暴き出す [あばきだす] /to dig up and expose a criminal matter/(0001-1)/ 暴れ出す [あばれだす] /to grow restive/to begin to act violently/(0000)/ 暴れ込む [あばれこむ] /to enter someone's territory by force/(0002-2)/ 暴れ狂う [あばれくるう] /to rage/to run amuck/to tear around/(0003)/ 暴れ回る [あばれまわる] /to rampage/to run riot/(0004)/ 炙り出す [あぶりだす] /to reveal invisible writing by applying heat/(0005)/ 上がり込む [あがりこむ] /to enter/to step in/(0006-3)/ 溢れ出る [あふれでる] /to overflow from something full/(0007-4)/ 開け放す [あけはなす] /to keep open/to leave open/(0008)/ 開け渡す [あけわたす] /to vacate (house)/to surrender (castle)/(0009)/ 明け渡す [あけわたす] /to vacate (house)/to surrender (castle)/(0009)/ 仰ぎ見る [あおぎみる] /to look up/(0010)/ 扇ぎ立てる [あおぎたてる] /to fan incessantly/(0011)/ 洗い清める [あらいきよめる] /to wash clean/to cleanse/(0012)/ 洗い流す [あらいながす] /to wash away/(0013-5)/ 洗い落とす [あらいおとす] /to wash off/to wash out/(0014)/ 洗い分ける [あらいわける] /to separate by washing/(0015)/ 有り余る [ありあまる] /to be superfluous/to be in excess/(0016-6)/ 在り付く [ありつく] /to get/to obtain/to come by/(0017)/ 歩き回る [あるきまわる] /to walk about/to walk to and fro/to pace around/(0018-7)/ 遊び歩く [あそびあるく] /to visit one place after another without affect/(0019-8)/ 遊び暮す [あそびくらす] /to idle away (vi)/(0020)/ 当たり散らす [あたりちらす] /to find fault with everybody/to make oneself disagreeable/(0021)/ 当て嵌まる [あてはまる] /to be applicable (vi)/to come under (a category)/to fulfill/(0022-9)/ 当て嵌める [あてはめる] /to apply (vt)/to adapt/(0023)/ 当てはめる [あてはめる] /to apply (vt)/to adapt/(0023)/ 当て込む [あてこむ] /to count on/(0024)/ 当て擦る [あてこする] /to insinuate/to satyrize/to take a dig at/(0025)/ 当て付ける [あてつける] /to insinuate/(0026)/ 当てつける [あてつける] /to insinuate/(0026)/ 慌てふためく [あわてふためく] /to get into a panic/to be flustered/(0027)/ 歩み寄る [あゆみよる] /to step up/to compromise/to meet halfway/(0028)/ 嘲り笑う [あざけりわらう] /to laugh to scorn/(0029)/ 預け入れる [あずけいれる] /to make a deposit/(0030)/ 抱き上げる [だきあげる] /to hold up in one's arms/(0031)/ 抱き抱える [だきかかえる] /to hold/to carry/to embrace (in one's arms)/(0032)/ 抱き込む [だきこむ] /to hold in one's arms/to bring over a person to one's side/to involve/(0033)/ 抱き起こす [だきおこす] /to lift (a person) in one's arms/to help (a person) sit up/(0034)/ 抱き下ろす [だきおろす] /to lift down/to carry down in one's arms/(0035)/ 抱きしめる [だきしめる] /to hug someone close/to hold someone tight/(0036-10)/ 抱き止める [だきとめる] /to hold a person back/to restrain/to catch/(0037)/ 抱き留める [だきとめる] /to catch in one's arms/(0037)/ 抱きつく [だきつく] /to cling to/(0038)/ 抱き寄せる [だきよせる] /to embrace/(0039)/ 抱きよせる [だきよせる] /to embrace/(0039)/ 黙りこくる [だまりこくる] /to keep silent/(0040)/ 黙り込む [だまりこむ] /to say no more/to sink into silence/(0041-11)/ だまし取る [だましとる] /to take something away by deception/(0042-12)/ だましとる /to take something away by deception/(0042-12)/ 談じ込む [だんじこむ] /to have a talk with/(0043)/ 出し合う [だしあう] /to contribute jointly/(0044)/ 出し抜く [だしぬく] /to forestall/to anticipate/to jump the gun on/to outwit/to circumvent/to steal a march on/(0045)/ 出会う [であう] /to meet/to come across/to encounter/(0046)/ 出払う [ではらう] /to be all out/(0047)/ 出掛ける [でかける] /to depart/to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing)/to set out/to start/to be going out/(0048)/ 出来上がる [できあがる] /to be finished/to be ready/to be very drunk/(0049-13)/ 出くわす [でくわす] /to happen to meet/to come across/(0050)/ 出迎える [でむかえる] /to meet/to greet/(0051)/ 出向く [でむく] /to go to/to proceed to/to leave for/(0052)/ 出揃う [でそろう] /to appear all together/to be all present/(0053-14)/ 出そろう [でそろう] /to appear all together/to be all present/(0053-14)/ 出尽す [でつくす] /to be all out/(0054)/ 怒鳴り立てる [どなりたてる] /to stand and shout/(0055)/ どなり立てる [どなりたてる] /to stand and shout/(0055)/ 怒鳴り付ける [どなりつける] /to shout at/(0056)/ どなりつける /to shout at/(0056)/ 笑み割れる [えみわれる] /to crack/(0057)/ 選び出す [えらびだす] /to select/to pick out/(0058)/ 選びとる [えらびとる] /to pick out item(s) from a group to keep/(0059-15)/ がなり立てる [がなりたてる] /to blare out (e.g. with megaphone) to shout or yell/(0060)/ 禿上がる [はげあがる] /to become bald fom the forehead/to recede/(0061-16)/ はげ上がる [はげあがる] /to become bald fom the forehead/to recede/(0061-16)/ 剥ぎ取る [はぎとる] /to tear off/to strip/to rob/(0062)/ はぎ取る [はぎとる] /to tear off/to strip/to rob/(0062)/ 這い回る [はいまわる] /to creep about/(0063)/ はい回る [はいまわる] /to creep about/(0063)/ 掃き集める [はきあつめる] /to sweep up together/(0064)/ 吐き出す [はきだす] /to vomit/to spit out/(0065-17)/ 吐きかえる [はきかえる] /to spit on/to spit at/(0066)/ 吐き掛ける [はきかえる] /to spit on/to spit at/(0066)/ 吐き捨てる [はきすてる] /to spit out/(0067)/ 掃き寄せる [はきよせる] /to sweep up/(0068)/ 嵌りこむ [はまりこむ] /to be deeply involved/to be stuck in something/(0069)/ 嵌め込む [はめこむ] /to inlay/to insert/to fix into a container/(0070-18)/ 話し合う [はなしあう] /to discuss/to talk together/(0071-19)/ 話しかける [はなしかける] /to accost a person/to talk (to someone)/(0072-20)/ 話し込む [はなしこむ] /to be deep in talk/(0073)/ 跳ね上がる [はねあがる] /to spring/to jump up/(0074)/ はね上がる [はねあがる] /to spring/to jump up/(0074)/ 跳ね返る [はねかえる] /to rebound/(0075)/ 跳ね返す [はねかえす] /to reject/to bounce back/(0076)/ 跳ね掛ける [はねかける] /to splash/to blame on/(0077)/ 跳ね回る [はねまわる] /to jump about/(0078)/ 跳ね除ける [はねのける] /to push aside/(0079)/ 跳ね起きる [はねおきる] /to jump up/to spring up/(0080)/ 撥ね飛ばす [はねとばす] /to hit and throw/(0081)/ 撥ね付ける [はねつける] /to repel/to spurn/(0082-22)/ 祓い清める [はらいきよめる] /to purify/to exorcise/(0083)/ 払い清める [はらいきよめる] /to purify/to exorcise/(0083)/ 払い込む [はらいこむ] /to deposit/to pay in/(0084-22)/ 払い戻す [はらいもどす] /to repay/to pay back/(0085)/ 払い除ける [はらいのける] /to ward off/to brush away/to fling off/to drive away/(0086)/ 払い下げる [はらいさげる] /to make a sale of government property/(0087)/ 払い渡す [はらいわたす] /to pay/to pay out/to pay over/(0088)/ 腫れ上がる [はれあがる] /to swell up/(0089)/ 晴れ上がる [はれあがる] /to clear up/(0090-23)/ 張り上げる [はりあげる] /to raise/(0091)/ 張り合う [はりあう] /to rival/to compete with/(0092)/ 張り出す [はりだす] /to project/to jut out/(0093)/ 張り切る [はりきる] /to be in high spirits/to be full of vigor/to be enthusiastic/to be eager/to stretch to breaking point/(0094-24)/ 張り込む [はりこむ] /to be on the lookout/to lie in wait/(0095-25)/ 張り巡らす [はりめぐらす] /to stretch around/(0096)/ 張り裂ける [はりさける] /to burst (open)/to break/to split/(0097)/ 張り倒す [はりたおす] /to knock down/(0098)/ 張り付ける [はりつける] /to attach to a flat surface with glue/(0099-26)/ 挟み込む [はさみこむ] /to insert/(0100)/ 馳せ参じる [はせさんじる] /to hasten to join/(0101)/ 走り去る [はしりさる] /to run away/(0102)/ 恥じ入る [はじいる] /to feel ashamed/to be abashed/(0103)/ 弾き出す [はじきだす] /to shoot (marbles)/to calculate/to spring out/to force out/(0104)/ 乾上がる [ひあがる] /to dry up/to parch/to ebb away/(0105-27)/ 干上がる [ひあがる] /to dry up/to parch/to ebb away/(0105-27)/ 響き渡る [ひびきわたる] /to resound/(0106)/ 冷え込む [ひえこむ] /to get colder/to get chilled/(0107)/ 引上げる [ひきあげる] /to pull up/to raise/to withdraw/to salvage/to repatriate/(0108-28)/ 引き合う [ひきあう] /to pay/to be profitable/(0109)/ 引き出す [ひきだす] /to pull out/to take out/to draw out/to withdraw/(0110-29)/ 引き剥がす [ひきはがす] /to tear off/(0111)/ 引き離す [ひきはなす] /to pull apart/to separate/(0112)/ 引き払う [ひきはらう] /to vacate/(0113)/ 引き入れる [ひきいれる] /to drag into/to win over/(0114)/ 引き返す [ひきかえす] /to repeat/to send back/to repeat/to bring back//to retrace one's steps/(0115-30)/ 引き篭もる [ひきこもる] /to stay (confined) indoors (oK)/(0116)/ 引き込む [ひきこむ] /to draw in/to win over/(0117)/ 轢き殺す [ひきころす] /to kill by running over/(0118)/ 引き回す [ひきまわす] /to draw a curtain/to guide/to parade about/(0119)/ 引き戻す [ひきもどす] /to bring back/to restore/(0120)/ 引き伸ばす [ひきのばす] /to delay/to enlarge/(0121)/ 引き抜く [ひきぬく] /to extract/to uproot/to pull out/(0122)/ 引き下ろす [ひきおろす] /to haul down/to drag down/(0123)/ 引き下がる [ひきさがる] /to withdraw/to leave/(0124)/ 引き下げる [ひきさげる] /to pull down/to lower/to reduce/to withdraw/(0125-31)/ 引き裂く [ひきさく] /to tear up/to tear off/to split/(0126)/ 引き絞る [ひきしぼる] /to draw bow to limit/to draw aside curt/(0127)/ 引き締まる [ひきしまる] /to become tense/to be tightened/(0128)/ 引締める [ひきしめる] /to tighten/to stiffen/to brace/to strain/(0129)/ 引き立てる [ひきたてる] /to favour/to promote/to march (a prisoner off)/to support/(0130)/ 引き立つ [ひきたつ] /to become active/to look better/(0131)/ 引きちぎる [ひきちぎる] /to tear off/(0132)/ 引き止める [ひきとめる] /to detain/to check/to restrain/(0133)/ 引き取る [ひきとる] /to take charge of/to take over/to retire to a private place/(0134-32)/ 引き継ぐ [ひきつぐ] /to take over/to hand over/(0135)/ 惹き付ける [ひきつける] /to attract/to charm/(0136-33)/ 引き付ける [ひきつける] /to fascinate/to pull up (at a gate)/to have a convulsion/to attract/(0136-33)/ 引き連れる [ひきつれる] /to take along with/(0137)/ 引き攣る [ひきつる] /to have cramp (spasm, convulsion)/(0138)/ 引き受ける [ひきうける] /to undertake/to answer for/to guarantee/to take upon oneself/to assume responsibility/(0139-34)/ 引き分ける [ひきわける] /to