#!/usr/bin/perl # ########################################################################### # # Html2Wml # # ======== # # Author: Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni # # # # This program converts HTML pages to WML pages. # # See the documentation for more informations. # # # # This program is available under the GNU General Public License. # # # # You can find the original archive of this program on the author's web site # # http://www.maddingue.org/softwares/ # # # # and on the web site of Html2Wml on SourceForge # # http://www.html2wml.org/ # # # # Copyright (c)2000, 2001, 2002 Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni # # ########################################################################### # use strict; use CGI; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use HTML::Parser; use LWP::UserAgent; use POSIX qw(isatty); use Text::Template; use URI; use URI::URL; use vars qw($program $version); $program = 'Html2Wml'; $version = '0.4.11'; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Static configuration # # # # If you want to hard-code some parameters of Html2Wml, this is the # # place to edit. Please check the documentation for more information. # # # my %defaults = ( ## proxy settings 'proxy-server' => '', ## proxy server ## path to the WML compiler 'wmlc' => '/usr/local/bin/wmlc', ## WML version and identifier 'wmlvers' => q||, ## characters encoding 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1', ## links reconstruction default options 'hreftmpl' => '{FILEPATH}{FILENAME}{$FILETYPE =~ s/s?html?/wml/o; $FILETYPE}', 'srctmpl' => '{FILEPATH}{FILENAME}{$FILETYPE =~ s/gif|png|jpe?g/wbmp/o; $FILETYPE}', ## links reconstruction in CGI mode 'relative-url' => 1, ## use relative self path ? ); my %options = ( 'help' => 0, ## show the usage and exit 'version' => 0, ## show the program name and version and exit ## conversion options 'ascii' => 0, ## convert named entities to US-ASCII 'collapse' => 1, ## collapse white space characters 'compile' => 0, ## compile WML to binary tokenized data 'ignore-images' => 0, ## completly ignore image links 'img-alt-text' => 1, ## replace IMG tags with their ALT attribute 'linearize' => 1, ## suppress the tables tags 'nopre' => 0, ## don't use PRE tag 'numeric-non-ascii' => 0, ## convert non-ASCII characters to numeric entities ## links reconstruction options 'hreftmpl' => $defaults{hreftmpl}, 'srctmpl' => $defaults{srctmpl}, ## card splitting options 'split-card' => 1, ## slice the document by cards 'split-deck' => 0, ## slice the document by decks 'max-card-size' => 1_400, ## maximum size of data per card 'card-split-threshold' => 50, ## card split threshold 'next-card-label' => '[>>]', ## label of the link to go to the next card 'prev-card-label' => '[<<]', ## label of the link to go to the previous card ## HTTP authentication 'http-user' => '', ## HTTP user 'http-passwd' => '', ## HTTP password ## proxy support 'proxy' => 1, ## turn proxy support on/off ## debugging options 'debug' => undef,## activate the debug mode 'xmlcheck' => 0, ## perform a well-formedness check (using XML::Parser) ); # You should not edit below this line unless you know what you are doing. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # globals # sub debug; sub warning; sub fatal; use vars qw($cgi); $cgi = 0; my $agent; ## LWP user agent my $result; ## WML deck in text format my $binary; ## WML deck in binary format my $xmlckres = ''; my $complres = ''; my %optname = ( 'a' => 'ascii', 'c' => 'xmlcheck', 'd' => 'debug', 'i' => 'ignore-images', #'h' => 'help', ## shell only 'k' => 'compile', 'n' => 'numeric-non-ascii', #'o' => 'output', ## shell only 'p' => 'nopre', 'P' => 'http-passwd', 's' => 'max-card-size', 't' => 'card-split-threshold', 'U' => 'http-user', #'v' => 'version', ## shell only ); my %optchar = (); ## used by the html parser use vars qw(%state); %state = ( doc_uri => '', ## document absolute URI doc_name => '', ## document file name self_url => '', ## the CGI's URL for self-referencing self_srv => '', ## the CGI's server output => '', ## buffer for storing output type => 'wml', ## type of the output decks => {}, ## hash that contains the decks, indexed by their id skip => 0, ## skip switch (on/off) stack => [], ## tag stack cardsize => 0, ## size of the current card/deck cardid => 'wdf000', ## ID of the current card/deck (stands for "WML Document - Fragment 000") title => '', ## title of the WML deck encoding => '', ## encoding of the document form => { ## hash that contains the current form data href => '', ## - URL method => '', ## - method fields => [], ## - fields list }, ); my %entities = (); ## named entities conversion table my %num2ascii = (); ## non-ASCII characters to ASCII equivalent conversion table # # The following two hashes are based on the WML DTD. They are the hardcoded # conversion tables which describe the legal syntax of WML tags. # my %dtdent = (); $dtdent{emph} = 'em,strong,b,i,u,big,small'; $dtdent{layout} = 'br'; $dtdent{text} = $dtdent{emph}; $dtdent{flow} = "$dtdent{text},$dtdent{layout},img,anchor,a,table"; $dtdent{task} = 'go,prev,refresh,noop'; $dtdent{fields} = "$dtdent{flow},input,select,fieldset"; my %with = ( html => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'wml' }, wml => { action => 'keep', nest => 'head,template,card', unique => 1 }, ## header tags head => { action => 'keep', nest => 'meta,access', unique => 1 }, # meta => { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY', attributes => 'http-equiv,name,content,forua,scheme' }, template => { action => 'keep', nest => 'do,onevent', unique => 1 }, title => { action => 'skip' }, base => { action => 'replace', new_value => '' }, style => { action => 'skip' }, script => { action => 'skip' }, ## structural tags body => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'card' }, card => { action => 'keep', nest => 'onevent,timer,do,p,pre', unique => 1 }, h1 => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p', render => 'big,strong', special => 'nowidow' }, h2 => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p', render => 'big', special => 'nowidow'}, h3 => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p', render => 'strong', special => 'nowidow' }, h4 => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p', special => 'nowidow' }, h5 => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p', special => 'nowidow' }, h6 => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p', special => 'nowidow' }, li => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }, dt => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }, dd => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }, div => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }, p => { action => 'keep', nest => "$dtdent{fields},do", attributes => 'align' }, br => { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY' }, pre => { action => 'keep', nest => 'a,br,i,b,em,strong,input,select' }, tt => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'pre' }, ## tables tags table => { action => 'keep', nest => 'tr', attributes => 'title,align' }, caption => { action => 'skip' }, 'tr' => { action => 'keep', nest => 'td' }, th => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'td' }, td => { action => 'keep', nest => "$dtdent{emph},$dtdent{layout},img,a,anchor" }, ## link tags a => { action => 'keep', nest => 'br,img', attributes => 'id,name,href,title,accesskey', attrconv => { name => 'id' } }, anchor => { action => 'keep', nest => 'br,go,img', attributes => 'id,title,accesskey' }, img => { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY', attributes => 'id,src,alt,align' }, frame => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }, area => { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }, ## style tags em => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{flow} }, strong => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{flow} }, b => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{flow} }, i => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{flow} }, u => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{flow} }, big => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{flow} }, small => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{flow} }, ## events 'do' => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{task}, attributes => 'type,label,name,optional' }, onevent => { action => 'keep', nest => $dtdent{task}, attributes => 'type' }, ## tasks 'go' => { action => 'keep', nest => 'postfield,setvar', attributes => 'href,method,enctype,sendreferer,cache-control,accept-charset' }, postfield=> { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY', attributes => 'name,value' }, setvar => { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY', attributes => 'name,value' }, prev => { action => 'keep', nest => 'setvar' }, refresh => { action => 'keep', nest => 'setvar' }, noop => { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY' }, ## form tags form => { action => 'replace', new_value => '' }, 'select' => { action => 'keep', nest => 'optgroup,option', attributes => 'title,name,value,multiple' }, optgroup => { action => 'keep', nest => 'optgroup,option', attributes => 'title' }, option => { action => 'keep', nest => 'onevent', attributes => 'title,value' }, input => { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY', attributes => 'name,type,value,title,size,maxlength'}, fieldset => { action => 'keep', nest => "$dtdent{fields},do", attributes => 'title' }, timer => { action => 'keep', nest => 'EMPTY', attributes => 'name,value' }, ); # # The following hash hardcodes the parent-lookup for each element # of the WML syntax, i.e. for each element, it gives the prefered # parent element. # my %reverse = ( ## head tags wml => '', head => 'wml', meta => 'head', access => 'head', template => 'wml', onevent => 'template', ## structural tags card => 'wml', p => 'card', pre => 'card', br => 'p', ## tables tags table => 'p', 'tr' => 'table', td => 'tr', ## link tags a => 'p', anchor => 'p', img => 'p', ## style tags b => 'p', i => 'p', u => 'p', strong => 'p', em => 'p', big => 'p', small => 'p', ## form tags 'select' => 'p', option => 'select', optgroup => 'select', 'do' => 'p', input => 'p', fieldset => 'p', ); # # main # $| = 1; my $time = time; Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_auto_abbrev)); fileparse_set_fstype('Unix'); ## this is because I use fileparse() to ## split the URL fragments ## CGI security options $CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 1; # max 1K posts $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads load_entities(); ## create the user agent $agent = new LWP::UserAgent protocols_forbidden => ['file']; $agent->agent("[$program/$version ".$agent->agent.']'); for my $opt (keys %optname) { $optchar{$optname{$opt}} = $opt } ## constructing %num2ascii using data from %entities for my $ent (keys %entities) { $num2ascii{$entities{$ent}[0]} = $entities{$ent}[1] } if(@ARGV or isatty(\*STDOUT)) { ## launched from shell my @opts = ( ## usage options qw(help|h|H version|v|V), ## conversion options qw(ascii|a! collapse! ignore-images|i img-alt-text! linearize! nopre|p numeric-non-ascii|n), ## links reconstructions options qw(hreftmpl=s srctmpl=s), ## card splitting options qw(split-card split-deck max-card-size|s=i card-split-threshold|t=i next-card-label=s prev-card-label=s), ## HTTP authentication qw(http-user|U=s http-passwd|P=s), ## proxy support qw(proxy|Y!), ## output options qw(compile|k output|o=s), ## debugging options qw(debug|d:i xmlcheck|c!) ); ## getting options GetOptions(\%options, @opts); version() if $options{version}; usage() if $options{help}; usage() unless @ARGV; apply_options(); ## converting the file $result = html2wml(shift); } else { ## launched from web $cgi = new CGI; $agent->agent($cgi->user_agent . ' ' . $agent->agent); $cgi->compile(qw(param url header)); ## get the options for my $param ($cgi->param) { my $option = length($param) == 1 ? $optname{$param} : $param; next unless exists $options{$option}; $options{$option} = $cgi->param($param) } apply_options(); $state{doc_name} = 'output'; ## creating static part of the self url my $cgi_options = ''; for my $param ($cgi->param) { next if 'url,id' =~ /\b$param\b/; my $value = $cgi->param($param); next unless $value; next unless exists $options{$param} or exists $options{$optname{$param}}; my $opt = exists $optchar{$param} ? $optchar{$param} : $param; $cgi_options .= "$param=$value;" } $state{self_url} = $cgi->url(-relative => $defaults{'relative-url'}) . "?$cgi_options"; ## send debug header if needed print $cgi->header if $options{'debug'}; ## execute main part $result = html2wml($cgi->param('url') || '/'); } ## special case: splitting by decks if($cgi and $options{'split-deck'}) { ## return the desired deck (as specified by the id parameter) ## or the first deck if none has been specified $result = $state{decks}{ $cgi->param('id') || (sort keys %{$state{decks}})[0] } } ## XML check if($options{xmlcheck}) { ## for development only :-) ## $result =~ s{"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml12.dtd"} #XXX# ## {"/Users/madingue/Documents/Softwares/Html2Wml/devel/t/wml12.dtd"}; #XXX# ## --- eval { require XML::Parser; my $parser = new XML::Parser Style => 'Tree', ErrorContext => 2; $parser->parse($result); }; $@ =~ /Can't locate/ and $@ = '(XML::Parser not available)'; $xmlckres = $@ ? "\nExpat errors\n$@" : "Expat: well-formed"; eval { require XML::LibXML; my $parser = new XML::LibXML; $parser->validation(1); $parser->expand_entities(1); $parser->load_ext_dtd(1); my $dom = $parser->parse_string($result); die "document isn't valid" unless $dom->is_valid; }; $@ =~ /Can't locate/ and $@ = ', (XML::LibXML not available)'; $xmlckres .= $@ ? "\nGnome-XML errors\n$@" : ", Gnome-XML: valid"; eval { require XML::Checker::Parser; XML::Checker::Parser::map_uri( "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.2//EN" => "file:///Users/maddingue/Documents/Softwares/Html2Wml/devel/t/wml13.dtd" ); my $parser = new XML::Checker::Parser Style => 'Tree', ErrorContext => 2, ParseParamEnt => 1, #NoLWP => 1, SkipExternalDTD => 1, KeepCDATA => 1; $parser->parse($result); }; $@ =~ /Can't locate/ and $@ = ', (XML::Checker not available)'; $xmlckres .= $@ ? "\nXML-Checker errors\n$@" : ", XML-Checker: valid"; } ## WML tokenization if($options{compile}) { $binary = ''; my $buf; eval { require IPC::Open2; require IO::Handle; my $in = new IO::Handle; my $out = new IO::Handle; my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($out, $in, $defaults{wmlc}, '-', '-'); print $in $result; close($in); $binary = join '', <$out>; close($out); waitpid($pid, 0); }; $complres = $@ } if($options{'debug'}) { ## debug output $time = time - $time; my @times = times; $times[0] += $times[2]; ## total user time $times[1] += $times[3]; ## total system time $times[2] = $times[0] + $times[1]; ## total time my $i = 1; $result .= "\n"; $result =~ s/^/@{[sprintf '%3d', $i++]}: /gm; ## add lines number $result = simple_wrap($result); if($cgi) { print qq|\n\n$program -- Debug Mode\n|, qq|\n|, qq|\n\n

