CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.52">NameGnomeDateEdit -- Date and time entry widget. Object Hierarchy
+----GnomeDateEdit |
DescriptionThe GnomeDateEdit widget provides a way to enter dates and
times with a helper calendar to let the user select the date. Details
gnome_date_edit_new ()GtkWidget* gnome_date_edit_new (time_t the_time,
int show_time,
int use_24_format); |
Creates a new GnomeDateEdit widget which can be used to provide
an easy to use way for entering dates and times.
gnome_date_edit_set_time ()void gnome_date_edit_set_time (GnomeDateEdit *gde,
time_t the_time); |
Changes the displayed date and time in the GnomeDateEdit widget
to be the one represented by the_time.
gnome_date_edit_set_popup_range ()void gnome_date_edit_set_popup_range (GnomeDateEdit *gde,
int low_hour,
int up_hour); |
Sets the range of times that will be provide by the time popup
gnome_date_edit_get_date ()