pull apart/to separate/(0140)/ 引き渡す [ひきわたす] /to deliver/to extradite/to stretch across/(0141)/ 引き寄せる [ひきよせる] /to draw up chairs/(0142)/ 捻くり回す [ひねくりまわす] /to twist/to twirl/(0143)/ 捻り出す [ひねりだす] /to work out/to raise money/(0144)/ 捻り潰す [ひねりつぶす] /to pinch and crush/to pinch out/(0145)/ 拾い上げる [ひろいあげる] /to pick up/to pick out/(0146)/ 拾い集める [ひろいあつめる] /to gather/(0147)/ 微笑みかける [ほほえみかける] /to smile/(0148)/ 褒めちぎる [ほめちぎる] /to praise/to extol/(0149)/ 放り上げる [ほうりあげる] /to hurl up/(0150)/ 放り出す [ほうりだす] /to throw out/to fire/to expel/to give up/to abandon/to neglect/(0151)/ 放り込む [ほうりこむ] /to throw into/(0152)/ 惚れ込む [ほれこむ] /to be charmed by/(0153)/ 掘り当てる [ほりあてる] /to strike/to find/to dig up/(0154)/ 掘り出す [ほりだす] /to dig out/to pick up/(0155)/ 掘り返す [ほりかえす] /to dig up/to turn up/to tear up/(0156)/ 掘り起す [ほりおこす] /to reclaim/to dig up/(0157)/ 掘り下げる [ほりさげる] /to dig down/to investigate/to delve into/(0158)/ 迸しり出る [ほとばしりでる] /to gush out/to gush forth/to effuse/(0159)/ 吹き上げる [ふきあげる] /to blow up (i.e. wind)/(0160)/ 吹き荒れる [ふきあれる] /to blow violently/to sweep over/to devastate/(0161)/ 噴き出す [ふきだす] /to spout/to spurt/to gush out/to burst into laughter/(0162-35)/ 吹き出す [ふきだす] /to spout/to spurt/to gush out/to burst into laughter/(0162-35)/ 噴き出る [ふきでる] /to blow out/to spout out/(0163-36)/ 吹き出る [ふきでる] /to blow out/to spout out/(0163-36)/ 吹き払う [ふきはらう] /to blow off/(0164)/ 吹き返す [ふきかえす] /to blow in the opposite direction/to revive/(0165)/ 吹き掛ける [ふきかける] /to blow upon/to spur/to force/to overcharge/(0166)/ 吹き消す [ふきけす] /to blow out (a flame)/(0167)/ 吹き込む [ふきこむ] /to blow into/to breathe into/to inspire/to lay down a recording (music, video, etc.)/to indoctrinate/(0168-37)/ 吹き捲る [ふきまくる] /to blow about/to brag/(0169)/ 吹き送る [ふきおくる] /to waft/to blow over/(0170)/ 吹き落とす [ふきおとす] /to blow down (fruit)/(0171)/ 吹き頻る [ふきしきる] /to blow violently/(0172)/ 吹き倒す [ふきたおす] /to blow over/(0173)/ 吹き散らす [ふきちらす] /to scatter/to blow about/(0174)/ 吹き飛ばす [ふきとばす] /to blow off/to brush away/to talk big/(0175)/ 吹き通す [ふきとおす] /to blow through/to blow ceaselessly/(0176)/ 拭き取る [ふきとる] /to wipe off/to wipe up/(0177)/ 吹きつける [ふきつける] /to blow against/to spray (paint etc)(onto a surface)/(0178-38)/ 吹き募る [ふきつのる] /to blow harder and harder/(0179)/ 踏み荒らす [ふみあらす] /to trample down/to devastate/(0180)/ 踏み出す [ふみだす] /to step forward/to advance/(0181)/ 踏み外す [ふみはずす] /to miss one's footing/(0182)/ 踏み入れる [ふみいれる] /to walk in on/to tread upon/(0183)/ 踏み固める [ふみかためる] /to tread down/(0184)/ 踏み消す [ふみけす] /to stamp out (a fire)/(0185)/ 踏み切る [ふみきる] /to make a bold start/to take a plunge/to take off/(0186)/ 踏み込む [ふみこむ] /to step into (someone else's territory)/to break into/to raid/(0187-39)/ 踏み鳴らす [ふみならす] /to stamp one's feet/(0188)/ 踏みならす [ふみならす] /to stamp one's feet/(0189)/ 踏み躙る [ふみにじる] /to trample underfoot/to tread on/to crush with a foot/(0190-40)/ 踏み抜く [ふみぬく] /to tread (a nail) into the sole of one's foot/to tread through (the floor)/(0191)/ 踏み締める [ふみしめる] /to step firmly/to harden by treading/(0192)/ 踏み倒す [ふみたおす] /to trample down/to bilk/to shirk payment/(0193)/ 踏み止まる [ふみとどまる] /to stay on/to remain/to hold out/to stop (doing)/to give up/to hold one's ground/(0194-41)/ 踏み付ける [ふみつける] /to trample down/to ignore/to tread on/(0195)/ 踏みつける [ふみつける] /to trample down/to ignore/to tread on/(0195-42)/ 踏み分ける [ふみわける] /to push through (i.e. a crowd, vegetation, etc.)/(0196)/ 触れ合う [ふれあう] /to come into contact with/to touch (each other)/(0197)/ 触れ込む [ふれこむ] /to announce/to pretend to be/to pass off for/to pose as/to herald/(0198)/ 触れ回る [ふれまわる] /to cry about/to broadcast/(0199)/ 振り出す [ふりだす] /to shake and give/to start shaking/to shake out/to write (draw on) a check/(0200)/ 振れ払う [ふりはらう] /to shake off/(0201)/ 振り返る [ふりかえる] /to turn head/to look over one's shoulder/to turn around/to look back/(0202-43)/ 降り懸かる [ふりかかる] /to happen/to befall/(0203)/ 振り懸かる [ふりかかる] /to happen/to befall/(0203)/ 振り掛ける [ふりかける] /to sprinkle (salt, pepper) over/(0204)/ 振りかざす [ふりかざす] /to brandish (sword) over one's head/(0205)/ 振り翳ざす [ふりかざす] /to brandish (sword) over one's head/(0205)/ 振り切る [ふりきる] /to shake off/to shake free from/(0206)/ 降り籠める [ふりこめる] /to rain (or snow), keeping people indoors/(0207)/ 降り込める [ふりこめる] /to rain (or snow), keeping people indoors/(0207)/ 振り撒く [ふりまく] /to scatter/to sprinkle/to lavish/(0208)/ 振り回す [ふりまわす] /to wield/to brandish/to flourish/to wave (about)/to swing/to display/to show off/to abuse/(0209)/ 振り乱す [ふりみだす] /to dishevel (hair)/(0210)/ 振り向く [ふりむく] /to turn one's face/to turn around/(0211-44)/ 振り落す [ふりおとす] /to shake off/to throw off/(0212)/ 降りしきる [ふりしきる] /to rain incessantly/to downpour/(0213)/ 降り注ぐ [ふりそそぐ] /to rain incessantly/to downpour/(0214)/ 振り捨てる [ふりすてる] /to shake off/to forsake/(0215)/ 振り立てる [ふりたてる] /to toss (i.e. one's head) (vt)/to wave (i.e. a flag)/to stand up energetically (vt)/to raise one's voice/(0216)/ 震え上がる [ふるえあがる] /to tremble violently/to shudder up/(0217)/ 奮い起こす [ふるいおこす] /to muster (e.g. courage)/to gather/to collect/to pluck up/(0218)/ 振るい落とす [ふるいおとす] /to shake off/(0219)/ 奮い立つ [ふるいたつ] /to cheer up/(0220)/ 篩い分ける [ふるいわける] /to sift/to screen/(0221)/ ふさぎ込む [ふさぎこむ] /to mope/(0222)/ 言い争う [いいあらそう] /to quarrel/to dispute/(0223)/ 言い改める [いいあらためる] /to correct oneself/(0224)/ 言い表す [いいあらわす] /to express/(0225)/ 言い当てる [いいあてる] /to guess right/(0226)/ 言い合う [いいあう] /to quarrel/(0227)/ 言い出す [いいだす] /to start talking/to speak/to tell/to propose/to suggest/to break the ice/(0228-45)/ 言い放つ [いいはなつ] /to declare/(0229)/ 言い張る [いいはる] /to insist/to assert/to be obstinate in saying/(0230-46)/ 言い開く [いいひらく] /to justify/to explain/to vindicate/(0231)/ 言い含める [いいふくめる] /to give detailed instructions/(0232)/ 言い触らす [いいふらす] /to spread a rumor/to talk about/(0233)/ 言い返す [いいかえす] /to repeat/to talk back/to answer back/(0234)/ 言い交す [いいかわす] /to have a chat with/to promise/to get engaged/(0235)/ 言い切る [いいきる] /to declare/to assert/to state definitively/(0236-47)/ 言い込める [いいこめる] /to take down/(0237)/ 言い暮らす [いいくらす] /to pass the time talking/(0238)/ 言い紛らす [いいまぎらす] /to equivocate/(0239)/ 言い負かす [いいまかす] /to talk (a person) down/to confute/(0240)/ 言い習わす [いいならわす] /to be handed down/to have a habit of saying/(0241)/ 言い抜ける [いいぬける] /to explain away/to answer evasively/(0242)/ 言い送る [いいおくる] /to send a message/to write to/(0243)/ 言い捨てる [いいすてる] /to say (something) over one's shoulder/(0244)/ 言い足す [いいたす] /to add/to say something additional/(0245)/ 言い立てる [いいたてる] /to state/to insist/(0246)/ 言い散らす [いいちらす] /to spread (a report)/(0247)/ 言い付ける [いいつける] /to tell/to tell on (someone)/(0248-48)/ 言い募る [いいつのる] /to argue vehemently/(0249)/ 言い伝える [いいつたえる] /to send word/(0250)/ 言い渡す [いいわたす] /to announce/to tell/to sentence/to order/(0251-49)/ 言い寄る [いいよる] /to court/to woo/to approach defiantly/(0252)/ 行き合わせる [いきあわせる] /to happen to meet/(0253-50)/ 生き返る [いきかえる] /to revive/to come to oneself/to be restored to life/(0254)/ 生き長らえる [いきながらえる] /to live long/to survive/(0255)/ 生き延びる [いきのびる] /to survive/to live long/(0256)/ 生き残る [いきのこる] /to survive/(0257-51)/ 居並ぶ [いならぶ] /to sit in a row/to be arrayed/(0258-52)/ 入れ換える [いれかえる] /to replace/to substitute/to shift/to change places/(0259-53)/ 入れ代える [いれかえる] /to replace/to substitute/to shift/to change places/(0259-53)/ 入れ替える [いれかえる] /to replace/to substitute/to shift/to change places/(0259-53)/ 入れ替わる [いれかわる] /to change places (vi)/to relieve one another/(0260)/ 入れ代わる [いれかわる] /to change places (vi)/to relieve one another/(0260)/ 入り組む [いりくむ] /to be or become complicated/(0261)/ 入り交じる [いりまじる] /to mix with/to be mixed/(0262)/ 勇み立つ [いさみたつ] /to cheer up/to encouraged (by)/(0263)/ 痛め付ける [いためつける] /to rebuke/to taunt/to give a good shaking/to knock about/(0264)/ 痛み入る [いたみいる] /to be greatly obliged/to be very sorry/(0265)/ 射止める [いとめる] /to shoot dead/to make something one's own/(0266)/ 居着く [いつく] /to settle down/(0267)/ いじり回す [いじりまわす] /to tinker with/to twist up/(0268)/ 嗅ぎ出す [かぎだす] /to scent out/to detect/(0269)/ 嗅ぎ付ける [かぎつける] /to sniff out/to get wind of/(0270)/ 嗅ぎ分ける [かぎわける] /to scent out/to discern/(0271)/ 買い上げる [かいあげる] /to buy/to buy up/to bid up/(0272)/ 買いあおる [かいあおる] /to bid up/to corner the market/(0273)/ 買い煽る [かいあおる] /to bid up/to corner the market/(0273)/ 買い漁る [かいあさる] /to spend money freely/(0274)/ 買い集める [かいあつめる] /to buy up/(0275)/ 買い入れる [かいいれる] /to purchase/to buy in/(0276)/ 買い被る [かいかぶる] /to overestimate/to make too much of/(0277-54)/ 買い切る [かいきる] /to buy up/(0278)/ 掻き込む [かきこむ] /to carry under the arm/to rake in/(0279)/ 買い込む [かいこむ] /to purchase/to buy up/(0279)/ 買い求める [かいもとめる] /to buy/(0280)/ 飼い慣らす [かいならす] /to tame (e.g. animal)/(0281)/ 買い足す [かいたす] /to make additional purchases/(0282)/ 買い取る [かいとる] /to buy/to purchase/(0283)/ 買い受ける [かいうける] /to purchase/(0284)/ 掛かり合う [かかりあい] /to have dealings with/to be involved in/(0285-55)/ 駆け上る [かけあがる] /to run up/(0286)/ 掛け合う [かけあう] /to negotiate with/to talk over with/(0287)/ 掛け合わせる [かけあわせる] /to negotiate/to multiply/to cross breed/(0288)/ 駆け出す [かけだす] /to run out/to start running/to break into a run/(0289)/ 駆け込む [かけこむ] /to rush in (at the last minute)/to stampede/(0290)/ 駆け回る [かけまわる] /to run around/to bustle about/(0291)/ 駆け登る [かけのぼる] /to run (uphill)/(0292)/ 駆け下りる [かけおりる] /to run down/(0293)/ 駆け付ける [かけつける] /to rush (someplace)/to hasten/to run/(0294-56)/ 駆け寄る [かけよる] /to rush over/to run up to/(0295)/ 書き表す [かきあらわす] /to write out/to express/to publish/(0296)/ 掻き集める [かきあつめる] /to gather up/to scrape up together/(0297)/ 掻き合せる [かきあわせる] to adjust/to arrange/(0298)/ 書き出す [かきだす] /to begin to write/to write out/to extract/(0299)/ 書き入れる [かきいれる] /to write in/(0300-57)/ 舁き入れる [かきいれる] /to carry in/(0300)/ 書き込む [かきこむ] /to fill in (writing)/(0301)/ 書き加える [かきくわえる] /to add (e.g. a postscript)/(0302)/ 書き捲くる [かきまくる] /to dash off/to write freely/(0303-58)/ 掻き回す [かきまわす] /to stir up/to churn/to ransack/to disturb/(0304-59)/ 掻き混ぜる [かきまぜる] /to mix/to stir/(0305)/ かき交ぜる [かきまぜる] /to mix/to stir/(0305)/ 掻き乱す [かきみだす] /to stir up/to disturb/(0306)/ 掻き毟る [かきむしる] /to tear off/to pluck/to scratch off/(0307)/ 書き流す [かきながす] /to write off/(0308)/ 書きなぐる [かきなぐる] /to scribble (write quickly)/to dash off/(0309)/ 書き並べる [かきならべる] /to line up points in a speech/(0310)/ 掻き鳴らす [かきならす] /to thrum/to strum/(0311)/ 書き伸ばす [かきのばす] /to make the resulting text longer by additional writing/(0312)/ 書き抜く [かきぬく] /to extract/(0313)/ 書き送る [かきおくる] /to write/(0314)/ 書き下ろす [かきおろす] /to write a play, book, filmscript, etc./(0315)/ 書き記す [かきしるす] /to write down/to record/to register/(0316)/ 書き添える [かきそえる] /to add/to write a postscript/(0317)/ 書き捨てる [かきすてる] /to write and throw away/to write carelessly/to begin writing then stop part-way through/(0318)/ 書き立てる [かきたてる] /to write up/(0319-60)/ 掻き立てる [かきたてる] /to stir up/to arouse/(0320)/ 書き散らす [かきちらす] /to scribble/(0321)/ 書き留める [かきとめる] /to write down/(0322)/ 書き止める [かきとめる] /to record/to chronicle/(0322)/ 書き取る [かきとる] /to write down/to take dictation/to take notes/(0323-61)/ 書き付ける [かきつける] /to write down/(0324)/ 書き写す [かきうつす] /to transcribe/(0325)/ 書き分ける [かきわける] /to classify and write up/(0326)/ 噛み合う [かみあう] /to gear (engage) with/to be in gear (mesh)/to bite each other/(0327)/ 噛み合わせる [かみあわせる] /to clench (teeth)/to engage (gears)/(0328)/ 噛み切る [かみきる] /to bite off/to gnaw through/(0329)/ 噛み熟す [かみこなす] /to chew/to digest/(0330)/ 噛み殺す [かみころす] /to stifle a smile, yawn, etc./to bite to death/(0331)/ 噛み砕く [かみくだく] /to crunch/to simplify/to explain plainly/(0332)/ 噛み締める [かみしめる] /to chew well/to digest/(0333)/ 噛み付く [かみつく] /to bite (at)/to snap at/to snarl at/(0334-62)/ 噛み分ける [かみわける] /to taste/to distinguish/(0335)/ 醸し出す [かもしだす] /to engender/to bring about/(0336)/ 考え出す [かんがえだす] /to think out/to devise/to invent/to begin to think/to come up with a plan/(0337-63)/ 考え込む [かんがえこむ] /to ponder/to brood/(0338)/ 考え抜く [かんがえぬく] /to think thoroughly/(0339)/ 考え付く [かんがえつく] /to think of/to come up with/(0340)/ 感じ取る [かんじとる] /to feel/(0341)/ 搦め捕る [からめとる] /to arrest/(0342)/ 絡み付く [からみつく] /to twine oneself around/to coil around/(0343)/ 刈り上げる [かりあげる] /to reap completely/to trim up (the hair)/to dress up/(0344)/ 借り集める [かりあつめる] /to borrow money/to call for loans/(0345)/ 借り出す [かりだす] /to borrow/to take out/(0346)/ 狩り出す [かりだす] /to hunt out/to round up/(0347)/ 刈り入れる [かりいれる] /to harvest/to reap/(0348)/ 借り入れる [かりいれる] /to borrow/(0348)/ 借り切る [かりきる] /to reserve/(0349)/ 刈り込む [かりこむ] /to cut/to dress/to prune/to trim/to clip/to dress/to prune/(0350)/ 刈りそろえる [かりそろえる] /to cut or trim something evenly/to make all the same length/(0351)/ 駆り立てる [かりたてる] /to spur on/(0352)/ 刈り取る [かりとる] /to mow/to reap/to harvest/(0353)/ 借り受ける [かりうける] /to borrow/to have a loan/to hire/to rent/to buy on credit/(0354)/ 重なり合う [かさなりあう] /to lie on top of each other/to overlap/to pile up/(0355)/ 貸し出す [かしだす] /to lend/(0356)/ 掠め取る [かすめとる] /to snatch/to steal/(0357)/ 語り明かす [かたりあかす] /to talk all the night/(0358)/ 語り合う [かたりあう] /to talk together/(0359)/ 語り継ぐ [かたりつぐ] /to transmit/to hand down/(0360)/ 勝ち誇る [かちほこる] /to triumph/to be elated with success/(0361)/ 担ぎ上げる [かつぎあげる] /to put up/to flatter/(0362)/ 変わり果てる [かわりはてる] /to be completely changed/(0363-64)/ 飾り立てる [かざりたてる] /to decorate gaudily/to deck out/(0364)/ 飾り付ける [かざりつける] /to decorate/to display/(0365)/ 齧り付く [かじりつく] /to bite into/to stick to/(0366)/ 数え上げる [かぞえあげる] /to count up/to enumerate/(0367)/ 蹴上げる [けあげる] /to kick up/(0368)/ けり込む [けりこむ] /to kick in/(0369)/ 蹴り込む [けりこむ] /to kick in/(0369)/ けり殺す [けりころす] /to kick to death/(0370)/ 蹴り殺す [けりころす] /to kick to death/(0370)/ 消し飛ぶ [けしとぶ] /to scatter away/(0371)/ 消し止める [けしとめる] /to put out/to extinguish/(0372)/ 蹴散らす [けちらす] /to kick about/(0373)/ 来合わせる [きあわせる] /to happen to come along/(0374)/ 消え果てる [きえはてる] /to vanish completely/(0375)/ 消え入る [きえいる] /to vanish/(0376)/ 消え失せる [きえうせる] /to disappear/to get out of sight/to die/(in imperative)to fuck off (vulg)(X)/(0377)/ 聞き合せる [ききあわせる] /to make inquiries/to refer to/(0378)/ 聞き出す [ききだす] /to get information out of a person/to begin listening/(0379)/ 聞き惚れる [ききほれる] /to listen to in an ecstasy/(0380)/ 聞き入れる [ききいれる] /to grant (a wish)/to accede/to comply with/(0381)/ 聞き入る [ききいる] /to listen attentively to/to be lost in/(0382)/ 訊き返す [ききかえす] /to ask in return/to ask again/(0383)/ 聞き齧る [ききかじる] /to have a smattering knowledge of/(0384)/ 聴き込む [ききこむ] /to have heard/(0385)/ 聞き覚える [ききおぼえる] /to be familiar/tolearn by ear/to picked-up knowledge/(0386)/ 聞き及ぶ [ききおよぶ] /to hear of/to learn of/(0387)/ 聞き糺す [ききただす] /to make sure of/(0388)/ 聞き正す [ききただす] /to draw (information from)/(0388)/ 聞き糺す [ききただす] /to ascertain/to confirm/to verify/to make sure of/(0388)/ 聞き届ける [ききとどける] /to grant/(0389)/ 聞き咎める [ききとがめる] /to find fault with/(0390)/ 聞き取る [ききとる] /to catch (a person's words)/to follow/to understand/(0391-65)/ 聞き付ける [ききつける] /to hear/to catch (the sound)/(0392)/ 聞き尽くす [ききつくす] /to hear all about/(0393)/ 聞き伝える [ききつたえる] /to hear (secondhand)/(0394)/ 聞き分ける [ききわける] /to recognize (identify) by sound/(0395)/ 着込む [きこむ] /to wear extra clothes/(0396)/ 決め込む [きめこむ] /to take for granted/to assume/to pretend/(0397)/ 決め付ける [きめつける] /to scold/to take (a person) to task/(0398)/ 切り上げる [きりあげる] /to abbreviate/to close/to finish/(0399)/ 切り出す [きりだす] /to break/to broach/to bring down/to quarry/to cut (timber)/to cut and carry off/to begin to talk/to break the ice/(0400)/ 切り離す [きりはなす] /to detach/to decapitate/(0401)/ 切り払う [きりはらう] /to clear away/to clear land/to prune/to lop off/(0402)/ 切り開く [きりひらく] /to clear (land)/to open up/to cut through/(0403)/ 切り拡げる [きりひろげる] /to cut and enlarge/(0404)/ 切り刻む [きりきざむ] /to hew/to chop up/to mangle/to mince/(0405)/ 切り込む [きりこむ] /to cut into/to raid/to attack/to cut up/(0406)/ 切り殺す [きりころす] /to slay/(0407)/ 切り捲る [きりまくる] /to attack and scatter/to argue vehemently/(0408)/ 切り回す [きりまわす] /to run around killing/to manage everything/to control/to cut carelessly (a cook or surgeon)/(0409)/ 切り抜ける [きりぬける] /to cut one's way through/to tide over/to struggle through/to get over/(0410-66)/ 切り抜く [きりぬく] /to cut out/to clip from/to extract/(0411)/ 切り落とす [きりおとす] /to cut down/to lop off/to prune/(0412)/ 切り捨てる [きりすてる] /to truncate/to cut down/to omit/to discard/to slay/to cast away/(0413)/ 切り倒す [きりたおす] /to cut down/to chop down/to fell/(0414)/ 切り取る [きりとる] /to cut off/to excise/to tear off/to cut out/to whittle down/to tear out/to cut down/to amputate/(0415)/ 切り付ける [きりつける] /to cut at/to slash at/(0416)/ 切り詰める [きりつめる] /to shorten/to reduce/to economize/(0417)/ 刻み付ける [きざみつける] /to engrave/to carve out/(0418)/ 築き上げる [きずきあげる] /to build up/to establish (one's reputation)/(0419)/ 焦げ付く [こげつく] /to get burned and stuck on/to become uncollectable (and remain unpaid)/(0420-67)/ 漕ぎ着ける [こぎつける] /to row up to/to attain to/(0421)/ こみ上げる [こみあげる] /to well up (emotion)/(0422)/ 込み合う [こみあう] /to be crowded/(0423)/ 込み入る [こみいる] /to push in/to be crowded/to be complicated/(0424)/ 凍り付く [こおりつく] /to freeze to/to be frozen to/(0425)/ 転がり込む [ころがりこむ] /to roll in/to tumble into/to come to live with/to fall in one's way/to visit (esp. to stay overnight as an unwanted guest)/(0426-68)/ 転げ回る [ころげまわる] /to roll about/to writhe about/(0427)/ 転げ落ちる [ころげおちる] /to fall off/to tumble down/(0428)/ 食い荒らす [くいあらす] /to