4. FIDOGATE Config Files
FIDOGATE uses the following config files:
For all config files, a line starting with (some white space and)
# character is a comment and as well as an empty line completely
All config files (with the execption of areas.bbs support an
include command for reading in other config files. include
must be the first keyword on the line, the filename is the next
All options and config statements which take file or directory names as
arguments accept the following % abbreviations:
4.1 Main Configuration File
fidogate.conf is the main configuration file for all FIDOGATE
NOTE: the new single configuration file replaces the different
configuration files config.* and *.conf of versions prior
to 4.3.0.
The format of fidogate.conf is:
Keywords and arguments may be quoted in "" , keywords are
See examples/orodruin/fidogate.conf for an up-to-date commented
version of the new config file.
Common configuration:
include file
- Include another config file, may be nested.
ConfigDir directory
- Directory for configuration files (default specified in
config.make ).
LibDir directory
- Directory for FIDOGATE-internal binaries and support files (default
specified in
config.make ).
BinDir directory
- Directory for FIDOGATE user binaries and scripts (default specified in
config.make ).
LogDir directory
- Directory for log files (default specified in
config.make ).
VarDir directory
- Directory for variable state files such as
areas.bbs ,
fareas.bbs , history (default specified in
config.make ).
LockDir directory
- Directory for lock files (default specified in
config.make ).
SpoolDir directory
- Internal spool directory for temporary files (default specified in
config.make ).
BTBaseDir directory
- The BinkleyTerm-style outbound base directory, to be specified
without the actual
out. nnn zone directories (default
specified in config.make ).
Inbound directory
- The BinkleyTerm-style unprotected inbound directory (default specified
config.make ).
PInbound directory
- The BinkleyTerm-style protected inbound directory (default specified in
config.make ).
UUInbound directory
- The BinkleyTerm-style inbound directory for UUENCODEd packets (default
specified in
config.make ).
FTPInbound directory
- The BinkleyTerm-style inbound directory for FTP'ed packets (default
specified in
config.make ).
Aliases file
- Aliases configuration file (default specified in
config.make ).
Areas file
- Areas configuration file (default specified in
config.make ).
Hosts file
- Registered hosts configuration file (default specified in
config.make ).
Passwd file
- Password configuration file (default specified in
config.make ).
Packing file
- Packing configuration file (default specified in
config.make ).
Routing file
- Routing configuration file (default specified in
config.make ).
History file
- Dupe check history database file (default specified in
config.make ).
Logfile file
- Standard log file (default specified in
config.make ).
CharsetMap file
- Charset mapping table file (default specified in
config.make ).
LogFacility facility
LogLevel level
- Facility and level when using syslog for logging (
syslog ). NOT YET SUPPORTED: C programs use definition from
config.h , syslog support in Perl scripts (which use these
settings) is currently commented out.
DosDrive drive directory
- OPTIONAL: specify translation of a DOS drive (e.g.
H: ) to a
directory. This is useful, if you keep your outbound on a UNIX server
and run BinkleyTerm on a DOS client. If one or more DosDrive
statements are specified, FIDOGATE will automatically translate file
attaches to the file names seen by the DOS client. Up to 16
DosDrive entries may be specified (MAXDOSDRIVE from
config.h ).
AreasBBS name
- Specifies the
areas.bbs EchoMail distribution file.
FAreasBBS name
- Specifies the
fareas.bbs file echo distribution file.
Internet address configuration:
Hostname name
- The host name part of your Internet address.
Domain name
- The domain part of your Internet address.
HostsDomain name
- The domain used for entries in the
hosts config file. Default is
the same as Domain .
Fidonet address configuration:
Address node
- The main Fidonet/FTN address (Z:N/F.P). There may be up to 32
statements (MAXADDRESS from config.h ).
