GUM v.1.0.0
Graphic Documentation Project Copying License i
Printing guidelines ii
Authors xxxix
Karin Kylander xxxix
Olof S Kylander xxxix
Frozenriver xl
Contributions xli
Gimp contributions xli
GUM contributions xlii
Changelog xliii
1.0.0 xliii
0.9 xliii
0.8 xliv
0.7 xliv
0.6 xliv
0.5 xliv
TODO xliv
an introduction xlv
Preface xlv
Part one xlv
Gallery xlvi
Part two xlvi
Part three xlvi
Part four xlvi
Part five xlvi
Part six xlvi
Part seven xlvii
Part eight xlvii
Part nine xlvii
Appendixes xlvii
Conventions xlvii
"About The Gimp 4
Features and Capabilities 4
Authors 4
What we can say about Gimp 5
Gimp History 5
0.54 5
0.60 6
0.99 7
1.0 8
The future of Gimp 8
Dynamic Key bindings 10
Conventions 10
Default short cuts in Gimp. 11
Creating Image Objects 20
A Twisted personality 21
Variations - gold and water spirits 21
Creating a simple pen and an ink stain 22
The technicolor ink spot 22
Making grooved text 23
Organic patterns 23
Handling Glass, Water and Reflections 24
The Wet look 25
Adding water 25
Making rain 25
Displacing along a curve 25
How to empty a bottle of wine 26
Cloning away unwanted parts 26
Making a dark and bright layer 26
Recreating missing parts 26
Glass Distortion 27
Rectifying banding 27
Reflections 27
Transforming a Photograph to a Drawing 28
Manage without artistic plugins 29
Instant cartoon pictures 29
Making a pencil drawing 30
From pencil to ink 30
Digital crayons 31
Light, Motion and Texture transformation 32
An Electric Horseman 33
Using a Cow to make a Leopard of a Horse... 33
Making things glow 34
Adding motion 35
Adding scenery 35
Making a Montage 36
The Background 37
The Vignette 37
Adding Noise 38
Making an element stand out in a composition 38
Adding depth to text layers 39
How to Install Gimp Personal files 44
What are all these files good for? 45
Obtaining Gimp 46
Installing a Source Distribution 46
Installing a Binary Distribution. 48
Installing Extra Packages to Extend Gimp 49
The File Menu 54
Creating Images 55
Guash 55
Opening Files 57
Opening Postscript and PDF Files 58
Saving Images 58
Supported File Formats 59
Save dialogs 62
GBR 62
GIcon 62
GIF 63
jPEG 64
PAT 64
PNG 65
PNM 65
PostScript & EPS 65
SunRas 66
TGA 66
Xpm 67
Mailing Images 67
Printing Images 68
Supported printers 68
Settings 68
Gimp Preferences 69
Display 69
Interface 70
Environment 70
Directories 71
Suggestions 71
Misc. features & extensions 71
Tip of the day 71
DB Browser 71
PDB Help 72
Gimptcl Consolio 72
Screen Shot 72
Waterselect 72
Webbrowser 73
The Basic controls 76
Toggle 76
Selection control 76
Moving selections 78
Once more 78
Mask 78
Guides 78
Rectangular and ellipse selection tools 79
Short cuts 79
Short Repetition: 80
Selection options 81
Feather 81
Antialiasing 81
The Free-hand selection tool 82
Options 82
Fuzzy select 82
Options 82
The Bezier selection tool 83
Use beziers as a simple drawing tool 83
Control points 84
Plan ahead 84
Modifying control points 84
Move 84
Sharp corners 85
The final touch 85
Options 85
Intelligent Scissors 85
Activation and short cuts 86
Options 86
Tips 86
The Color Picker 90
Color info 90
Options 90
Palettes 91
Adding colors 91
The Bucket Fill 92
Options 92
The Blend Tool or Gradient Fill 92
Options 92
Gradient Types 93
The Pencil and Paintbrush 96
Options 97
The Eraser tool 97
Hints 97
The Airbrush tool 98
Options 98
The Clone Tool 98
Options 98
Retouching hints 98
The Convolver 99
Brush Selection 99
The Foreground/Background Icon 100