$program -- Debug Mode

\n|, qq|

This is the result of the conversion of the document |, qq|$state{doc_uri} by $program v$version.

\n|, qq|
\n|, htmlize($result), qq|

Result of XML check:

\n|, htmlize($xmlckres); print qq|

Result of WML compilation:

              ($complres ? "$complres\n" : hextype($binary)), "
\n" if $options{compile}; printf "

Time: $time wallclock secs (%.2f usr + %.2f sys = %.2f cpu)

\n", @times[0..2]; print qq|\n\n| } else { my $s = "$program -- Debug Mode\n"; print $s, '-'x length($s), "\n", $result, "\n", ' -'x5, "\n", $xmlckres, "\n"; print ' -'x5, "\nCompiled WML\n", ' -'x5, "\n", ($complres ? "$complres\n" : hextype($binary)) if $options{compile}; print ' -'x5, "\n"; printf "Time: $time wallclock secs (%.2f usr + %.2f sys = %.2f cpu)\n", @times[0..2]; } } else { ## normal output my $out = \*STDOUT; if($options{'output'}) { open(OUT, ">$options{output}") or fatal "cannot write to '$options{output}': $!\n"; $out = \*OUT; } if($options{'compile'}) { print $out $cgi->header( -type => 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc', -content_length => length $result ) if $cgi; print $out $binary; } else { print $out $cgi->header( -type => "text/vnd.wap.wml; charset=$state{encoding}", -content_length => length $result ) if $cgi; print $out $result; } } # # apply_options() # ------------- sub apply_options { if($options{'linearize'}) { delete @with{qw(table tr td th)}; $with{'caption'} = { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p', render => 'b' }; $with{'tr'} = { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }; delete @reverse{qw(table tr td)}; } if($options{'ignore-images'}) { delete $with{'img'}; } if(not defined $options{'debug'}) { $options{'debug'} = 0; } elsif($options{'debug'} == 0) { $options{'debug'} = 1; } if($options{'debug'}) { $options{'xmlcheck'} = 1; } if($options{'nopre'}) { delete $with{'pre'}; $with{'pre'} = { action => 'replace', new_value => 'p' }; } if($cgi) { $options{'split-card'} = 0; $options{'split-deck'} = 1; ## security: don't allow to modify the templates ## when called as a CGI $options{'hreftmpl'} = $defaults{'hreftmpl'}; $options{'srctmpl'} = $defaults{'srctmpl'}; } ## security: check if the templates contains suspicious code ## if the templates have changed if($options{hreftmpl} ne $defaults{hreftmpl} or $options{srctmpl} ne $defaults{srctmpl}) { my $forbidden = join '|', '[``]', map {"\\b$_\\b"} qw(eval exec system unlink kill fork open sysopen pipe socket); $options{hreftmpl} = $defaults{hreftmpl} if $options{hreftmpl} =~ /$forbidden/; $options{srctmpl} = $defaults{hreftmpl} if $options{srctmpl} =~ /$forbidden/; } $options{'cardsize-limit'} = $options{'max-card-size'} - $options{'card-split-threshold'}; if($^O eq 'MacOS') { $options{'compile'} = 0; } if($options{'compile'}) { $options{'prev-card-label'} = '[&lt;&lt;]'; } ## proxy support if($options{'proxy'}) { if($defaults{'proxy-server'}) { ## use hardcoded settings $agent->proxy([qw(http ftp gopher)] => $defaults{'proxy-server'}); } else { ## load from environment $agent->env_proxy(); } } } # # html2wml() # -------- sub html2wml { my $url = shift; my $file = ''; my $type = ''; my $enc = ''; my $converter = new HTML::Parser api_version => 3; return unless $url; ## read the file if($url =~ m{https?://}) { ## absolute uri ($file,$type,$enc) = get_url($url) } elsif(not $cgi) { ## local file $file = read_file($url) } else { ## absolute url relative to the server ($file,$type,$enc) = get_url( $url = URI::URL->new($url, $cgi->url)->abs ) } $enc ||= ''; $enc =~ s/charset=//i; url_encode($url); $state{doc_uri} = $url; ($state{self_srv}) = ($state{self_url} =~ m|^(https?://[\w.-]+(?::\d+)?)/|); ## strip the DOCTYPE $file =~ s/]+>//go; ## try to get the document charset encoding if(not $enc and $file =~ m|meta +http-equiv.+charset=["']?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)['"]?|i) { $enc = lc $1 } $state{encoding} = $enc || $defaults{'encoding'}; $type ||= ''; ## if it's an image, call send_image() if(index($type, 'image') >= 0 or $url =~ /\.(?:gif|jpg|png)$/i) { @_ = ($file, $url); goto &send_image } ## get the document title if($file =~ m|([^<]+)|i) { $state{title} = $1; convert_entities($state{title}); clean_spaces($state{title}); } ## WML header $state{skip} = 0; $state{output} = join '', q|\n$defaults{wmlvers}\n|; ## affectation of the HTML::Parser handlers $converter->unbroken_text(1); $converter->handler(start => \&start_tag, 'tagname, attr'); $converter->handler(end => \&end_tag, 'tagname'); $converter->handler(text => \&text_tag, 'text, is_cdata'); $converter->handler(comment => \&comment_tag, 'tokens'); #$converter->handler(declaration => \&default_handler, 'text'); #$converter->handler(process => \&default_handler, 'text'); #$converter->handler(default => \&default_handler, 'text'); ## begin the conversion $converter->parse($file); $converter->eof; ## flush the stack while(my $tag = pop @{$state{stack}}) { $state{output} .= "" } post_conversion_cleanup(); $state{decks}{$state{cardid}} = $state{output}; return $state{output} } # # post_conversion_cleanup() # ----------------------- # sub post_conversion_cleanup { ## convert alone ampersand characters to entities $state{output} =~ s/\&\s/\& /go; ## correct unclosed numeric entities $state{output} =~ s/(\&#\d+)([^\d;])/$1;$2/go; ## convert the named HTML entities to numeric entities convert_entities($state{output}); ## convert non-ASCII characters to numeric entities if($options{'numeric-non-ascii'}) { $state{output} =~ s/([\x80-\xFF])/'&#'.ord($1).';'/eg; } ## escape $ chars $state{output} =~ s/\$([^(])/\$\$$1/g; collapse($state{output}) if $options{'collapse'}; ## set the title of the card if(length $state{title}) { my $title = $state{title}; $title =~ s/"/\"/go; $title =~ s/\$/\$\$/go; $title =~ s/(\&#\d+)([^\d;])/$1;$2/go; $state{output} =~ s/|>|go; ## collapse spaces inside tags $_[0] =~ s|\s+/>|/>|go; ## collapse spaces inside empty tags $_[0] =~ s|<(\w+) +|<$1 |g; ## collapse spaces between tag and attributes $_[0] =~ s|


