 * This file has been modified for the cdrkit suite.
 * The behaviour and appearence of the program code below can differ to a major
 * extent from the version distributed by the original author(s).
 * For details, see Changelog file distributed with the cdrkit package. If you
 * received this file from another source then ask the distributing person for
 * a log of modifications.

/* @(#)rmtio.h	1.5 03/06/15 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling */
 *	Definition for enhanced remote tape IO
 *	Copyright (c) 1995,2000-2002 J. Schilling
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef	_RMTIO_H
#define	_RMTIO_H

#ifndef _MCONFIG_H
#include <mconfig.h>
#ifndef	_UTYPES_H
#include <utypes.h>

 * values for mt_op
#define	RMTWEOF		0	/* write an end-of-file record */
#define	RMTFSF		1	/* forward space over file mark */
#define	RMTBSF		2	/* backward space over file mark (1/2" only ) */
#define	RMTFSR		3	/* forward space to inter-record gap */
#define	RMTBSR		4	/* backward space to inter-record gap */
#define	RMTREW		5	/* rewind */
#define	RMTOFFL		6	/* rewind and put the drive offline */
#define	RMTNOP		7	/* no operation, sets status only */

#ifdef	__needed__
#define	MTRETEN		8	/* retension the tape (cartridge tape only) */
#define	MTERASE		9	/* erase the entire tape */
#define	MTEOM		10	/* position to end of media */
#define	MTNBSF		11	/* backward space file to BOF */

#define	MTSRSZ		12	/* set record size */
#define	MTGRSZ		13	/* get record size */
#define	MTLOAD		14	/* for loading a tape (use o_delay to open */
				/* the tape device) */

 * Definitions for the new RMT Protocol version 1
 * The new Protocol version tries to make the use
 * of rmtioctl() more portable between different platforms.
#define	RMTIVERSION	-1	/* Opcode to request version */
#define	RMT_NOVERSION	-1	/* Old version code */
#define	RMT_VERSION	1	/* New (current) version code */

 * Support for commands bejond MTWEOF..MTNOP (0..7)
#define	RMTICACHE	0	/* enable controller cache */
#define	RMTINOCACHE	1	/* disable controller cache */
#define	RMTIRETEN	2	/* retension the tape (cartridge tape only) */
#define	RMTIERASE	3	/* erase the entire tape */
#define	RMTIEOM		4	/* position to end of media */
#define	RMTINBSF	5	/* backward space file to BOF */

 * Old MTIOCGET copies a binary version of struct mtget back
 * over the wire. This is highly non portable.
 * MTS_* retrieves ascii versions (%d format) of a single
 * field in the struct mtget.
 * NOTE: MTS_ERREG may only be valid on the first call and
 *	 must be retrived first.
#define	MTS_TYPE	'T'		/* mtget.mt_type */
#define	MTS_DSREG	'D'		/* mtget.mt_dsreg */
#define	MTS_ERREG	'E'		/* mtget.mt_erreg */
#define	MTS_RESID	'R'		/* mtget.mt_resid */
#define	MTS_FILENO	'F'		/* mtget.mt_fileno */
#define	MTS_BLKNO	'B'		/* mtget.mt_blkno */
#define	MTS_FLAGS	'f'		/* mtget.mt_flags */
#define	MTS_BF		'b'		/* mtget.mt_bf */

 * structure for remote MTIOCGET - mag tape get status command
struct rmtget	{
	Llong		mt_type;	/* type of magtape device	    */
	/* the following two registers are grossly device dependent	    */
	Llong		mt_dsreg;	/* ``drive status'' register	    */
	Int32_t		mt_dsreg1;	/* ``drive status'' register	    */
	Int32_t		mt_dsreg2;	/* ``drive status'' register	    */
	Llong		mt_gstat;	/* ``generic status'' register	    */
	Llong		mt_erreg;	/* ``error'' register		    */
	/* optional error info.						    */
	Llong		mt_resid;	/* residual count		    */
	Llong		mt_fileno;	/* file number of current position  */
	Llong		mt_blkno;	/* block number of current position */
	Llong		mt_flags;
	Llong		mt_gflags;	/* generic flags		    */
	long		mt_bf;		/* optimum blocking factor	    */
	int		mt_xflags;	/* eXistence flags for struct members */

 * Values for mt_xflags
#define	RMT_TYPE		0x0001	/* mt_type/mt_model present	*/
#define	RMT_DSREG		0x0002	/* mt_dsreg present		*/
#define	RMT_DSREG1		0x0004	/* mt_dsreg1 present		*/
#define	RMT_DSREG2		0x0008	/* mt_dsreg2 present		*/
#define	RMT_GSTAT		0x0010	/* mt_gstat present		*/
#define	RMT_ERREG		0x0020	/* mt_erreg present		*/
#define	RMT_RESID		0x0040	/* mt_resid present		*/
#define	RMT_FILENO		0x0080	/* mt_fileno present		*/
#define	RMT_BLKNO		0x0100	/* mt_blkno present		*/
#define	RMT_FLAGS		0x0200	/* mt_flags present		*/
#define	RMT_BF			0x0400	/* mt_bf present		*/
#define	RMT_COMPAT		0x0800	/* Created from old compat data	*/

 * values for mt_flags
#define	RMTF_SCSI		0x01
#define	RMTF_REEL		0x02
#define	RMTF_ASF		0x04

 * these are recommended
#ifdef	__needed__
#define	MT_ISQIC	0x32		/* generic QIC tape drive */
#define	MT_ISREEL	0x33		/* generic reel tape drive */
#define	MT_ISDAT	0x34		/* generic DAT tape drive */
#define	MT_IS8MM	0x35		/* generic 8mm tape drive */
#define	MT_ISOTHER	0x36		/* generic other type of tape drive */

/* more Sun devices */
#define	MT_ISTAND25G	0x37		/* sun: SCSI Tandberg 2.5 Gig QIC */
#define	MT_ISDLT	0x38		/* sun: SCSI DLT tape drive */
#define	MT_ISSTK9840	0x39		/* sun: STK 9840 (Ironsides) */

#endif /* _RMTIO_H */

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