GateAddress node
- OPTIONAL: the Fidonet/FTN address of your gate, must be in the same
order as the corresponding
Address statements. There may be up to
32 GateAddress statements.
If you're operating a Fido node, you may want to use a point addresse
for your gateway to avoid name problems with local users and the
gateway. If you're operating an official gateway in Fidonet or an
Othernet, you normally have a separate node address for the gateway.
Zone zone domain ftndomain out
- Specifies Internet domain domain, FTN domain ftndomain,
and outbound directory out (relative to
BTBaseDir ) for the
FTN zone zone. zone may be default , then this is the
default entry for not explicitely specified zones. Up to 32 Zone
entries may be specified (MAXADDRESS from config.h ).
The gateway will only process mails from/to zones which are explicitly
specified here.
Areafix configuration:
AreaFixMailer command
- Mailer program used by
ftnaf to send replies.
AreaFixCC user@domain
- CC address added to replies sent by
ftnaf .
AreaFixHelp file
- Help file for Areafix programs (
%help ) command.
Tosser configuration:
MaxMsg n
- Set maximum number of messages in output files to n, restricting the
maximum size of packets. See also
-m option.
MaxOpenFiles n
- Set maximum number of concurrently open packet files to n. Default: 10
MAXOPENFILES from config.h ), see also -M option.
MaxArc Kbyte
- Maximum size of ArcMail archives created by
ftnpack . See also
-m option.
MinDiskFree Kbyte
- Minimum free disk space required by the
script. runtoss will terminate if there is less than Kbyte
free disk space in SPOOLDIR.
DiskFreeMethod text
- Method to determine free disk space:
prog uses program specified
with DiskFreeProg , none doesn't do any disk space
DiskFreeProg command
- Command to determine free disk space, parameter
%p is replace
with path name of the directory to be checked.
- Kill empty (blank) messages addressed to one of our AKAs. These are
typically file attach and file request messages.
- Kill messages for unknown EchoMail areas (not listed in
- Kill routed EchoMail messages (not addressed to one of our
- Kill insecure EchoMail messages (sender not listed in
areas.bbs ).
- Log all NetMail messages in log file.
- Enable EchoMail circular path check (see
KillCircular ).
- Kill EchoMail with circular path (own address already in
- Enable dupe check (using
History database).
MaxHistory days
- Maximum length of history database. Keep entries for days days
(decimal fraction allowed).
- Kill messages with date < now -
MaxHistory , i.e. treat as
- Kill duplicate EchoMail messages if
DupeCheck is enabled.
- Kill EchoMail messages without a
^AMSGID , i.e. treat as dupes.
ZoneGate node seenby
- Zone gate operation: strip SEEN-BYs for EchoMail addressed to node
and replace with listed seenby nodes. seenby must include both
the link's and our address. Example:
| ZoneGate 1:105/42 105/42 2452/110
AddToSeenBy area nodes
- Add the listed nodes to the SEEN-BYs for EchoMail tossed in
area. area may be specified using shell-style wildcards
*?[a-z] .
- Generate 4D EchoMail control lines, i.e. SEEN-BY and PATH will include
point addresses.
- Do not generate an empty PATH line.
Ticker configuration:
TickFlav flavour
- Flavour of file attaches generated by
ftntick .
FAttachFlav flavour
- Flavour of file attaches generated by
ftnfattach .
TickReplacedDir directory
- Directory for old files replaced by
ftntick .
UnknownTickArea area
- File area to be used to TIC files with an unknown area. Incoming files
with an unknown area will be moved to this unknown area's directory.
Gateway configuration:
Origin text
- FTN default EchoMail origin line, the text used for the origins line
generated by
rfc2ftn . Quote text in "" if it contains
spaces. Individual origin lines may be specified in the areas
file using the -o option.
Organization text
- Organization header for mail and news generated by
ftn2rfc . Quote text in "" if it contains spaces.
- Put the text from the * Origin line (excluding the (z:n/f.p)
address) into the Organization header.
- Put the text from the Organization header into the * Origin line.
- Use text from
X-FTN-Tearline , X-Mailer , User-Agent ,
or X-Newsreader for the -- tearline.