The color dialog 100
Cut, Copy, and Paste 102
Paste Into 102
Cut, Copy and Paste Named 102
How to 102
Clear, Fill and Stroke 103
Clear 103
Fill 103
Stroke 104
Undo and Redo 104
Copy visible 104
Zoom 104
Guides and Rulers 105
Toggle and snap 105
Window info, New view and Shrink wrap 105
New view 105
Shrink wrap 106
Window info 106
The Move Tool 108
Moving floating selections 108
Moving the whole image or a single layer 108
Moving empty selections 109
Hints 109
Magnifying glass or Zoom tool 109
Options 109
The Crop Tool 110
The dialog 110
The Transform tool 110
Rotate 111
Scale 111
Shearing 112
Perspective 112
Options 113
The Flip tool 113
The Text tool 116
Border matters 117
Brushes 120
The dialog 120
Making a brush 120
Patterns 121
Make a pattern 121
Palettes 121
Create a palette from an image 122
Hints 122
Gradients 122
The Gradient editor 122
How to use the gradient editor 123
The popup menu 124
Endpoints 124
Segments 124
Blend 125
Coloring 125
Flips 125
Replicate 125
Save, Save as, and POV gradient format 125
Color models 130
RGB 130
CMYK 130
HSV 132
Hue 132
Saturation 132
Value 132
NCS 133
Spot color 133
Grayscale and Line Art 134
Complementary or Inverted colors 134
What is prepress? 136
Printing from Gimp 136
File formats for printing 136
Resolution and image size 137
Preparing for the press 138
dpi, lpi, ppi and Scanning resolution 138
lpi& dpi 138
ppi & Scan resolution 139
Read more 139
At the print shop 139
Color 139
Make it simple 139
Spot color 140
How to transfer images to the print shop 140
Removable drives 140
Internet and BBS 140
Email 141
Filesystem format 141
Scanning under UNIX/Linux 141
Sane 141
Other scanner programs 141
Commercial scanner programs 142
Calibration 142
Gamma Calibration 143
Black level and white level adjustment 143
Color calibration 145
Plain 145
CMS 145
Frozenriver's plain color calibration 145
Poor man's color calibration 147
Why don't the colors look like they should, even if I have calibrated the system? 147
In-depth information 148
Color 148
Color management 148
RGB and CMYK 148
Gamut 148
CMS 148
Profiles 149
Resolution 149
Lpi, dpi and screen frequencies 149
Halftone dots 150
Why doesn't my inkjet look like halftone screens? 151
FM Screening 151
Tables 153
Lpi table 153
Printer table 153
Image table 153
Shades of gray 154
Screening matrix geometry 154
Colors 158
Equalize 158
Invert 159
Posterize 159
Threshold 160
Lineart 160
Color Balance 161
Brightness-Contrast 162
Hue-Saturation 162
Hints 163
Curves 164
Workflow 164
Levels 166
Levels on Grayscale 166
Levels on RGB or Alpha 167
Example: Making Carved Text with Levels 167
Desaturate 168
Auto-Stretch HSV 169
Contrast Auto-Stretch 169
Normalize 170
Channel Ops 170
Duplicate 170
Offset 170
Tips 170
Compose and Decompose 172
RGB decomposing 172
HSV decomposing 173
CMYK & CMY decomposing 174
Alpha decomposing 175
RGB, Grayscale, Indexed 175
Indexed options 175
Resize and Scale 176
Resize 176
Scale 177
Histogram 177
Alpha 178
Holes: 178
Threshold Alpha 178
Save palette 178
Transforms 178
Autocrop 178
Image 179
Layer 179
Rotate 179
Zealous Crop 179
Toggle 182
Invert 182
Select all or none 182
Float 182
Feather, Sharpen and Border 182
Feather 182
Sharpen 183
Border 183
Grow and Shrink 183
Save to channel 183
Select by color 184
Representation 184
Modes 184
Options 185
What is modes 188
Normal Mode 188
Dissolve Mode 189
Multiply Mode 189
Screen Mode 189
Overlay Mode 190
