TOP --> libjdl
Heap sort template.
public CJdlSorter ( List & list , int sizeofList ) ; Constructor. Create a container to sort the specified list. The size of the list is specified so that partial contents can be sorted.
public CJdlSorter ( const CJdlSorter < List , Item > & x ) ; Copy constructor. public virtual ~ CJdlSorter ( ) ; Destructor. It can be overloaded to handle list specific clean up. If you do not overload it, the list will remain intact after the sort object is destroyed. protected int m_Size
protected List & m_List
protected Item m_tmp
protected void HeapSort ( ) ;
protected void HeapSortSiftDown ( int , int ) ;
public virtual int Compare ( Item & a , Item & b ) const ;
public void Sort ( ) ; Sort the specified list. public void Copy ( const CJdlSorter < List , Item > & x ) ; Copy operator. public CJdlSorter < List , Item > & operator = ( const CJdlSorter & x ) ; Copy operator.
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