんこつさいしん] /making one's best exertions/ 平穏無事 [へいおんぶじ] /peaceful and uneventful/ 平身低頭 [へいしんていとう] /kowtowing/going down on one's knees/ 変幻自在 [へんげんじざい] /phantasmagoric/capable of ever-changing appearance/ 片言隻句 [へんげんせっく] /(not even) a few words/ 片言隻語 [へんげんせきご] /(not even) a few words/ 判官贔屓 [ほうがんびいき] /sympathy for a tragic hero/sympathy for an underdog/ 判官贔屓 [はんがんびいき] /sympathy for a tragic hero/sympathy for an underdog/ 傍若無人 [ぼうじゃくぶじん] /arrogance/audacity/(behaving) outrageously as though there were no one around/ 茫然自失 [ぼうぜんじしつ] /be stupified/be stunned/ 抱腹絶倒 [ほうふくぜっとう] /very funny/laugh oneself into convulsions/ 棒腹絶倒 [ほうふくぜっとう] /very funny/laugh oneself into convulsions/ 奔放不羈 [ほんぽうふき] /free-spirited and uninhibited/ 本末転倒 [ほんまつてんとう] /failing to properly evaluate the (relative) importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ 本末顛倒 [ほんまつてんとう] /failing to properly evaluate the (relative) importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ 満身創痍 [まんしんそうい] /having wounds all over one's body/ 三日天下 [みっかてんか] /a short-lived rule/being in power only for a brief period/ 三日坊主 [みっかぼうず] /one who can stick to nothing/ 無為徒食 [むいとしょく] /idling one's time away/ 無為無策 [むいむさく] /do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.)/ 無我夢中 [むがむちゅう] /be absorbed in/lose oneself in/ 無知蒙昧 [むちもうまい] /unenlightened/in the darkest ignorance/ 無味乾燥 [むみかんそう] /dull and uinteresting/cut-and-dried/ 無欲恬淡 [むよくてんたん] /indifferent to worldly gain/ 無理算段 [むりさんだん] /scraping together (a sum of money)/raising (a sum of money) by straining one's credit/ 無理難題 [むりなんだい] /an unreasonable demand/ 面従腹背 [めんじゅうふくはい] /pretending to obey but secretly betraying (someone)/ 免許皆伝 [めんきょかいでん] /initiation into the screts (of an art)/ 物見遊山 [ものみゆさん] /going on a pleasure jaunt/ 門外不出 [もんがいふしゅつ] /(treasuring something by) never taking (it) off the premises/ 問答無用 [もんどうむよう] /there being no use in arguing (about it)/ 夜郎自大 [やろうじだい] /throwing one's weight around in a small group without knowing ones' real worth in a larger world outside/ 唯我独尊 [ゆいがどくそん] /self-conceit/vainglory/Holy am I alone/ 勇往邁進 [ゆうおうまいしん] /dash and go/pushing forward/ 有害無益 [ゆうがいむえき] /more harm than good/harmful and of no use/ 優柔不断 [ゆうじゅうふだん] /shilly-shally/ 有名無実 [ゆうめいむじつ] /in name but not in reality/ 悠々自適 [ゆうゆうじてき] /(live in) quiet and comfortable retirement free from worldly cares/ 油断大敵 [ゆだんたいてき] /Unpreparedness is one's greatest enemy/He that is too secure is not safe/ 余韻嫋々 [よいんじょうじょう] /(sound) lingering in the air/ 用意周到 [よういしゅうとう] /thoroughly prepared/ 羊頭狗肉 [ようとうくにく] /using a better name to sell inferior goods/crying wine and selling vinegar/ 余裕綽々 [よゆうしゃくしゃく] /calm and composed/have enough and to spare/ 落花狼藉 [らっかろうぜき] /running amuck/committing violence on/in utter disorder/ 理非曲直 [りひきょくちょく] /the rights and wrongs (of a case)/ 流言飛語 [りゅうげんひご] /false rumors/ 竜頭蛇尾 [りゅうとうだび] /a strong beginning and a weak ending/an anticlimax/ 粒々辛苦 [りゅうりゅうしんく] /toil and moil/working assiduously for/ 臨機応変 [りんきおうへん] /adapting oneself to the requirements of the moment/playing it by ear/ 老若男女 [ろうにゃくなんにょ] /men and women of all ages/ 和気藹々 [わきあいあい] /being full of harmony, peace, and happiness/ 和魂洋才 [わこんようさい] /Japanese spirit with Western learning/ 和洋折衷 [わようせっちゅう] /a blending of Japanese and Western styles/