|go; ## collapse spaces at the begining of a paragraph $_[0] =~ s|\s+


|go; ## collapse spaces at the end of a paragraph ## collapse empty paragraphs $_[0] =~ s|]*>\s*

||go; $_[0] =~ s|]*>\s*(?:

||go; $_[0] =~ s|]*>\s*(?:\ \s*)+

||go; $_[0] =~ s|]*>\s*(?:\ \s*)+

||go; $_[0] =~ s|]*>\s*(?:\[IMG\]\s*)+

||go; $_[0] =~ s|<(\w+)>\s*||go; ## collapse multiple lines $_[0] =~ s/\n+/\n/go; $_[0] =~ s/(?: +\n)+/\n/go; } # # get_url() # ------- # This function gets and returns the file from the given URI. # If called in a array context, returns the file content and the associated # MIME type (as given by the server). # sub get_url { my $uri = shift; my $quiet = shift || 0; if($cgi and index($uri, 'file:') == 0) { cgi_error(q|For security reasons, the file: scheme is not allowed.|) } my $request = new HTTP::Request GET => $uri; my $response = $agent->request($request); if($response->is_error) { if($response->status_line == 401) { ## Authorization required my($realm) = ($response->header('WWW-Authenticate') =~ /realm=(.+)/); my $self = "$state{self_url}url=$state{doc_uri}"; if($options{'http-user'} and $options{'http-passwd'}) { $request->www_authenticate($response->header('WWW-Authenticate')); $request->authorization_basic($options{'http-user'}, $options{'http-passwd'}); $response = $agent->request($request); } else { if($cgi) { print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/vnd.wap.wml'), <<"PASSFORM"; exit $defaults{wmlvers}

Please enter your user name and password for $realm.