devour/to work a various things/to eat some of everything/(0429)/ 悔い改める [くいあらためる] /to repent/to be penitent/(0430)/ 食い合わす [くいあわす] /to clench/(0431)/ 食い入る [くいいる] /to eat into/(0432)/ 食い込む [くいこむ] /to eat into/(0433)/ 食い延ばす [くいのばす] /to keep alive on/to stretch food to make ends meet/(0434)/ 食い伸ばす [くいのばす] /to keep alive on/to stretch food to make ends meet/(0434)/ 食い倒す [くいたおす] /to bilk/to eat up one's fortune/(0435)/ 食い違う [くいちがう] /to cross each other/to run counter to/to differ/to clash/to go awry/(0436)/ 食い散らす [くいちらす] /to eat untidily/to eat a bit of everything/(0437)/ 食い止める [くいとめる] /to check/to hold back/(0438)/ 食い潰す [くいつぶす] /to run through one's fortune in idleness/(0439)/ 食い付く [くいつく] /to bite at/to nibble/to hold with the teeth/(0440)/ 食い詰める [くいつめる] /to go broke/(0441)/ 括り付ける [くくりつける] /to fasten (a person) to/(0442)/ 汲み上げる [くみあげる] /to draw/(0443)/ 組み合わせる [くみあわせる] /to join together/to combine/to join up/(0444-69)/ 組み合す [くみあわす] /to combine/to dovetail together/(0445)/ 組み伏せる [くみふせる] /to hold down/(0446)/ 組み入れる [くみいれる] /to include/to insert/(0447)/ 組み立てる [くみたてる] /to assemble/to set up/to construct/(0448-70)/ 汲み取る [くみとる] /to scoop out/to pump out/to understand/(0449)/ 組み付く [くみつく] /to grapple/to wrestle/(0450)/ 繰り上げる [くりあげる] /to move up/to advance/(0451)/ 繰り合わす [くりあわす] /to make time/to arrange matters/(0452)/ 繰り出す [くりだす] /to draw (a thread)/to sally forth/to send out/(0453)/ 繰り返す [くりかえす] /to repeat/to do something over again/(0454-71)/ 繰り越す [くりこす] /to carry forward (i.e. on a balance sheet)/to transfer/(0455)/ 繰り下げる [くりさげる] /to transfer/to delay/(0456)/ 狂い回る [くるいまわる] /to rave/to run amuck/(0457)/ 曲がりくねる [まがりくねる] /to turn and twist/to zigzag/(0458)/ 紛れ込む [まぎれこむ] /to disappear into/to slip into/to be lost in/to be mixed up with/(0459)/ 舞い上がる [まいあがる] /to soar/to fly high/to be whirled up/(0460)/ 巻き上がる [まきあがる] /to roll up/to be rolled up/(0461)/ 巻き上げる [まきあげる] /to roll up/to hoist/to heave up/to take away/to blow up (dust)/(0462)/ 巻き込む [まきこむ] /to roll up/to involve/to enfold/to swallow up/to drag into/(0463)/ 撒き散らす [まきちらす] /to scatter/to spread/(0464)/ 巻き付ける [まきつける] /to wreathe (e.g rope)/(0465)/ 巻き付く [まきつく] /to twine around/(0466)/ 捲し立てる [まくしたてる] /to talk on and on/(0467)/ 丸め込む [まるめこむ] /to coax/to seduce/(0468)/ 待ち合わせる [まちあわせる] /to rendezvous/to meet at a prearranged place and time/(0469-72)/ 待ち構える [まちかまえる] /to lie in wait/to be on the watch for/(0470-73)/ 待ち焦がれる [まちこがれる] /to long for/(0471)/ 待ち望む [まちのぞむ] /to look anxiously for/to wait eagerly for/(0472-74)/ 待ち受ける [まちうける] /to await/to expect/(0473)/ 纏い付く [まといつく] /to entwine/to follow about/(0474)/ 迷い込む [まよいこむ] /to go astray/to lose one's way/(0475)/ 混ぜ合せる [まぜあわせる] /to mix/(0476)/ 交ぜ合せる [まぜあわせる] /to mix/(0476)/ 巡り合う [めぐりあう] /to meeting by chance/to happen across/(0477)/ 召し上がる [めしあがる] /to eat (pol)/(0478)/ 召し出す [めしだす] /to call out/to summon/(0479)/ 召し抱える [めしかかえる] /to employ/to engage/(0480)/ 召し捕る [めしとる] /to arrest/to apprehend/(0481)/ 見上げる [みあげる] /to look up at/to raise one's eyes/to admire/(0482-75)/ 見当たる [みあたる] /to be found/(0483)/ 見合わせる [みあわせる] /to exchange glances/to postpone/to suspend operations/to refrain from performing an action/(0484-76)/ 見え透く [みえすく] /to be transparent/(0485)/ 見計らう [みはからう] /to choose at one's own discretion/(0486)/ 見晴らす [みはらす] /to command a view/(0487)/ 見張る [みはる] /to watch/to (stand) guard/to look out/to open one's eyes wide/(0488-77)/ 見返す [みかえす] /to look (stare) back at/to triumph over/(0489)/ 見掛ける [みかける] /to (happen to) see/to notice/to catch sight of/(0490-78)/ 見交わす [みかわす] /to exchange glances/(0491)/ 見極める [みきわめる] /to see through/to probe/to make sure of/(0492)/ 見越す [みこす] /to anticipate/to foresee/(0493)/ 見くびる [みくびる] /to underrate/to belittle/(0494)/ 見下す [みくだす] /to despise/to look down on/(0495)/ 見比べる [みくらべる] /to compare with the eye/(0496)/ 見較べる [みくらべる] /to compare with the eye/(0496)/ 見守る [みまもる] /to watch over/to watch attentively/(0497-79)/ 見舞う [みまう] /to ask after (health)/to visit/(0498-80)/ 見回す [みまわす] /to look around/(0499-81)/ 見向く [みむく] /to look around/to look towards (us)/(0500)/ 見直す [みなおす] /to look again/to get a better opinion of/(0501-82)/ 見習う [みならう] /to follow another's example/(0502)/ 見覚える [みおぼえる] /to remember/to recollect/to recognize/(0503)/ 見送る [みおくる] /to see off/to farewell/to escort/to let pass/to wait & see/(0504-83)/ 見下ろす [みおろす] /to overlook/to command a view of/to look down on something/(0505-84)/ 見下げる [みさげる] /to look down over/to look down on/(0506)/ 見せびらかす [みせびらかす] /to show off/to flaunt/(0507)/ 見せ掛ける [みせかける] /to pretend/to feign/(0508-85)/ 見せ付ける [みせつける] /to display/to show/(0509)/ 見そ損う [みそこなう] /to misjudge/to mistake/to miss seeing/(0510)/ 見そ逸れる [みそれる] /to overlook/to fail to recognize/(0511)/ 見据える [みすえる] /to gaze at/to make sure of/(0512)/ 見捨てる [みすてる] /to abandon/to fail/to desert/(0513)/ 見立てる [みたてる] /to choose/to select/(0514)/ 未届ける [みとどける] /to make sure/to see with one's own eyes/to ascertain/(0515)/ 見届ける [みとどける] /to make sure of/to assure oneself of/(0515)/ 見咎める [みとがめる] /to find fault with/to question/(0516)/ 見通す [みとおす] /to see without obstruction/to forecast/to predict/(0517)/ 見付かる [みつかる] /(uk) to be found/to be discovered/(0518)/ 見付ける [みつける] /to be familiar/to discover/to find/(0519)/ 見詰める [みつめる] /(uk) to stare at/to gaze at/to look hard at/to watch intently/to fix one's eyes on/(0520-86)/ 見積もる [みつもる] /to estimate/(0521)/ 見受ける [みうける] /to catch sight of/to see/to suppose/(0522)/ 見分ける [みわける] /to distinguish/to identify (whether an object is positive or negative in some aspect)/to recognize/(0523-87)/ 見渡す [みわたす] /to look out over/to survey (scene)/to take an extensive view of/(0524-88)/ 燃え上がる [もえあがる] /to flare up/to burst into flames/(0525)/ 燃え広がる [もえひろがる] /to spread (flames)/(0526)/ 燃え尽く [もえつく] /to catch fire/to ignite/(0527)/ 燃え付く [もえつく] /to catch fire/to ignite/(0527)/ 燃え移る [もえうつる] /(of fire)to spread/to extend itself/(0528)/ 潜り込む [もぐりこむ] /to slip into/to crawl into (under)/to conceal oneself (under)/(0529)/ 揉み消す [もみけす] /to crush/to hush up/(0530)/ 申し合わせる [もうしあわせる] /to arrange/to make an appointment/to agree upon/(0531)/ 申し出る [もうしでる] /to report to/to tell/to suggest/to submit/to request/to make an offer/to come forward with information/(0532-89)/ 申し聞かせる [もうしきかせる] /to tell/to talk to/(0533)/ 申し込む [もうしこむ] /to apply for/to make an application/to propose (marriage)/to offer (mediation)/to make an overture (of peace)/to challenge/to lodge (objections)/to request (an interview)/to subscribe for/to book/to reserve/(0534-90)/ 申し立てる [もうしたてる] /to declare/to plead/(0535)/ 申し付ける [もうしつける] /to order/to instruct/(0536)/ 申し受ける [もうしうける] /to accept/to ask for/to charge (a price)/(0537)/ 申し渡す [もうしわたす] /to tell/to announce/to declare/to order/(0538)/ 漏れ聞く [もれきく] /to overhear/(0539)/ 盛り上がる [もりあがる] /to rouse/to swell/to rise/(0540-91)/ 盛り上げる [もりあげる] /to pile up/to heap up/to stir up/to bring to a climax/to raise/(0541-92)/ 盛り返す [もりかえす] /to rally/to make a comeback/(0542)/ 盛り込む [もりこむ] /to incorporate/to include/(0543)/ 凭れ掛かる [もたれかかる] /to lean on/to recline on/to rely on/(0544)/ 凭せ掛ける [もたせかける] /to lean against (vt)/to set against/(0545)/ 持上がる [もちあがる] /to lift/to happen/to occur/to come up/(0546-93)/ 持ち上げる [もちあげる] /to raise/to lift up/to flatter/(0547-94)/ 持ち歩く [もちあるく] /to carry/(0548)/ 持ち合せる [もちあわせる] /to happen to have on hand/(0549-95)/ 持ち出す [もちだす] /to take out/to carry out/to bring out from where it belongs/(0550-96)/ 持ち古す [もちふるす] /to have long in use/(0551)/ 持ち掛ける [もちかける] /to offer a suggestion/to propose an idea/(0552)/ 持ち切り [もちきり] /to hold all the while/to talk about nothing but/(0553)/ 持ち込む [もちこむ] /to lodge (vt)/to take something into ../to bring in/(0554-97)/ 持ち越す [もちこす] /to carry over/to carry forward/to keep (for later)/to defer/(0555)/ 持ち堪える [もちこたえる] /to hold out/(0556)/ 持ち崩す [もちくずす] /to ruin (degrade) oneself/(0557)/ 持ち回る [もちまわる] /to carry about/(0558)/ 持ち直す [もちなおす] /to recover/to rally/to improve/to pick up/(0559)/ 持ち去る [もちさる] /to take away/to carry away/(0560)/ 持ち寄る [もちよる] /to bring/(0561)/ 向かい合う [むかいあう] /to be opposite/to face each other/(0562-98)/ 向き合う [むきあう] /to be opposite/to face each other/(0563-98)/ 剥き出す [むきだす] /to show/to bare (the teeth)/(0564)/ 噎せ返る [むせかえる] /to choke/to sob convulsively/(0565)/ 蒸し返す [むしかえす] /to reheat/to steam over/to bring up again/to take up again a problem that has been dealt with/(0566-99)/ 結び合せる [むすびあわせる] /to tie/to correlate/(0567)/ 結び付ける [むすびつける] /to combine/to join/to tie on/to attach with a knot/(0568-100)/ 撫で上げる [なであげる] /to comb back/(0569)/ 撫で回す [なでまわす] /to