#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Created by P.Wieleba@iem.pw.edu.pl in 2004

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use FindBin;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/";
use smbldap_tools;

# function declaration
sub migrate_user;
sub migrate_shadow_user;
sub get_user_entry;
sub exist_in_tab;
sub del_from_tab;
sub add_to_tab;
sub read_shadow_file;

# smbldap-migrate-unix-accounts (-? or -h for help)

my %Options;

my $ok = getopts('M:P:S:vn?hd:a', \%Options);

if ( (!$ok) || ($Options{'?'}) || ($Options{'h'}) || (!keys(%Options)) ) {
  print "Usage: $0 [-PSMvn?hda]\n";
  print "  -?|-h      show this help message\n";
  print "  -P file    import passwd file\n";
  print "  -S file    import shadow file\n";
  print "  -M file    import FreeBSD master.passwd\n";
  print "  -v         displays modified entries to STDOUT\n";
  print "  -n         do everything execpt updating LDAP\n";
  print "  -d obj_nam delete and add (not just update) existing entry in LDAP\n";
  print "  -a         adds sambaSamAccount objectClass\n";  
  exit (1);

my $INFILE = undef;
my %shadowUsers;

if ( $Options{'M'} ) {
  open($INFILE,$Options{'M'}) or
    die "I cannot open file: " . $Options{'M'} . "\n";
} elsif ( $Options{'P'} ) {
  open($INFILE,$Options{'P'}) or
    die "I cannot open file: " . $Options{'P'} . "\n";
  # if defined -S option also read shadow file
  if ( $Options{'S'} ) {
    %shadowUsers = read_shadow_file($Options{'S'});
    (%shadowUsers) or ( close($INFILE) and 
                        die "I cannot open file: " . $Options{'S'} . "\n" ); 
} elsif ( $Options{'S'} ) {
  open($INFILE,$Options{'S'}) or
    die "I cannot open file: " . $Options{'S'} . "\n";

my $ldap_master=connect_ldap_master();

while ( my $line=<$INFILE> ) {
  next if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ); # whitespace
  next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
  next if ( $line =~ /^\+/ );
  my $entry = undef;
  if ($Options{'M'}) {
    my($user,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$class,$change,$expire,$gecos,$homedir,$shell) = split(/:/,$line);
    # if user is not in LDAP new entry will be created
    $entry = get_user_entry($ldap_master,$user);
    $entry = migrate_user($entry,$user,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$gecos,$homedir,$shell);
    # for master.passwd file (nss_ldap)
    if ($entry) {
      my @objectClass = $entry->get_value( 'objectClass' );
      $entry->replace( 'objectClass' => [add_to_tab(\@objectClass,'shadowAccount')] );
  } elsif ($Options{'P'}) {
    my($user,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$gecos,$homedir,$shell) = split(/:/,$line);
    # if user is not in LDAP new entry will be created
    $entry = get_user_entry($ldap_master,$user);
    $entry = migrate_user($entry,$user,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$gecos,$homedir,$shell,undef);
    # should I delete next functionality
    # add shadow entries if also -S defined
    if ($Options{'S'} and $shadowUsers{$user}) {
      my($user,$pwd,$lastchg,$min,$max,$warn,$inactive,$expire,$flag) = split(/:/,$shadowUsers{$user});
      $entry = migrate_shadow_user($entry,$user,$pwd,$lastchg,$min,$max,$warn,$inactive,$expire,$flag);
  } elsif ($Options{'S'}) {
    # if user is not in LDAP new entry will be created
    $entry = get_user_entry($ldap_master,$user);
    $entry = migrate_shadow_user($entry,$user,$pwd,$lastchg,$min,$max,$warn,$inactive,$expire,$flag);