- Use FTN to address for mail addressed to the gateway without a To line,
e.g. mail to
with a HOSTS entry
| 2:2452/110.2 orodruin-ftn.fido.de
| is converted to
| To: Max_Mueller@orodruin-ftn.fido.de
| Without this option the standard local HOST.DOMAIN is used, e.g.
| To: Max_Mueller@orodruin.fido.de
- Generate 4D EchoMail control lines, when the gateway operates at a point
address. This is required when using the gateway and the tosser for a
Fido point!
Gateway node
- Specifies an FTN-Internet gateway for routing Internet mail to. If
enabled, FIDOGATE can be used as the default delivery agent for all
Internet mail.
- Generate User.Name@host.do.main instead of
rfc2ftn recognizes both address
- Kill messages that contain a
^AMSGID from an unknown zone (not
listed in Zone statements).
- Kill messages that don't contain a
^AMSGID kludge.
- Kill messages that contain a
^ASPLIT kludge.
X-FTN header
- Include the various X-FTN header in the output of
ftn2rfc :
X-FTN-From is required for the proper operation of ftnaf .
MaxMsgSize bytes
- Maximum size of FTN messages (default value), larger messages will be split.
LimitMsgSize bytes
- Maximum limit for messages (default value), larger messages will be
bounced (mail) and simply not gated (news).
- Do not allow
@ ! % chars in the FTN to field, thus preventing
users from putting Internet addresses in the to field.
BounceCCMail user@do.main
- Send CC of bounced messages to this address.
TrackerMail user@do.main
- Forward mail from message trackers to this address.
- Restrict usage of the gateway to FTN addresses listed in
hosts .
FTNJunkGroup name
- name of the FTN junk newsgroup (newsgroup for unknown FTN areas).
ErrorsTo user@do.main
- Insert additional Errors-To header into Internet mails, sending bounced
mails from gateway users to user@do.main.
AreasXlate area-chars newsgroup-chars
- Automatic translation (-H option in
areas file) of characters for
Fido area <-> Internet newsgroup name conversion.
RFCLevel n
- Set the default RFC level. See also
-R option in areas .
- Don't generate
From: header and FSC-0035 kludges. Must be set for
a non-gateway, point FIDOGATE configuration.
- Don't generate FSC-0035
- Don't generate FSC-0047
^ASPLIT , use old * Large message
split by ... text line.
FTNInSendmail command ...
- Sendmail program to be run by
ftninpost with options. The option
-fsender will be automatically added by ftninpost . For
compatibility with old FIDOGATE configurations, any -f%s option
will be removed.
FTNInRnews command ...
- Rnews program to be run by
ftninpost .
- Automatically run
ftninrecomb to recombine split messages.
- Use the ISO-8859-1 MIME 8BIT character set when gating Fido NetMail.
- Use the ISO-8859-1 MIME QUOTED-PRINTABLE character set when gating Fido
NetMailQuotedPrintable overrides NetMail8bit if
both are specified.
- Controls policy for X-Flags processing (default is 0, no processing):
n N 0
- No X-Flags processing at all.
s S 1
- X-Flags processing for local sender (check From and Received
headers). This is not really secure!!! If your system is directly
connected to the Internet and runs an SMTP daemon such as sendmail, mail
can easily be faked to look like local!!!
a A 2
- X-Flags processing for all. Totally open, totally insecure!!!
- Don't try to get real name from Reply-To header. Particularly useful for
mailing lists which set the Reply-To header to the mailing list.
RFCAddrMode mode
- Mode for RFC address generated by FIDOGATE:
() p 0
- user@do.main (Real Name)-type addresses
<> a 1
- Real Name <user@do.main>-type addresses
- Force
^AREPLYADDR (if FSC0035 is enabled) to only contains
^AREPLYADDR <user@do.main> for compatibility with ifmail-TX.
- Check
areas.bbs when gating newsgroups, message for areas without
downlinks will be skipped.