pat (e.g. dog)/to rub/to stroke/(0570)/ 撫で下ろす [なでおろす] /to stroke down/(0571)/ 撫で付ける [なでつける] /to comb down/to smooth down/(0572)/ 流れ出る [ながれでる] /to flow out/to stream out/to pour out/to gush forth/to leak/to ooze out/to drift away/(0573)/ 流れ出す [ながれだす] /to flow out/to stream out/to pour out/to gush forth/to leak/to ooze out/to drift away/(0573)/ 流れ込む [ながれこむ] /to flow/to pour/to stream/(0574)/ 流れ着く [ながれつく] /to drift to/to be washed ashore/(0575)/ 流し込む [ながしこむ] /to pour into/to wash down/(0576)/ 投げ上げる [なげあげる] /to throw up (in the air)/(0577)/ 投げ出す [なげだす] /to throw down/to abandon/to sacrifice/to throw aout/(0578-101)/ 投げ入れる [なげいれる] /to throw into/to dump in together/(0579)/ 投げ返す [なげかえす] /to throw back/(0580)/ 投げ掛ける [なげかける] /to throw at/to turn/to raise/(0581)/ 投げ込む [なげこむ] /to throw into/(0582)/ 投げ落とす [なげおとす] /to throw down/(0583)/ 投げ飛ばす [なげとばす] /to fling away/to hurl/(0584)/ 投付ける [なげつける] /to throw at/(0585-102)/ 薙ぎ倒す [なぎたおす] /to mow down/to beat/(0586)/ 殴り殺す [なぐりころす] /to strike dead/to beat to death/(0587)/ 殴り倒す [なぐりたおす] /to knock down/(0588)/ 殴り付ける [なぐりつける] /to beat (someone in battle)/(0589)/ 泣き明す [なきあかす] /to weep the night out/(0590)/ 泣き腫らす [なきはらす] /to weep one's eyes out/(0591)/ 泣き伏す [なきふす] /to break down crying/(0592)/ 泣き暮す [なきくらす] /to spend one's days in tears/(0593)/ 泣き崩れる [なきくずれる] /to break down crying/(0594)/ 泣き落とす [なきおとす] /to persuade by tears/(0595)/ 泣き叫ぶ [なきさけぶ] /to cry and shout/to scream/(0596-103)/ 泣し沈む [なきしずむ] /to abandon oneself to grief/(0597)/ 泣き潰す [なきつぶす] /to cry one's eyes out/to weep oneself blind/(0598)/ 泣き付く [なきつく] /to cling to...in tears/to beg...in tears/to appeal/to throw oneself on someone's mercy/(0599-104)/ 名乗り出る [なのりでる] /to introduce oneself/(0600)/ 成り上がる [なりあがる] /to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)/(0601-105)/ 成り果てる [なりはてる] /to be reduced to.../(0602)/ 鳴り響く [なりひびく] /to reverberate/to resound/to echo/(0603)/ 成り立つ [なりたつ] /to conclude/to consist of/to be practical (logical, feasible, viable)/to hold true/(0604-106)/ 鳴り渡る [なりわたる] /to resound (echo) far and wide/(0605)/ 為し遂げる [なしとげる] /to finish/to fulfill/to accomplish/(0606)/ 擦り付ける [なすりつける] /to blame another/(0607)/ 寝惚ける [ねぼける] /to be half asleep/(0608)/ 寝返る [ねがえる] /to change sides/to double-cross/to betray/(0609)/ 願い出る [ねがいでる] /to apply for/(0610)/ 寝込む [ねこむ] /to stay in bed/to sleep/to be laid up for a long time/(0611-107)/ 寝転ぶ [ねころぶ] /(uk) to lie down/to throw oneself down/(0612-108)/ 練り上げる [ねりあげる] /to train up/to discipline/(0613)/ 練り歩く [ねりあるく] /to parade/to march/(0614)/ 練り合せる [ねりあわせる] /to knead together/(0615)/ 寝静まる [ねしずまる] /to fall asleep/(0616)/ 寝そべる [ねそべる] /to sprawl/to lie sprawled/(0617)/ 寝付く [ねつく] /to go to bed/(0618)/ 寝醒める [ねざめる] /(oK) to wake up/(0619)/ 寝覚める [ねざめる] /to wake up/(0619)/ 捩じ上げる [ねじあげる] /to twist hard/(0620)/ 捩じ開ける [ねじあける] /to wrench open/(0621)/ ねじ伏せる [ねじふせる] /to hold down/to twist one's arm/(0622)/ 捩じ伏せる [ねじふせる] /to hold down/to twist one's arm/(0622)/ 捩じ切る [ねじきる] /to twist off/(0623)/ 捩じ込む [ねじこむ] /to screw in/to thrust into a container/to protest against (and demand compensation)/(0624-109)/ 捩じ曲げる [ねじまげる] /to twist/to distort/(0625)/ 捩じ取る [ねじとる] /to wring off/to wrest from/(0626)/ 煮え返る [にえかえる] /to seethe/to ferment/to boil over/(0627)/ 煮え滾る [にえたぎる] /to boil/(0628)/ 逃げ出す [にげだす] /to run away/to escape from/(0629-110)/ 逃げ込む [にげこむ] /to take refuge in/to succeed in running away/(0630-111)/ 逃げ惑う [にげまどう] /to run about trying to escape/(0631)/ 逃げ回る [にげまわる] /to run from place to place/(0632)/ 逃げ延びる [にげのびる] /to make good one's escape/(0633)/ 逃げ果せる [にげおおせる] /to escape/(0634)/ 逃げ落ちる [にげおちる] /to escape safely/(0635)/ 逃げ失せる [にげうせる] /to escape/to run away/(0636)/ 握り締める [にぎりしめる] /to grasp tightly/(0637-112)/ 握りつぶす [にぎりつぶす] /to crush (with one's hands)/to abandon/(0638-113)/ 睨み合う [にらみあう] /to glare at each other/(0639)/ 睨み合せる [にらみあわせる] /to weigh one thing against the other/to act in consideration of/(0640-114)/ 睨み付ける [にらみつける] /to glare at/(0641)/ 煮付ける [につける] /to cook hard/(0642)/ 煮詰まる [につまる] /to be boiled down/(0643)/ 煮つめる [につめる] /to boil down/to concentrate/(0644)/ 伸び上がる [のびあがる] /to stretch/to reach to/to stand on tiptoe/(0645)/ 伸び広がる [のびひろがる] /to stretch out/(0646)/ 上り詰める [のぼりつめる] /to go to the top/to be engrossed in/(0647)/ 登り詰める [のぼりつめる] /to go to the top/to be engrossed in/(0647)/ 呑み込む [のみこむ] /to swallow deeply/to gulp down/to learn/to digest/(0648-115)/ 乗り上げる [のりあげる] /to run aground/to be stranded/(0649)/ 乗り合わせる [のりあわせる] /to happen to ride together/to share a vehicle/to (operate a) carpool/(0650)/ 乗り出す [のりだす] /to set out/to set sail/to embark on/to lean forward/to begin to ride/(0651)/ 乗り替える [のりかえる] /to transfer/to change (bus, train)/(0652-116)/ 乗り込む [のりこむ] /to board/to embark on/to get into (a car)/to ship (passengers)/to man (a ship)/to help (someone) into/to march into/to enter/(0653-117)/ 乗り越す [のりこす] /to ride past/to pass/to outdistance/(0654)/ 乗り組む [のりくむ] /to get on aboard/to join a ship/(0655)/ 乗り回す [のりまわす] /to drive (a car) around (vt)/to ride (a bicycle) around (vt)/(0656)/ 乗り取る [のりとる] /to capture/to occupy/to usurp/(0657)/ 乗り継ぐ [のりつぐ] /to change/(0658)/ 乗り付ける [のりつける] /to ride up to/to get used to riding/(0659)/ 脱ぎ揃える [ぬぎそろえる] /to take off something (e.g. a pair of shoes) and leave them neatly aligned side by side/(0660)/ 脱ぎ捨てる [ぬぎすてる] /to fling/to throw off (clothes)/to kick off (boots)/(0661)/ 縫い合わせる [ぬいあわせる] /to sew up (together)/(0662)/ 縫い込む [ぬいこむ] /to sew in/(0663)/ 縫い付ける [ぬいつける] /to sew on/(0664)/ 抜け出す [ぬけだす] /to slip out/to sneak away/to excel/(0665)/ 抜け出る [ぬけでる] /to excel/to steal out/(0666)/ 抜き出す [ぬきだす] /to start to pull out/(0667)/ 抜い放つ [ぬきはなつ] /to unsheathe/(0668)/ 抜き取る [ぬきとる] /to pull out/to draw out/(0669)/ 塗り込む [ぬりこむ] /to paint over heavily/to plaster up/(0670)/ 塗り立てる [ぬりたてる] /to paint beautifully/to paint thickly/to powder heavily/(0671)/ 塗り潰す [ぬりつぶす] /to paint out/(0672)/ 塗り付ける [ぬりつける] /to daub/to smear/(0673)/ 盗み出す [ぬすみだす] /to steal (from a person)/(0674)/ 盗み見る [ぬすみみる] /to steal a glance/(0675)/ 盗み取る [ぬすみとる] /to steal/(0676)/ 誘き出す [おびきだす] /to lure out of/to decoy out of/to entice out of/(0677)/ 躍り上がる [おどりあがる] /to spring up/to leap to one's feet/to jump up and down/(0678-118)/ 躍り掛る [おどりかかる] /to spring at/(0679)/ 躍り込む [おどりこむ] /to jump into/to rush into/(0680)/ 驚き入る [おどろきいる] /to be astonished/to be amazed/(0681)/ 脅しつける [おどしつける] /to threaten/(0682)/ 拝み倒す [おがみたおす] /to persuade someone to consent/to entreat repeatedly/to beg/to implore/(0683)/ 追い出す [おいだす] /to expel/to drive out/(0684-119)/ 追い払う [おいはらう] /to drive away/(0685)/ 追い返す [おいかえす] /to turn away/to send away/(0686)/ 追いかける [おいかける] /to run down/to pursue/to chase down/(0687-120)/ 追いかける [おいかける] /to run down/to pursue/to chase down/(0687-120)/ 追い込む [おいこむ] /to herd/to corner/to drive/(0688)/ 追い越す [おいこす] /to pass (e.g. car)/to outdistance/to outstrip/(0689-121)/ 追い回す [おいまわす] /to chase about/to hang on/to drive hard/(0690)/ 生い茂る [おいしげる] /to grow thickly/to be overgrown/(0691)/ 追い立てる [おいたてる] /to drive away/(0692)/ 追い散らす [おいちらす] /to drive away/to scatter/to rout/(0693)/ 追い付く [おいつく] /to overtake/to catch up (with)/(0694-122)/ 追い詰める [おいつめる] /to corner/to drive to the wall/to run down/to track down/(0695)/ 追い遣る [おいやる] /to drive away/(0696)/ 起き上がる [おきあがる] /to rise/to erect/to get up/(0697-123)/ 送り出す [おくりだす] /to send out/to forward/to show (a person) out/(0698-124)/ 送り返す [おくりかえす] /to send back/(0699)/ 送り込む [おくりこむ] /to send in/(0700)/ 思い上がる [おもいあがる] /to be conceited/(0701)/ 思い当たる [おもいあたる] /to come to mind/to recall/(0702)/ 思い出す [おもいだす] /to recall/to remember/(0703-125)/ 思い返す [おもいかえす] /to re-think (vt)/to think back upon/to change one's mind/(0704)/ 思い切る [おもいきる] /to resign to fate/to despair/(0705-126)/ 思い込む [おもいこむ] /to be under impression that/to be convinced that/to imagine that/to set one's heart on/to be bent on/(0706-127)/ 思い惑う [おもいまどう] /to be at a loss/(0707)/ 思い巡らす [おもいめぐらす] /to think over/(0708)/ 思い乱れる [おもいみだれる] /to be worried about/(0709)/ 思い直す [おもいなおす] /to re-think (vt)/to think back upon/to change one's mind/(0710)/ 思い悩む [おもいなやむ] /to worry/(0711)/ 思い起す [おもいおこす] /to recall/(0712)/ 思い知る [おもいしる] /to realize/(0713)/ 思い過す [おもいすごす] /to think too much of/(0714)/ 思い立つ [おもいたつ] /to resolve/(0715)/ 思い止まる [おもいとどまる] /to give up (a plan)/to desist from (doing)/(0716)/ 思いつく [おもいつく] /to think of/to hit upon/to come into one's mind/to be struck with an idea/(0717-128)/ 思い付く [おもいつく] /to think of/to hit upon/to come into one's mind/to be struck with an idea/(0717-128)/ 思い詰める [おもいつめる] /to think hard/to brood