PASSFORM } else { fatal <<"PASSASK" website requires authentication The web site requires you to authenticate in order to process your request. Please enter your user name and password for $realm. Use the --http-user and --http-passwd options (or their short counterparts -U and -P). Check the documentation for more information. PASSASK } } } else { my $err = <<"ERR"; The following error occured while trying to access the following URL -- $uri -- Error @{[ $response->status_line ]} ERR if($cgi) { if($quiet) { warning "can't fetch file:\n", $err; return ''; } else { cgi_error($err) } } else { fatal "fetch error\n\n", $err } } } return wantarray ? ($response->content, $response->content_type, $response->content_encoding) : $response->content } # # read_file() # --------- # This function reads and returns the file from the local disk. # sub read_file { my $filepath = shift; my $quiet = shift || 0; my $dir = dirname($filepath); my $file = basename($filepath); chdir($dir) if $dir; open(FILE, $file) or my $failed = 1; if($failed) { if($quiet) { warning("can't read file '$file': $!\n") and return '' } else { fatal("can't read file '$file': $!\n") } } local $/ = undef; $file = ; close(FILE); return $file } # # send_image() # ---------- # This function allow Html2Wml to send WBMP images to the client. # Currently, it send an empty hardcoded image, but support for # conversion from common formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG) will be added soon. # sub send_image { my $data = shift; my $path = shift; my $pixel = pack 'C*', 0, 0, 1, 1, 0xFF; ## this is one white pixel ## TODO: add the code to allow conversion using an external program print $cgi->header(-type => 'image/wbmp', -content_length => length $pixel), $pixel; exit } # # convert_entities() # ---------------- # This function converts the named HTML entities into numeric entities. # sub convert_entities { my $ascii = $options{ascii}; ## try to correct unclosed named entities $_[0] =~ s/(&\w{2,6})\b([^;])/$1;$2/go; ## convert numeric entities and non-ASCII characters ## to ASCII equivalent if requested if($ascii) { $_[0] =~ s/&#(\d+);/$num2ascii{$1}/g; $_[0] =~ s/([\x80-\xFF])/$num2ascii{ord($1)}/g; } my $code = q| while($_[0] =~ /&(\w+);/g) { | . q| my $ent = $1; | . q| if(exists $entities{$ent}) { | .($ascii ? q| my $chr = $entities{$ent}[1]; | : q| my $chr = '&#'.$entities{$ent}[0].';'; | ) . q| $_[0] =~ s/&$ent;/$chr/g | . q| } | . q| } |; eval $code; if($_[0] =~ /&(\w{2,6});?/) { ## there are some residual unknown or incorrect named entities while($_[0] =~ /&(\w{2,6});?/g) { my $ent = $1; ## check if $ent is a known entity if(exists $entities{$ent}) { warning "unclosed entity: $ent, corrected\n"; my $chr = $ascii ? $entities{$ent}[1] : '&#'.$entities{$ent}[0].';'; $_[0] =~ s//$chr/; next } my($e1,$e2) = ('',''); ## split the entity in two parts and check if the first part ## is a valid entity name ## entities names are between 2 and 6 characters long, so this ## loop won't be executed more than 4 times for my $i (2..length($ent)) { $e1 = substr($ent, 0, $i); $e2 = substr($ent, $i); last if exists $entities{$e1} } if(exists $entities{$e1}) { warning "unknown entity: $ent, replaced with $e1\n"; my $chr = $ascii ? $entities{$e1}[1] : '&#'.$entities{$e1}[0].';'; $_[0] =~ s//$chr$e2/; } else { warning "unknown entity: $ent\n"; $_[0] =~ s//&$ent/; } } } ## escape the remaining ampersands $_[0] =~ s/&(\w+[^;])/&$1/g; } # # clean_spaces() # ------------ sub clean_spaces { $_[0] =~ s/\t+/ /go; $_[0] =~ s/^\s+/ /go; $_[0] =~ s/ +/ /go; } # # HTML::Parser start tag handler # sub start_tag { my($tag, $attr) = @_; local $_; return unless exists $with{$tag}; return if $state{skip}; my $curr_tag = ($with{$tag}{action} eq 'replace' ? $with{$tag}{new_value} : $tag); my $prev_tag = scalar @{$state{stack}} ? ${$state{stack}}[-1] : 0; ## prevent incorrect auto-nesting return if $curr_tag eq $prev_tag and $with{$curr_tag}{unique} and $with{$curr_tag}{nest} !~ /\b$curr_tag\b/; ## special case: replacing image with its alternative text when necessary if($curr_tag eq 'img' and $options{'img-alt-text'}) { my $alt = $attr->{alt} || $attr->{title} || $attr->{id} || $attr->{name} || '[IMG]'; text_tag($alt) and return } ## special case: tag if($tag eq 'frame') { if($prev_tag eq 'p') { pop @{$state{stack}}; $state{output} .= '

' } if($prev_tag eq 'wml') { push @{$state{stack}}, 'card'; $state{output} .= '' } my $link = xlate_url($$attr{src}, 'href'); $state{output} .= qq|

Frame: $$attr{name}

|; } ## special case: image map tag if($tag eq 'area') { if($prev_tag eq 'p') { pop @{$state{stack}}; $state{output} .= '

' } if($prev_tag eq 'wml') { push @{$state{stack}}, 'card'; $state{output} .= '' } my $link = xlate_url($$attr{href}, 'href'); $state{output} .= qq|