DefaultCharset default:ftn:rfc
- Default character set mapping for the gateway: default is the
charset assumed for FTN messages, if no
^ACHRS kludge is present
in the message. ftn is the charset to be used in the FTN messages
when gating from RFC to FTN (use FSC-0054 names here), rfc likewise
when gating from FTN to RFC (use RFC 2045 names here). See also the
-C option in the areas config file.
NetMailCharset default:ftn:rfc
- Like
DefaultCharset , but only for NetMail (mail) messages.
- If set and no matching in/out character set is found,
will use the first character set translation pair from
charset.map with in charset = Fido ^ACHRS and set the
output character set accordingly. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
NewsPathTail string
- String added to news Path header generated by
ftn2rfc , the
de-facto standard is not-for-mail . Alternatively you can set this
to fidogate!not-for-mail making the INN newsfeeds much
easier and less error-prone, particularly for point systems.
- Write single articles to output RFC files generated by
ftn2rfc ,
not news batches containing several articles (batch is default).
Regex1stLine pattern
- Regular expression patterns for finding addresses in the first line of
the messages body. The first (...) sub-expression will be used for the
address (like \1 in sed, $1 in perl). POSIX *extended* regular
expressions are used. The OS must support
config.h !
As of FIDOGATE 4.3.4, the compiled-in pattern matching code is no longer
availabe. See examples/orodruin/fidogate.conf for a suitable list
of regular expressions.
MessageLineLength number
- Line length for formatting long paragraphs (no explicit line break) from
Fido messages. This replaces the old
config.h . The default value is 72.
- Normally, soft CR characters (hex 0x8d) in FTN messages are
ignored. When this option is turned on, they are treated as normal
characters. Useful e.g. for the cyrillic cp866 charset.
FFX configuration:
(FFX is a part of FIDOGATE, an uux-like mechanism for remote execution,
using a Fido mailer instead of UUCP for transport. This is a special
hack for my own purposes, most likely you don't want to know anything
about it. Simply ignore or remove this section from the config file.)
FFXDataFlav flavour
- Flavour to be used for file attachments created by the
ffx program.
FFXDataCompr command ...
- Program to be used for creating compressed
ffx data files.
FFXDataExt parameter
- File name extension to be used for compressed
ffx data files.
FFXDataDecompr parameter
- Uncompressor name for compressed
ffx data files (will be run by
ffxqt ).
FFXDataComprN parameter
- Program to be used for creating uncompress
ffx data files (option
-n ).
FFXDataExtN parameter
- File name extension to be used for uncompressed
ffx data files
(option -n ).
FFXDataDecomprN parameter
- Uncompressor name for uncompressed
ffx data files (option
-n , will be run by ffxqt ).
FFXCommand name command ...
- List of command names and corresponding commands to be used by
ffxqt . Only the commands listed can be executed. This replaces
the old LIBDIR/ffxqt-dir/name structure of previous FIDOGATE
FFXUncompress name command ...
- List of uncompressor names and corresponding commands to be used by
ffxqt .
4.2 hosts FTN Address to Host Name Conversion
This file contains the FTN addresses and host names for registered FTN
nodes. If HostsRestricted is defined in config.gate , this
file controls the access to the gateway.
The format of this file is
| node hostname [ options ]
- node
- FTN address. An address for a node will match all points of this node,
see example below.
- hostname
- Host name, one of
- local host name
- A name without a trailing
. is a hostname in the local
domain (specified by HostsDomain or default Domain
in config ).
- fully qualified domain name
- A name with a trailing
. is a fully qualified domain name
for this node.
- A
- specifies a listed node, but without a host name
translation, using the standard p.f.n.z address.
- options
- Generate addresses with point part, e.g.
p99.hippo.fido.de .
Default is omitting the point part.
- Mark the node as down, mail to this address will be bounced with
an appropiate error message.
The hosts file is read into memory during startup of FIDOGATE.
