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This class defines a red-black tree object. These objects store key/value pairs in much the same way as a hashtable but have different storage and retrieval characteristics. Red-black trees perform get/put operations in O(log(n)) time whereas the best case performance for hashtables is O(k) where k is a constant and the worst case performance for get/put operations could be as bad as O(n). This means that red-black trees are a good choice for handling an unknown range of key/value pairs where the range may differ by several orders of magnitude. They are also a good choice for handling bucket overflows in hashtables. A simple usage for this class is shown below: CJdlRedBlackTree tree = new CJdlRedBlackTree(); if(!tree.IsEmpty()) { cout << "ERROR: #1" << endl; } tree.Put("C","This is the value data for C"); tree.Put("A","This is the value data for A"); tree.Put("B","This is the value data for B"); if(tree.Size() != 3) { cout << "ERROR: #2" << endl; } if(tree.Contains("A")) { String val = (String) tree.get("A"); } tree.Remove("B");
public CJdlRedBlackTree ( ) ; Default constructor. public bool Check ( const char * prefix ) ; Check the tree. Messages are printed to stdout.
public void Clear ( ) ; Clear out the tree. This method walks through every node in the tree and deletes it. The key values are not affected. public CJdlRedBlackTree * Clone ( ) ; Clone this tree. The key values are not cloned. public bool Contains ( CJdlRedBlackTreeNode * node ) ; Does this tree contain the following node?
public bool ContainsKey ( const char * key ) ; Does this tree contain the following key?
public CJdlRedBlackTreeEnumerator * Elements ( ) ; Return an enumeration of the elements in this tree in ascending order.
public CJdlRedBlackTreeEnumerator * Elements ( bool ascending ) ; Return an enumeration of the elements in this tree in ascending order.
public void * Get ( const char * key ) ; Get the data associated with a key.
public const char * GetKey ( const char * key ) ; Get the key address.
public void Insert ( const char * key , void * value ) ; Insert a new node into the tree.
public bool IsEmpty ( ) const ; Does this tree have any nodes?
public void Put ( const char * key , void * value ) ; Insert a new node into the tree.
public void Remove ( const char * key ) ; Remove a node from the tree.
public uint Size ( ) const ; The number of nodes in the tree.
public uint GetNumItems ( ) const ; The number of nodes in the tree.
public void DumpStats ( const char * prefix ) ; Report tree statistics. This routine prints out the number of nodes, the maximum height and the minimum height for the tree whose root is this node. It also prints out 2*log(N) which is the maximum possible theoretical height.
public void Dump ( ) ; Dump the contents of the tree. public void Dump ( const char * prefix ) ; Dump the contents of the tree.
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