Image map: $$attr{href}

|; } ## special case: when inside a don't allow opening tags if($prev_tag eq 'a' and $with{a}{nest} !~ /\b$curr_tag\b/) { return } ## special case: is replaced by if($curr_tag eq 'a' and not exists $attr->{href}) { $curr_tag = $tag = 'anchor'; $attr->{id} = exists $attr->{id} ? $attr->{id} : $attr->{name}; delete $attr->{name}; } ## special case: element that defines a base URL if($tag eq 'base') { $state{doc_uri} = URI::URL->new($attr->{href}, $state{doc_uri})->abs; } ## special case: form declaration if($tag eq 'form') { $state{form}{href} = xlate_url($attr->{action}); $state{form}{method} = lc($attr->{method}) || 'get'; $state{form}{enctype} = $attr->{enctype} || ''; return; } ## special case: form input if($curr_tag eq 'input' and $attr->{type} ne 'submit') { push @{$state{form}{fields}}, $attr->{name}; ## special case: hidden form input if($attr->{type} eq 'hidden') { $state{output} .= q||; return; } } ## special case: form submission if($curr_tag eq 'input' and $attr->{type} eq 'submit') { my $method = $state{form}{method}; $state{output} .= ''; if($method eq 'post') { $state{output} .= qq||; for my $field (@{$state{form}{fields}}) { $state{output} .= qq||; } $state{output} .= ''; } else { warning("unknown method '$method'; defaulting to 'get'") if $method ne 'get'; my @query = (); for my $field (@{$state{form}{fields}}) { push @query, qq|$field=\$($field)|; } $state{output} .= join '', qq|'; } $state{output} .= ''; return; } ## reconstruct well-formed attributes list with only the allowed ones if(exists $with{$curr_tag}{attributes} and scalar keys %$attr) { my @attrs = (); for my $param (keys %$attr) { if(index($with{$curr_tag}{attributes}, $param) >= 0) { $param = $with{$tag}{attrconv}{$param} if exists $with{$tag}{attrconv}{$param}; my $value = $attr->{$param}; if($param eq 'align' or $param eq 'type') { $value = lc $value } elsif($param eq 'href' or $param eq 'src') { $value = xlate_url($value, $param); } convert_entities($value); push @attrs, qq|$param="$value"|; } } $attr = join ' ', '', @attrs; } else { $attr = '' } ## set the skip mode state $state{skip} = 1 if $with{$curr_tag}{action} eq 'skip'; #debug [2], "\n(start tag) <$tag> => action: ", ($with{$tag}{action} ? $with{$tag}{action} : 'clear'), ($curr_tag ne $tag ? " with $curr_tag " : ''), ($attr? ", attributes:$attr" : ''), "\n"; if($with{$curr_tag}{action} eq 'keep') { # TODO: this part of the syntax repairing engine will have to be # re-written. Maybe a loop on the stack to check whether the # tree is correct, and in case not, insert the missing ones if(scalar @{$state{stack}}) { #debug [2], " -> syntax repair: closing tags "; ## syntax repair: close the tags that were left opened while($prev_tag = pop @{$state{stack}}) { if($with{$prev_tag}{nest} =~ /\b$curr_tag\b/ or $with{$prev_tag}{nest} =~ /\b$reverse{$curr_tag}\b/) { push @{$state{stack}}, $prev_tag; last } #debug [2], " "; $state{output} .= ""; } #debug [2], "\n"; } ## syntax repair: open the tags that should have been opened if($with{$prev_tag}{nest} !~ /\b$curr_tag\b/) { #debug [2], " -> syntax repair: opening tags "; my($inner_tag,$outter_tag) = ($curr_tag,$prev_tag); my @nesting_tags = (); while($reverse{$inner_tag} and $reverse{$inner_tag} ne $outter_tag) { $inner_tag = $reverse{$inner_tag}; #debug [2], "<$inner_tag> "; unshift @nesting_tags, $inner_tag; } push @{$state{stack}}, @nesting_tags; for my $t (@nesting_tags) { $state{output} .= "<$t>" } #debug [2], "\n"; #debug [2], " new stack: (@{$state{stack}})\n"; } } ## clean up a little collapse($state{output}) if $options{'collapse'}; ## split the card if needed if($state{cardsize} > $options{'cardsize-limit'} and exists $with{$tag}{special} and $with{$tag}{special} =~ /nowidow/) { split_card() } ## simple tag translation if($with{$curr_tag}{action} eq 'keep') { if($with{$curr_tag}{nest} eq 'EMPTY') { $state{cardsize} += length($curr_tag) + length($attr); $state{output} .= "<$curr_tag$attr/>" } else { $state{cardsize} += length($curr_tag) + length($attr); $state{output} .= "<$curr_tag$attr>"; push @{$state{stack}}, $curr_tag; } } else { ## do nothing } ## additional rendering effects if(defined $with{$tag}{render}) { ## note that it's $tag, not $curr_tag for my $t (split ',', $with{$tag}{render}) { $state{cardsize} += length $t; $state{output} .= "<$t>" } } } # # HTML::Parser end tag handler # sub end_tag { my($tag) = @_; return unless exists $with{$tag}; my $curr_tag = ($with{$tag}{action} eq 'replace' ? $with{$tag}{new_value} : $tag); ## special case: anchors if($tag eq 'a' and ${$state{stack}}[-1] eq 'anchor') { $curr_tag = $tag = 'anchor'} ## special case: form if($tag eq 'form') { return } #debug [2], "( end tag ) stack = (@{$state{stack}})\n\n"; $state{skip} = 0 if $with{$tag}{action} eq 'skip'; return if $state{skip}; return if exists $with{$tag}{nest} and $with{$tag}{nest} eq 'EMPTY'; ## additional rendering effects if(defined $with{$tag}{render}) { ## note that it's $tag, not $curr_tag for my $t (reverse split ',', $with{$tag}{render}) { $state{cardsize} += length $t; $state{output} .= "" } } ## special case: /card cleans up the stack if($curr_tag eq 'card') { while(${$state{stack}}[-1] ne $curr_tag) { my $t = pop @{$state{stack}}; $state{cardsize} += length $t; $state{output} .= ""; } my $s = qq|\n

|; $state{cardsize} += length $s ;#- 25; $state{output} .= $s; } ## closing element if(${$state{stack}}[-1] eq $curr_tag and $with{$curr_tag}{action} eq 'keep') { $state{cardsize} += length $curr_tag; $state{output} .= " "; pop @{$state{stack}}; } else { ## do nothing } ## clean up a little collapse($state{output}) if $options{'collapse'}; ## check current card size if($curr_tag ne 'card' and $curr_tag ne 'wml' and $state{cardsize} > $options{'cardsize-limit'}) { split_card() } } # # HTML::Parser text handler # sub text_tag { my($text) = @_; my $curr_tag = ${$state{stack}}[-1] || ''; #debug [3], "(text node) stack = (@{$state{stack}})\n- - - - -\n$text\n- - - - -\n"; return if $state{skip}; return if $text =~ /^\s*$/s; ## skip empty lines ## add a para tag if we're on the card node if($curr_tag eq 'card') { $state{cardsize} += 4; $state{output} .= "\n

"; push @{$state{stack}}, 'p'; } clean_spaces($text) if $options{'collapse'} and $curr_tag ne 'pre'; # # TODO: add the code that split too long chunks of text # $state{output} .= $text; $state{cardsize} += length $text; } # # HTML::Parser comment tag handler # sub comment_tag { my($comment) = @_; local $_; $comment = join '', @$comment; #debug [3], "( comment ) stack = (@{$state{stack}})\n $comment\n"; ## Actions engine if($comment =~ /^\s*\[(\w+)\s*(.*)\]\s*$/) { my $action = $1; my %attributes = map { /\G(\w+)=["']([^"']+)["']/g } split /\s+/, $2; for my $attr (keys %attributes) { if($attr eq 'for') { return if $attributes{$attr} ne $state{type}; } if($attr eq 'virtual' and $attributes{virtual} !~ /^http:/) { $attributes{virtual} = URI::URL->new( $attributes{virtual}, $state{doc_uri} )->abs } } for($action) { /include/ and do { my $buf; if($attributes{virtual}) { $buf = get_url($attributes{virtual}, 1); } elsif($attributes{file}) { $buf = read_file($attributes{file}, 1) } $state{output} .= $buf; $state{cardsize} = length $buf; }; /skip/ and do { $state{skip} = 1; }; /end_skip/ and do { $state{skip} = 0; }; /fsize/ and do { my $buf; if($attributes{virtual}) { $buf = length get_url($attributes{virtual}, 1); } elsif($attributes{file}) { $buf = length read_file($attributes{file}, 1) } $state{output} .= $buf; $state{cardsize} = length $buf; }; } } } # # HTML::Parser default handler # sub default_handler { my($text) = @_; #debug [2], "( default ) [$text]\n\n"; } # # split_card() # ---------- # This function closes the current card and creates a new one. # sub split_card { my @stack = @{$state{stack}}; shift @stack; ## shift the tag shift @stack; ## shift the tag my $id = $state{cardid}++; $state{cardsize} = 0; #debug [2], "(splitcard) stack = (@{$state{stack}})\n\n"; for my $tag (reverse @stack) { $state{output} .= "" } my $doc_uri = $state{doc_uri}; # strip the server part if the document and this CGI are on the same server $doc_uri =~ s/^$state{self_srv}//o if $cgi; my $link_to_next = $options{'split-deck'} ? "$state{self_url}url=$doc_uri;id=$state{cardid}" : "#$state{cardid}"; $state{output} .= join '', qq|\n

