TOP --> CcDoc
- class CCcDocPrepExpr
This class handles the expression tree stuff for the pre-processor.
for #if statements. It is pretty primitive.
A sample usage is shown below:
CCcDocPrepExpr* expr = CCcDocPrepExpr::Create(this,"#if defined(FOO) || defined(SPAM)");
if(expr) {
bool eval = expr->Eval(true); // eval with debug turned on
- Author:
Joe Linoff
- Version:
$Id: ccdocprepexpr.h,v 1.4 1999/06/12 18:10:33 jdl Exp $
- Source:
- [public] Create an expression subtree and return a pointer to the
root of the tree.
- [public] Destroy the expression subtree.
- [public] Dump the contents of the internal expression tree.
- [public] Evaluate an expression tree.
public void Dump ( const char * prefix = 0 ,
uint level = 0 ) const ;
Dump the contents of the internal expression tree.
- Parameters:
| The output file.
| prefix
| An optional prefix for each output line.
| level
| The current nesting level.
public long Eval ( CCcDocPrep * obj ,
ulong lineno ,
const char * src ,
const char * linebuf ,
bool debugFlag = false ,
uint level = 0 ,
bool reportUndefSymsFlag = true ) const ;
Evaluate an expression tree.
- Parameters:
| The CCcDocPrep parent object.
| lineno
| Source file line number.
| src
| Source file name.
| linebuf
| Line information.
| debugFlag
| If true, turns on internal debugging messages.
| level
| The current nesting level.
| reportUndefSymsFlag
| Report undefined symbols.
- Return:
Non-zero if the expression evaluated to true or 0 otherwise.
public static CCcDocPrepExpr * Create ( CCcDocPrep * obj ,
const char * line ) ;
Create an expression subtree and return a pointer to the
root of the tree.
Parses lines of the form:
#if defined(SPAM) && ( defined(FOO) || defined(BAR) )
- Parameters:
| The CCcDocPrep parent object.
| line
| The line.
public static void Destroy ( CCcDocPrepExpr * expr ) ;
Destroy the expression subtree.
- Parameters:
| The root of the expression tree that is returned by Create.
This documentation was generated automatically by the ccdoc tool (version 0.7a).
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