#define _EBROWSER_WIDGET_C_ /* This file is part of the GtkHTML library. Copyright (C) 2000 Helix Code, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Author: Lauris Kaplinski */ #include #include "eloader-http.h" #include "eloader-file.h" #include "eloader-moniker.h" #include "ebrowser-widget.h" enum {ARG_0, ARG_HTTP_PROXY, ARG_URL, ARG_FOLLOW_LINKS, ARG_FOLLOW_REDIRECT, ARG_ALLOW_SUBMIT, ARG_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR, ARG_DEFAULT_FONT, ARG_HISTORY_SIZE}; static void ebrowser_class_init (GtkObjectClass * klass); static void ebrowser_init (GtkObject * object); static void ebrowser_destroy (GtkObject * object); static void ebrowser_set_arg (GtkObject * object, GtkArg * arg, guint arg_id); static void ebrowser_title_changed (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * title); static void ebrowser_url_requested (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url, GtkHTMLStream * handle); static void ebrowser_load_done (GtkHTML * html); static void ebrowser_link_clicked (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url); static void ebrowser_set_base (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * base); static void ebrowser_set_base_target (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * base); static void ebrowser_on_url (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url); static void ebrowser_redirect (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url, int delay); static void ebrowser_submit (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * method, const gchar * url, const gchar * encoding); /* Helpers */ static void ebrowser_load (EBrowser * ebr, const gchar * uri); static void ebrowser_stop_loading (EBrowser * ebr); static void ebrowser_loader_done (ELoader * el, ELoaderStatus status, gpointer data); static void ebrowser_loader_set_status (ELoader * el, const gchar * status, gpointer data); static void ebrowser_body_connect (ELoader * el, const gchar * url, const gchar * content_type, gpointer data); static void ebrowser_status_set (EBrowser * ebr, const gchar * status); static EBrowserProtocol ebrowser_find_protocol (const gchar * uri, const gchar ** location); static gboolean ebrowser_http_base (const gchar * location, gchar ** root, gchar ** dir); static gboolean ebrowser_file_base (const gchar * location, gchar ** root, gchar ** dir); static gchar * ebrowser_concat (const gchar * url, const gchar * relative); enum {URL_SET, STATUS_SET, REQUEST, DONE, LAST_SIGNAL}; static GtkHTMLClass * parent_class; static guint ebr_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = {0}; GtkType ebrowser_get_type (void) { static GtkType ebrowser_type = 0; if (!ebrowser_type) { GtkTypeInfo ebrowser_info = { "EBrowser", sizeof (EBrowser), sizeof (EBrowserClass), (GtkClassInitFunc) ebrowser_class_init, (GtkObjectInitFunc) ebrowser_init, NULL, NULL, (GtkClassInitFunc) NULL }; ebrowser_type = gtk_type_unique (gtk_html_get_type (), &ebrowser_info); } return ebrowser_type; } static void ebrowser_class_init (GtkObjectClass * klass) { GtkHTMLClass * html_class; html_class = GTK_HTML_CLASS (klass); parent_class = gtk_type_class (gtk_html_get_type ()); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::url", GTK_TYPE_STRING, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_URL); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::http_proxy", GTK_TYPE_STRING, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_HTTP_PROXY); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::follow_links", GTK_TYPE_BOOL, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_FOLLOW_LINKS); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::follow_redirect", GTK_TYPE_BOOL, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_FOLLOW_REDIRECT); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::allow_submit", GTK_TYPE_BOOL, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_ALLOW_SUBMIT); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::default_bgcolor", GTK_TYPE_UINT, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::default_font", GTK_TYPE_STRING, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_DEFAULT_FONT); gtk_object_add_arg_type ("EBrowser::history_size", GTK_TYPE_UINT, GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, ARG_HISTORY_SIZE); ebr_signals[URL_SET] = gtk_signal_new ("url_set", GTK_RUN_FIRST, klass->type, GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (EBrowserClass, url_set), gtk_marshal_NONE__POINTER, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_POINTER); ebr_signals[STATUS_SET] = gtk_signal_new ("status_set", GTK_RUN_FIRST, klass->type, GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (EBrowserClass, status_set), gtk_marshal_NONE__POINTER, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_POINTER); ebr_signals[REQUEST] = gtk_signal_new ("request", GTK_RUN_FIRST, klass->type, GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (EBrowserClass, request), gtk_marshal_NONE__POINTER, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_POINTER); ebr_signals[DONE] = gtk_signal_new ("done", GTK_RUN_FIRST, klass->type, GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (EBrowserClass, done), gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 0); gtk_object_class_add_signals (klass, ebr_signals, LAST_SIGNAL); klass->destroy = ebrowser_destroy; klass->set_arg = ebrowser_set_arg; html_class->title_changed = ebrowser_title_changed; html_class->url_requested = ebrowser_url_requested; html_class->load_done = ebrowser_load_done; html_class->link_clicked = ebrowser_link_clicked; html_class->set_base = ebrowser_set_base; html_class->set_base_target = ebrowser_set_base_target; html_class->on_url = ebrowser_on_url; html_class->redirect = ebrowser_redirect; html_class->submit = ebrowser_submit; } static void ebrowser_init (GtkObject * object) { EBrowser * ebr; ebr = EBROWSER (object); ebr->url = NULL; ebr->http_proxy = NULL; ebr->baseroot = NULL; ebr->basedir = NULL; ebr->baseprotocol = EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN; ebr->followlinks = FALSE; ebr->followredirect = FALSE; ebr->allowsubmit = FALSE; ebr->defaultbgcolor = 0xffffffff; ebr->defaultfont = NULL; ebr->loaders = NULL; ebr->history_size = 50; ebr->history = ebrowser_history_new (ebr->history_size); } static void ebrowser_destroy (GtkObject * object) { EBrowser * ebr; ebr = EBROWSER (object); ebrowser_stop_loading (ebr); if (ebr->url) { g_free (ebr->url); ebr->url = NULL; } if (ebr->http_proxy) { g_free (ebr->http_proxy); ebr->http_proxy = NULL; } if (ebr->baseroot) { g_free (ebr->baseroot); ebr->baseroot = NULL; } if (ebr->basedir) { g_free (ebr->basedir); ebr->basedir = NULL; } if (ebr->defaultfont) { g_free (ebr->defaultfont); ebr->defaultfont = NULL; } if (ebr->history){ ebrowser_history_destroy (ebr->history); ebr->history = NULL; } if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object); } static void ebrowser_set_arg (GtkObject * object, GtkArg * arg, guint arg_id) { EBrowser * ebr; gchar * str; ebr = EBROWSER (object); switch (arg_id) { case ARG_URL: ebrowser_load (ebr, GTK_VALUE_STRING (* arg)); break; case ARG_HTTP_PROXY: if (ebr->http_proxy) { g_free (ebr->http_proxy); ebr->http_proxy = NULL; } str = GTK_VALUE_STRING (* arg); if (str) { ebr->http_proxy = g_strdup (str); } break; case ARG_FOLLOW_LINKS: ebr->followlinks = GTK_VALUE_BOOL (* arg); break; case ARG_FOLLOW_REDIRECT: ebr->followredirect = GTK_VALUE_BOOL (* arg); break; case ARG_ALLOW_SUBMIT: ebr->allowsubmit = GTK_VALUE_BOOL (* arg); break; case ARG_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR: ebr->defaultbgcolor = GTK_VALUE_UINT (* arg); break; case ARG_DEFAULT_FONT: if (ebr->defaultfont) { g_free (ebr->defaultfont); ebr->defaultfont = NULL; } str = GTK_VALUE_STRING (* arg); if (str) { ebr->defaultfont = g_strdup (str); } break; case ARG_HISTORY_SIZE: ebr->history_size = GTK_VALUE_UINT (*arg); if (ebr->history_size == 0){ if (ebr->history){ ebrowser_history_destroy (ebr->history); } } else { if (!ebr->history){ ebr->history = ebrowser_history_new (ebr->history_size); } else ebrowser_history_set_size (ebr->history, ebr->history_size); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } } GtkWidget * ebrowser_new (void) { EBrowser * ebrowser; ebrowser = gtk_type_new (EBROWSER_TYPE); gtk_html_construct (GTK_WIDGET (ebrowser)); gtk_html_load_empty (GTK_HTML (ebrowser)); return GTK_WIDGET (ebrowser); } static void ebrowser_register_loader (EBrowser * ebr, ELoader *loader) { g_assert (ebr != NULL); g_assert (loader != NULL); ebr->loaders = g_slist_prepend (ebr->loaders, loader); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (loader), "done", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ebrowser_loader_done), ebr); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (loader), "set_status", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ebrowser_loader_set_status), ebr); } static void ebrowser_unregister_loader (EBrowser * ebr, ELoader *loader) { ebr->loaders = g_slist_remove (ebr->loaders, loader); /* * If this becomes NULL, then it means we are done loading the page */ if (ebr->loaders == NULL) gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (ebr), ebr_signals [DONE]); } void ebrowser_stop (EBrowser * ebrowser) { ebrowser_stop_loading (ebrowser); } static void ebrowser_title_changed (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * title) { g_print ("title_changed: %s\n", title); } static void ebrowser_url_requested (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url, GtkHTMLStream * handle) { EBrowser * ebr; EBrowserProtocol proto; const gchar * location; gchar * full; ELoader * el; ebr = EBROWSER (html); g_print ("url_requested: %s handle: %p\n", url, handle); el = NULL; proto = ebrowser_find_protocol (url, &location); switch (proto) { case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP: el = eloader_http_new_get (ebr, url, handle); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE: el = eloader_file_new (ebr, location, handle); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE: if (*location == '/') { if (ebr->baseroot) { full = g_strconcat (ebr->baseroot, location + 1, NULL); } else { full = g_strdup (location); } } else { full = ebrowser_concat (ebr->url, url); } if (ebr->baseprotocol == EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP) { el = eloader_http_new_get (ebr, full, handle); } if (ebr->baseprotocol == EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE) { /* fixme: Do paths correctly */ el = eloader_file_new (ebr, full + 5, handle); } g_free (full); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_INTERNAL: /* We are unsing hacked main page, so find saved eloader */ el = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (ebr), "InternalLoader"); if (el) { /* fixme: This is hackish - can we be sure that streams are processed immediately? */ eloader_set_stream (el, handle); return; } case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN: el = eloader_moniker_new (ebr, location, handle); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } if (el) ebrowser_register_loader (ebr, el); } static void ebrowser_load_done (GtkHTML * html) { g_print ("load_done\n"); } static void ebrowser_link_clicked (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url) { EBrowser * ebr; EBrowserProtocol proto; const gchar * location; gchar * full; g_print ("link clicked: %s\n", url); ebr = EBROWSER (html); if (!ebr->followlinks) return; proto = ebrowser_find_protocol (url, &location); switch (proto) { case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP: case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE: case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN: ebrowser_load (ebr, url); return; break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE: if (*location == '/') { if (ebr->baseroot) { full = g_strconcat (ebr->baseroot, location + 1, NULL); } else { full = g_strdup (location); } } else { full = ebrowser_concat (ebr->url, url); } ebrowser_load (ebr, full); g_free (full); return; break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_INTERNAL: gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (ebr), ebr_signals[REQUEST], url); return; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } } static void ebrowser_set_base (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * base) { g_print ("set_base: %s\n", base); } static void ebrowser_set_base_target (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * base) { g_print ("set_base_target: %s\n", base); } static void ebrowser_on_url (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url) { EBrowser * ebr; gchar * str; if (!url) return; ebr = EBROWSER (html); str = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", ebr->followlinks ? "" : "[Blocked] ", url); ebrowser_status_set (ebr, str); g_free (str); } static void ebrowser_redirect (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * url, int delay) { g_print ("redirect: %s %d\n", url, delay); } static void ebrowser_submit (GtkHTML * html, const gchar * method, const gchar * url, const gchar * encoding) { EBrowser * ebr; EBrowserProtocol proto; const gchar * location; gchar * full; g_print ("submit: %s %s %s\n", method, url, encoding); ebr = EBROWSER (html); if (!ebr->allowsubmit) return; proto = ebrowser_find_protocol (url, &location); full = NULL; switch (proto) { case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP: full = g_strdup (url); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE: if (ebr->baseprotocol == EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP) { if (*location == '/') { if (ebr->baseroot) { full = g_strconcat (ebr->baseroot, location + 1, NULL); } else { return; } } else { full = ebrowser_concat (ebr->url, url); } break; } return; break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE: case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_INTERNAL: case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN: return; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); return; break; } /* fixme: */ { ELoader * el; GtkHTMLStream * stream; stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr)); el = eloader_http_new_post (ebr, full, encoding, stream); if (el) { ebrowser_register_loader (ebr, el); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (el), "connect", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ebrowser_body_connect), ebr); } } g_free (full); } /* * Helpers */ /* * ebrowser_load * * Requests loading main page * We do