|, qq||, qq||, qq|

\n|; if($options{'split-deck'}) { post_conversion_cleanup(); $state{output} .= ''; $state{decks}{$id} = $state{output}; $state{output} = join '', q|\n$defaults{wmlvers}\n|; } $state{output} .= qq|\n|; for my $tag (@stack) { $state{output} .= "<$tag>" } } # # xlate_url() # --------- # This function translates the given url so that the pointed document will # pass through this CGI for conversion when in CGI mode, or construct a url # that fits the needs of the webmaster using the given template, if present. # sub xlate_url { my $url = shift; ## $url is the url from a href or a src attribute my $type = shift; ## $type is 'src' or 'href' ## URL encode special characters url_encode($url); ## we only treat http URLs return $url if $url =~ /^(\w+):/ and index($1, 'http') != 0; if($cgi) { ## CGI mode # create the absolute URL relative to the document my $link = URI::URL->new($url, $state{doc_uri})->abs; # strip the server part if the URL and this CGI are on the same server $link =~ s/^$state{self_srv}//o; return "$state{self_url}url=$link" } else { ## shell mode ## we don't touch URLs other than http(s): return $url if $url =~ m|^(\w+):| and index($1, 'http') < 0; ## This is where the link reconstruction engine lives... (waah... :) if($options{"${type}tmpl"} and $url !~ m|^https?://|) { ## we don't touch absolute urls my $tmpl = $options{"${type}tmpl"}; my $uri = new URI $url, 'http'; if($uri->path) { my($filename,$filepath,$filetype) = fileparse($uri->path, '((?:\.\w+)+)'); my $init_vars = qq|{ sub FILEPATH { q<$filepath> } sub FILENAME { q<$filename> } sub FILETYPE { q<$filetype> } sub URL { q<$url> } }|; my $new_url = new Text::Template TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $init_vars.$tmpl or fatal("can't construct template: $Text::Template::ERROR\n"); return $new_url->fill_in(HASH => { 'FILEPATH' => $filepath, 'FILENAME' => $filename, 'FILETYPE' => $filetype, 'URL' => $url }) or fatal("$Text::Template::ERROR\n") } else { return $url } } else { return $url } } } # # url_encode() # sub url_encode { $_[0] =~ s'[$]'%24'go; $_[0] =~ s'&'%26'go; $_[0] =~ s';'%3b'go; $_[0] =~ s'='%3d'go; $_[0] =~ s'[?]'%3f'go; } # # htmlize() # ------- # This function translate the given text into HTML # sub htmlize { my $str = shift; ## convert special chars to entities $str =~ s/&/\&/go; $str =~ s//\>/go; ## add a small syntax highlighting $str =~ s{(\<[!?/]?)(\w+)(.*?)([!?/]?\>)} {$1$2$3$4}gs; $str =~ s{\<!--(.*?)--\>}{\<!--$1--\>}gs; $str =~ s{href="([^\"]+)"}{href="$1"}gs; return "
" } # # hextype() # ------- # This function generates a human readable representation of binary data # sub hextype { my $data = shift; ## data to print my $colwidth = shift || 16; ## width of ASCII column my $half = $colwidth/2; my $line = 1; my $out = ''; while(length $data) { my @hex = unpack 'C'x$colwidth, substr($data, 0, $colwidth); substr($data, 0, $colwidth) = ''; $out .= sprintf '%3d: '. ((('%02x 'x$half).' ')x2) .' ', $line++, @hex; $out .= sprintf ''.('%s'x$half)x2 . "\n", map { $_ > 32 ? chr : '.' } @hex; } return $out } # # simple_wrap() # ----------- # This function wraps the text given in parameter. # sub simple_wrap { my $orig = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \$_[0]; my $text = ''; my $curlen = 0; my $beg = ' 'x5; my $cols = 75; while($$orig =~ m/(\s*\S+\s+)/gm) { if($curlen + length($1) > $cols) { $text .= "\n$beg$1"; $curlen = 1 + length($beg) + length($1) } else { $text .= $1; $curlen += length $1; } $curlen = 0 if index($1, "\n") >= 0; } return $text } # # load_entities() # ------------- # sub load_entities { %entities = ( ## Special entities quot => [ 34, '"'],## double quote quote => [ 34, '"'],## double quote amp => [ 38, '&'],## ampersand apos => [ 39, '''],## single quote lt => [ 60, '<'],## less than sign gt => [ 62, '>'],## greater than sign ## Spacing characters nbsp => [ 32, ' '], ## non-breaking space (real value #160) ensp => [ 32, ' '], ## en space (real value: #8194, U+2002) emsp => [ 32, ' '], ## em space (real value: #8195, U+2003) thinsp => [ 32, ' '], ## thin space (real value: #8201, U+2009) zwnj => [ 0, '' ], ## zero width non-joiner (real value: #8204, U+200C) zwj => [ 0, '' ], ## zero width joiner (real value: #8205, U+200D) ## Latin Extended-A entities + Mathematical symbols sbquo => [130, ','], ## single low-9 quotation mark fnof => [131, 'f'], ## latin small f with hook = florin bdquo => [132, ',,'], ## double low-9 quotation mark hellip => [133, '...'], ## horizontal ellipsis dagger => [134, ' '], ## dagger Dagger => [135, ' '], ## double dagger circ => [136, '^'], ## modifier letter circumflex accent permil => [137, 'o/oo'], ## per mille sign Scaron => [138, 'S'], ## latin capital letter S with caron lsaquo => [139, '<'],## single left-pointing angle quotation mark OElig => [140, 'OE'], ## latin capital ligature OE lsquo => [145, "'"], ## left single quotation mark rsquo => [146, "'"], ## right single quotation mark ldquo => [147, '"'], ## left double quotation mark rdquo => [148, '"'], ## right double quotation mark bull => [149, 'o'], ## bullet