0.22 Tuesday 28th August 2007 - Fixed some typos - thanks to William McKee for pointing them out 0.21 Tuesday 7th August 2007 - updated tests to fix failures when XML::XPath not installed due to trying to skip wrong number of tests. 0.20 Sunday 5th August 2007 - updated tests to use hardcoded responses where possible to stop failures caused by changed error messages - full test suite only run if $ENV{'TEST_AUTHOR'} set - some internals refactoring to support test changes 0.19 Tuesday 17th April 2007 - updated t/14warnings.t in line with changed validator error - also make test a little less likely to break in future - added in examples directory for cpants game related reasons 0.18 Thursday 5th April 2007 - skip the right number of tests for 03invalid.t - make 04bad_validtor.t a bit more robust of can't contact fake validator - update 11detailed_soap.t to reflect changes in validator error messages 0.17 Saturday 13th January 2007 - skip the right number of test of no xpath for 13soap_wrong_format.t 0.16 Saturday 13th January 2007 - Added in custom user agent support courtesy of Chris Dolan 0.15 Monday 18th December 2006 - Updated tests so they don't fail if the validator is unreachable 0.14 Saturday 4th November 2006 - Updated wrong format error tests as non beta validator now supports SOAP - Removes non digits from header error count to work round validator bug 0.13 Tuesday 25th April 2006 - Added in warnings method to use extra info from SOAP output - Makes stab at catching incorrect output for detailed methods 0.12 Sunday 5th March 2006 - added in Proxy support courtesy of Carl Vincent 0.11 Saturday 25th February 2006 - added output option and asociated SOAP output support 0.10 Monday 12th September 2005 - scalar and file tests now skip if no connection - fixed typo also from rt.cpan.org #14480 0.09 Wednesday 7th September 2005 - Added in pod coverage test - fixed doc bug -> rt.cpan.org #14480 0.08 Saturday 27th August 2005 - Fixed broken scalar validation 0.07 Wednesday 17th July 2005 - Fixed broken test 0.06 Tuesday 16th November 2004 - Can now validate scalars and local files - Updated Makefile to check for Test::Warn 0.05 Tuesday 9th November 2004 - Actually document the detailed option :( - Fix a few bugs in the SYNOPSIS code 0.04 Tuesday 9th November 2004 - Update docs to say you should enable detailed if using errors method - Update errors method to do the right thing if detailed not enabled 0.03 Sunday 9th May 2004 - Fix to failing test after new validator release 0.02 Tuesday 13th January 2004 - Some documentation patches and generally tidying up 0.01 Tuesday 15th November 2003 - Initial release