Difference Mode 190
Addition Mode 191
Subtraction Mode 191
Darken only 191
Lighten only 191
Hue 192
Saturation 192
Color 192
Value 193
Behind 193
Comparing pictures in different modes 193
Why are there so few colors in Screen, Addition, and Lighten only? 195
What is the difference between Screen, Addition and Lighten Only? 195
What is the difference between Multiply and Darken Only? 196
What is the difference between Color and Hue? 197
Introduction 200
Adding layers to your image 200
The dialog 200
Layers 200
Layer operations 201
New layer 201
The active layer 201
Symbols and explanations 201
Naming 202
Raise Layer and Lower Layer 202
Duplicate Layer 202
Delete Layer 202
Scale Layer 202
Resize Layer 203
Add Layer Mask 203
Description 203
How to 204
With gradients 204
Green and Red Mask display 204
Apply Layer Mask 204
Anchor layer 204
Merge Visible Layers 205
Flatten Image 205
Alpha to Selection 205
Mask to Selection 206
Add Alpha Channel 206
Align Visible Layers 206
Horizontal style 206
Horizontal base 206
Vertical style 207
Vertical base 207
Collect 207
Fill 208
Snap to grid 208
Misc. 208
Import layers 209
Adjust layers 209
Move layer 210
Channels 212
RGB Channels 212
Alpha Channels 212
What are Alpha Channels? 212
Storing selections 213
Editing Alpha Channels 213
Using Channels for creating Spot Color Separation 214
Adding color to a Channel 214
Spot Colors 215
Duotones 215
Checklist 216
How to create a duotone 217
Floating Selections 218
What is a floating selection? 218
Anchoring a floating selection 218
Moving objects in a floating selection layer 219
Tips on working with floating selections 219
Plug-ins 224
The main categories 225
Animation Playback 228
Animation optimize 228
Animation unoptimize 228
Filter all Layers 229
How to create a Gif animation 229
Specifying the delay of each frame 229
Combining frames 229
Replacing frames 229
Apply Canvas 232
Cubism 232
Tip 232
Mosaic 233
Tip 233
Oilify 234
Tip 234
Van Gogh (LIC) 234
Map image 234
Blur 235
Texture 235
Creating a nice burlap cloth texture: 236
Warp 236
Main Options 236
Secondary Options 237
Other Options 238
Blur 242
Gaussian Blur (IIR) 242
Gaussian Blur (RLE): 242
Motion Blur 243
Linear 243
Radial 243
Zoom 243
Pixelize 244
Variable Blur 244
Alien Map 246
Color exchange 247
Colorify 247
Color Map Rotation 248
Main window 248
Range 248
Example 248
The Misc. window 249
Filter Pack 250
Advanced options 250
Gradient Map 251
Hot 252
Max RGB 252
Quantize 253
Scatter HSV 253
Semi-Flatten 253
Semi transparency in Web images 253
Smooth Palette 254
Value Invert 255
Depth merge 258
An example 258
Film 260
How to 260
Fuse 260
Parameters 261
Digital Signature 264
Encrypt/Decrypt: 264
Stegano 265
Blinds 268
Curtain 268
Emboss 269
Engrave 270
IWarp 270
Parameters 271
Page curl 273
Polar Coords 273
. Examples 274
Ripple 275
Shift 275
Twist 276
Functions Effects 276
Parameter settings 277
Value Propagate 278
Tips 278
Waves 279
Whirl and Pinch 280
Introduction 284
Edge 284
Laplace 284
Sobel 285
Deinterlace 288
Despeckle 288
How to use it 289
Destripe 289
NL Filter 290
Sharpen 291
Convolution Matrix 294
Examples 294
MathMap 296
Variables 296
Built-in Functions 297
Universal filter 299
User Filter (Adobe Photoshop Filter Factory) 300
Apply lens 302
Conical Anamorphose & Central-Reflection 302
Settings 302
Glass Tile 303
Refract 303
Parameters 303
FlareFX 306
Gflare 306
Main window 306
The Gflare editor 307