over/(0718)/ 思い浮かぶ [おもいうかぶ] /to occur to/to remind of/(0719)/ 折り合う [おりあう] /to compromise/(0720)/ 折り返す [おりかえす] /to turn up/to fold back/(0721)/ 折り重なる [おりかさなる] /to lie on top of one another/to be in a heap/(0722)/ 折り重ねる [おりかさねる] /to fold back (up)/(0723)/ 折り込む [おりこむ] /to fold inside/(0724)/ 織り込む [おりこむ] /to be incorporated in/(0725)/ 折り曲げる [おりまげる] /to bend/to turn up/to turn down/to double/(0726)/ 折り畳む [おりたたむ] /to fold up/to fold into layers/(0727-129)/ 押さえ付ける [おさえつける] /to press down/to hold down/to pin down/(0728-130)/ 押し開ける [おしあける] /to force open/to push open/(0729)/ 押し出す [おしだす] /to crowd out/to push out/to squeeze out/(0730-131)/ 教え込む [おしえこむ] /to train to/to give an idea to/(0731)/ 推し測る [おしはかる] /to guess/to conjecture/to surmise/(0732)/ 推し量る [おしはかる] /to guess/to conjecture/to surmise/(0732)/ 推し計る [おしはかる] /to guess/to conjecture/to surmise/(0732)/ 押し入る [おしいる] /to push in/(0733)/ 押し返す [おしかえす] /to force back/to jostle/(0734)/ 押し掛ける [おしかける] /to intrude on/(0735)/ 押し固める [おしかためる] /to press together/(0736)/ 押し切る [おしきる] /to have one's own way/(0737)/ 押しまくる [おしまくる] /to push and push/(0738)/ 押し戻す [おしもどす] /to push back/(0739)/ 押し退ける [おしのける] /to push aside/to brush aside/(0740-132)/ 押し倒す [おしたおす] /to push down/(0741)/ 押し立てる [おしたてる] /to set up/to support/(0742)/ 押し通す [おしとおす] /to persist in/to carry out/to have one's own way/(0743)/ 押し潰す [おしつぶす] /to squash/to crush/to flatten/(0744)/ 押し詰まる [おしつまる] /to approach the year end/to be jammed tight/(0745)/ 押し詰める [おしつめる] /to pack (in box)/to drive to wall/(0746)/ 押し分ける [おしわける] /to push aside/(0747)/ 押し破る [おしやぶる] /to break through/(0748)/ 押し寄せる [おしよせる] /to push aside/to advance on/(0749)/ 恐れ戦く [おそれおののく] /to tremble with fear/(0750)/ 落ち合う [おちあう] /to gather/to meet/to join/to flow together/to rendezvous/(0751-133)/ 落ち入る [おちいる] /to cave in/to collapse/(0752)/ 落ち込む [おちこむ] /to fall into/to feel down (sad)/(0753)/ 落ち延びる [おちのびる] /to run away/to escape safely/(0754)/ 落ち着き払う [おちつきはらう] /to keep cool/(0755)/ 落ち着く [おちつく] /to calm down/to settle down/to be steady/to settle in/to take up one's residence/to harmonize with/to match/(0756-134)/ 錆び付く [さびつく] /to rust together/(0757)/ 冴え返る [さえかえる] /to be very clear/to be keenly cold/(0758)/ 捜し当てる [さがしあてる] /to find out/to discover/to detect/(0759)/ 探し出す [さがしだす] /to find out/(0760-135)/ 捜し回る [さがしまわる] /to hunt around/to search about for/(0761)/ 探し回る [さがしまわる] /to hunt around/to search about for/(0761)/ 探り当てる [さぐりあてる] /to find out/(0762)/ 探り出す [さぐりだす] /to spy out/to smell out/(0763)/ 咲き溢れる [さきこぼれる] /to bloom all over/(0764)/ 咲き乱れる [さきみだれる] /to bloom in profusion/(0765)/ 差し上げる [さしあげる] /to give (pol)/to hold up/to lift up/to offer/(0766)/ 差し出す [さしだす] /to present/to submit/to tender/to hold out/(0767)/ 差し支える [さしつかえる] /to interfere/to hinder/to become impeded/(0768-136)/ 誘い出す [さそいだす] /to lure/to invite out/(0769-137)/ 誘い掛ける [さそいかける] /to invite/(0770)/ 攻め滅ぼす [せめほろぼす] /to attack and overthrow/to utterly destroy/(0771)/ 攻め入る [せめいる] /to invade/(0772)/ 責め苛む [せめさいなむ] /to torture/(0773)/ 攻め苛む [せめさいなむ] /to torture/(0773)/ 責め立てる [せめたてる] /to torture severely/to urge/(0774)/ 仕上がる [しあがる] /to be finished (vi)/(0775)/ 仕上げる [しあげる] /to finish up (vt)/to complete/(0776-138)/ 縛り上げる [しばりあげる] /to bind (tie) up/(0777)/ 叱り付ける [しかりつける] /to rebuke/to scold harshly/(0778-139)/ 仕舞い込む [しまいこむ] /to put away/to stow away/to tuck away/to hoard/(0779)/ 締め上げる [しめあげる] /to screw up/to put the screws on (a person)/(0780)/ 締め出す [しめだす] /to shut out/to lock out/(0781)/ 閉め切る [しめきる] /to shut up/to shut up/(0782)/ 締め切る [しめきる] /to shut up/to shut up/(0782)/ 絞め殺す [しめころす] /to strangle to death/(0783)/ 締め括る [しめくくる] /to bind firmly/to superintend/to bring to a finish/(0784)/ 示し合せる [しめしあわせる] /to arrange beforehand/to make a sign to each other/(0785)/ 締め付ける [しめつける] /to tighten/to press hard/(0786)/ 染み込む [しみこむ] /to soak into/to permeate/(0787-140)/ 染み通る [しみとおる] /to soak through/to be deeply impressed/(0788)/ 凍み付く [しみつく] /to freeze to/to be frozen to/(0789)/ 撓垂れ掛かる [しなだれかかる] /to lean coquettishly against/to snuggle into/to nestle into/(0790)/ 信じ込む [しんじこむ] /to believe implicitly/to believe firmly/(0791-141)/ 調べ合わす [しらべあわす] /to tune to/to check against/(0792)/ 知り合う [しりあう] /to get to know (someone)/to make acquaintance/(0793-142)/ 仕立てる [したてる] /to tailor/to make/to prepare/to train/to send (a messenger)/(0794)/ 育て上げる [そだてあげる] /to raise (to maturity)/to rear/to train/to educate/(0795-143)/ 染め出す [そめだす] /to dye/(0796)/ 染め付ける [そめつける] /to dye (in patterns)/(0797)/ 染め分ける [そめわける] /to dye in different colors/(0798)/ そり上げる [そりあげる] /to shave off/(0799)/ 反り返る [そりかえる] /to warp/to bend backwards/to throw the head (or shoulders) back/to throw out the chest/(0800)/ 剃り落とす [そりおとす] /to shave off the hair/(0801)/ 注ぎ込む [そそぎこむ] /to pour into/to put into/to inject/to impregnate/to infuse/to instill/to implant/to imbue/(0802)/ 滑り込む [すべりこむ] /to slide into (base)/to slip into (ditch)/(0803-144)/ 縋り付く [すがりつく] /to cling to/(0804)/ 過ぎ行く [すぎいく] /to pass/to go pass/(0805)/ 過ぎ行く [すぎゆく] /to pass/to go pass/(0805)/ 過ぎ去る [すぎさる] /to pass/(0806)/ 吸上げる [すいあげる] /to suck/(0807)/ 吸い込む [すいこむ] /to inhale/(0808)/ 吸い取る [すいとる] /to suck up/to absorb/to squeeze (money)/(0809)/ 吸い付く [すいつく] /to stick to/(0810)/ 透き通る [すきとおる] /to be(come) transparent/(0811-145)/ 救い上げる [すくいあげる] /to pick up and rescue/(0812)/ 掬い上げる [すくいあげる] /to dip or scoop up/(0813)/ 救い出す [すくいだす] /to rescue/to free/(0814)/ 掬い出す [すくいだす] /to bail (water out of a boat)/(0815)/ 住み荒らす [すみあらす] /to leave a house in bad shape/(0816)/ 住み込む [すみこむ] /to be a live-in employee/to live in/to live with/(0817-146)/ 住み着く [すみつく] /to settle down/(0818)/ 磨り減らす [すりへらす] /to wear away/to rub down/to abrade/(0819)/ 擦り替える [すりかえる] /to substitute/to sidestep (an issue)/(0820-147)/ 擦り切れる [すりきれる] /to wear out/(0821-148)/ 摩り込む [すりこむ] /to rub in/(0822)/ 擦り剥ける [すりむける] /to abrade/(0823)/ 擦り剥く [すりむく] /to skin (one's knee)/to graze/(0824)/ 磨り潰す [すりつぶす] /to pulverize/to mash/to deface/to lose a fortune/(0825)/ 摩り付ける [すりつける] /to strike (a match)/(0826)/ 擦り寄る [すりよる] /to nestle up to/to cuddle with/to draw closer to/(0827)/ 進み出る [すすみでる] /to step forward/to volunteer/(0828-149)/ 座り込む [すわりこむ] /to sit down (and bask)/to sit-in (in protest)/(0829-150)/ 悄気込む [しょげこむ] /to be utterly disheartened/(0830)/ 食べ散らす [たべちらす] /to eat a bit of everything/(0831)/ 辿り着く [たどりつく] /to grope along to/to struggle on to/to arrive somewhere after a struggle/(0832-151)/ 絶え果てる [たえはてる] /to be extinguished/to be exterminated/to cease completely/(0833)/ 絶え入る [たえいる] /to expire/(0834)/ 焚き付ける [たきつける] /to kindle/to build a fire/to instigate/to stir up/(0835)/ 溜め込む [ためこむ] /to save up/(0836)/ 頼み込む [たのみこむ] /to request earnestly/(0837)/ 倒れ掛かる [たおれかかる] /to be weighed down by debt/(0838)/ 垂らし込む [たらしこむ] /to drop into, drop by drop/(0839)/ 垂れ篭める [たれこめる] /to hang over (e.g. clouds)/to lie over/(0840)/ 垂れ流す [たれながす] /to discharge (e.g. effluent)/(0841)/ 垂れ下がる [たれさがる] /to hang (vi)/to dangle/(0842)/ 垂れ下げる [たれさげる] /to hang (a curtain) (vt)/to droop (a tail)/to lower (a blind)/(0843)/ 助け上げる [たすけあげる] /to help up/to pick up/to bring safely to land/(0844)/ 助け出す [たすけだす] /to help out of (trouble)/to extricate/(0845-152)/ 助け起こす [たすけおこす] /to help up/(0846)/ 叩き出す [たたきだす] /to begin to strike/to kick out/(0847)/ 叩き伏せる [たたきふせる] /to knock down/to utterly defeat/(0848)/ 叩き消す [たたきけす] /to beat out (a fire)/(0849)/ 叩き切る [たたききる] /to mangle/to hack down/to chop down/(0850)/ 叩き込む [たたきこむ] /to drive into/to throw into/to hit into/(0851)/ 叩き壊す [たたきこむ] /to break something by hitting it or slamming it down/(0852)/ 叩きのめす [たたきのめす] /to knock down/(0853)/ 叩き起す [たたきおこす] /to wake up/to rouse out of bed/(0854)/ 叩き落とす [たたきおとす] /to knock down/to knock off/(0855)/ 叩き潰す [たたきつぶす] /to smash up/to defeat crushingly/(0856)/ 叩き付ける [たたきつける] /to strike/to throw/to slap something onto/(0857-153)/ 叩き割る [たたきわる] /to smash/to break into pieces/(0858)/ 畳み掛ける [たたみかける] /(uk) to press for an answer/to shower questions on someone/(0859)/ 畳み込む [たたみこむ] /to fold in/to bear deep in mind/to follow up/(0860)/ 立て替える [たてかえる] /to pay in advance/to pay for another/to pay someone else's debt as a loan to him/(0861-154)/ 立て掛ける [たてかける] /to lean against/to set against/(0862)/ 立て籠る [たてこもる] /to barricade oneself in/to hold (a fort, etc.)