TOP --> libjdl
Defines a simple vector container class. This class does not own its objects. Here is a simple example that shows how to use this class. CJdlVector<int> v; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { v[i] = i; cout << v[i] << endl; } // These are all the same. cout << v.GetNumItems() << endl; cout << v.Size() << endl; cout << v.Length() << endl;
public CJdlVector ( ) ; Default constructor. Assumes a default size of 8. public CJdlVector ( uint size ) ; Constructor.
public CJdlVector ( const CJdlVector < T > & obj ) ; Copy constructor.
public ~ CJdlVector ( ) ; Destructor. public void Clear ( ) ; Clear the list. public void Resize ( uint ) ; Resize the list.
public void Copy ( const CJdlVector < T > & ) ; Copy another list to this one. public uint GetNumItems ( ) const ; Return the number of items in the list.
public uint Length ( ) const ; Return the number of items in the list.
public uint Size ( ) const ; Return the number of items in the list.
public bool IsEmpty ( ) const ; Is the list empty?
public uint MaxLength ( ) const ; Return the maximum number of items that can be stored in the list.
public void Append ( T & obj ) ; Append an item to the list. If the list is not large enough, it is automatically increased to accomodate the new object.
public void Append ( const CJdlVector < T > & list ) ; Append another list to the list. If the list is not large enough, it is automatically increased to accomodate the new objects.
public void InsertBefore ( uint idx , T & obj ) ; Insert item before the specified item in the list.
public void InsertAfter ( uint idx , T & obj ) ; Insert item after the specified item in the list.
public T & Get ( uint i ) const ; Get the i-th item. An assertion is raised if the index is out of bounds
public T & operator [ ] ( uint i ) ; Get the i-th item (lhs & rhs). If the array is not large enough it is grown.
public void Set ( uint i , T val ) ; Set the i-th item. Grow the list if necessary.
public CJdlVector < T > & operator = ( const CJdlVector < T > & obj ) ; Copy operator.
public CJdlVector < T > & operator += ( T & val ) ; Append to the list.
public void Grow ( uint sz ) ; Grow the list to the specified size. This is used internally by the append and set methods.
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