Glow settings 308
Rays 309
Second Flares 310
Back to the main window 311
Light Effects 312
The main interface 312
Options 312
Light 313
Type of Light 313
Light color 313
Position for point light: 313
Materials 314
Intensity: 314
Reflection: 314
Bumpmapping 314
Environment mapping 315
A simple tutorial 315
Sparkle 318
Parameters 318
Super Nova 319
Bump map 322
Usage 322
Coordinate Map 323
Displace 323
Description 324
Calculations 324
The user interface 324
Examples 325
Example 1; basic displacing 325
Example 2; displacing in two directions 326
Example 3 and 4; spreading and curving 326
Tips & Tricks 327
What's the difference between Black, Smear and Wrap? 327
More calculations 328
Fractal Trace 329
Illusion 329
Make Seamless 330
Map Object 330
Main interface 331
Options 331
Light 332
Materials 333
Intensity 333
Reflection 333
Orientation 334
Paper Tile 335
Small tiles 335
Tile 336
Magic Eye 338
Example and parameters 338
Stereogram 339
How to: 339
Parameters 340
Video 340
Noisify 342
Randomize 342
Randomization types 342
Blurring 342
Hurling 342
Picking 343
Slurring 343
Spread 343
CML explorer 346
General Settings 346
Functions 346
Composition and Arrangement 346
The Slide Bars 347
Advanced settings 347
Other options 348
Misc. options 348
Checkerboard 348
Example 349
Diffraction patterns 349
Figures 350
Flame 350
Main interface 350
Render and Camera parameters 350
Colormap controls 351
The Edit dialog 351
Gfig 352
User interface 352
Preview area 352
Lines 353
Circle 353
Ellipse 353
Curve 353
Poly(gon) 353
Star 353
Spiral 354
Bezier 354
Move 354
MvPNT 354
Copy 354
Delete 354
Misc. 354
Settings 355
Objects 355
Command bar 355
Grid 355
The Tab folders 356
Paint 356
Brush 357
Select 358
Options 358
Example 359
Grid 360
Ifs Compose 360
Usage 360
Settings 361
How to use Ifs Compose 361
Making a leaf or a branch: 361
Main options 363
Render Options: 364
Fractal explorer 365
Parameters 365
Min and Xmax 365
Ymin and Ymax: 365
ITER 366
CX and CY 366
Load, Reset and Save 366
Fractal type; 366
Colors 366
Color Function 366
Color Density 367
Color mode 367
Gradients 367
Fractals 367
L-system 368
A Simple Example 368
Graphic Representation 369
Using the L-Systems Plug-in 371
Advanced Features 372
Using Braces 372
The Purpose of Last Rules 372
Effective Use of Special Rules 373
Where to Look for More Information 373
Examples 373
Maze 374
Plasma 374
Qbist 375
Sinus 376
Functions 376
X/Y scale 376
Complexity and Random Seed 377
Force tiling 377
Ideal/Distorted 377
The Color tab folder 377
The Blend tab folder 377
Solid Noise 378
Basic concept 382
How to create an animation with AnimFrames 382
Making a frame 382
How to navigate our frames 382
Your first animation 383
Moving along 383
Moving beyond the basics 384
How far can AnimFrames take me? 384
The Move Path tool 384
Source select 385
The SourceImage/Layer 385
Mode 385
Handle 385
Step mode 385
The preview window 385
Move path preview and control points 385
Control slides 386
The Frame Slidebars 386
The Layerstack 387
The AnimFrame menu 387
Undo and preview? 387
Frames LayerDel 387
Frames Convert and Exchange 387
Frames Flatten and Frames to Image 387
Frame Duplicate 388
Animation gallery/tutorial 388
Script Fu? 396
Installing Script-Fu:s 396
Don't and Do:s 396
Different kinds of Script Fu:s 397
Stand alone scripts 397
Patterns 397
Web page themes 397
Logos 398
Make Buttons 398
Utils 399
Misc. 399
Make Brush 399
Image dependent scripts 400