not invalidate old page now, but instead in "connect" handler */ static void ebrowser_load (EBrowser * ebr, const gchar * uri) { EBrowserProtocol proto; const gchar * location; gchar * new = NULL; ELoader * el; if (uri) { new = g_strdup (uri); } else { /* Clean page */ ebrowser_stop_loading (ebr); if (ebr->url) { g_free (ebr->url); ebr->url = NULL; } if (ebr->baseroot) { g_free (ebr->baseroot); ebr->baseroot = NULL; } if (ebr->basedir) { g_free (ebr->basedir); ebr->basedir = NULL; } ebr->baseprotocol = EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN; gtk_html_load_empty (GTK_HTML (ebr)); return; } el = NULL; ebr->url = new; proto = ebrowser_find_protocol (new, &location); switch (proto) { case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP: if (!ebrowser_http_base (location, &ebr->baseroot, &ebr->basedir)) return; ebr->baseprotocol = proto; #if 0 stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr)); #endif el = eloader_http_new_get (ebr, new, NULL); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE: if (!ebrowser_file_base (location, &ebr->baseroot, &ebr->basedir)) return; ebr->baseprotocol = proto; #if 0 stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr)); #endif el = eloader_file_new (ebr, location, NULL); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE: if (!ebrowser_file_base (location, &ebr->baseroot, &ebr->basedir)) return; ebr->url = g_strdup_printf ("file:%s", new); ebr->baseprotocol = EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE; #if 0 stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr)); #endif el = eloader_file_new (ebr, location, NULL); g_free (new); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_INTERNAL: break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN: ebr->baseprotocol = proto; el = eloader_moniker_new (ebr, location, NULL); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } if (el) { ebrowser_register_loader (ebr, el); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (el), "connect", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ebrowser_body_connect), ebr); } } static void ebrowser_stop_loading (EBrowser * ebr) { while (ebr->loaders) { ELoader *loader = ebr->loaders->data; gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (loader)); ebr->loaders = g_slist_remove (ebr->loaders, loader); } } static void ebrowser_loader_done (ELoader * el, ELoaderStatus status, gpointer data) { EBrowser * ebr; ebr = EBROWSER (data); ebrowser_unregister_loader (ebr, el); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (el)); } static void ebrowser_loader_set_status (ELoader * el, const gchar * status, gpointer data) { ebrowser_status_set (EBROWSER (data), status); } static void ebrowser_status_set (EBrowser * ebr, const gchar * status) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (ebr), ebr_signals[STATUS_SET], status); } /* * fixme: handle all cases more nicely */ static void ebrowser_body_connect (ELoader * el, const gchar * url, const gchar * content_type, gpointer data) { EBrowser * ebr; EBrowserProtocol proto; const gchar * location; ebr = EBROWSER (data); if (ebr->url) { g_free (ebr->url); ebr->url = NULL; } if (ebr->baseroot) { g_free (ebr->baseroot); ebr->baseroot = NULL; } if (ebr->basedir) { g_free (ebr->basedir); ebr->basedir = NULL; } proto = ebrowser_find_protocol (url, &location); if (strncmp (content_type, "text/html", 9) == 0) { GtkHTMLStream * stream; /* We are std HTML, so give main stream to loader */ stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr)); eloader_set_stream (el, stream); } else { /* We are not the simplest case */ if ((strncmp (content_type, "image/jpeg", 10) == 0) || (strncmp (content_type, "image/x-bmp", 11) == 0) || (strncmp (content_type, "image/x-png", 11) == 0) || (strncmp (content_type, "image/x-pixmap", 14) == 0) || (strncmp (content_type, "image/gif", 9) == 0)) { GtkHTMLStream * stream; gchar * str = g_strdup_printf ("%s" "", url, location); gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (ebr), "InternalLoader", el); stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr)); gtk_html_stream_write (stream, str, strlen (str)); gtk_html_stream_close (stream, GTK_HTML_STREAM_OK); } else if (strncmp (content_type, "text/plain", 10) == 0) { GtkHTMLStream * stream; gchar * str = g_strdup_printf ("%s" "
			stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr));
			gtk_html_stream_write (stream, str, strlen (str));
			eloader_set_sufix (el, "\n
