General release packages
Dr. Michael L. Love,
updated Wed Jan 8 16:38:42 EST 2003
sure to read the APSL and the GPL,
so that you will know your
Send any email regarding this document
to (Dr. Michael Love).
Donate: If you appreciate the work that GNU-Darwin is doing, then
please consider contributing to the Distribution. Everyone can
BTW: If you are interested in the technical background of GNU-Darwin,
try the
following stories.
The GNU-Darwin base distribution includes over 100 essential packages, but
here you will have access to the thousands of packages that are available for
the base system. For more packages, check the links to additional packages at the bottom of this page.
If you are new to the Distribution, and you are looking for a quick and easy
to install the GNU-Darwin basefiles, try the
One Step Installer, GNU-Darwin Office or Bootable Installer CDs. If you
have already done that, then you
can skip to step 2.
If you are a Darwin-x86 user, then consult the GNU-Darwin installation notes
for Intel users.
- If you do not plan to install the base distribution, you will still need
the package manager to install GNU-Darwin packages. Use the following procedure
to install the package manager and essential files.
Darwin-only users may have to fetch wget to a second
computer, scp the file to your computer and install curl. (see scp man page). To bypass package installation, kill the installer with control-C at the database initialization step.
su root (that would be sudo -s for a stock OSX installation)
curl | csh
Install a test package with the following
pkg_add -f \
The test package may complain about not finding certain other packages.
Use "pkg_add -f" to install the required packages from the list below. Version number
descrepancies can be
disregarded for this group of packages. The "-f" flag tells the package manager to
proceed despite such "non-fatal error messages".
Use pkg_add to install additional packages that you might want, such as the
esound-0.2.22.tgz, and the esd-enabled
gqmpeg-0.8.1.tgz, and
packages. GNU-Darwin has audio support now, net-audio that is,
if you have a second computer with esd running and good sound support.
GNU-Darwin packages are merely sophisticated tar archives, which you can test
with the following procedure. This
will also install nasty +files, which you can delete with an "rm ./+*"
cd /usr/local
tar -zxf ThePackage.tgz
You can also try "zcat ThePackage.tgz|more".
- If you still have questions, try posting a message to the one of the discussion
forums. GNU-Darwin-ports
for discussion of the GNU-Darwin porting engine. Using
The GNU-Darwin Distribution 0l>
Order GNU-Darwin Packages for
Darwin and OS X
Packages available now from GNU-Darwin
# of packages
total unique packages
total overall
TDC package info list: Use
this list
to query specific
packages, just like pkg_info.
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