Decor 400
Modify 401
Animators 401
Stencil Ops 401
Alchemy 402
Unsharp Mask 402
Shadow 403
Drop Shadow 403
Perspective Shadow 403
Render 404
Utils 404
Selection 404
Introduction 406
Expressions 406
Functions 406
car, cdr and friends (*) 407
Local variables (*) 408
The Gimp PDB 408
Registering the script with Script-Fu 409
A commented script 410
Hanging a script in the image menu 411
Painting areas with selections 413
Loops 414
Floating selections 414
Hello World - writing text in an image 415
Copying a selection 416
The road to Script-Fu Mastery 420
Course outline 420
Meet your instructor 420
Audience 420
Lesson 1: Getting acquainted with Scheme 421
Let's start Scheme'ing 421
Watch out for extra parens. 422
Lesson 2: Of Variables and Functions... 423
Variables 423
Declaring global variables with "set!" 423
Declaring local variables with "let" 423
White space 424
Assigning a new value to a variable 424
Functions 424
Lesson 3: '(Lists Lists and More Lists) 425
Defining a list 425
Concatenating variables to lists 426
Accessing values in a list 426
car 426
cdr 426
Accessing other elements a list 427
Lesson 4: Your First Script-Fu Script 427
Creating a text box script 427
Getting started 427
Editing and storing your scripts 427
The bare essentials 428
Naming conventions 428
Registering the function 428
Steps for registering the script 430
The required parameters 430
Registering the script's parameters 431
Lesson 5: Giving our script some guts 432
Creating a new image 432
Adding a new layer to the image 433
Adding the text 434
Clearing the "dirty" flag 435
Enabling and Disabling undo 435
Lesson 6: Extending the Text Box Script 436
The game plan 436
Modifying the parameters and the registration function 436
Adding the new code 437
How fonts work in Gimp 442
Scalable fonts 442
Where are the fonts and font PATH 442
Installing fonts 443
Type 1 fonts installation & the type1inst program 443
Preparing for installation 443
Copying the fonts to the fonts dir 443
Font management 443
Running type1inst 443
Loading the fonts into X 444
Installing type 1 fonts by hand 444
The font file 444
The font field in the font file 444
Extracting data 445
Tables 446
Foundery table 446
Weight table 447
Slant table 447
Set Width table 448
Additional style table 448
What is a plug-in? 452
Compile? 452
What way to go when you want to compile 452
How to obtain and install the source code 452
Unpacking the source code 453
Compiling the code 453
Finding out how to compile the plug-in 453
Using GCC to compile the plug-in straight off 454
A first try 454
Libraries 455
Another try 455
Include file 455
The -L flag and how to find out which libs to link 455
The -I flag 456
What to do when there are several source files 456
How to create a Makefile and how to use it 457
A Makefile example 458
Variables 458
Configure a way to automate the building process 459
Gimp command line switches aka flags (options) 464
Batch mode and "no-interface" 465
More options 465
Initiations files aka rc files 467
gimprc and ~/.gimp/gimprc 467
menurc 475
pluginrc 475
gtkrc 475
Installing a new Gimp 476
Gimp man page 478
Gimp tool man page 481
WilberWorks 484
Frozenriver 484
Reference Section for built-in procedures 486
Links 518
Web 518
Mail 518
IRC (dev chat) channel #Gimp 519
FTP 519
Commercial Support 521
Books 521
Generated by fmtoweb (v. 2.9c) written by Peter G. Martin <peterm@zeta.org.au> Last modified: 19 May 1998