  if ($entry) {
    # objectClass $Options{'d'} will be removed
    # from entry if it exists
    if ($Options{'d'}) {
      my @objectClass = $entry->get_value( 'objectClass' );
      $entry->replace( 'objectClass' => [del_from_tab(\@objectClass,$Options{'d'})] );
      #$entry->delete( 'objectClass' => [ $Options{'d'} ] );
    # if used "-a" and sambaSamAccount doesn't exist.
    if ( $Options{'a'} and !exist_in_tab([$entry->get_value('objectClass')],'sambaSamAccount') ) {
      my @objectClass = $entry->get_value( 'objectClass' );
      $entry->replace( 'objectclass' => [add_to_tab(\@objectClass,'sambaSamAccount')] );
      # the below part comes from smbldap-useradd and
      # maybe it should be replaced by a new subroutine.
      my $userUidNumber = $entry->get_value('uidNumber');
      # as rid we use 2 * uid + 1000
      my $userRid = 2 * $userUidNumber + 1000;
      # let's test if this SID already exist
      my $user_sid = "$config{SID}-$userRid";
      my $test_exist_sid = does_sid_exist($user_sid,$config{usersdn});
      if ($test_exist_sid->count == 1) {
	print "User SID already owned by\n";
				# there should not exist more than one entry, but ...
	foreach my $entry ($test_exist_sid->all_entries) {
	  my $dn= $entry->dn;
	  print "$dn\n";
      } else {
	$entry->replace( 'sambaSID' => $user_sid );
    if ($Options{'v'}) {
    if (!$Options{'n'}) {
      my $mesg;
      if ( $Options{'d'} ) {
				# delete entry from LDAP if it exists
	$mesg = $ldap_master->search( base => $entry->dn(),
				      scope => 'sub',
				      filter => '(objectClass=*)'
	if ( $mesg->count() == 1 ) {
	  $mesg = $ldap_master->delete($entry->dn());
	  if ($mesg->is_error()) {
	    print "Error: " . $mesg->error() . "\n";
      $mesg = $entry->update($ldap_master);
      if ($mesg->is_error()) {
	print "Error: " . $mesg->error() . "\n";

$INFILE and close($INFILE);
# take down the session
$ldap_master and $ldap_master->unbind;

# returns updated $entry
sub migrate_user
    my($entry,$user,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$gecos,$homedir,$shell) = @_;
    # posixAccount MUST ( cn $ uid $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ homeDirectory )
    my @objectClass = $entry->get_value( 'objectClass' );
    @objectClass = add_to_tab(\@objectClass,'posixAccount');
    @objectClass = add_to_tab(\@objectClass,'inetOrgPerson');
    $entry->replace( 'objectClass' => \@objectClass );

    $entry->replace( 'uid' => $user );
    if ($name) {
      $cn = $name;
    } else {
      $cn = $user;
    $entry->replace( 'cn' => $cn );
    # perhaps I should delete it
    if ( exist_in_tab(\@objectClass,'inetOrgPerson') ) {
      # 'sn' is required by person objectClass from core.schema
      my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$cn);
      my $sn = $tmp[$#tmp];
      $entry->replace( 'sn' => $sn );
      # perhaps 'telephoneNumber' 'roomNumber' 'homePhone' 
      # and 'givenName' also should be modified ???????
    ($pwd)       and $entry->replace( 'userPassword'  => "{crypt}" . $pwd );
    ($uid ne "") and $entry->replace( 'uidNumber'     => $uid );
    ($gid ne "") and $entry->replace( 'gidNumber'     => $gid );
    ($gecos)     and $entry->replace( 'gecos'         => $gecos );
    ($homedir)   and $entry->replace( 'homeDirectory' => $homedir );
    ($shell)     and $entry->replace( 'loginShell'    => $shell );

    return $entry;