"); eloader_set_stream (el, stream); } else { /* Unhandled type */ eloader_set_stream (el, gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr))); } } if (url) { ebr->url = g_strdup (url); } switch (proto) { case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP: ebrowser_http_base (location, &ebr->baseroot, &ebr->basedir); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE: case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE: ebrowser_file_base (location, &ebr->baseroot, &ebr->basedir); break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN: ebr->baseroot = g_strdup (""); ebr->basedir = g_strdup (""); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } g_print ("Connected: %s\n", url); gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (ebr), ebr_signals[URL_SET], ebr->url); } static EBrowserProtocol ebrowser_find_protocol (const gchar * uri, const gchar ** location) { const gchar * p; if (!uri) return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN; while (*uri && *uri <= ' ') uri++; if (!*uri) return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN; if (!strncmp (uri, "internal:", 9)) { if (location) *location = uri + 9; return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_INTERNAL; } if (!strncmp (uri, "http://", 7)) { if (location) *location = uri + 7; return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP; } if (!strncmp (uri, "file:", 5)) { if (location) *location = uri + 5; return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE; } if (location) *location = uri; for (p = uri; *p; p++) { if (*p == '/') return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE; /* Slash before colon */ if (*p == ':') return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN; /* Colon before slash */ } /* neither colon nor slash */ return EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_RELATIVE; } static gboolean ebrowser_http_base (const gchar * location, gchar ** root, gchar ** dir) { gchar * slash1, * slash2; if (!location) return FALSE; slash1 = strchr (location, '/'); if (!slash1) { *root = g_strdup_printf ("http://%s/", location); *dir = g_strdup_printf ("http://%s/", location); return TRUE; } if (*(slash1 + 1) == '~') { slash1 = strchr (slash1, '/'); if (!slash1) { *root = g_strdup_printf ("http://%s/", location); *dir = g_strdup_printf ("http://%s/", location); return TRUE; } } slash2 = strrchr (location, '/'); g_assert (slash2); *root = g_new (gchar, 7 + (slash1 - location) + 1 + 1); memcpy (*root, "http://\0", 8); strncat (*root, location, (slash1 - location)); strcat (*root, "/"); *dir = g_new (gchar, 7 + (slash2 - location) + 1 + 1); memcpy (*dir, "http://\0", 8); strncat (*dir, location, (slash2 - location)); strcat (*dir, "/"); return TRUE; } /* * File protocol base */ static gboolean ebrowser_file_base (const gchar * location, gchar ** root, gchar ** dir) { gchar * slash2; gchar * str; const gchar * trail; if (!location) return FALSE; if (*location == '/') { /* Start from root */ *root = g_strdup ("file:/"); trail = location + 1; } else if ((*location == '~') && (location[1] == '/')) { /* Homedir */ *root = g_strdup_printf ("file:%s/", g_get_home_dir ()); trail = location + 2; } else { str = g_get_current_dir (); *root = g_strdup_printf ("file:%s/", str); g_free (str); trail = location; } slash2 = strrchr (trail, '/'); if (!slash2) { *dir = g_strdup (*root); } else { *dir = g_new (gchar, strlen (*root) + (slash2 - trail) + 1 + 1); strcpy (*dir, *root); strncat (*dir, trail, (slash2 - trail)); strcat (*dir, "/"); } return TRUE; } static gchar * ebrowser_concat (const gchar * url, const gchar * relative) { EBrowserProtocol proto; const gchar * location; gchar * root, * dir; gchar * fresh, * start, * b; gint len; proto = ebrowser_find_protocol (url, &location); switch (proto) { case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_HTTP: if (!ebrowser_http_base (location, &root, &dir)) return NULL; break; case EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_FILE: if (!ebrowser_file_base (location, &root, &dir)) return NULL; break; default: return NULL; break; } fresh = g_strconcat (dir, relative, NULL); start = fresh + strlen (root); g_free (root); g_free (dir); len = strlen (fresh); g_print ("URL: %s\nRelative: %s\n", url, relative); while ((b = strstr (fresh, ".."))) { if ((*(b - 1) == '/') && (*(b + 2) == '/') && (b > start)) { /* file:foo/../bar */ /* file:/foo/../bar */ gchar * s; s = b - 2; while ((s >= start - 1) && (*s != '/') && (*s != ':')) s--; memmove (s + 1, b + 3, len - (b - fresh) - 2); g_print ("URL step: %s\n", fresh); } else { /* Remove these completely */ memmove (b, b + 2, len - (b - fresh) - 1); g_print ("URL remove: %s\n", fresh); } } g_print ("Final: %s\n", fresh); return fresh; } gpointer ebrowser_base_stream (EBrowser * ebr) { GtkHTMLStream * stream; ebrowser_stop_loading (ebr); if (ebr->url) { g_free (ebr->url); ebr->url = NULL; } if (ebr->baseroot) { g_free (ebr->baseroot); ebr->baseroot = NULL; } if (ebr->basedir) { g_free (ebr->basedir); ebr->basedir = NULL; } ebr->baseprotocol = EBROWSER_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN; ebr->url = g_strdup ("Bonobo:"); stream = gtk_html_begin (GTK_HTML (ebr)); return stream; }