bcel API: Interface TypedInstruction
Interface TypedInstruction
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- ConstantPushInstruction
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- ArithmeticInstruction, ArrayInstruction, ConversionInstruction, CPInstruction, FieldInstruction, JsrInstruction, LDC, LocalVariableInstruction, FCMPG, FCONST, RET, DCMPL, ICONST, InvokeInstruction, FCMPL, ReturnInstruction, LCONST, ACONST_NULL, LDC2_W, DCONST, DCMPG
- public interface TypedInstruction
Get the type associated with an instruction, int for ILOAD, or the type
of the field of a PUTFIELD instruction, e.g..
- Version:
- $Id: TypedInstruction.java,v 2001/10/29 20:00:28 jvanzyl Exp $
- Author:
- M. Dahm
public Type getType(ConstantPoolGen cpg)