# returns updated $entry
sub migrate_shadow_user
    my($entry,$user,$pwd,$lastchg,$min,$max,$warn,$inactive,$expire,$flag) = @_;
    # shadowAccount MUST uid
    my @objectClass = $entry->get_value( 'objectClass' );
    # if the entry doesn't exist, it needs structural objectclass
    (@objectClass) or push(@objectClass,'account');
    $entry->replace( 'objectClass' => [add_to_tab(\@objectClass,'shadowAccount')] );
    $entry->replace( 'uid' => $user );
    ($pwd)      and $entry->replace( 'userPassword'     => "{crypt}" . $pwd );
    ($lastchg)  and $entry->replace( 'shadowLastChange' => $lastchg );
    ($min)      and $entry->replace( 'shadowMin'        => $min );
    ($max)      and $entry->replace( 'shadowMax'        => $max );
    ($warn)     and $entry->replace( 'shadowWarning'    => $warn );
    ($inactive) and $entry->replace( 'shadowInactive'   => $inactive );
    ($expire)   and $entry->replace( 'shadowExpire'     => $expire );
    ($flag)     and $entry->replace( 'shadowFlag'       => $flag );
    return $entry;

# creates a _new_entry_ if user doesn't exist in ldap
# else return's ldap user entry
sub get_user_entry
    my($ldap_master,$user) = @_;
    # do not use read_user_entry()
    my $mesg = $ldap_master->search( base => $config{usersdn},
				     scope => 'one',
				     filter => "(uid=$user)"
    my $entry;
    if ( $mesg->count() != 1 ) {
      $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new();
    } else {
      $entry = $mesg->entry(0); # ????
    return $entry;

# Check if a $text element exists in @table
# eg. exist_in_tab(\@table,$text);
sub exist_in_tab
    my($ref_tab,$text) = @_;
    my @tab = @$ref_tab;

    foreach my $elem (@tab) {
      if ( lc($elem) eq lc($text) ) {
	return 1;
    return 0;

# Delete $text element from @table
# eg. del_from_tab(\@table,$text);
sub del_from_tab
    my($ref_tab,$text) = @_;
    my @tab = @$ref_tab;
    my @new_tab;
    foreach my $elem (@tab) {
      if ( lc($elem) ne lc($text) ) {
    return @new_tab;

# Add $text to tab if it doesn't exist there
sub add_to_tab
    my($ref_tab,$text) = @_;
    my @tab = @$ref_tab;
    if ( !exist_in_tab(\@tab,$text) ) {
    return @tab;

# reads shadow file entries and places them in a hash
sub read_shadow_file
    my($shadow) = @_;

    my $shadowUser;
    my %shadowUsers;
    open(SHADOW,$shadow) or
      return ;
    while (my $line=<SHADOW>) {
      next if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ); # whitespace
      next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
      ($shadowUser) = split(/:/, $line);
      $shadowUsers{$shadowUser} = $line;
    return %shadowUsers;


=head1 NAME

smbldap-migrate-unix-accounts - Migrate unix accounts to LDAP


smbldap-migrate-unix-accounts [-P file] [-S file] [-M file] [-n] [-v]
[-h] [-?] [-d]


This command processes one file as defined by option and
creates new or changes existing ldap user entry.
New attributes are added, and existing are changed.
None of the existing attributes is deleted.

-P passwd_file
       Processes passwd_file and uptades LDAP. Creates new ldap user
       entry or just adds posixAccount objectclass and corresponding
       attributes to the ldap user entry or just uptades their values.

-S shadow_file
       Reads shadow_file and uptades LDAP. Creates new ldap user
       entry or just adds shadowAccount objectclass and corresponding
       attributes to the ldap user entry or just uptades their values.

-M master.passwd_file
       Reads master.passwd_file and uptades LDAP. Creates new ldap user
       entry or just adds shadowAccount and posixAccount objectclass
       and corresponding attributes to the ldap user entry or just 
       uptades their values.

-h     show the help message

-?     the same as -h

-v     displayes modified entries to STDOUT

-n     do everything execpt updating LDAP. It is useful when used
       with -v switch.

-d objeClass_name
       In spite of just updating existing user entry, the entry will be 
       deleted from LDAP and a new one will be added.
       It is essential to use this option if you update users in LDAP
       and want to change their structural objectClass. 
       Use it in the example schema:
       There are no users in LDAP, and you migrate samba first.
       # pdbedit -e ldapsam:ldap://localhost
       # smbldap-migrate-passwd -P passwd -d 'account'

-a     adds sambaSamAccount objectClass and generates sambaSID attribute



# The End

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