

BonoboWrapper -- Helper widget for controlling event delivery to embedded components


typedef     BonoboWrapper;
typedef     BonoboWrapperClass;
GtkWidget*  bonobo_wrapper_new              (void);
void        bonobo_wrapper_set_covered      (BonoboWrapper *wrapper,
                                             gboolean covered);
gboolean    bonobo_wrapper_is_covered       (BonoboWrapper *wrapper);
gboolean    bonobo_wrapper_get_visibility   (BonoboWrapper *wrapper);
void        bonobo_wrapper_set_visibility   (BonoboWrapper *wrapper,
                                             gboolean visible);


This is a GtkWidget that acts as a cover on top of another GtkWidget. It enables you to control whether the containee can or can not receive events.

It is used by the BonoboViewFrame object initialization to cover the embedded component and provide control of event delivery on the containee. You should not control this wrapper directly when manipulating Bonobo components. You should use the bonobo_view_set_frame_set_covered() for BonoboView objects.



typedef struct {
	GtkBin bin;

	/* Private data. */
	BonoboWrapperPrivate *priv;
} BonoboWrapper;


typedef struct {
	GtkBinClass parent_class;
} BonoboWrapperClass;

bonobo_wrapper_new ()

GtkWidget*  bonobo_wrapper_new              (void);

Creates a new wrapper widget. It starts covered by default.

Returns : The newly-created wrapper widget.

bonobo_wrapper_set_covered ()

void        bonobo_wrapper_set_covered      (BonoboWrapper *wrapper,
                                             gboolean covered);

Sets the covered status of a wrapper widget by showing or hiding the cover window as appropriate.

wrapper : A wrapper widget
covered : Whether it should be covered or not

bonobo_wrapper_is_covered ()

gboolean    bonobo_wrapper_is_covered       (BonoboWrapper *wrapper);

Queries the covered status of a wrapper widget.

wrapper : A wrapper widget.
Returns : Whether the wrapper widget is covering its child or not.

bonobo_wrapper_get_visibility ()

gboolean    bonobo_wrapper_get_visibility   (BonoboWrapper *wrapper);

wrapper : A BonoboWrapper.
Returns : Whether or not visual hints should be drawn on the cover to indicate when it is covering wrapper's contents.

bonobo_wrapper_set_visibility ()

void        bonobo_wrapper_set_visibility   (BonoboWrapper *wrapper,
                                             gboolean visible);

Use this function to set the visibility of the wrapper's cover window. If the visibility flag is TRUE, then a stipple pattern will be drawn on the cover window to indicate when the wrapper's contents are covered. Of course, this stipple pattern will only be drawn when the cover is there; use bonobo_wrapper_set_covered() to enable the cover.

wrapper : A BonoboWrapper.
visible : A flag to indicate whether wrapper's cover should be visible.

See Also

GtkWidget BonoboView BonoboViewFrame