/to shut oneself up/to be besieged/to dig in/(0863)/ 点て込む [たてこむ] /to be crowded/to be busy/(0864)/ 立て込む [たてこむ] /to be crowded/to be busy/(0864)/ 建て増す [たてます] /to extend (building)/to build on/(0865)/ 建て回す [たてまわす] /to build around/(0866)/ 立ち上がる [たちあがる] /to stand up/(0867-155)/ 立ち会う [たちあう] /to be present/to be witness to/(0868)/ 立ちはだかる [たちはだかる] /to block one's way/(0869)/ 立ち振る舞う [たちふるまう] /to act/to behave/(0870)/ 立塞がる [たちふさがる] /to stand in one's way/(0871)/ 立ち行く [たちいく] /to maintain itself/to last/to make itself pay/(0872)/ 立ち至る [たちいたる] /to come to/(0873)/ 立ち返る [たちかえる] /to turn back/(0874)/ 断ち切る [たちきる] /to sever/to break off/to cut asunder/(0875)/ 立ち回る [たちまわる] /to walk about/to turn up/to conduct oneself/(0876-156)/ 立ち交る [たちまじる] /to join/(0877)/ 立ち戻る [たちもどる] /to return/to come back/(0878)/ 立ち向かう [たちむかう] /to fight against/to oppose/to face/(0879)/ 立ち直る [たちなおる] /to regain one's footing/to recover/(of the market)to improve/(0880-157)/ 立ち並ぶ [たちならぶ] /to stand up/to line in a row/to be equal to/(0881)/ 立ち退く [たちのく] /to evacuate/to clear out/to vacate/to withdraw/to take refuge/(0882)/ 立ち竦む [たちすくむ] /to be petrified/to be unable to move/(0883)/ 立ち寄る [たちよる] /to stop by/to drop in for a short visit/(0884-158)/ 照り返す [てりかえす] /to reflect/to throw back light/(0885)/ 照付ける [てりつける] /to blaze down on/(0886)/ 縮み上がる [ちじみあがる] /to cringe/to wince/to flinch/(0887)/ 跳び上がる [とびあがる] /to spring/to jump up/(0888-159)/ 飛び歩く [とびあるく] /to walk about/(0889)/ 飛び出す [とびだす] /to jump out/to rush out/to fly out/to appear suddenly/to protrude/to project/(0890-160)/ 飛び出る [とびでる] /to be exorbitant (e.g. price)/to be ridiculously high/(0891)/ 飛び離れる [とびはなれる] /to fly apart/to tower over/to be out of the ordinary/(0892)/ 飛び跳ねる [とびはねる] /to jump up and down/(0893)/ 飛び掛かる [とびかかる] /to spring upon/(0894)/ 飛び交う [とびかう] /to fly about/to flutter about/to fly past each other/(0895)/ 飛び込む [とびこむ] /to jump in/to leap in/to plunge into/to dive/(0896-161)/ 飛び越す [とびこす] /to leap over/(0897)/ 飛び回る [とびまわる] /to fly about/to skip about/to bustle about/(0898)/ 飛び退く [とびのく] /to jump back/(0899)/ 飛び乗る [とびのる] /to jump on/(0900)/ 飛び起きる [とびおきる] /to jump up to one's feet/(0901)/ 飛び降りる [とびおりる] /to jump down/to jump off/(0902)/ 飛び下りる [とびおりる] /to jump down/to jump off/(0902)/ 飛び立つ [とびたつ] /to jump up/to start up/to leap to one's feet/to fly away/to take off/(0903)/ 飛び散る [とびちる] /to fly around/to scatter/(0904)/ 飛び付く [とびつく] /to jump at/to be attracted by/(0905-162)/ 飛び移る [とびうつる] /to jump from one thing to another/(0906)/ 届け出る [とどけでる] /to report/to notify/(0907-163)/ 問い合わせる [といあわせる] /to enquire/to seek information/(0908-164)/ 問い返す [といかえす] /to ask again/to ask back/(0909)/ 問い掛ける [といかける] /to ask a question/(0910)/ 問い質す [といただす] /to enquire of someone about something/to question/(0911)/ 問い正す [といただす] /to enquire of someone about something/to question severely or persistently/(0911)/ 問い詰める [といつめる] /to press a question/to cross-examine/(0912)/ 溶け合う [とけあう] /to melt together/(0913)/ 溶け込む [とけこむ] /to melt into/(0914)/ 説き明かす [ときあかす] /to explain/to solve/to make clear/(0915)/ 説き伏せる [ときふせる] /to confute/to argue down/(0916)/ 説き聞かせる [とききかせる] /to explain/to reason/(0917)/ 取っ組合う [とっくみあう] /to come to grips with/to fight/(0918)/ 泊り込む [とまりこむ] /to stay overnight/(0919)/ 通りかかる [とおりかかる] /to happen to pass by/(0920-165)/ 通り越す [とおりこす] /to go past (a place or thing)/to go beyond/(0921)/ 通り過ぎる [とおりすぎる] /to pass/to pass through/(0922-166)/ 取り上げる [とりあげる] /to take up/to pick up/to disqualify/to confiscate/to deprive/(0923-167)/ 取合う [とりあう] /to take each other's hands/to compete/to respond/(0924)/ 取り入れる [とりいれる] /to harvest/to take in/to adopt/(0925-168)/ 取り入る [とりいる] /to make up to/(0926)/ 取り返す [とりかえす] /to regain/to recover/to get back/(0927-169)/ 取り掛かる [とりかかる] /to begin/to set about/to start/(0928)/ 取り交わす [とりかわす] /to exchange/to interchange/(0929)/ 取り込む [とりこむ] /to take in/to introduce/to be busy/to be confused/(0930)/ 取り組む [とりくむ] /to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/(0931-170)/ 取り巻く [とりまく] /to surround/to circle/to enclose/(0932)/ 取り乱す [とりみだす] /to scatter about/to be distracted/(0933)/ 取り戻す [とりもどす] /to take back/to regain/(0934)/ 取り持つ [とりもつ] /to mediate/to entertain/to serve/(0935)/ 執り成す [とりなす] /to mediate/to intervene/to smooth/(0936)/ 取り成す [とりなす] /to mediate/to intervene/to smooth/(0936)/ 取り下げる [とりさげる] /to withdraw/to abandon (e.g. a lawsuit)/(0937)/ 取り去る [とりさる] /to remove/to eliminate/(0938)/ 取仕切る [とりしきる] /to manage all by oneself/(0939)/ 取り締まる [とりしまる] /to manage/to control/to supervise/(0940-171)/ 取り縋る [とりすがる] /to cling to/(0941)/ 取り立てる [とりたてる] /to collect/to extort/to appoint/to promote/(0942)/ 取り次ぐ [とりつぐ] /to act as an agent for/to announce (someone)/to convey (a message)/(0943)/ 取り付く [とりつく] /to cling to/to grapple with/to possess/to stick to/(0944)/ 取り寄せる [とりよせる] /to order/to send away for/(0945)/ 閉じ込める [とじこめる] /to lock up/to shut up/to imprison/(0946)/ 閉じ篭る [とじこもる] /to seclude oneself/to shut oneself away/(0947)/ 閉じ込む [とじこむ] /to (keep on) file/(0948)/ 継ぎ合せる [つぎあわせる] /to joint together/to patch together/(0949)/ 注ぎ込む [つぎこむ] /to pour in (into)/to invest in/(0950)/ 継ぎ足す [つぎたす] /to add (coals to a fire)/(0951)/ 使い果たす [つかいはたす] /to use up/to squander/(0952-172)/ 使い古す [つかいふるす] /to wear out (something)/(0953)/ 使い込む [つかいこむ] /to embezzle/to misappropriate/to peculate/to accustom oneself to using/to use for a long time/(0954-173)/ 使い分ける [つかいわける] /to use properly/(0955)/ 掴み出す [つかみだす] /to take out/to take a handful of/to grab and throw/(0956)/ 掴み掛かる [つかみかかる] /to grab at/(0957)/ つかみ取る [つかみとる] /to grasp/to get/(0958)/ 付け上がる [つけあがる] /to be elated/to be spoiled/to take advantage of/(0959)/ 付け合わせる [つけあわせる] /to add to/(0960)/ 付け入る [つけいる] /to take advantage of/to impose on/(0961)/ 付け込む [つけこむ] /to take advantage of/to impose on/to make an entry/(0962)/ 付け加える [つけくわえる] /to add one thing to another/(0963-174)/ 付け回す [つけまわす] /to follow/to shadow/to hanker after/to hover around/(0964)/ 付け狙う [つけねらう] /to prowl after/to keep watch on/(0965)/ 付け足す [つけたす] /to add to/(0966)/ 突き上げる [つきあげる] /to push up/to toss/(0967)/ 突き当たる [つきあたる] /to run into/to collide with/(0968-175)/ 付き合う [つきあう] /to keep company with/to get along with/to associate with/(0969-176)/ 突き合せる [つきあわせる] /to place persons opposite/to come face to face with/to compare/(0970)/ 突き出す [つきだす] /to push out/to project/(0971)/ 突き出る [つきでる] /to project/to stick out/to stand out/(0972)/ 突き放す [つきはなす] /to thrust away/to refuse bluntly/to forsake/(0973)/ 突き離す [つきはなす] /to thrust away/to refuse bluntly/to forsake/(0973)/ 尽き果てる [つきはてる] /to be exhausted/(0974)/ 突き返す [つきかえす] /to poke in return/to send back/to reject/(0975)/ 突き掛る [つきかかる] /to thrust at (with a knife)/(0976)/ 付き切り [つききり] /to be in constant attendance/(0977)/ 突き転ばす [つきころばす] /to knock (a person) down/(0978)/ 突き殺す [つきころす] /to stab to death/(0979)/ 突崩す [つきくずす] /to crush/to break through/(0980)/ 付き纏う [つきまとう] /to dangle after/(0981)/ 突き除ける [つきのける] /to thrust aside/(0982)/ 突き抜ける [つきぬける] /to pierce through/to break through/(0983)/ 突き落す [つきおとす] /to thrust down/to push off/(0984-177)/ 突き刺さる [つきささる] /to stick into/to pierce/to run into/(0985)/ 突き刺す [つきさす] /to stab/to pierce/to thrust/(0986)/ 突き倒す [つきたおす] /to push down/(0987)/ 突き立てる [つきたてる] /to pierce/to thrust violently/(0988)/ 突き飛ばす [つきとばす] /to thrust away/(0989-178)/ 突き止める [つきとめる] /to make sure/to locate/(0990)/ 突き通る [つきとおる] /to penetrate/(0991)/ 突き付ける [つきつける] /to thrust before/to thrust at/(0992-179)/ 突き詰める [つきつめる] /to investigate thoroughly/to probe into/(0993)/ 突き破る [つきやぶる] /to break through/to penetrate/to pierce/(0994)/ 作り上げる [つくりあげる] /to make up/to fabricate/to build up/to complete/to construct/(0995-180)/ 作り出す [つくりだす] /to manufacture/to produce/to raise (crops)/to invent/to dream up/(0996)/ 作り立てる [つくりたてる] /to adorn/to decorate/to dress up/to build up/(0997)/ 摘まみ上げる [つまみあげる] /to pick up/(0998)/ 摘まみ出す [つまみだす] /to pick out/to throw out/(0999)/ 摘み取る [つまみとる] /to pluck/to pick/(1000)/ 詰め合せる [つめあわせる] /to assort/(1001)/ 詰め掛ける [つめかける] /to crowd (a house)/to throng to (a door)/(1002)/ 詰め込む [つめこむ] /to cram/to stuff/to jam/to squeeze/to pack/to crowd/(1003-181)/ 詰め寄る [つめよる] /to draw near/to draw closer/(1004)/ 積み上げる [つみあげる] /to pile up/to make a heap/to lay bricks/(1005-182)/ 積み出す [つみだす] /to send off/(1006)/ 積み重なる [つみかさなる] /to accumulate (vi)/(1007)/ 積み重ねる [つみかさねる] /to be piled up/to accumulate (vt)/(1008)/ 積み込む [つみこむ] /to load (up)/to put on board/to stow aboard/(1009)/ 積み下ろす [つみおろす] /to unload/(1010)/ 積み立てる [つみたてる] /to accumulate/to save/(1011)/ 摘み取る [つみとる] /to pick/to nip off/to pluck/(1012)/ つなぎ合わせる [つなぎあわせる] /to connect/to join/(1013)/ つなぎ合わせる [つなぎあわせる] /to connect/to join/(1013)/ つなぎ止める [つなぎとめる] /to tie/to fasten/to hitch/(1014)/ 繋ぎ止める [つなぎとめる] /to tie/to fasten/to hitch/(1014)/ 連れ出す [つれだす] /to take out/(1015)/ 連れ込む [つれこむ] /to bring (somebody into a place)/(1016)/ 連れ戻す [つれもどす] /to bring back/(1017)/ 連れ去る [つれさる] /to take away/(1018)/ 連れ添う [つれそう] /to be man and wife/to be married to/(1019)/ 連れ立つ [つれたつ] /to accompany/(1020)/ 釣り上がる [つりあがる] /to be lifted up/to be hung up/(1021)/ 吊り上げる [つりあげる] /to hang up/to suspend/to raise/to lift/(1022)/ 釣り上げる [つりあげる] /to pull in (fish)/to boost (prices)/to raise (eyes)/(1022)/ 釣り合う [つりあう] /to balance/to be in harmony/to suit/(1023)/ 吊り出す [つりだす] /to hold (the opponent) in the arms and carry him out of the ring/(1024)/ 釣り出す [つりだす] /to pull out a fish/to lure/(1024)/ 釣り込む [つりこむ] /to take in/to attract/(1025)/ 釣り下がる [つりさがる] /to hang down/to dangle/(1026)/ 吊り下がる [つりさがる] /to hang down/to dangle/(1026)/ 釣り下げる [つりさげる] /to suspend from/to be suspended (from)/(1027)/ 吊り下げる [つりさげる] /to suspend from/to be suspended (from)/(1027)/ 吊し上げる [つるしあげる] /to hang up/(1028)/ つつき回す [つつきまわす] /to keep poking or nudging repeatedly/to keep jabbingat/(1029)/ 包み隠す [つつみかくす] /to conceal/to keep secret/to cover up/(1030)/ 包み込む [つつみこむ] /to wrap up/(1031)/ 奪い合う [うばいあう] /to scramble for/to struggle for/(1032)/ 植え付ける [うえつける] /to plant/(1033)/ 浮かび上がる [うかびあがる] /to rise to the surface/(1034)/ 浮れ歩く [うかれあるく] /to gad around/(1035)/ 受け合う [うけあう] /to take on a task and guarantee success/(1036-183)/ 請け合う [うけあう] /to assure/to guarantee/to undertake/(1036)/ 受け入れる [うけいれる] /to accept/to receive/(1037-184)/ 受け持つ [うけもつ] /to take (be in) charge of/(1038-185)/ 受け流す [うけながす] /to ward off/to elude/to turn aside (a joke)/(1039)/ 受け止める [うけとめる] /to catch/to stop the blow/to react to/to take/(1040-186)/ 受け取る [うけとる] /to receive/to get/to accept/to take/to interpret/to understand/(1041-187)/ 受け継ぐ [うけつぐ] /to inherit/to succeed/to take over/(1042)/ 受け付ける [うけつける] /to be accepted/to receive (an application)/(1043-188)/ 浮き上がる [うきあがる] /to float/to rise to the surface/(1044)/ 浮き立つ [うきたつ] /to be enlivened/to be exhilarated/(1045)/ 生まれ変わる [うまれかわる] /to be born again/to make a fresh start in life/(1046)/ 生まれつく [うまれつく] /to be born/(1047)/ 埋め合わせる [うめあわせる] /to make amends/to compensate for/(1048)/ 生み出す [うみだす] /to bring forth/to bear/to invent/(1049)/ 生み落す [うみおとす] /to give birth to/(1050)/ 生み付ける [うみつける] /to lay/to spawn/(1051)/ 売り歩く [うりあるく] /to peddle/(1052)/ 売り出す [うりだす] /to put on sale/to market/to become popular/(1053-189)/ 売り払う [うりはらう] /to dispose of/(1054)/ 売り広げる [うりひろげる] /to find a market for/to extend the sale of/(1055)/ 売り切れる [うりきれる] /to be sold out/(1056-190)/ 売り込む [うりこむ] /to build a market for/to become well known/to sell/(1057-191)/ 売り飛ばす [うりとばす] /to dispose of/to sell off/(1058)/ 売り付ける [うりつける] /to palm off/to force a sale/(1059)/ 売り渡す [うりわたす] /to sell over to/(1060)/ 歌い上げる [うたいあげる] /to sing at the top of one's voice/to express one's feelings fully in a poem/(1061)/ 打ち上げる [うちあげる] /to launch/to shoot up/(of waves) dash/to wash up (ashore)/to finish/to close/(1062)/ 打ち明ける [うちあける] /to be frank/to speak one's mind/to open one's heart/(1063)/ 打ち合せる [うちあわせる] /to knock together/to arrange/(1064)/ 打ち出す [うちだす] /to begin/to beat/to end/to close/to set out (forth)/to work out/to hammer out/(1065)/ 討ち果す [うちはたす] /to slay/(1066)/ 打ち滅ぼす [うちほろぼす] /to destroy/(1067)/ 討ち入る [うちいる] /to break into (a house to kill the master)/to raid/(1068)/ 打ち返す [うちかえす] /to return a blow repeat/to turn back/to rewhip/to plow up/to come and retreat/(1069)/ 打ち込む [うちこむ] /to drive in (e.g. nail, stake)/to devote oneself to/to shoot into/to smash/(1070)/ 撃ち殺す [うちころす] /to shoot to death/(1071)/ 打ち殺す [うちころす] /to shoot to death/(1071)/ 打ち壊す [うちこわす] /to destroy/to spoil/(1072)/ 打ち砕く [うちくだく] /to smash/to crush/(1073)/ 撃ちまくる [うちまくる] /to pound away/(1074)/ 打ちまくる [うちまくる] /to pound away/(1074)/ 打ち鳴らす [うちならす] /to ring/to clang/(1075)/ 打ち伸ばす [うちのばす] /to hammer out thinly (e.g. goldleaf)/(1076)/ 打ち抜く [うちぬく] /to punch/to hit and hit/to stamp out/(1077)/ 打ち下ろす [うちおろす] /to bring down/(1078)/ 撃ち落とす [うちおとす] /to shoot down/(1079)/ 打ち落とす [うちおとす] /to knock down/to shoot down/to lop off/(1079)/ 打ち据える [うちすえる] /to place firmly/to hit very hard/(1080)/ 打ち解ける [うちとける] /to open one's heart/to throw off reserve/to be frank/(1081)/ 打ち止める [うちとめる] /to kill/to slay/to bring down (bird)/(1082)/ 討ち止める [うちとめる] /to kill/to slay/to bring down (bird)/(1082)/ 討ち取る [うちとる] /to arrest/to take prisoner/to kill/(1083)/ 打ち付ける [うちつける] /to nail on/to strike hard/to hit and attack/(1084-192)/ 訴え出る [うったえでる] /to lodge a complaint/(1085)/ 移り行く [うつりゆく] /to change/to shift/to come and go/(1086)/ 分け合う [わけあう] /to share/(1087)/ 分け入る [わけいる] /to force one's way/to push through/(1088)/ 沸き上がる [わきあがる] /to boil up/to break out/to arise/to seethe/to be in uproar/(1089)/ 沸き出す [わきだす] /to cause to gush out/(1090)/ 湧き出る [わきでる] /(oK) to gush forth/(1091)/ 沸き出る [わきでる] /to gush forth/(1091)/ 沸き返る [わきかえる] /to seethe/to boil up/to get exited/to be in uproar/(1092)/ 沸き立つ [わきたつ] /to boil up/to ferment/to seethe/(1093)/ 割り当てる [わりあてる] /to assign/to allot/to divide among/to distribute/to prorate/(1094)/ 割り引く [わりびく] /to discount/(1095)/ 割り出す [わりだす] /to calculate/to compute/to infer/(1096)/ 割り振る [わりふる] /to assign/to allot/to divide among/to distribute/to prorate/to assess/(1097)/ 割り切れる [わりきれる] /to be divisible (by)/to be divided without residue/(1098-193)/ 割り切る [わりきる] /to divide/to give a clear explanation/(1099-194)/ 割り込む [わりこむ] /to wedge (oneself) in/to squeeze oneself into/to cut in between/(1100-195)/ 割り付ける [わりつける] /to allot/to distribute/to lay out/to divide among/to assign/(1101)/ 渡り歩く [わたりあるく] /to wander from place to place/to change jobs/(1102)/ 渡り合う [わたりあう] /to argue/(1103)/ 焼け落ちる [やけおちる] /to be burned down/(1104)/ 焼け死ぬ [やけしぬ] /to be burnt to death/(1105)/ 焼け付く [やけつく] /to burn/(1106)/ 焼き払う [やきはらう] /to clear away by burning/to reduce to ashes/(1107)/ 焼き切る [やききる] /to burn off/(1108)/ 焼き殺す [やきころす] /to kill by burning to death/(1109)/ 焼き捨てる [やきすてる] /to burn up/(1110)/ 焼付ける [やきつける] /to bake/to plate/to print/to burn into one's memory/(1111)/ 病み耄ける [やみほうける] /to become wasted from illness/(1112)/ 病み付く [やみつく] /to be taken ill/to be addicted to/to become absorbed in/to give oneself up (to)/(1113)/ やり合う [やりあう] /to compete with/to argue with/to quarrel/(1114)/ 遣り込める [やりこめる] /to talk down/(1115)/ 痩せこける [やせこける] /to get too skinny/(1116)/ 痩せ衰える [やせおとろえる] /to become emaciated/to grow thin and worn out/(1117)/ 呼び出す [よびだす] /to summon/to call (e.g. phone)/(1118-196)/ 呼び入れる [よびいれる] /to call in/to invite/to bring in/(1119)/ 呼び返す [よびかえす] /to call back/to recall/(1120)/ 呼び掛ける [よびかける] /to call out to/to accost/to address (crowd)/to appeal/(1121-197)/ 呼び込む [よびこむ] /to call in/to restore a disowned son/(1122)/ 呼び回る [よびまわる] /to call out (for someone)/(1123)/ 呼び戻す [よびもどす] /to call back/to call home/(1124)/ 呼び迎える [よびむかえる] /to send for/(1125)/ 呼び起こす [よびおこす] /to call (to mind)/to wake/(1126)/ 呼び立てる [よびたてる] /to call out/to ask someone to come/(1127)/ 呼び付ける [よびつける] /to summon/to get used to call/(1128)/ 呼び寄せる [よびよせる] /to call/to summon/to send for/to call together/(1129)/ 読み上げる [よみあげる] /to read out loud (and clearly)/to call a roll/(1130-198)/ 読み合せる [よみあわせる] /to read out and collate/(1131)/ 読み耽る [よみふける] /to be absorbed in reading/(1132)/ 読み返す [よみかえす] /to reread/to read again/(1133-199)/ 読み聞かす [よみきかす] /to read to (for) someone/(1134)/ 読み下す [よみくだす] /to transliterate classical Chinese into Japanese/(1135)/ 読み流す [よみながす] /to read smoothly/to skim/(1136)/ 読み取る [よみとる] /to read (someones) mind/to read (the calibration)/(1137)/ 寄み集まる [よりあつまる] /to gather together/(1138)/ 寄み合う [よりあう] /to gather/(1139)/ 選み出す [よりだす] /to select/(1140)/ 寄り掛かる [よりかかる] /to lean against/to recline on/(1141-200)/ 倚り懸かる [よりかかる] /to lean on/to recline on/to rely on/(1141)/ 選り抜く [よりぬく] /to select/(1142)/ 寄り縋る [よりすがる] /to cling to/to rely on/(1143)/ 寄り付く [よりつく] /to approach/(1144)/ 選り分ける [よりわける] /to classify/to sort out/(1145)/ 喜び勇む [よろこびいさむ] /to in high spirits/(1146)/ 寄せ集める [よせあつめる] /to put together/to gather/to collect/to scrape together/(1147)/ 寄せ付ける [よせつける] /to get close to/(1148)/ 弱り込む [よわりこむ] /to weaken/to be at wits' end/(1149)/ 行き交う [ゆきかう] /to come and go/(1150)/ 行き暮れる [ゆきくれる] /to be overtaken by darkness/(1151)/ 行き届く [ゆきとどく] /to be scrupulous/to be attentive/to be prudent/to be complete/to be thorough/(1152)/ 行き着く [ゆきつく] /to arrive at/to end up/(1153)/ 行き渡る [ゆきわたる] /to diffuse/to spread through/(1154)/ 譲り合う [ゆずりあう] /to give and take/to make mutual concessions/to compromise/(1155)/ 譲り受ける [ゆずりうける] /to inherit/to receive/to take over by transfer/(1156)/ 譲り渡す [ゆずりわたす] /to hand over/to turn over/to cede/(1157)/