The first entry found matches, so a host name for a point must be
specified before the boss node, if there are entries for both.
config :
hosts :
| 2:2452/110 hippo
2:2452/990 test -p
2:2452/991 test.wusel.org.
2:2452/999 -
Resulting data base read into memory:
| Node: 2:2452/110.0
Hostname: hippo.Fido.DE
Node: 2:2452/990.0
Hostname: test.Fido.DE
Flags: POINT
Node: 2:2452/991.0
Hostname: test.wusel.org
Node: 2:2452/999.0
This results in the following conversion of addresses from FTN
to Internet:
| 2:2452/110 -> hippo.Fido.DE
2:2452/110.99 -> hippo.Fido.DE
2:2452/990.99 -> p99.test.Fido.DE
2:2452/991.1 -> test.wusel.org
2:2452/999.2 -> p2.f999.n2452.z2.Fido.DE
4.3 aliases User Aliases
This file contains user aliases, the FTN address, and the full name of
the user.
The format of this file is
- alias
- Alias for the user, can be a local
user or a complete Internet
address user@do.main .
- node
- FTN address of the user.
- full name
- Full name of the user.
The FTN address node may be a point address. In this case mail
addressed to the user at the boss node address will be readdressed to
this point, see example below.
aliases :
| mvr 2:2452/110.6 "Marc van.Rey"
Using the definitions from the section on hosts , this results in
the following address conversion:
| Marc van.Rey @ 2:2452/110.6 <-> mvr@hippo.Fido.DE
4.4 areas FTN Area to Newsgroup Conversion
This file contains FTN areas with corresponding newsgroups and options.
The format of this file is
| area newsgroup [ options ]
- area
- FTN area.
- newsgroup
- Usenet newsgroup.
- options
- IMPORTANT: there must be spaces between the option and its argument!
-a address
- Select alternate FTN address for this area/newsgroup.
-z zone
- Select zone AKA zone for this area/newsgroup.
-d distribution
- Use Usenet
distribution for this newsgroup when gating from FTN
to Internet.
-o "origin"
- Use an alternate origin line for this area when gating from Internet to
FTN. (Default specified in
config .)
- Don't send messages from another SomeNet-FTN gateway across the gateway.
- Only local crosspostings are allowed in this newsgroup/area.
- No crosspostings are allowed in this newsgroup/area.
- Use the ISO-8859-1 MIME 8BIT character set when gating to this
- Use the ISO-8859-1 MIME quoted-printable character set when gating to
this newsgroup.
- Area/newsgroup matches entire hierarchy. Names are converted
automatically, using upper case for area names and lower case for
gnu.announce will be converted to GNU.ANNOUNCE ,
gnu.bug.gcc to GNU.BUG.GCC , similar for all other.
- Don't gate this area/newsgroup or hierarchy (if combined with
-H ). Usefull to exclude certain newsgroups from a hierarchy for
| ALT.BINARIES. alt.binaries. -z 242 -H -!
ALT. alt. -z 242 -H
| This is roughly equivalent to INN's alt.*,!alt.binaries.* . Please
note that the first areas entry matches, so any -! must be
placed before the -H hierarchy definition.
-R level
- Select level of
^ARFC- Header put into FIDO messages for this
area. Level:
- 0
- No
^ARFC- header at all.
- 1
- Only important
^ARFC- header.
- 2
- All
^ARFC- header.
-m bytes
- Sets
MaxMsgSize for this area (0 = no limit).
-M bytes
- Sets
LimitMsgSize for this area (0 = no limit).
-X "RFC-Header: text"
- Add extra RFC header to output of
ftn2rfc . Multiple -X
options are possible.
-C default:ftn:rfc
- Set character set mapping table for this area, see
config option for details.
Only newsgroups listed in this file will be gated from Internet to FTN.
FTN area not listed in this file will be gated into the
FTNJunkGroup newsgroup specified in fidogate.conf .
