

gnome-popt -- Command line argument parser


#include <gnome.h>

void        gnomelib_register_popt_table    (const struct poptOption *options,
                                             const char *description);
poptContext gnomelib_parse_args             (int argc,
                                             char *argv[],
                                             int popt_flags);



gnomelib_register_popt_table ()

void        gnomelib_register_popt_table    (const struct poptOption *options,
                                             const char *description);

Registers the options table of command line options for the GNOME command line argument parser.

options : a poptOption table to register
description : description for this table of options.

gnomelib_parse_args ()

poptContext gnomelib_parse_args             (int argc,
                                             char *argv[],
                                             int popt_flags);

Parses the arguments in argv according to all of the registered tables.

argc : the argument count to parse
argv : a vector with the argument values
popt_flags : popt flags that control the parse process
Returns :a poptContext to the remaining arguments.