WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.11) Several enhancements and bugfixes in the URL translation engine. Extended the pure ASCII characters conversion. Html2cHtml has been updated with the new code. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.10) Several important bugfixes. The quality of the output WML should be greatly improved. Added the "skip" action and the "for" action parameter. Added proxy support. Includes an alpha HTML to cHTML (iMode) converter. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.9) Minor bugfix. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.8) Many bugfixes and some small optimizations. Entities conversion has been improved. URLs are now correctly encoded. Warnings messages have been made more consistent. Security fix: accessing local files in CGI mode should now be completly impossible. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.7) Many bugs and issues were corrected, including the WML compilation which now works correctly. Some small optimizations were added. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.6) Added HTTP basic authentication. Added option --output to specifiy an output other than stdout. The rendering has been improved in several ways to reduce the noise. Unclosed named and numeric entities are handled and fixed. Several bugs were fixed. Several internal clean-ups. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.5) Added support for frames and image maps. Added full support for Latin Extended-A entities, plus some others non-standard entities. Several bugs and warnings corrected. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.4) Added the support for deck splitting (in CGI mode only). HTML highlighting was enhanced. Anchors are correctly tranformed. Some bugs were corrected, plus some code speedups and some minor imrovments. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.3) Added the support for sending the charset encoding information. Images are replaced by their alternative text (see the --img-alt-text option). In order to save up some bytes in the CGI mode, generated links take use relative URLs when possible, and short options are available. Plus several internal cleans-up, bugs corrections and others less important features added. Thanks to Igor Khristophorov for his suggestions and his patches. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.2) Non-ASCII characters and ampersands are now converted to their corresponding entities. A small bug that prevented the proper handling of https URLs has been corrected. Plus some other minor changes. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.1) The debug mode doesn't use Text::Wrap anymore, the result was really too messy. I wrote a small function, simple_wrap(), which does what I had in mind. Particularly, it preserves the line numbering of the output. Added support for very bad-formed HTML documents. This includes particularly documents with no HTML or BODY tags. Added the --ignore-images option, which tells Html2Wml to completly ignore the image link. It's enabled by default in CGI mode. WHAT'S NEW (version 0.4.0) The link reconstruction engine now uses Text::Template, which offer a great flexibility to change the links. The warnings Html2Wml could generate have been corrected. This fix should also act as a speed-up of the code. The debug mode has been improved. The documentation has been completely rewritten.