4.5 Bounce Messages of ftn2rfc
ftn2rfc uses the following files for messages sent to the FTN
user when bouncing mail for some reason:
- Message addressed to user
UUCP or GATEWAY without a
To line at the very beginning of the message.
- Message addressed from/to node currently marked as down in
hosts (-d flag).
- Messages from nodes not listed in
hosts , gateway running in
restricted mode.
- Messages came via an insecure (i.e. not password protected) link and
contain a
To line. This requires the -t option to
ftn2rfc .
Within a bounce message, the following substitutions can be used:
- FTN address of message sender.
- FTN address of message recipient (the gateway, that is).
- FTN address of message origin.
- Date/time of message.
- Name of message recipient.
- Name of message sender.
- Message subject.
To line, Internet address.
- The entire message body.
4.6 passwd Password Config File
This file contains passwords used by ftnaf , ffx , and the
tosser programs.
The format of this file is:
| context node password options
- FTN packet passwords, checked by
ftntoss , inserted by all
FIDOGATE programs which create FTN packets. Password checking for
incoming packets is NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
- Areafix passwords for requests.
- Filefix passwords for requests and password for sending/receiving TIC
ffx command passwords, checked by ffxqt , inserted by
ffx into the .ffx command files.
- Passwords for forwarding areafix/filefix request to uplink.
Optional stuff (options) is used for af and ff
permission settings:
lvl is the access level, which must be greater or equal than the one
in areas.bbs . key is the access key, which must be a super
set of the one in areas.bbs .
Optional stuff (options) is used for uplink :
name is the user name (normally Areafix or Areamgr ) at
node address, where areafix requests must be forwarded to. Used by
ftnafutil .
| uplink 2:2499/99 XXXXXXXX AreaMgr
packet 2:1234/5678 WUERG
ffx 242:1111/99 BLAHBLUB
af 2:1234/5678 WUSEL 1 F "Test Sysop"
ff 242:1234/5678 WUSEL 4 UQ "Yet Another Sysop"
4.7 routing Config File
This file contains the routing commands performed by ftntoss
(commands remap and rewrite ) and ftnroute
(everything else). The first routing command found matches.
The syntax of the routing commands is very similar to the routing
file used by the well-known FIDO tossers QMail and SQUISH.
The format of this file is:
| remap src-node dest-node name
remapto src-node dest-node name
remapx src-node prog name
remapfrom src-node dest-node name
rewrite src-node dest-node
send flavor nodes
route flavor dest-node nodes
hostroute flavor nodes
hubroute flavor nodes
xroute flavor dest-node from-node to-node
bossroute flavor nodes
change old-flavor new-flavor nodes
sendmove flavor nodes
- Remaps NetMail addressed to name at src-node to the new address
dest-node. Most useful for remapping to points based on their name.
name supports shell-style wildcard patterns. Remapping to 0:0/0.0
means killing the message.
- Remaps NetMail addressed to name at src-node to special
processing with prog (actually writing it to a packet in
%S/remapx/ prog. Most useful for processing areafix
messages. name supports shell-style wildcard patterns.
- Remaps NetMail from name at src-node to the new address
dest-node. name supports shell-style wildcard
patterns. Remapping to 0:0/0.0 means killing the message.
- Rewrites NetMail from and to addresses. A node address matching
src-node will be changed to dest-node.
- Starts routing commands for EchoMail.
- Starts routing commands for NetMail.
- Starts routing commands for both EchoMail and NetMail. NOT YET
- Send normal mail addressed to nodes with flavor.
WARNING: e.g. send hold 2:2452/110 actually is the same as
route hold 2:2452/110.0 2452/110.* . So send hold 2:2452/110
110.* will not have the desired effect, use send hold
2:2452/110.* only instead!!!
- Route normal mail addressed to nodes via dest-node, using
- Route normal mail addressed to nodes via their host (i.e. Z:N/0),
using flavor.
- Route normal mail addressed to nodes via their hub,
using flavor. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
- Route normal mail from from-node to to-node via dest-node,
using flavor. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
- Route flavor mail addressed to nodes via their boss node, not
changing the flavor.