ndash => [150, '-'], ## en dash mdash => [151, '--'], ## em dash tilde => [152, '~'], ## small tilde trade => [153, '(tm)'], ## trademark sign scaron => [154, 's'], ## latin small letter s with caron rsaquo => [155, '>'],## single right-pointing angle quotation mark oelig => [156, 'oe'], ## latin small ligature oe Yuml => [159, 'Y'], ## latin capital letter Y with diaeresis ## ISO-Latin-1 entities iexcl => [161, '!'], cent => [162, '-c-'], pound => [163, '-L-'], curren => [164, 'CUR'], yen => [165, 'YEN'], brvbar => [166, '|'], sect => [167, 'S:'], uml => [168, '"'], copy => [169, '(c)'], ordf => [170, '-a'], laquo => [171, '<<'], 'not' => [172, 'NOT'], shy => [173, '-'], reg => [174, '(R)'], macr => [175, '-'], deg => [176, 'DEG'], plusmn => [177, '+/-'], sup2 => [178, '^2'], sup3 => [179, '^3'], acute => [180, "'"], micro => [181, 'u'], para => [182, 'P:'], middot => [183, '.'], cedil => [184, ','], sup1 => [185, '^1'], ordm => [186, '-o'], raquo => [187, '>>'], frac14 => [188, ' 1/4'], frac12 => [189, ' 1/2'], frac34 => [190, ' 3/4'], iquest => [191, '?'], Agrave => [192, 'A'], Aacute => [193, 'A'], Acirc => [194, 'A'], Atilde => [195, 'A'], Auml => [196, 'Ae'], Aring => [197, 'A'], AElig => [198, 'AE'], Ccedil => [199, 'C'], Egrave => [200, 'E'], Eacute => [201, 'E'], Ecirc => [202, 'E'], Euml => [203, 'E'], Igrave => [204, 'I'], Iacute => [205, 'I'], Icirc => [206, 'I'], Iuml => [207, 'I'], ETH => [208, 'DH'], Ntilde => [209, 'N'], Ograve => [210, 'O'], Oacute => [211, 'O'], Ocirc => [212, 'O'], Otilde => [213, 'O'], Ouml => [214, 'Oe'], 'times' => [215, '*'], Oslash => [216, 'O'], Ugrave => [217, 'U'], Uacute => [218, 'U'], Ucirc => [219, 'U'], Uuml => [220, 'Ue'], Yacute => [221, 'Y'], THORN => [222, 'P'], szlig => [223, 'ss'], agrave => [224, 'a'], aacute => [225, 'a'], acirc => [226, 'a'], atilde => [227, 'a'], auml => [228, 'ae'], aring => [229, 'a'], aelig => [230, 'ae'], ccedil => [231, 'c'], egrave => [232, 'e'], eacute => [233, 'e'], ecirc => [234, 'e'], euml => [235, 'e'], igrave => [236, 'i'], iacute => [237, 'i'], icirc => [238, 'i'], iuml => [239, 'i'], eth => [240, 'e'], ntilde => [241, 'n'], ograve => [242, 'o'], oacute => [243, 'o'], ocirc => [244, 'o'], otilde => [245, 'o'], ouml => [246, 'o'], divide => [247, '/'], oslash => [248, 'o'], ugrave => [249, 'u'], uacute => [250, 'u'], ucirc => [251, 'u'], uuml => [252, 'u'], yacute => [253, 'y'], thorn => [254, 'p'], yuml => [255, 'y'], ); } # # warning() # ------- sub warning { print STDERR 'html2wml: warning: ', @_ } # # fatal() # ----- sub fatal { print STDERR 'html2wml: fatal: ', @_; exit -1; } # # debug() # ----- sub debug { if($options{'debug'}) { my $level = ref $_[0] ? shift->[0] : 1; print STDERR @_ if $level <= $options{'debug'} } } # # version() # ------- sub version { print "$program/$version\n"; exit } # # usage() # ----- sub usage { print STDERR <<"USAGE"; exit usage: $0 [options] file [-o output] options: -a, --ascii use 7 bits ASCII emulation to convert named entities --nocollapse don't collapse spaces and empty paragraphs --hreftmpl=template set the template for the links reconstruction engine -i, --ignore-images completly ignore image links --noimg-alt-text don't replace the images by their alternative text --nolinearize don't linearize the tables -n, --numeric-non-ascii convert non-ASCII characters to numeric entities -p, --nopre don't use the
      --split-card                  slice the document by cards (default)
      --split-deck                  slice the document by decks
  -s, --max-card-size=size          set the card size upper limit
  -t, --card-split-threshold=size   set the card splitting threshold 
      --next-card-label=label       set the label of the link to the next card
      --prev-card-label=label       set the label of the link to the previous card

  -U, --http-user           set the HTTP user
  -P, --http-passwd         set the HTTP password
  -Y, --proxy               use proxy settings provided by environnement
      --noproxy             don't use proxy
  -k, --compile             compile the result in binary form
  -o, --output=outfile      select the outpout (stdout if none specified)
  -d, --debug=n     activate the debug mode (always prints to stdout)
  -c, --xmlcheck    activate the XML well-formedness and validity check
  -h, --help        show this help screen and exit
  -v, --version     show the program name and version and exit

Read the documentation for more information. 

# cgi_error()
# ---------
sub cgi_error {
    if($options{'debug'}) {
        print <<"OUTPUT"; exit

Html2Wml - Error

Html2Wml - Error

This program was called with incorrect parameters or an error occured when processing the request. Please check your request and try again.


$program v$version

OUTPUT } else { print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/vnd.wap.wml'), <<"OUTPUT"; exit $defaults{wmlvers}

This program was called with incorrect parameters or an error occured when processing the request. Please check your request and try again.


$program v$version

OUTPUT } } 1;