- Change flavor of mail packet from old-flavor to new-flavor.
- Like
send , but ftnroute doesn't copy the mail packets,
they are moved instead. This requires that SPOOLDIR/toss/tmp and
SPOOLDIR/toss/out are on the same file system/disk drive.
Node addresses nodes, src-node, dest-node support wildcards
using * and all , which can be used for the zone, net,
node, and point component of an address. * alone matches all
addresses. rewrite wildcards in the destination address are
replaced with the corresponding component of the source address.
The outbound flavor string flavor can be any of
normal , hold , crash , direct , out ,
hut , cut , dut .
| Remap 2:2452/110.0 2:2452/110.7 "Martin Koser"
Rewrite 242:241/* 2:241/*
send hold 242:1000/1.all
change crash hold 242:1000/1.all 2.all
send hold 242:1000/3
route hold 242:1000/50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
4.8 packing Config File
This file contains the packer (archiver) definitions and packing
commands for ftnpack .
The format of this file is:
| arc name " archiver"
prog name " program"
progn name " program"
pack name nodes
rpack name dest-node nodes
fpack name dest-node nodes
dirpack dir name nodes
Packer/program definitions:
- Defines the archiver name as program archiver. The archiver
string must contain two
%s , the first one is replaced with the
archive name, the second one with the packet name.
- Defines the program name as program. The program string must
contain a
%s , which is replaced with the name of the packet to be
processed. prog deletes the packet after successfully running
program , progn doesn't.
Packing definitions:
- Pack all mail addressed to nodes using the archiver defined as
name. The archiver name
noarc indicates that the mail packet
should not be packed, but copied to the OUT file of the node.
- Same as
pack , but pack all mail addressed to nodes to the
archive for dest-node.
- Similar to
rpack , but the packet is archived for the normal
arcmail packet for each node. This archive is then attached to the FLO
file of dest-node.
- Archive packets for nodes in special directory dir, not the
standard outbound.
| arc zip "/usr/local/bin/zip -gkj %s %s"
progn gate "/usr/lib/fidogate/ftn2rfc %s"
progn areafix "/usr/lib/fidogate/ftnafpkt %s"
rpack zip 2:242/41 2:242/42 242:2000/* 254:*/*
pack noarc 2:2452/110.1 242:4900/99 254:2410/6.1
pack zip *
4.9 areas.bbs EchoMail Distribution
This file contains the EchoMail areas and linked nodes. The file
fareas.bbs is used for file echos.
The format of this file is as follows, the first line being ignored for
compatibility with the standard DOS AREAS.BBS. Individual fields can be
enclosed in "..." to allow spaces, in particular for the area
| [#]directory area [options] nodes
- #
- Marks area as pass-through, i.e. no packets for the own address (zone
AKA or set by
-a ) will be created.
- directory
- The directory where the message base/file base for this area is located.
Currently FIDOGATE uses the directory for file areas only.
- area
- The area name.
- options
- Options for this area:
-a address
- Set alternate FTN AKA for this area.
-z zone
- Set alternate zone AKA for this area. If not set, the zone information
is taken from the first node in the nodes list.
ftnaf will
automatically rewrite areas.bbs , inserting the -z option.
-l lvl
- Set Areafix/Filefix access level for this area.
-k key
- Set Areafix/Filefix access key for this area.
-d "description"
- Description for this area. Enclose in
"..." to allow spaces in
description text.
- Set pass-through flag for this area (same as directory starting with
# ).
- Set read-only flag for this area. New downlink will have a read-only
- nodes
- The list of downlink nodes. This is a sorted short list of nodes as in
FIDO EchoMail SEEN-BYs and PATH. The first node in nodes is the
uplink and stays at this place, though. Do not put your own main
address into the nodes list. (If the gateway has a different
address, then it must be included in
nodes !)
This document was generated
by Martin Junius on July, 28 2002
using texi2html